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Physiological responses to maximal intensity intermittent exercise

Article  in  European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology · February 1992

DOI: 10.1007/BF00705072 · Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Paul Balsom Björn Ekblom

Karolinska Institutet Arizona School of Health Sciences


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Eur J Appl Physiol (1992) 65:144-149
Journal of

and Occupationa! Physiology
© Springer-Verlag 1992

Physiological responses to maximal intensity intermittent exercise

1 1 2 1
P. D . Balsom , J . Y . Seger , B. Sjödin , and B. Ekblom
Karolinska Institute, Department of Physiology I I I , Box 5626, S-11486 Stockholm, Sweden
National Defence Research Establishment, Stockholm, Sweden

Accepted March 26, 1992

Summary. Physiological responses to repeated bouts of Introduction

short duration maximal-intensity exercise were evalu-
ated. Seven male subjects performed three exercise pro- The physiology of maximal intensity intermittent exer-
tocols, on separate days, with either 15 (S ), 30 (S ) or 15 30 cise is extremely diverse as patterns of time relation-
40 (S ) m sprints repeated every 30 s. Plasma hypoxan-
ships between work and recovery periods have no de-
thine ( H X ) and uric acid (UA), and blood lactate con- fined limits. Earlier studies, describing physiological re-
centrations were evaluated pre- and postexercise. Oxy- sponses to dynamic high intensity intermittent exercise,
gen uptake was measured immediately after the last have standardised exercise intensity by using either a se-
sprint i n each protocol. Sprint times were recorded to iected power output on a cycle ergometer (Saltin et al.
analyse changes i n performance over the trials. Mean 1976; Essen 1978) or a given speed and gradient on a
plasma concentrations of H X and U A increased during motorised treadmill (Christensen et al. 1960; Åstrand et
S and S f P < 0 . 0 5 ) , H X increasing f r o m 2.9 (SEM
30 40 al. 1960; Margaria et al. 1969). More recently, there has
1.0) and 4.1 (SEM 0.9), to 25.4 (SEM 7.8) and 42.7 been a growing interest in the physiology of multiple
- 1
(SEM 7.5) n m o l - 1 , and U A f r o m 372.8 (SEM 19) and sprint sports, e.g. soccer or hockey, where exercise peri-
382.8 (SEM 26), to 458.7 (SEM 40) and 534.6 (SEM 37) ods are characterised by maximal intensity short sprints
u . m o l - 1 , respectively. Postexercise blood lactate con- with higher energy demands (Williams 1990). Physiolog-
centrations were higher than pretest values in all three ical responses to this type of exercise pattern have been
protocols (P<0.05), increasing to 6.8 (SEM 1.5), 13.9 previously described for repeated 6-s exercise periods by
(SEM 1.7) and 16.8 (SEM 1.1) m m o l - l in S , S and- 1
15 30
Williams and co-workers on a cycle ergometer (Wootton
S , respectively. There was no significant difference be-
and Williams 1983) and on a nonmotorised treadmill
tween oxygen uptake immediately after S [3.2 (SEM 30 (Holmyard et al. 1988; Brooks et al. 1990). However,
0.1) 1-min" ] and S [3.3 (SEM 0.4) 1 - m i n ] , but a
responses to shorter periods of maximal intensity sprint
lower value [2.6 (SEM 0.1) 1 - m i n ] was found after S 15 exercise have not been evaluated.
(P<0.05). The time of the last sprint [2.63 (SEM'0.04) The high rate of energy expenditure during sprinting
s] i n Sis was not significantly different f r o m that of the has been found to result in a net loss o f the adenine nu-
first [2.62 (SEM 0.02) s]. However, in S o and S o sprint
3 4 cleotide pool via adenosine 5 '-monophosphate ( A M P )
times increased f r o m 4.46 (SEM 0.04) and 5.61 (SEM deamination (Hellsten-Westing et al. 1991). During in-
0.07) s (first) to 4.66 (SEM 0.05) and 6.19 (SEM 0.09) s tensive exercise when the rate of adenosine 5 '-triphos-
(last), respectively (P<0.05). These data showed that phate (ATP) turnover exceeds the rate of adenosine 5-
with a fixed 30-s intervening rest period, physiological diphosphate (ADP) rephosphorylation adenylate kinase
and performance responses to repeated sprints were catalyses the reaction of 2ADPs to form A T P and A M P
markedly influenced by sprint distance. While 15-m- thus reducing the accumulation of A D P in muscle.
sprints could be repeated every 30 s without decreases i n While adenine nucleotide degradation facilitates the
performance, 40-m sprint times increased after the third continuation o f contractile activity during intensive
sprint (P<0.05) and this exercise pattern was associated exercise (Sahlin and Broberg 1990) it has been proposed
with a net loss to the adenine nucleotide pool. that decreases i n muscle A T P concentration in the cell
could increase the production of superoxide radicals
Key words: Hypoxanthine - Uric acid - Blood lactate - which can cause damage to skeletal muscle (Sjödin et al.
Maximal intensity intermittent exercise - Performance 1990).
Previous studies have used postexercise changes i n
plasma concentrations of the purines hypoxanthine and
Correspondence to: P. D. Balsom uric acid to evaluate the effect of exercise intensity on

adenine nucleotide degradation during a single bout of hypoxanthine and uric concentrations, respectively (Hellsten
exercise (Ketai et al. 1987; Hellsten-Westing et al. 1991). Westing et al. 1989). The blood was immediately chilled and cen-
trifuged within 15 min of collection. Plasma was stored at —20° C
Although hypoxanthine accumulates in the muscle it has
before being analysed using high performance liquid chromato-
been shown that it can diffuse through cell membranes graphy (HPLC) (Waters Association Inc. Milford, Mass., USA)
and ultimately into the blood stream (Sjödin et al. with a modified method described by Wung and Howell (1980).
1990). In the current study, we measured postexercise
concentrations of hypoxanthine and uric acid following Blood lactate. Whole blood lactate concentrations were measured
repeated short sprints to evaluate whether adenine nu- enzymatically using an YSI 23L lactate analyser (Yellow Springs
Instruments, Ohio, USA) from finger tip blood. Samples (25 pl)
cleotide degradation occurred during repeated sprints
were taken after the warm-up, during seiected rest periods be-
with distances similar to those observed i n the multiple tween trials (see Fig. 3), and also 2 and 4 min after the last sprint,
sprint sports. to measure peak postexercise concentrations. The blood was hae-
The aim of this study was to describe physiological molysed in a buffer solution of 1:2 dilution containing triton,
responses to repeated short sprints and to evaluate how stored at less than 4° C and analysed within 24 h.
these responses and performance were influenced by
Oxygen uptake. Oxygen uptake was measured immediately after
changes in sprint distance.
the last sprint using the conventional Douglas bag method. A 20-s
collection time was used to evaluate the contribution of aerobic
metabolism to recovery processes during this type of exercise. The
Methods expired gases were analysed for oxygen and carbon dioxide frac-
tions using Servomex 570A (Crowborough, Sussex, England) and
Subjects a Beckman LB-2 (Beckman Instruments Inc., Fullerton, USA) gas
analysers, respectively. The k 0 x was also measured using Dou-

glas bags and was determined using an incremental exercise proto-

Seven moderately to well-trained highly motivated male physical
col to exhaustion, on a motorised treadmill.
education students participated as subjects in this study. The mean
age (range), body mass and maximal oxygen uptake ( F 0 J of 2 n

the group was 27.7 (21-36) years, 77.4 (SEM 2.4) kg, and 4.86
- 1
(SEM 0.13) l - m i n , respectively. The experimental design of the Test reliability
study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Karolinska
Institute. Test procedures were explained to the subjects prior to
The performance reliability of this type of exercise was studied
them giving their informed consent to participate.
with three subjects performing one each of the three exercise pro-
tocols, on two occasions. For each subject, the 15 sprint times for
each test were summed and these two means were compared using
Procedures a Studenfs Mest. No significant difference (P>0.05), between the
two means, was found for any of the three subjects.
The subjects performed three intermittent exercise protocols, on
separate days, consisting of a series of repeated sprints, with a 30-s
rest period between each sprint. In each test protocol the total
sprint distance was 600 m performed as either 40 x 15 m (S ), 15

20 x 30 m (S ) or 15 x 40 m (S ). A l l sprints were on an indoor

30 40

tårtan running track, from a standing start and the subjects were To analyse the effect of preceding exercise on subsequent per-
instructed to complete each sprint in the shortest possible time. formance, the first sprint time in each protocol was used as a ba-
The protocol order was randomised, and at least 5 days were al- seline measure of performance. Subsequent sprint times were then
lowed between each test session. A standardised 20-min warm-up, compared for significant differences from the baseline time, using
of continuous submaximal cycling, stretching exercises and short an analysis of variance (ANOVA) with dependent groups. Pre-
bursts of acceleration on the track preceded each test. The sub- and posthypoxanthine and uric acid concentrations were com-
jects were familiarised with this form of exercise before complet- pared using a Studenfs Mest for paired samples. The level of sig-
ing the first test protocol. nificance used to reject the null hypothesis was P<0.05.
The sprint direction alternated for each sprint, i.e. the finish-
ing position of one sprint became the start of the next. During the
periods between sprints, the subjects rested passively at the start
line of the next sprint.

Sprint times. Sprint times were measured in one direction (i.e. for Sprint times
the first sprint and then every other sprint) using electronic photo-
cells connected to a HEGO 3000 timer (HEGO Systems A B , Sprint times are illustrated in Fig. 1. I n Si the time of5

Stockholm, Sweden) and were recorded with an accuracy of the last sprint [2.62 (SEM 0.02) s] was not significantly
0.001 s. In S and S an intermediate photo-cell was placed at
30 40
different f r o m the first sprint [2.63 (SEM 0.04) s]. How-
15 m to give a split time for the first 15 m (0-15 m). In an attempt
to standardise the part of the body which broke the photo-cell ever, in S and S sprint times increased significantly
30 40

light beam the first photo-cell was positioned 50 cm from the f r o m 4.46 (SEM 0.04) and 5.61 (SEM 0.07) s, to 4.66
ground and the cell at 15 and 40 m was positioned at head height (SEM 0.05) and 6.19 (SEM 0.09) s, respectively. The
for each subject. mean sprint times for S , S and S , were 2.62, 4.58
15 30 40

and 5.94 s, respectively. The 0-15 m times of the first

Hypoxanthine and uric acid. Venous blood, for the measurement
sprint i n S [2.63 (SEM 0.04) s], S [2.61 (SEM 0.02) s]
15 30
of plasma hypoxanthine and uric acid concentrations, was drawn
from a superficial vein in the forearm using venous puncture with and S [2.58 (SEM 0.03) s], were not significantly dif-

heparinised vacutainer tubes. Samples were collected after the ferent confirming that base line performance was repro-
warm-up, and 15 and 60 min after the last sprint to measure peak ducible on different days.

6.5 r

3.0 [•

2.5 Fig. 1. Sprint times (mean and SEM, n = 7) for Si 5

120 200 280 360 440 ( • ) , S (V), and S ( • ) • S , S , S40, sprints over
30 40 15 30

Accumulated distance (m) 15, 30 and 40 m, respectively

Hypoxanthine and uric acid concentrations

5 5 0 \-
Plasma concentrations of hypoxanthine and uric acid
are illustrated i n Fig. 2. There was no significant differ-
ence between pretest plasma concentrations of hypoxan-
thine, or uric acid, in S , S and S . Postexercise,15 30 40

plasma concentrations of both hypoxanthine and uric

acid were significantly higher than pretest values i n S 30

and S . I n S , although the mean postexercise plasma

40 15
hypoxanthine [7.7 (SEM 1.8) u.mol-1" ] and uric acid
[383.1 (SEM 9.39) u.mol-1" ] concentrations were ele-
vated with respect to corresponding pre-exercise values
[3.3 (SEM 0.8) pimol-r and 346.2 (SEM 17.9)
p,mol T ~ ' ] the difference was not significant due to int-
er-subject variation. I n S postexercise hypoxanthine

and uric acid concentrations [42.7 (SEM 7.5) and 534.6

(SEM 37) p - m o M " ] e higher (P<0.05) than in S
w e r 30
(25.4 and 458.7 p-mol-r ).

Blood lactate

Blood lactate concentrations are illustrated i n Fig. 3.

There was no significant difference in the pretest con-
centrations f o r S [2.4 (SEM 0.2)], S [2.8 (SEM 0.3)]
15 30
- 1
and S [2.9 (SEM 0.2) mmol T ] . I n all three exercise

protocols postexercise concentrations were significantly

higher than pretest values.

S15 S30 S40

Oxygen uptake
Fig. 2. Plasma hypoxanthine {below) and uric acid (above) con-
centrations (mean and SEM, n = l) for pre (@) and post ( \ ) test
Oxygen uptake measured directly after the last trial in
(mean and SEM, « = 7; • post greater than pre, P<0.05) - 1
S [3.2 (SEM 0.2) l - m i n ] and S [3.3 (SEM 0.4)
30 40
1-min" ; P > 0 . 0 5 ] , was higher (P<0.05) than that mea-
sured after S [2.6 (SEM 0.1) 1 - m i n ] .


j ~ 16
l 1

oj 12
5 10

m 8

Fig. 3. Blood lactate concentrations (mean
PRE 40 120 200 280 360 440 520 2 4 and SEM, « = 7) for S ( • ) , S (V) and S
0 15 30 40

Accumulated distance (m) P o s t - t e s t (min) (T). For definitions see Fig. 1

Discussion kinase catalyses a reaction where 2ADPs combine to

f o r m A T P and A M P . The subsequent deamination o f
The data f r o m this study show how physiological and A M P to inosine monophosphate is important to allow
performance responses to repeated sprints with 30-s rest A T P resynthesis via the adenylate kinase reaction to
periods are markedly affected by sprint distance. continue. The adenylate kinase system has also been re-
A significant decrease i n performance, i.e. increase in cognised as an important link i n the proposed creatine-
sprint time (Fig. 1), with the repeated 40-m sprints was CP energy shuttle (Bessman 1985). Although it is d i f f i -
found after only three sprints. This was comparable to cult to quantify A T P resynthesis via the adenylate k i -
the performance characteristics reported during re- nase reaction, the importance o f this pathway during
peated 6-s bouts of maximal intensity exercise, with 30-s short duration high intensity exercise has been reported
recovery periods on a nonmotorised treadmill (Hol- by Thorstensson et al. (1975) who found an increase in
myard et al. 1988; Brooks et al. 1990) and a cycle er- the activity of adenylate kinase following 8 weeks of
gometer (Wootton and Williams 1983). I t can be con- training with repeated 5-s sprints.
cluded that 30-s recovery periods are not sufficient to Although CP concentration was not directly mea-
sustain performance during repeated 6-s bouts of maxi- sured i n this study the finding that there was no signifi-
mal intensity exercise. This is in contrast to the findings cant increase in plasma hypoxanthine concentration dur-
of earlier studies evaluating responses to high intensity ing the repeated 15-m sprints would suggest that the CP-
intermittent exercise. Margaria et al. (1969) concluded creatine phosphokinase system was able to buffer energy
that repeated 10-s bouts of "very strenuous" exercise demands during each exercise period and that there was
with a fixed speed and gradient on a motorised treadmill an adequate resynthesis of CP during the subsequent re-
could be repeated every 30-s indefinitely without fati- covery periods. This was supported by the performance
gue. This highlights the consequences of the higher ener- characteristics of S where there were no significant in-

gy demands of maximal sprinting where a set distance is creases in sprint times over the trials. During intermit-
covered in as short a time as possible. tent exercise with longer exercise periods, Harris et al.
The high energy demand o f the repeated 30 and 40-m (1977) have suggested that intracellular acidosis could
sprints performed i n the current study was reflected by reduce the concentration to which CP could effectively
the elevated postexercise plasma concentrations of hy- be restored during rest periods. This may explain in part
poxanthine and uric acid. The formation of these pu- the decreases i n performance seen in S 3 0 and S 4 0 .
rines during exercise was indicative of a net degradation Hypoxanthine is a substrate f o r the enzyme xanthine
of A T P in the muscle. Furthermore, the production of dehydrogenase which catalyses the production of uric
uric acid was evidence of a loss of the total adenine nu- f r o m hypoxanthine. In a previous study (Hellsten-West-
cleotide pool. Under normal conditions the rapid re- ing et al. 1989) the metabolic time curves for hypoxan-
phosphorylation of A D P via creatine phosphate (CP) thine and uric acid were shown to follow each other with
minimises intracellular increases in A D P (Cain and Dav- a 20-min delay of uric acid in relation to hypoxanthine.
ies 1962) and reduces adenine nucleotide degradation. Our results (Fig. 2) agree with the finding of that study
However, during high råtes of energy turnover A D P ac- showing that uric acid production and thus xanthine de-
cumulates in the muscle when the rate of A T P hydroly- hydrogenase activity was clearly associated with the
sis exceeds the rate of A D P rephosphorylation. To availability of hypoxanthine. While adenine nucleotides
maintain a high intracellular A T P : A D P ratio, adenylate may be salvaged f r o m hypoxanthine in a reaction cata-

lysed by hypoxanthine-phosphoribosyltransferase, uric In conclusion, the data presented in this study

acid is produced in an irreversible reaction resulting in a showed how physiological and performance responses to
net loss to the total adenine nucleotide pool. repeated sprints with a standardised intervening recove-
With the repeated 40-m sprints performed in the cur- ry period was influenced by sprint distance. It is clear
rent study the increase in plasma uric acid concentration that these responses differed markedly f r o m those pre-
- 1
was 152 u m o l T . With an estimated blood volume of viously reported for high intensity intermittent exercise
5.51, an active muscle mass of 15 kg and a resting A T P using exercise intensities of a similar duration but with
concentration of 25 mmol-kg x~ (dry mass), assuming controlled power outputs. The finding that 15-m sprints
that all the uric acid was produced in the muscle, we have could be repeated every 30 s with low metabolic stress
calculated the net loss to the total adenine nucleotide pool and without significant decreases in performance would
to be in the region of 1 % . Although the acute effects of suggest that with this exercise pattern the muscle could
such a relatively small net loss would not appear to be too recover sufficiently between bouts so that contractile ac-
harmful, the de novo resynthesis of adenine nucleotides tivity was not impaired. This has practical applications
has been shown to be relatively slow. Thus, frequently for training or participation in a multiple sprint sport.
repeated sessions of high-intensity exercise could lead to With a longer sprint distance of 30 or 40 m , correspond-
an accumulated loss of adenine nucleotides. Preliminary ing to exercise periods of about 4.5 and 6 s, respectively,
findings f r o m our laboratory have shown decreases of decreases in performance over the trials and a net loss to
around 10%-20% in resting adenine nucleotides follow- the adenine nucleotide pool were found indicating high
ing high-intensity intermittent training. A secondary con- metabolic stress. I t would appear that, with the longer
sideration of uric acid production is the activity of xan- sprint distances, 30 s was not enough time for the mus-
thine dehydrogenase, which through biochemical mecha- cle to recover f r o m the increased energy demands. L i m -
nisms may be converted to its oxidase f o r m resulting in a iting factors at the metabolic level need to be addressed
markedly increased rate of oxygen free radical produc- in future studies.
tion which could lead to a loss of cell viability and even
cell necrosis (Sjödin et al. 1990). Acknowledgements. The authors wish to acknowledge Elisabeth
Malm, Ailo Mikiver and Maarja Mikiver for their skillful techni-
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