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First,opening and closing the mold............................................................................. 2

Second, Sliding and ejection action.............................................................................6

Third,Ijection unit................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

Fourth, Feed,pump action..........................................................................................16

Fifth, Core action................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

Sixth, Machine hand action................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

Seventh, Temperature control procedure.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Eighth,Production management........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

Ninth, Mechanical Information.......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Tenth, Input Adjustment..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Eventh, System............................................................................................................46

Twelfth, Network setting.................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Thirteenth,Parameter File................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Fourteenth, Operating authority............................................................................... 50

Fifteenth, Factory recovery........................................................................................ 51

Sixteenth, Malfunction diagnose...............................................................................52

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First, Opening and closing the mold

Clamping state related instruction:
1 sliding board should be in place state, It is related to "plate use" in page of <<sliding and ejector>>. While
click "left plate", it can be operated until the right plate in place state(input point: "on" status ), while click
"right plate", it can be operated until the left plate in place status(input point: "on status"), while click "dual
plate" or "no use", it can be operated until it is in left slid in or right slid out state, Otherwise, corresponding
sliding board not in place would cause alarm.
2 When the manipulator is in USE "European standard 12" mode, when left slid in is in place state, 1
input point: "17: manipulator mold-shut allowed(left)" must be ON state, 2 input point: "18: manipulator in
mold area ON(left)" is ON state, 3 input point: "26: manipulator is in clamping area OFF(left)" is in OFF state,
clamping action can be operated until when all the three conditions are met simultaneously. Otherwise, it
would be "standby" state; when right slid out is in place state, 1 input point: "17: manipulator mold-shut
allowed(right) must be ON state, 2 input point: "18: manipulator in mold area ON(right) " is ON state, 3
input point: "26: manipulator in clamping area OFF(right)" is OFF state, clamping action can be operated until
when all the three conditions are met simultaneously. Otherwise, it would be "standby" state;

3 Stop the clamping operation when clamping vacuum 1 action is triggered, clamping operation can be
continued after completion of stopping clamping vacuum 1.
4 Stop the clamping operation when clamping vacuum 2 action is triggered, clamping operation can be
continued after completion of stopping clamping vacuum 2.
5 When slipping board is in place state of left slip in and core 1 use is selected as "dual plate" or "right plate",
clamping can be operated until inputting core 1 is in place state; when the core 2 use is selected as "dual plate"
or "right plate", clamping can be operated until inputting core 2 must be in place state. When slipping board is
in place state of right slid out and core 1 use is selected as "dual plate" or "left plate", clamping can be
operated until inputting core 1 is in place state; when the core 2 use is selected as "dual plate" or "left plate",
clamping can be operated until inputting core 2 must be in place state.
6 Clamping can be operated after input bolt in place state, (input point: ON state), otherwise,
corresponding alarm would be caused.
7 Safety door must be in OFF state(input point: front safety door, back safety door: in ON state), otherwise,
corresponding alarm would be caused.
8 Grating must be in not blocked state(input point: grating 1, grating 2: in ON state ), otherwise,
corresponding alarm would be caused.
9 Clamping position has not reached the minimum protection position, (input point: clamping limit, in OFF
state, clamping size absolute value is greater than 5mm), otherwise, corresponding alarm would be caused.
10 Clamping can be continued to operate when clamping operation has not been completed yet, the
state should be "STANDBY" when start repetitive operation after clamping operation finished.
11 Interlock action, when other actions under operating interlock action can not be operated.
12 It can be operated when no alarm caused.
13 Clamping can be operated when all of above conditions are met simultaneously

Clamping action output:

1 When current position value of clamping size(relative value) is greater than positional parameter

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"clamping 1", operate output according to speed of "clamping 1". output point: clamping
2 When position parameter of clamping size is between "clamping 1" and "clamping 2", operate output
according to speed of "clamping 2". output point: clamping
3 When position parameter of clamping size is between "clamping 2" and "clamping 3", operate output
according to speed of "clamping 2", output point: clamping
4 When position parameter of clamping size is between "clamping 3" and "low pressure", operate output
according to pressure and speed of "low pressure", output point: clamping.
5 When position parameter of clamping size is lesser than "low pressure", operate output according to
pressure and speed of "high pressure", output point: high pressure. The completion state of high pressure is
decided by pressure value of pressure sensor of high pressure. Complete the action after pressure sensor
reaches the set value and after extending the time of operating high pressure.

opening state related instruction:

1 when plate is in place state of left slid in, return core model of core 1 is selected as "before opening ",
"opening", when plate is selected as "dual plate" or "right plate", opening action can be continued to
operate until after core 1 action is triggered and after operating returning core 1 action. when the core 2
use is selected as "dual plate" or "right plate", when plate is selected as "dual plate" or "right plate",
opening can be continued to operate until after core 2 action is triggered and after returning core 2 action is
operated. When plate is in place state of right slid out, return core model of core 1 is selected as "before
opening " or "opening", when plate is selected as "dual plate" or "left plate", opening action can be
continued to operate until after core 1 action is triggered and after operating returning core 1 action. When
the core 2 use is selected as "dual plate" or "left plate", when plate is selected as "dual plate" or "left plate",
opening can be continued to operate until after core 2 action is triggered and after returning core 2 action is
opening action can be operated when opening action has not been completed yet.
Opening action output:
1 、 Firstly operate pressure release action when operating opening action, operate pressure and speed
parameter of pressure release, time limit controlling, output: pressure release
2、After opening 1 Pressure release action completed and when clamping ruler is less than position parameter
of "opening 1" operate pressure and speed parameter. output point: opening.
3、When the current position of clamping ruler is between the position parameter of "opening 1" and "opening
2", operate speed of "opening 2", output: opening.
4、When the current position of clamping ruler is between position parameter of "opening 2" and "opening 3",
operate speed of "opening 3". output: opening.
5、When the current position of clamping ruler is between the position parameter of "opening 3" and "opening
4", operate speed of "opening 4", output: opening.
6、When the current position of clamping ruler is greater than the position parameter of "opening 4", complete
the opening action.

Other pages of opening and clamping:

Click "F2"《Opening and Clamping》→“F9” 《Other》page to enter into other page of opening mode, parameter
of this page is nonconventional parameters which do not need to be adjusted frequently. Usually, they had

地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

been adjusted well before the machine leaved from the factory. To make the machine works better the
correlative parameters can be adjusted when it is necessary. 《 other 》 page of other function is similar
nonconventional parameters, it will no longer be emphasized.

Clamping time limit: time limit of operating clamping action, it will cause corrective clamping alarm when
operating action exceeds the set value.
Opening time limit: time limit of operating opening action, it will cause corrective opening alarm when
operating action exceeds the set value.
Low pressure time limit: time limit of operating clamping low pressure action, it will cause corrective
clamping alarm when operating action exceeds the set value.
Clamping high pressure time limit: time limit of operating clamping high pressure, it will cause corrective
clamping alarm when operating action exceeds the set value.
Timeout numbers of permission low pressure: in automatic mode when low pressure action exceeds time
limit, the machine will automaticly operate opening action and after that it will
operate clamping action. Each low pressure timeout is counted 1 time, the low
pressure alarm will be happened after the set value is reached.

Clamping maximum pressure: pressure value of operating action clamping 1, clamping 2, clamping 3
Opening maximum pressure: pressure value of operating action clamping 2, clamping 3, clamping 4

Automatic mode adjustment time limit: automatic mode adjustment time limit, when automatic mode

地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

adjustment action exceeds the set time alarm will be happened.

High pressure compensation: When clamping high pressure can not reach the set value, error
compensation can be made by high pressure compensation to make machine finishing
clamping high pressure action and make normal production work
Mode adjustment opening: pressure and speed parameter of operating opening action in adjustment

Mode adjustment clamping: pressure and speed parameter of operating clamping action in adjustment mode
Mode adjustment time limit: time limit of mode adjustment clamping and mode adjustment openinig

Electronic ruler setting: electronic ruler setting way are same with other action, this is the only instruction
that will no longer be instructed in details
Current position: it is also relative value, the reference position value of machine action operation
Relative value: adjusting and proofreading relative value of electronic ruler before the machine leaved the
factory, reacting the actual position parameter of machine action, the reference position value of the
non-action operation.
Setting bar: modified input bar at current position, click enter key after inputting data to pop up dialog box
for comfirming modification, after confirmed the current position value will be modified to setting
value, cancel will be no any modifcation.

Clamping curve
Click "F2"《Opening and Clamping》→“F3” 《Clamping curve》to enter into page of clamping curve.
This page is used for monitoring the changing curve graph of electronic ruler, system output pressure,
system output during process of opening and clamping action. The function of the other curve graph are
similar, it will no longer instructed for no special point. Please reference the instruction on this page.

地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

move to up

move to

Move to left Move to X Axis Max

X axis MIN

:The maximum value and minimum value for Y axis of clamping ruler curve, in curve graph
the green line corresponding to here is the position change curve.

:The maximum value and minimum value for Y axis of pressure curve, in curve graph the
orange line corresponding to here is the pressure change curve.

: The maximum value and minimum value for Y axis of speed curve, in curve graph the
purple line corresponding to here is the speed change curve.

:The curve parameter value corresponding to the cursor position.

:Setting value of the curso position

:Move the curso to here and click enter key to delete curve of current record

Curve memory, select “memory”: record change value of curve when operating opening action and
clamping action

地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

Second,Sliding and ejecting action

Related instruction of left sliding state:
1 、 When parameter "sliding use" is selected as "not use", left sliding in action can not be operated until
selecting other options
2、 Left sliding in action can be operated until core 1 entering or exiting action is triggered and this action
operating must be completed. Left sliding in action system will be in standby state when the action operation
has not been completed yet.
3 、 Left sliding in action can be operated until core 2 entering or exiting action is triggered and this action
operating must be completed. Left sliding in action system will be in standby state when the action operation
has not been completed yet.
4 、 When clamping vacuum 1 is selected as before sliding in and right plate, after stay time of finishing
operation of clamping vacuum 1, left sliding in action can be continued to operate.
5 、 When clamping vacuum 2 is selected as before sliding in and right plate, after stay time of completing
operation of clamping vacuum 2, left sliding in action can be continued to operate.
6、Detect whether opening action has been completed or not, if opening action has not been completed yet,
the system will automaticly operate opening action to opening action completed and operate left sliding in
action after that, position parameter of clamping ruler at current position value is greater than "opening 4".
7、Detect whether left ejector exiting action has been completed or not, if left ejector exiting action has not
been completed yet, the system will automaticly operate left ejector exiting action to opening action
completed and operate left sliding in action after that, position parameter of clamping ruler at current
position value is lower than "left ejector exiting 2".
8、Detect whether right ejector exiting action has been completed or not, if right ejector exiting action has not
been completed yet, the system will automaticly operate right ejector exiting action till this action completed
and operate left sliding in action after that, position parameter of clamping ruler at current position value is
lower than "right ejector exiting 2".
9、Detect whether plug pin exiting action has been completed or not, if plug pin exiting action has not been
completed yet, the system will automaticly operate plug pin exiting action till this action completed and
operate left sliding out action after that, "plug pin exiting" input point is ON state.
10、 Detect whether front safety door is opened, when it is opened "front safety door" input point is OFF, left
sliding in action can not be operated. When it is closed state, "front safety door" input point is ON state, left
sliding in action can be operated.
11、 Detect whether back safety door is opened, when it is opened, "back safety door" input point is OFF, left
sliding action can not be operated. When it is closed state, "back safety door" input point is ON state,
left sliding action can be operated.
12、 Interlock action, this action can not be operated when other interlock action is under operating
13、 This action can be operated when no alarm happened.
14、 Left sliding in action can be operated when all above conditions are met.
15、 Continue to click left sliding in key after sliding action operation completed, the system will automaticly
operate plug pin entering action to lock sliding.

Left sliding in action output:

1、 When right sliding out is in place state(input point: right sliding out, state is ON) and when start left sliding
in action, operate "left sliding in fast" pressure and speed parameter, output: left sliding in, sliding fast;

地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

2、if right sliding out is not in place state(input point: right sliding out, state is OFF) and start left sliding in
action, operate pressure and speed parameter of "left sliding in slow ". output: left sliding in slow.
3 、When operating left sliding in action fastly and sliding action is at sliding slow position (input point: left
sliding in slow, 1 left sliding in slow, 2 state is ON), start to operate pressure and speed parameter of "left
sliding in slow" to the left sliding in action. Output: left sliding in
4、 When sliding in is in place state(input point: left sliding in, state is ON) operate sliding in keeping action to
ensure sliding action can reach the correct position precisely and ensure keeping pressure, speed and time are
unadjustable as factory setting. Output: left sliding in.

Note: input point of left sliding in slow 1 and left sliding in slow 2 should be lighted at the same time,
otherwise, it will cause sensor damage alarm.

Related instruction of right sliding out state:

1、 Right sliding out action can not be operated when parameter "sliding use" is selected as "not use" until
selecting other options.
2、Right sliding in action can be operated until core 1 entering or exiting action is triggered and this action
operating must be complete. Right sliding in action system will be in standby state when the action has not
been completed operation yet.

3、Right sliding in action can be operated until core 2 entering or exiting action is triggered and this action
operating must be completed. Right sliding in action system will be in standby state when this action
operation has not been completed yet.
4 、 When clamping vacuum 1 is selected as before sliding in and left plate, after stay time of completing
operation of clamping vacuum 1, right sliding out action can be continued to operate.
5 、 When clamping vacuum 2 is selected as before sliding in and left plate, after stay time of completing
operation of clamping vacuum 2, right sliding in action can be continued to operate.
6、Detect whether opening action has been completed or not, if opening action has not been completed yet,
the system will automaticly operate opening action to opening action completed and operate right sliding in
action after that, position parameter of clamping ruler at current position value is greater than "opening 4".
7、Detect whether left ejector exiting action has been completed or not, if left ejector exiting action has not
been completed yet, the system will automaticly operate left ejector exiting action to opening action
completed and operate right sliding out action after that, position parameter of clamping ruler at current
position value is lower than "left ejector exiting 2".
8、Detect whether right ejector exiting action has been completed or not, if right ejector exiting action has not
been completed yet, the system will automaticly operate right ejector exiting action till this action completed
and operate right sliding out action after that, position parameter of clamping ruler at current position value
is lower than "right ejector exiting 2".
9、Detect whether plug pin exiting action has been completed or not, if plug pin exiting action has not been
completed yet, the system will automaticly operate plug pin exiting action till this action completed and
operate right sliding out action after that, "plug pin exiting" input point is ON state.

10、 Detect whether front safety door is opened, when it is opened "front safety door" input point is OFF, right
sliding out action can not be operated. When it is closed state, "front safety door" input point is ON state, right
sliding out action can be operated.

地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

11、 Detect whether back safety door is opened, when it is opened, "back safety door" input point is OFF, right
sliding out action can not be operated. When it is in closed state, "back safety door" input point is ON state,
right sliding out action can be operated.

12、 Interlock action, this action can not be operated when other interlock action is under operating
13、 This action can be operated when no alarm happened.
14、 Left sliding in action can be operated when all above conditions are met.
15、 Continue to click left sliding out key after sliding action operation completed, the system will automaticly
operate plug pin entering action to lock sliding.

Right sliding out action output:

1 、 When left sliding entering is in place state (input point: left sliding in, state is ON) and when start right
sliding exiting action, operate "right sliding exiting fast" pressure and speed parameter, output: right sliding
exiting, sliding fast;
2、if left sliding entering is not in place state(input point: left sliding entering, state is OFF) and start left sliding
entering action, operate pressure and speed parameter of "left sliding entering slow ". output: right sliding
entering slow.
3、When operating right sliding exiting action fast and sliding action is at sliding slow position (input point:
right sliding exiting slow, 1 right sliding out slow, 2 state is ON), start to operate pressure and speed parameter
of "right sliding exiting slow" to the right sliding out action. Output: right sliding exiting.
4、 When plate sliding exiting is in place state(input point: right sliding out, state is ON) operate sliding exiting
keeping action to ensure sliding action can reach the correct position precisely and ensure keeping pressure,
speed and time are unadjustable as factory setting. Output: right sliding exiting.

Related instruction of left (right) ejecting in state:

1、Detect if operation condition of core 1 exiting is triggered or not when it is in the left (right) ejecting in. If
yes, then left (right) ejecting entering action can be operated until after operation of core 1 exiting.
2、Detect if operation condition of core 2 out is triggered or not when it is in the left (right) ejecting in. If yes,
then left (right) ejecting in action can be operated until after operation of core 2 out.
3、when manipulator controlling mode is "normal" mode, detect if operation action is triggered Left (right)
ejecting action can be operated until the operation of manipulator action is completed.
4、When manipulator controlling mode is "European standard 12", When manipulator gives signal "22: allow
ejecting in (left/right) ON", the left (right) ejecting in action can be operated.
5、 Operation of left (right) ejecting in action must be in state of left sliding in into position(right sliding out in
6 、 When left (right) ejection in sensor protection switch is being opened, input point "allow ejecting in
protection (left/right)" must be in ON state, then left (right) ejecting in action can be operated.
7、Interlock action, this action can not be operated when other interlock action is under operating
8、Left sliding in action can be operated when all above conditions are met.

Output of left (right) ejecting in action:

1 Operate pressure and speed parameter of "ejecting in 1" when left (right) ejecting ruler current value
lower than position of "ejecting in 1" setting parameter . output point: left (right) ejecting in.

地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

2、 Operate pressure and speed parameter of "ejecting out 2" when left (right) ejecting ruler current value is
between the position of "ejecting out 1" and "ejecting out 2" setting parameter . output point: left (right)
ejecting out.

3、Stop ejecting in action when current value of left (right) ejecting ruler is greater than or equal to position
setting parameter of "ejecting in 2".
4、If ejecting mode is circulation or vibration mode, system will operate ejecting in and ejecting out motivation
to implement the setting function.
Related instruction of Left (right) ejecting out state:
1、Detect if operation condition of core 1 in is triggered or not when it is in the left (right) ejecting out. If
yes, then left (right) ejecting out action can be operated until after operation of core 1 in.
2、Detect if operation condition of core 2 in is triggered or not when it is in the left (right) ejecting out. If
yes, then left (right) ejecting out action can be operated until after operation of core 2 in.
3 、 When manipulator controlling mode is "European standard 12, ejecting out action can be operated
when manipulator allow ejecting out. Input point: "21: ejecting out can be operate when ejecting out
(left/right)" state is ON
4、 When switch of "left (right) ejecting out sensor protection" is ON, left (right) ejecting out action can be
operated when input point "allowing ejecting out protection (left/right)" must be ON state .
5、Interlock action, this action can not be operated when other interlock action is under operating
6、Left (right) ejecting in action can be operated when all above conditions are met.

Output of left (right) ejecting out action

1 、 Operate pressure and speed parameter of "ejecting out 1" when left (right) ejecting ruler current
value is greater than position of "ejecting in 1" setting parameter . output point: left (right) ejecting
2、Operate pressure and speed parameter of "ejecting out 2" when left (right) ejecting ruler current value
is between the position of "ejecting out 1" and "ejecting out 2" setting parameter . output point: left
(right) ejecting out.

3 、 Stop ejecting out action when current value of left (right) ejecting ruler is lower than or equal to
position setting parameter of "ejecting out 2". Ejecting out action is completed.
Related instruction of plug pin forward state:
1、 Plug pin forward action can be operated when left sliding forward or right sliding forward is in place
2、Interlock action can not be operated when other interlock action is being operating.
3、Plug pin forward action can be operated when all of above conditions are met.

Output of plug pin forward action

1 、 Pressure and speed of plug pin forward is operated by plug pin forward action, output: plug pin
2、 input point: plug pin forward action can be completed when "plug pin forward " sensor is lighting and
staying 0.2 second.
Related instruction of plug pin reset state:

地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

1、Plug pin reset action can be operated until opening action in completed state.
2、Interlock action can not be operated when other interlock action is being operating.
3、Plug pin action can be operated when all of above conditions are met.
Output of plug pin reset action:
1、 pressure and speed of plug pin reset is operated by plug pin reset action, output: plug pin reset.
2、input point: plug pin reset action can be completed when "plug pin reset " sensor is lighting and staying
0.2 second.
Other pages of sliding:
Click "F3" 《sliding and ejecting》→"F9"《others》 to enter into other pages of sliding

Sliding limit time: sliding action operation's limit time, system will generate an action timeout alarm when this
action operation exceeds this set value.
Plug pin forward limit time: plug pin forward action operation's limit time, system will generate an action
timeout alarm when this action operation exceeds this set value.
Plug pin forward limit time: plug pin reset action operation's limit time, system will generate an action timeout
alarm when this action operation exceeds this set value.
Left ejecting forward limit time: left ejecting forward limit time, system will generate an action timeout alarm
when this action operation exceeds this set value.
Left ejecting reset limit time: left ejecting reset limit time, system will generate an action timeout alarm when
this action operation exceeds this set value.
Right ejecting forward limit time: right ejecting forward limit time, system will generate an action timeout alarm
when this action operation exceeds this set value.
Right ejecting reset limit time: right ejecting reset limit time, system will generate an action timeout alarm
when this action operation exceeds this set value.
Left ejecting forward extending time: extending operation time when left ejecting forward action is under
Right ejecting forward extend time: extending operation time when right ejecting forward action is under

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Defective product is prohibited ejecting: ejecting action can be operate normally, when selecting "switch on"
and if switch of quality monitoring is "ON" state, system will compare the quality parameter,
if the product is judged as defective product, the system will not operate ejecting action
and also will generate a alarm.
Time selection of double slide plate ejecting operation: it is used for setting direction order of ejecting action,
optimize machine's production work, following modes can be selected
Before clamping: after automatic process of double slide plate switched on and after operation of
sliding action completed, operate ejecting action immediately. Operate clamping action
after ejecting action completed.
Clamping synchronization: after automatic process of double slide plate switched on and after
operation of sliding action completed, operate clamping action immediately. at the same
time open ejecting forward input point, use pressure and speed of clamping to operate
ejecting forward action, stop ejecting forward output after ejecting forward action is in
place. Note after selecting this parameter ejecting mode has to be selected as "ejecting
forward keeping"
Vulcanization: after selecting this parameter system will operate ejecting action during
vulcanization time.
Use of left ejecting forward protection sensor: when the parameter is selected as "switch off" left ejecting
forward action can be operated normally, left ejecting forward action can operated until
when selection is "switch on" and when the input point: "allow ejecting forward
protection (left) " is ON state.
Use of left ejecting reset protection: when the parameter is selected as "switch off" left ejecting reset action
can be operated normally, left ejecting reset action can operated until when selection is
"switch on" and when the input point: "allow ejecting reset protection (left) " is ON state.
Use of right ejecting forward protection: when the parameter is selected as "switch off" right ejecting forward
action can be operated normally, right ejecting forward action can operated until when
selection is "switch on" and when the input point: "allow ejecting forward protection
(right) " is ON state.
Use of right ejecting reset protection: when the parameter is selected as "switch off" right ejecting reset action
can be operated normally, right ejecting reset action can operated until when selection is
"switch on" and when the input point: "allow ejecting reset protection (right) " is ON

: sliding ruler position setting, this machine has cancelled sliding ruler, this function is invalid.

: left ejecting ruler position setting

: right ejecting ruler position setting

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Third,Injection unit
Related instruction of nozzle forward state:
1、Interlock action can not be operated when other interlock action is being operating.
2、nozzle forward action can be operated when all of above conditions are met.

Nozzle forward action output:

1、 When nozzle ruler at current position value is greater than position value of "nozzle forward---fast", operate
pressure and speed of "nozzle forward---fast", output: nozzle forward---
2、 When current position value of nozzle ruler is position value of between "nozzle forward fast " and "nozzle
forward slow", operate pressure and speed parameter of "nozzle forward---slow", output: nozzle forward---

3 、 Current position value of nozzle ruler is less than or equal to position value of "nozzle forward---slow",
nozzle forward action completed.

Related instruction of nozzle reset state:

1、 Interlock action can not be operated when other interlock action is being operating.
2、Nozzle reset action can be operated when all of above conditions are met.

Nozzle reset action output:

1、When current position value of nozzle ruler is less than position parameter of "nozzle reset---fast", operate
pressure and speed parameter of "nozzle reset---fast" , output: nozzle reset---
2、When current position value of nozzle ruler is between the position parameter of "nozzle reset---fast" and
"nozzle slow", operate pressure and speed parameter of "nozzle reset---slow".
3 、 When current position value of nozzle ruler is greater than or equal to position parameter of "nozzle
reset---slow" and "manual operation nozzle reset unlimited" switch is OFF state, manual operation nozzle
reset action can be completed.
4 、 If "manual operation nozzle reset unlimited" switch is ON state, nozzle reset action will be operated

Related instruction of injecting action state:

1、If "detect temperature during injecting" switch setting is ON, then injecting action can be operated until the
electronic heating function must be switched on and temperature control group which is switched on must be
in "OK" state, otherwise it will cause alarm. If "detect temperature during injecting" switch setting is OFF, then
the system does not operate temperature detecting, injecting action can be operated.
2 、 When injection vacuum 1 is being switched, injecting action can be operated after injection vacuum 1
operating residence time completed.
3 、 When injection vacuum 2 is being switched, injecting action can be operated after injection vacuum 2
operating residence time completed.
4 、 Parameter setting value of "mold opening in advance" is greater than "0", operate injection action after
opening the setting time in advance before operating needle valve of mold.
5、Injecting action can be operated before injecting action not completed.
1、 Interlock action can not be operated when other interlock action is being operating.
8、Injecting reset action can be operated when all of above conditions are met.

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Injecting action output:

1 、 When injecting vacuum 1 switched on, operate switch on action of injecting vacuum 1 firstly, operate
residence time, output: vacuum 1
2 、 When injecting vacuum 2 switched on, operate switch on action of injecting vacuum 1 firstly, operate
residence time, output: injecting vacuum 2, synchronize with the previous step.
3 、 Next step can be operated until above actions are completed, injecting vacuum 1 、 injecting vacuum 2
continued to be outputted, Stop vacuum action till when vacuum action reach to "time" of vacuum and reach
to setting value. operate switch on action in advance before operating needle valve of mold, operate switch on
setting time in advance. output: vacuum 1、vacuum 2、needle valve.
4、operate injecting action, injecting 1、injecting 2、injecting 3、injecting 4、pressure retaining 1、pressure
retaining 2 action, according to position and time which is set to switch pressure and speed parameter, output:
injecting 1、barrel needle valve 1、mold needle valve 1、(injecting vacuum 1)、(injecting vacuum 2)
5、When injecting action completing, if setting value of "mold switch off in advance" is greater than "0" then
switch off mold needle valve action firstly, injecting action is keeping operation state. output: injecting 1、barrel
needle valve 1、(injecting vacuum 1)、(injecting vacuum 2),otherwise, skip this step.

6、 Complete injecting action, if parameter design set of "needle valve delay switch off" is greater than "0",
injecting action is completed, no output point to output.
7、 Complete injecting action, if parameter design set of "needle valve delay switch off" is greater than "0" ,
injecting action is completed, keeping output: barrel needle valve 1, start the time of technical needle valve
delay closing until operating injecting reset action completed. Close the output state of "barrel needle valve 1"
until after the time reached to setting value.

Related instruction of injecting reset action state:

1、Injecting reset action can be operated until injecting reset action has not been completed yet, injecting
reset action can not be operated after injecting reset action completed.
2、 Interlock action can not be operated when other interlock action is being operating.
3、Injecting reset action can be operated when all of above conditions are met.

Output of injecting reset action:

1、When current position parameter of injecting ruler is lower than the parameter value of ("injecting volume"
position - "buffer" position), operate pressure and speed parameter of "injecting volume", output:
2、When current position of injecting ruler is greater than the parameter value of ("injecting volume" position -
"buffer" position) and lower than parameter value of "injecting volume", operate pressure and speed
parameter of "buffer", output: injecting---reset
3、When current position of injecting ruler is greater than or equal to position parameter of "injecting volume",
injecting reset action is completed.
Other page of injecting:
Click "F5" 《injecting nozzle》→“F9” 《others》 to enter into other page of injecting

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injecting 1 limit time: injecting action limit time, when action operation exceeds this limit value, alarm will
be generated.
injecting---reset limit time: injecting reset action limit time, when action operation exceeds this limit value,
alarm will be generated.
Nozzle forward---limit time: nozzle forward action limit time, when action operation exceeds this limit value,
alarm will be generated.
Nozzle reset---limit time: nozzle reset action limit time, when action operation exceeds this limit value,
alarm will be generated.
Injecting material overflow detect: detect position of injecting material overflow, injecting action
completed, injecting ruler is lower than this setting value will generate alarm of injecting material overflow.
nozzle forward---in place confirm time: when nozzle forward action moves to nozzle ruler is lower than
position parameter of forward and slow, keep continue to operate time of nozzle forward action.
Detect temperature when injecting: "detect" and "not detect" can be selected.
Detect: firstly detect switched temperature is in "OK" state when operating injecting action. If all is "OK"
state, then injecting action can be operated, otherwise, injecting action can not be operated.
Not detect: no need to detect temperature state when operating injecting action.

Injecting insufficient detect: detecting position of injecting insufficient, after injecting action completed and
when injecting ruler is greater than this setting value, it will generate alarm of injecting insufficient.
Injecting---control parameter mode: "position" and "weight" can be selected.

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Position: parameter of operating injecting action is position distance parameter of injecting ruler. in mm as
reference unit.
Weight: parameter of operating injecting action is important parameter of barrel's internal capacity of
silicone, in g as unit, system will automatically convert the parameters of the barrel's diameter、density、and
injecting ruler into the weight parameter of silicone.
Diameter: parameter of barrel's internal diameter, this parameter is important and will affect the conversion
of pressure parameter of injection control.
Total run: maximum run of injecting ruler.
Capacity: maximum capacity of barrel.
Density: density of silicone is set as 1.15 usually, it can be set according to the actual silicone parameter,
Please note when parameter mode of injection controlling is selected as "weight" it will affect
parameter of injecting action.
Total weight: maximum volume which is injected by barrel.
Barrel 1 : "normal" and "precision barrel", this parameter will affect the controlling process of
operating injecting action, it can not be changed haphazardly, Please modify the settings under the
guidance of professional technical person of Tianyuan company when necessary.
Precision barrel: The barrel which is being used is two-section injection barrel, please refer to the
attached precise barrel to use the instruction manual when the precision barrel is used by
selection of injecting system usage: "not use"、"only injecting 1"、"only injecting 2"、"two-section injecting"
Not use: not use injecting action, injecting action will be switched off.
Only injecting 1: only use controlling process of injecting 1
Only injecting 2: only use controlling process of injecting 2
Two-section injecting: left and right plate can use different injecting parameter to
Selection of left mold plate injecting usage: it can set use and select "injecting 1"、"injecting 2" when injecting
system is using parameter as "two-section injecting"
Injecting 1: When the mold of left mold plate is operating injecting action, operate
control parameter of "injecting 1"
Injecting 2: When the mold of left mold plate is operating injecting action, operate control parameter of
"injecting 2", it can set use and select "injecting 1"、"injecting 2" when injecting system is using parameter as
"two-section injecting"

Injecting 1: When the mold of right mold plate is operating injecting action, operate control parameter of
"injecting 1"
Injecting 2: When the mold of right mold plate is operating injecting action, operate control parameter of
"injecting 2"
Note: When injecting system use selecting "two-section" as parameter and when it is manual mode and left
mold plate is in place state, operating injection and injecting reset action system both use injecting
parameter operation action of "left mold plate injecting usage selection", when right mold plate is in
place state, operating injection and injecting reset action system both use injection parameter
operation action of "right mold plate injecting usage selection". When it is in auto mode and left
mold plate is in place state, operating injection and injecting reset action system both use injection
parameter operation action of "right mold plate injecting usage selection", operate injecting reset

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action system use "right mold plate injection usage selection"; when right mold plate is in place state,
operating injection and injecting reset action system both use injection parameter operation action
of "right mold plate injecting usage selection", operate injecting reset action system use "left mold
plate injection usage selection".

:nozzle ruler position setting

: injecting ruler position setting

:precision injecting barrel electronic channel

Injecting curve page:
Click "F5" 《injecting nozzle》→“F7”《injecting---curve》 to enter into injecting curve page.

Injecting curve page mainly reflects injecting ruler position change, the change of injecting pressure (hydraulic
pressure) and the process memory of injecting speed change, using method and setting method are same as
page 《clamping curve》, please reference instruction of 《clamping curve》.

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Fourth, Feed, pump action

On feed action
1, The machine stops feeding when the color pump stars exchanging, and it continues to feed until holding
pressure time finished.
2, When feed action goes to upper limit position(entrance: upper position of ration pump,ON), the machine
can't go on feed. The machine will feed reset automatically in auto mode.
3,When A ration pump is lack of raw material(entrance: ration pump-full A,OFF),the machine can not go on
feeding. If not, the machine will alarm. You can press "feed reset" which output raw material forcely.
4,When B ration pump is lack of raw material(entrance: Ration pump-full B-OFF), the machine can not go on
feeding. If not, the machine will alarm. You can press "feed reset" which output raw material forcely.
5,When the barrel is full with raw material(entrance:barrel-full-ON), feed action exchanges to hold. It must
stops feeding after hold action finished.Repeat feed action when shows satatu(entrance:barrel-full-OFF)
6, In auto mode, the system records "1" once finishing feed each one time. It will go to feed reset
automatically until the system record gets setting value.
7,Interlock action. This action can not star when other interlock action go on.
8, It can star feeing only the machine is satisfied with above condiction.

feed action output

1, current entrance: barrel-full-OFF, go on "feeding" under setting pressure and speed. Output: feeding,
mixing and tiggering the work of color pump
2,current entrance: barrel-full-ON, go on "hold" under setting pressure and speed. Feeding finish once
holding time finish. Output: feeding and mixing.

Remark:1, In manual mode, the computer can not contral color output completely when feed action tiggers
color pump's working. If stop pressing 'feed', the color pump will stop working immediately. You
should keep pressing "feed", the system will stop outputing color automatically until color finished.
2,If the barrel is precision barrel, "feed" button can contral feeding of barrel and precision barrel.Please
check the details on guide book of precision barrel.

On feed reset action

1, Press "feed rest", the machine can keep going automatically until reset finish. The feed reset in auto will
cancel if pressing "feed" or "feed rest".
2,Feed reset gets to the bottom,(entrance: lower limit of ration pump-ON) continue for more than0.5s and the
finish feeding reset.
3, Interlock action, the action can not star when other interlock action goes on.
4, It can star feeing resst only the machine is satisfied with above condiction.

feed reset output

1, The action is going on feeding reset under the setting pressure and speed. Output: feed rest

On pump A action
1, Press 'pump A LSR' can star pump out A LSR. Press again can stop pumping out A LSR.
2, Pump out A LSR until ration pump shows full A(entrance: ration pump-full A-ON).The machine stops pumping

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out A LSR automatically. When the machine goes on pump A and B LSR, the machine will star filling at the
same time until A and B are in full finished. It don't star filling if only pump A or B lsr.
3, If setting "force pump" into "ON", the previous condition has no limit.Only press "pump A LSR' can stop
pumping out when on pump A LSR action. It only can set "force pump" into "ON" in manual mode. It close in
other mode automatically.
4, Interlock action,the action can not star when other interlock action goes on. If pump out with B LSR and not
lock with each other, pump A and B LSR can go on at the same time.
5,It can star feeing reset only the machine is satisfied with above condiction.

Pump A lsr output

1,The machine goes on up of pump A first when the system contral A lsr pumped out under setting pressure
and speed. Output: up of pump A
2, entrance: upper limit pump A-ON, or exchange to next step after keep pumping out up of A for 10s .
Output: the down of pump A.
3, entrance: lower limit pump A-ON, or exchange to nexe step after keep pumping out down of A for 10s,
Oouput: up of pump A.
4,The machine do it cycalically until the end.

On pump A action
1, Press 'pump B LSR' can star pump out A LSR. Press again can stop pumping out b LSR.
2, Pump out B LSR until ration pump shows full B(entrance: ration pump-full B-ON).The machine stops pumping
out B LSR automatically. When the machine goes on pump A and B LSR, the machine will star filling at the
same time until A and B are in full finished. It don't star filling if only pump A or B lsr.
3, If setting "force pump" into "ON", the previous condition has no limit.Only press "pump A LSR' can stop
pumping out when on pump B LSR action. It only can set "force pump" into "ON" in manual mode. It close in
other mode automatically.
4, Interlock action,the action can not star when other interlock action goes on. If pump out with A LSR and not
lock with each other, pump A and B LSR can go on at the same time.
5,It can star feeing reset only the machine is satisfied with above condiction.

Pump B lsr output

1,The machine goes on up of pump B first when the system contral B lsr pumped out under setting pressure
and speed. Output: up of pump B
2, entrance: upper limit pump B-ON, or exchange to next step after keep pumping out up of B for 10s .
Output: the down of pump B.
3, entrance: lower limit pump B-ON, or exchange to nexe step after keep pumping out down of B for 10s,
Oouput: up of pump B
4,The machine do it cycalically until the end.

On color pump action

There are so many style of color pump. Here is the guide book for L4. Please find the other style in individual
guide book.
1,The feeding action will tigger the work of color pump.
2,The computer will count it by itself that how many moving stoke for each color plate output. The machine will

地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

stop it automatically when gets demand value.

3,In manual mode, the color pump is stoped once we stop pressing 'Feed" botton. It will stop outputing color
plate automatically when it finish if keep pressing 'feed' button.
4, In auto mode, the color pump is stoped pump out color plate automatically until it finishes it automatically.

color pump output

1,'color pump use', the system star saving pressure when turn on 'color pump use'. Output: color pump C
2,When color pump star to work(entrance: color pump C switch- ON), the working singal of color pump should
be ON. If not, the mchine will alarm.
The reason for alarm in correct connect color pump-
a, Pressure-type pressurized color paste cup:1,Pressure cylinder is rasied or the air pressure of color pump is
too small(<0.2Mpa) 2, Pressure cylinder gets to lower limit. The color plate is finish. 3,Intermediate relay in
color pump is damaged.
b,Natural suction non-pressurized color paste cup:1, the air pressure of color pump is too small(<0.2Mpa)
2,Intermediate relay in color pump is damaged.
3, After color cup stars working for 10s(entrance: switch C of color pump-ON), color pump stars to work which
pump out color paste.
4,When electric gauge value of color pump C is smaller than setting "upper limit exchanging" value on the
<other 2> page(enterance : color pump C switch-OFF), the color pump will be reseted. At the same time, the
system dones't alarm(enterance: working singal of color pump C-OFF). If color pump is in exchanging, can not
go on feed.
5,When electric gauge value of color pump C is bigger than setting "upper limit exchanging" value on the <other
2> page(enterance : color pump C switch-ON), the color pump will be tiggered to work. After 10s, color pump
star working.
6,If thre are no operation and the machine is standby after color pump works for 20 minutes, the system will
stop to pump out color paste automatically.(entrance: switch C of color pump-OFF. ) Can press "reset' or star
othe action which can cancel standby and go on to work.
7,Feeding can tigger output of color pump. The machine contrals needle of color pump open and close which
pump out color paste cyclilly. The period time is the setting "period time" on color pump page. The time of
open needle:"flow' x "period time" x "%".
More bigger flow, more longer open time, more % and more faster pump out color paste.
8,When the flow gets the setting value, it will close it(enterance: C needle of color pump)

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Other pages of color pump

Press "F6"<Feed 1>→"F9' <others 1> enter other page of pump

A1 adding LSR delay time: After pump A gets to setting value(entrance: Pump- full A-ON), then goes on
pump out, which gives more feeding accumulation pressure to pump A. It works
on pumping B at the same time in auto and manual mode and doesn't work on
pumping out A in manual mode. Normally, we set the value of A is smaller than
4. When pump out more A, we can decrease value which cuts back lsr. When
pump out less A, we can increase value which add more lsr. The priciple of
setting decreases first and then increase. The function of this value is
accumulating. Please don't change proportion and mass change for flow of
pump A. In general, the value is 3.
B1 adding lsr delay time:After pump B gets to setting value(entrance: Pump- full B-ON), then goes on
pump out, which gives more feeding accumulation pressure to pump B. It works
on pumping B at the same time in auto and manual mode and doesn't work on
pumping out B in manual mode. Normally, we set the value of B is smaller than
4. When pump out more B, we can decrease value which cuts back lsr. When
pump out less B, we can increase value which add more lsr. The priciple of
setting decreases first and then increase. The function of this value is
accumulating. Please don't change proportion and mass change for flow of
pump B. In general, the value is 3.
Feed-delay the time to star: the time is delayed by feeding.
The limit time of feed: It will alarm if the feeding time is over the limit.
The limit time of feed rest: It will alarm if the feeding rest time is over the limit.
The limit time of pump: It suitable for pump A and pump B, it will alarm if the pumping out time is over
the limit.

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:set the eletrinic gague value of color pump

:set monitoring electronic gague value for A lsr

:set monitoring electronic gague value for B lsr

Other page of feed action2

Press "F6'<feed one>→"F10"<other 2> enter othe 2 page for pump. The data of this page mainly use for
color pump choice.

The choice for color pump C: there are four choice:"L1", 'L2","L3", 'L4', match with different size color pump.
After use one of them, the data which match with it is setted as default parameter.
The Section parameters of color pump: the effective section of color pump. This value effect output
proportion of color pump. Please don't change it.
The stoke of color paste: the moving stoke of color pump
The density of color paste: it use to count the weight of color paste
The capacity of color paste: Color pump volume corresponding to the weight parameters
Upper limit switch value:After the value of electronic gague gets to setting value, it exchange to lower action.
This value is very important. Please don't modify without non-essential. If not. the
color pump can't work normally.
Lower limit switch value:After the value of electronic gague gets to setting value, it exchange to upper action.
This value is very important. Please don't modify without non-essential. If not. the
color pump can't work normally.

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Fifth, Core action

Core action is a contral system which is setted by machine. It's suitable for the mold which has function
to contral core. There are two parts in core contral system, they are is 'Core 1" and 'Core 2". The contral
system and setting process are the same. Here we descripE the process using core 1. When seting value of
Core 1 and Core 2 are the same(Maybe go on action at the same time), the system will star the 'Core 1' first,
and then star 'Core 2' after finish 'Core 1"
Press 'F4'<Core> and enter the setting value page. There are two districts on the page (up and down).
The upper district is for 'Core 1', the lower district is for 'Core 2'.

:The switch of core: When off, stop coring. When ON, star coring.

:The referance condition for core action, option:

Time:When the action is executed, it takes time as the reference action. It finishes the action when the time
Limit switch: When coring, t.he status of the sensor input point to determine whether the action is completed.
"Core 1 stop (count)" is ON means Core 1 stops in place, OFF means doesn't stop in place;"Core 1 quit" is ON
means quit in place, OFF means doesn't quit in place.

The current position parameter of mold scale

Core in-mode: mode choice for tiggering condition of core action, option:
Before mold close: finish core in and then star mold close.

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In mold close: when the mold closes to setting position(the mold's gague gets to setting
value), stop closing mold, then star coring in. After finish coring in and go on mold open.
Ater mold close: After finish mold close and then star core in.
Before enjection: Core in first and then star enject in. enject back after core in finished.
After enjection: Core in after enject back finished.
In enjection:when enject back to setting position(the mold's gague gets to setting value),
stop enject back, then star core in. Go on enject back after core in.
Core out-mode:mode choice for tiggering condition of core action, option:
Before mold open: finish core out and then star mold open.
In mold open: when the mold open to setting position(the mold's gague gets to setting
value), stop opening mold, then star coring out. After finish coring out and go on mold
Ater mold open: After finish mold open and then star core out.
Before enjection: Core out first and then star enject back. enject in after core out finished.
After enjection: Core out after enject in finished.
In enjection:when enject in to setting position(the mold's gague gets to setting value), stop
enject in, then star core out. Go on enject in after core out.

Core in-Pressure: the pressure setting value of system when core in

Core out-pressure: the pressure setting value of system when core out
Core in-speed: the speed setting value of system when core in
Core out-speed: the speed setting value of system when core out
Core in-position: the position setting value of system when core in
Core out-position: the position setting value of system when core out
Core in-time: when contral core in by time, the time setting value, core in completly once time finish.
Core out-time: when contral core out by time, the time setting value, core out completly once time
Core in-Dental tooth counting: when contral core in by counting, core in finish once the time of core in
greater than or equal to setting value.
Core out-Dental tooth counting: when contral core out by counting, core out finish once the time of core
in greater than or equal to setting value.

:The green no under the page is current counting value of core in

Core in- delayed time: When trigger singal of core in finished, time value for delay action finished.
Core out- delayed time: When trigger singal of core out finished, time value for delay action finished.
Board choice: Distinguish choice of left or right for core action
Double board: match with left, right mold close and open, when go on left or right enjection, it
will trigger core action.
Left board: match with left mold close and open, when go on left enjection, it will trigger core
Right board: match with right mold close and open, when go on right enjection, it will trigger core

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The direction of core in statu

1, Star core in under above condition. Different setting value have different requirement.When machine's
status matches with setting value, it will star corn in action. In manual mode, core in action dones't star
automatically with other action, must star it by pressing 'core in'.
2,Can go on core in action before core in finished, Can not star core in action after core in finished. If go on
core out action, must cancel holding status of core in finished. There are many choice for core in finished.
Please take above description for referance.
3,Only the option of "using protect sensor for core 1' is ON,(enterance: permission for protect core 1-ON), can
star core in action.
4,Interlock action,the action can not star when other interlock action goes on.
5, Can star core in action when match with above condition.

output of core in action

1,Goes on core in action under setting pressure and speed. Output: core 1 in.

The direction of core out.

1, Star core out under above condition. Different setting value have different requirement.When machine's
status matches with setting value, it will star corn out action. In manual mode, core out action dones't star
automatically with other action, must star it by pressing 'core out'.
2,Can go on core out action before core out finished, Can not star core out action after core out finished. If go
on core in action, must cancel holding status of core out finished. There are many choice for core out
finished. Please take above description for referance.
3,Only the option of "using protect sensor for core 1' is ON,(enterance: permission for protect core 1-ON), can
star core in action.
4,Interlock action,the action can not star when other interlock action goes on.
5, Can star core in action when match with above condition.

output of core out action

1,Goes on core out action under setting pressure and speed. Output: core 1 out.

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The other page of core action

Press"F4'<core>→"F9"<other> enter other page of core action

The core 1 in limit time: The limit time of core 1 in, it will alarm when core in time is over setting value.
The core 1 out limit time: The limit time of core 1 out, it will alarm when core out time is over setting value.
The core 2 in limit time: The limit time of core 2 in, it will alarm when core in time is over setting value.
The core 2 out limit time: The limit time of core 2 out, it will alarm when core out time is over setting value.
The core 1 in protect sensor use: can choose "ON" or 'OFF'. When choose "ON"(enterance: premission
protect core 1 in-ON),star core 1 in. If OFF, can not go on core in action.
If OFF, Unprotected sensors limit.
The core 1 out protect sensor use: can choose "ON" or 'OFF'. When choose "ON"(enterance: premission
protect core 1 out-ON),star core 1 out. If OFF, can not go on core out
action. If OFF, Unprotected sensors limit.
The core 2 in protect sensor use: can choose "ON" or 'OFF'. When choose "ON"(enterance: premission
protect core 2 in-ON),star core 2 in. If OFF, can not go on core in action.
If OFF, Unprotected sensors limit.
The core 2 out protect sensor use: can choose "ON" or 'OFF'. When choose "ON"(enterance: premission
protect core 2 out-ON),star core 2 out. If OFF, can not go on core out
action. If OFF, Unprotected sensors limit.
This page shows slope setting parameters of core action is setted by TYM company before shipment, can
not change without explanation.

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Sixth,Machine hand action

Machine hand action
Two groups for machine hand contral system: Machine hand 1, Machine hand 2. Machine hand 1 is only
for contraling the mold at the left. Machine hand 2 is only for contraling the mold at the right. They are in the
same contral process. Here only "Machine hand 1" instructions.
Press 'F4'<core>→"F5"<machine hand> button enter into manchie hand page.

the contral switch for machine hand,option:

Unuse: not use machine hand function
Ordinary: chose to use contral system of easy machine hand function.
Europe standard 12: chose to use contral system of europe standrd machine hand
contral style: contral styel for machine hand, option:
Sensor: Whether machine hand finishes or not judge by sensor singal. (Enterance: machine hand get
in right side(left)-ON) means machine hand is already, stop go forward action. (Enterance:
machine hand back in right side(left)-ON) means machine hand action is finished, stop go back
Time:Whether machine hand finishes or not judge by time. When the time of machine hand forward
gets to setting value(forward-time), machine hand forward action finish. Machine hand stop
going forward. When the time of machine hand backward gets to setting value(backward-time),
machine hand backward action finish. Machine hand stop going back.

:The value of the current position of the mold ruler

Forward-mode: tigger machine hand go forward, option:
before enjector forward: tigger machine hand go forward before enjecting.

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after enjector forward:tigger machine hand go forward after enjecting finished.

Backward-mode: tigger machine hand go back, option:
before enjector backward: tigger machine hand go back before enjecting.
after enjector backward:tigger machine hand go back after enjecting finished.
Forward- delay:the delay time after tigger machine hand forward action.
Backward- delay:the delay time after tigger machine hand forward action.
Forward- time: When machine hand contral by time, it means the time for machine hand goes forward.
When the time value gets to setting value, the machine hand stops going forward.
Backward-time:When machine hand contral by time, it means the time for machine hand goes back.When
the time value gets to setting value, the machine hand stops going back.
Forward-limit time: The limit time of machine hand forward. It will alarm if the time goes over setting
Backward-limit time: The limit time of machine hand backward. It will alarm if the time goes over setting

Second,Europe standard 12
When chose to 'Europe standard 12' machine hand contral system, above data doesn't work, which
has no effect for machine hand. The explaination for input and output as follow:
Computer input: machine hand sends signal to machine
17,Machine hand allows close the mold(left): When the singal is on, the machine can close the mold. Whe it
is OFF, the machine can not close the mold.
18, machine hand is in mold area ON(left):When machine hand is in mold area, the signal is OFF, can not
close the mold.When machine hand is out of mold area, the signal is ON, can close the mold.
19, machine hand Emergency stop ON(Left):When press machine hand Emergency stop button, the signal is
OFF(it means stop the machine operation), all action are stop.When machine hand Emergency stop button
is bounced, the signal is ON, the machine can work normally.
20,conect injection machine(left): after finish conect machine hand to injection machine, the signal should be
ON. If not, it will alarm.
21, allow enjector backward(left): When shows ON, allow to star enjector backward action. When shows OFF,
can not star enjector backward action.
22,allow enjector forward(left): When shows ON, allow to star enjector backward action. When shows OFF,
can not star enjector forward action.
23,allow core in(left): When shows ON, allow to star core in action. When shows OFF, can not star core in
24,allow core out(left): When shows ON, allow to star core in action. When shows OFF, can not star core in
25,machine hand is in mold area OFF(left):When machine hand is in mold area, the signal is ON, can not close
the mold.When machine hand is out of mold area, the signal is OFF, can close the mold.
26,machine hand Emergency stop OFF(Left):When press machine hand Emergency stop button, the signal is
ON(it means stop the machine operation), all action are stop.When machine hand Emergency stop button
is bounced, the signal is OFF, the machine can work normally.
27, Allow open the mold completely: When shows ON, allow to star open the mold. When shows OFF, not
allow to open the mold.

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Computer output :(the computer send singal to machine hand)

1,emergency stop ON(left): When machine hand emergency stop button is bounced, the output is ON. When
machine hand emgency stop button is pressed, the output is OFF.
2,open mold finidhed(left): When the mold finishes opening, the output is ON. If not, the output is OFF.
3,safety devices ON(left): When the singal of 'front safety door''back saftey door""grating 1"grating2' are all in
ON. the output is ON. If one of them is OFF, the output is OFF.
4,enjector backward finished(left): When enjector backward is finished, the output is ON. If not, the output
is OFF.
5,Enjector forward finished(left):When enjector forward is finished, the output is ON. If not, the output is OFF.
6, core out finished(left):When core out is finished, the output is ON. If not, the output is OFF.
7,core in finished(left): When core in is finished, the output is ON. If not, the output is OFF.
8,NG products(left): When the machine quality monitoring judged as NG products, the output is ON. If not,the
output is OFF.
9,emergency stop OFF(left): When machine hand emgency stop button is pressed, the output is ON. When
machine hand emergency stop button is bounced, the output is OFF.
10, Auto statu(left):When the machine is in auto cycle system, the output is ON.If not, the out put is OFF.
11,safety device OFF(left): When the singal of 'front safety door''back saftey door""grating 1"grating2' are all
in OFF. the output is ON. If one of them is ON, the output is OFF.
12, close mold finished(left):When the mold finishes closing, the output is ON. If not, the output is OFF.
13,open mold in middle(left): When the mold opens to position which over than setting "the middle possition
of mold opened', the uotput is ON. If smaller, the output is OFF.
Open mode to the middle of the set parameters

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Seventh,Temperature control procedures

Temperature correction
Press "F7", "temperature", "F1" and "temperature control correction" button to enter the temperature
control correction setting page. The parameters of this page are mainly used for the adjustment of
temperature control procedures. In general, the default parameters can be used. Please refer to this manual
for adjustment if necessary.

K1:The heating coefficient of the mold, the faster the heat tube power, the faster the heat speed, the larger
the heating coefficient parameter.
K2:The heat dissipation coefficient of the mold, the faster the mold cooling, the greater the heat dissipation

Note: the heating coefficient is not less than the heat dissipation coefficient. When the heating
coefficient is less than the coefficient of heat dissipation, it means that the heating speed is not
fast and the heat dissipation is fast. The system will perform the work of continuous heating. The
heating coefficient and the heat dissipation coefficient must be greater than 0.

P: PID operation proportional control parameters

I: PID operation of integral control parameters
D: Differential control parameters of PID operation
Delay: the heating tube starts to heat up to the thermocouple to detect the time when the mold starts to
heat up. The general setting parameters are greater than 5, and the temperature control can be
caused by the temperature control when set to 0
Switch: to perform temperature correction switch
执 行 温 度 自 动 校 正 的 按 钮 Automatic correction (F9) : button that performs automatic temperature
Cancel calibration (F10) : the button that cancels the temperature automatic correction

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Automatic temperature correction:

the system will automatically perform automatic temperature calibration process execution mould heating
function, and calculate the mould and mould heating coefficient of coefficient of heat transfer, so that we
can get a stable temperature control.
2, you need to perform temperature correction of temperature control the temperature of the period must
be less than 50 ° C
3. Enter the temperature control page to close the switch of all temperature control segments

1、 Turn on the electric heating function

Press the bright electric

key to turn on the electric
heating function

“ON” For example,

2、 Enter the temperature control correction page to open the temperature control sectionyou
needthat needs
to correct
to be corrected H1: this is set to

3、 Automatic correction of temperature control according to "F9"

4、 If automatic correction is required in the automatic calibration process, press "F10" and "cancel correction"
button to exit the automatic correction procedure
5、 The calibration process will take about 10~30 minutes, depending on the different heating pipes of
different molds. After the completion of the calibration, the system will pop up the dialog box to indicate
that the temperature has been corrected.
6、 enter the page of temperature calibration check calibration parameter is normal, right, K1, K2 value must
be greater than 0, K1 value must be greater than K2, delay parameters less than 20, generally greater than
zero if the parameter can be used correctly, if abnormal, please use back to the system default parameters

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for temperature control. There are two main reasons for abnormality: 1. The heat pipe power is too high,
and the mold can be heated to a high temperature in a very short period of time, which requires the use of
low-power heating tube. 2. The heat pipe power is too low and the heating temperature can't rise to set
value after a long time. This situation requires the replacement of high power heating pipe.
7,After the correction is completed, enter the temperature control setting page to start setting the parameters
of the heating section for heating work.

The temperature curve

According to "F7", "temperature", "F8", "temperature curve" enters the temperature curve page, which
is mainly used to check the change of temperature in the heating process. The X axis in the graph is the time
axis, 1 lattice is 5 seconds, and the Y axis is the temperature parameter axis

The temperature limit

The graph moves up

The graph moves down

The lower temperature
Left-hand shift
x-minimum Right shift

The color of Displays the Curve Cursor Curve to clear

the curve temperature display switch position
corresponds value of the setting
to this color cursor

The temperature of other

According to "F7", "temperature", "F9", "other" enters the temperature other pages,

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【 Check of bolt detector 】 time (SEC), electric heat pipe bolt inspection time, electrical heating
within the set time the computer did not detect the added value of temperature rise will
not reach a set of testing temperature generated alarms, unit: second
【 Check the temperature rise of bolt detector 】 (c) : electric heat pipe bolt inspection rights
temperature value, electrical heating in a set of inspection time computer detect the
added value of temperature rise will produce alarm did not reach the setting parameters,
unit: degrees.
Automatic thermal insulation switch: the system will not perform automatic insulation when choosing
"OFF"; Choose to "ON", in heating work when machine is in standby not not work reach a
set of automatic heat preservation time, the system will automatically start the heat
preservation function, temperature setting "insulation using the" switch will be opened in
a web page, and the system began to use the heat preservation heat insulation
parameters set temperature to mold. The "thermal insulation" switch will be closed
automatically after the machine is operating.
Automatic heat preservation and wait time (min) : the waiting time of machine standby state enables
automatic insulation function, unit: minute
Temperature offset: used for compensating the temperature and the computer detects the difference
between the actual temperature, for example: the temperature of the H1 is shown as 120,
set the offset of the H1 to 20, then the temperature of the H1 show will be 100

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Eighth,Production management
Production management
Press "F8" button to enter production management setting page.

Production plan parameter bar

Mold name: the name of the mold parameter file used in the current machine production product
Production start time: execution time of production
Estimated time of production: the computer is expected to complete the full amount of time required to
complete the production target, unit: hour
Estimated production takes time: the computer is expected to complete the production target for the rest of
the time, unit: hours
Estimated production materials: the computer is expected to complete the total material weight required by
the production target, unit: kg
Estimated production needs material: the computer is expected to complete the production target the
remaining material weight, unit: kg

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Good quality: the quantity of good products already produced

Defective products: the quantity of good products that have been produced
Number of finished products: the number of finished products has been produced
The percentage of finished product number of finished products

Production management setting

Production start: start the production statistics start button
Good quality requirements: quantity of good products required for production planning
Mold hole number: how many products can be produced by a module
Each module weight: each product needs the weight of the material, the water cut, used to calculate the
material needed for production
Estimated cycle time: the time required to produce a product is expected, including manual operation, all the
time of the machine waiting, and the right grey value is the actual time of execution of the
last module
Allowable serial number of defective products: the number of consecutive defective products reaches this set
value, which will produce an alarm, and the gray value on the right is the actual number of
defective products
On the right is the actual number of defective products
Packing batch number: the number of finished products, such as 10 of a box of products, set to 10 here, 10
good products are equal to one finished product
Packing batch tip: when a certain number of products are produced, the operator will be prompted to carry out
the finished product packaging, unit: shot

Machine time setting.

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Quality control switch:

According to "F8", "sheng guan", "F9", "the quality control switch" enters the control switch setting page, which
is used to select the production parameters that need to be monitored.

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Quality monitoring
Press the "F8" "production management" - > "F1" quality assurance "into" quality monitoring page, this
page page for quality monitoring parameter setting, the first page of need in the quality control switch to open
the corresponding monitoring options, this page will display setting monitoring parameters.

Pages: to set the number of pages to view

Monitor total switch: set to OFF the machine production work without quality monitoring, set as ON the quality
control function will be used.
Pre-module fast positioning: can be positioned to the production quality parameters that need to be viewed
The production of current and defective products
Code name: code for monitoring project
Monitor project: monitor project name
Monitoring: can be set to "do not use this monitoring project is not listed as a" good judgment parameters,
when set to "use" the monitoring project of production parameters will be listed as good parts
judgment, production parameters within the range set for the fine products, beyond the scope as
Upper limit value: monitor the maximum value of the parameters of the project. The production parameter is
greater than this parameter and the product is judged as undesirable
Lower limit: to monitor the minimum value of the parameters of the project. The production parameter is less
than this parameter and will judge the product as defective
The parameters of the current production monitoring project
1: The production parameters of the first shot
2:The production parameters of the second shot

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Statistical analysis
Press the "F8" "production management" - > "F2" statistical analysis "into" quality statistical analysis page,
the page for the parameters of the quality monitoring statistics page, can see the quality monitoring in the page
history data of the project.

Page number: set the number of pages to view

Import: import the backup parameters into the machine to view the historical data
Export: the production quality parameters of the U disk for backup
Data removal: delete records
Maximum value: the maximum parameter value in all records
Minimum value: the minimum parameter value in all records
The parameters of the current production monitoring project
1: The production parameters of the first shot
2:The production parameters of the second shot

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Quality curve
Press the "F8" "production management" - > "F3" quality curve into quality curve page, the page for
quality monitoring parameters displayed in the form of curves and list, this page displays the data for a single

Display project: set the project code that needs to be displayed. The content of the page is to monitor the
history of the quality monitoring project code. The name below is the name of the
monitoring project.
Reference value: the middle value of the Y axis coordinates of the graph
Scope of surveillance: the range of the Y axis reference values of the graph
Maximum value: the maximum parameter value in this project record parameter
Average: the average value of the project's record parameters
Minimum: the minimum parameter value in this project record parameter
Statistical modulus: the number of records of this item is recorded
Pre-mode quick positioning: locate the item parameter value of the module that needs to be queried
The left curve diagram shows the change of the history parameters of the project, the Y-axis
coordinates are the parameter values, and the X-axis coordinates are the modulus. The following list data
is displayed as a list of the project history parameters.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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10 11 12 13

Production list
Press "F8", "sheng guan", "F4" and "output list" button to enter the output list page. This page can show
every hour of the day in the period of the production of machine production, production data for each of the
automatic cycle is completed to perform a cumulative calculation, accumulative value of "production
management" in the page set "number of mould cavity, the production process cannot complete automatic
process cycle will do not count.

Total output: the total amount produced during the day

Time: the machine is in semi-automatic or automatic working time summation
Average output: the amount of time produced by the total production time, the average hourly capacity, unit:
an hour
Page number: set the number of pages to be viewed, the day's data is one page, the day's data is page 1, and
the previous day is page 2. You can turn the page by pressing the "last page" and "next page"
Current output: the output of this hour

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Production chart
Press "F8", "sheng guan", "F5" and "output chart" button to enter the output list page. The content of
the output chart is the same as the content of the output list, except that the output data of the output data is
shown in the table of output data per hour, and the output chart is shown in the bar chart.

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mould document
Press "F8", "sheng guan", "F5" and "die file" button enter the die file management page. This page is
used to manage the different parameters that are used when different molds are used on the machine.

The file name of the current mould number in the current use, note that the parameters in the current use are
not equal to the parameters of the same mold name in the list of the mould files. The parameters in
the die file list are only remembered for the parameters that were saved when the action was saved.
However, the parameters of the current die file are the current parameters, and any parameters
that are modified by the process can be remembered only in the current parameters, which will not
be automatically saved to the files in the mould file list.
Number: mould document sorting number
Mould name: mould file name
Date: the date of the execution of the mould file parameters
Read file: read the selected mould file to the current usage
Archive: save the current parameter file to the mold file
New file: save the current parameters file save as a new mold file, after the new executive save as need to enter
a file name to save the new mould for a new mould files
Copy: copies selected mould files for a new mold documents, perform after copying files need to input a new
mould to copy is saved as a file name a new mould files
Rename: rename the selected die file name and enter a new mould name after the rename
Delete: delete the selected die file
Sort: select different sorting methods
Search: search for mold name files

Instructions regarding mold files selected, move the cursor to the corresponding mold file name according
to the direction of the middle button below the cursor can play to the operation area, at the same time, the
selected mold file name remains green cursor state, at this time for the selected state.

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Mould remitted
Press "F8", "sheng guan", "F6", "mold remittance" button to enter the mold into the remittance
management page. This page is used to import external files into the system, or to remit the mold files from the
system to the usb drive.

After selecting this option, you can import the die files from the usb drive to the

After selecting this option, you can then execute the file of the system to the U disk, and
when you perform the remittance to the U disk, you can select the CSV format.

Select all the files in the list

:Cancel all file selections

Start the import and export work

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Ninth, Mechanical Information

Mechanical Information
Press "F9" "Engineering Parameters" button to enter the machine information page, this page is the
machine's important parameter information display without any setting items.

Machine Model: Displays the model number of the machine

Machine Number: Displays the serial number of the machine
Date of manufacture: Displays the date of manufacture of the machine
System pressure: Displays the maximum system pressure
Machine program mode: Displays the current machine program mode
Sliding Device Selection: Displays the sliding program mode
Total power-on time: The total system power-on time
Total motor running time: The total running time of the motor
HMI version: HMI underlying program version information
OP version: the underlying OP program version information
PLC version: PLC control program version information
Human machine interface version information B: Version information of human machine interface program
LinuxOS version: Linux underlying schema version information

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Tenth,Input Adjustment
Input Adjustment
Press "F9" "Engineering Parameters" → "F3" " Debug Machine" → "F3" "Input Adjustment" to
enter the mechanical adjustment page. This page is used to adjust the absolute parameters of electronic
ruler and pressure sensor. Under normal circumstances the factory settings do not need to be adjusted
after the electronic ruler if there have been changes, such as the demolition of the re-installation or
electronic ruler has been replaced, you can adjust the parameters here to obtain accurate electronic ruler
position parameters .
Note: The adjustment can only be adjusted on the need to adjust the electronic ruler, other
parameters can't be modified so as not to cause the phenomenon of the machine can't work

The page is divided into four major columns: "AI NO.", "Min", "Max", "Present value"
AI NO .: name of the electronic ruler, the number on the left corresponds to the interface number marked on
the computer analog input point
Minimum: The parameter setting when the electronic ruler is in the minimum position
Setting value: The parameter of the minimum value in the computer system
Enter the scale: the smallest position in the electronic ruler computer recognition electronic ruler
back to the numerical parameter values
Max: The parameter setting when the electronic ruler is at the maximum position
Setting value: The parameter of the maximum value in the computer system
Enter the scale: the largest position in the electronic ruler computer recognition electronic ruler
feedback back to the numerical parameter values
Current value: The parameter value of the current position of the electronic ruler
Present value: absolute value of current position of electronic ruler
Input scale: The current position of electronic ruler feedback to the computer to identify the value of

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Electronic ruler adjustment instructions:

1. First of all we must confirm the location of the best action where the electronic execution, so as to
correctly set the absolute position of the electronic ruler
2. Execute the action so that the electronic ruler moves to the minimum physical position, and input the value
of "input scale" into "minimum" "input scale" setting box. The "minimum" "set value" is generally set to "0"
3. Execute the action so that the electronic ruler moves to the maximum physical position, and input the value
of "input scale" into "maximum" "input scale" setting box. The "maximum" "set value" should be set according
to the factory setting. No adjustment is required. At the factory setting, you can check the range scale on the
electronic ruler for setting or set the process guide.
4. and then perform the action to observe whether the "present value" parameter of the "present value"
changes correspondingly between the maximum and the minimum of the electronic ruler and check whether
the motion can be executed normally or not.
5. electronic ruler setting is completed.

Note: The parameters of the pressure sensor please use the factory settings parameters, please do not modify,
even if the sensor can’t be modified, if necessary, please contact our company professional and technical
personnel to help adjust.

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Press "F9" "Engineering Parameters" → "F3" "Machine" → "F7" "System" button to enter the
system page

Automatically turn off the motor when in standby: Automatically turn off the motor when in standby mode
OFF: Stand-by auto-off motor function isn't enabled, standby mode don't automatically
turn off the motor
ON: Standby auto-off the motor function is enabled, the motor will be turned off
automatically after waiting the set time in the standby condition
Standby motor off time: In the standby condition, no action is performed within the time set by this
parameter, the system will shut down the motor automatically.
Shutdown the motor when an alarm is triggered: The function of the motor is automatically switched off when
an alarm occurs
OFF: Automatic motor shutdown when alarm is not enabled, motor does not automatically switch off
when alarm occurs

ON: Automatically turn off the motor when the alarm function is enabled, the alarm will automatically shut
Alarm OFF Motor Time: The system automatically shuts off the motor when the alarm is generated after this
parameter has been set.

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Turn off the heat when the alarm: the function of automatically turning off the heat when the alarm occurs
OFF: Automatically turn off the electric heating function when the alarm is not enabled,
the electric heating function will not be automatically turned off when the alarm
ON: Automatically turn off the electric heating function when the alarm is enabled.
When the alarm is generated, the electric heating function will be automatically
turned off after waiting the set time
Alarm Off Heating Time: When the alarm is generated, the system will automatically turn off the heating
function after the time set in this parameter.
Prohibition of fully automatic production: whether to allow the implementation of automatic production of
the switch function
OFF: You can perform fully automatic production
ON: Can't perform fully automatic production
Screen saver switch: turn off the screen display screen saver function without any operation on the computer
OFF: Does not perform the screen saver function off
ON: Use the screen saver function, wait for the set time without performing screen
operation will enter the screen saver function, turn off the screen display, press
any one button after the screen will be restored to display.
Screen saver time: without any computer operation wait for this time into the screen saver function. Unit: 0.1
Auto log-out time: When the user logs in to the system within this set time without any computer operation
will log out, the authority becomes "operator", set to "0" means do not automatically log out

Interval of action: Interlock action must be performed at the required time interval. After an action has been
completed, it must wait for this time before performing another action. Generally, it is set to 0.2 ~ 0.5. Do not
set too big or too small to avoid affecting the production work .
Language: The system comes with three languages: 0: Traditional Chinese, 1: Simplified Chinese, 2: English.
Other languages ​ ​ are not yet produced, if necessary, please contact with the clerk and we do other
languages ​ ​ to translate and check work. When you need to change the language, move the cursor to here
and enter the corresponding language number, press the OK key, and then wait for a while to complete the
language change.

Parameter Initialization: Parameter initialization will only initialize the important parameters that affect
the normal operation of the machine. Most of the parameters that can be set will not be modified.
Generally, it is used when the machine is commissioned before leaving the factory and does not need to be
executed at other times.

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Twelfth,Network settings
Network settings
Press "F9" "Engineering Parameters" → "F4" "Network Settings" button to enter the network
settings page

Controller Name: The name of the machine's computer in the network

Obtain IP address automatically: Automatically obtain the IP address in the network
OFF: You need to manually set the IP address
ON: Automatically obtain the IP address in the network
IP Address: The IP address, not the same as the IP address of other computers in the network
Subnet Mask: The general setting is
Default Gateway: Gateway Address.

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Thirteenth,Parameter file
Parameter file
Press "F9" "Project Parameters" → "F10" "Import Export" → "F10" "Parameter File" button to enter
the parameter file page, this page mainly carries out the export function of the parameter file. A total of
five parameters can be exported, you can open the implementation of remittances.

To export the right password data to U disk "001" folder as an example:

1. In the U disk to create a folder "001", and then insert the U disk to the computer's USB interface
2. Enter the "Parameter File" page, the "password options" option is selected as "open"
3. Press the "F3" file export button to export the file
4. In the pop-up dialog box, select the U disk under the "001" folder
5. Then press the "OK" button to execute the export
6. Waiting for the parameter export, until the "export parameters successfully" can be completed after the
export parameters

7. The U disk inserted into the PC, view U disk "001" folder more than one "record" folder, and the folder
has a number of files, these files are exported from the machine computer files. Can be used for backup

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Fourteenth,Operating authority
Operating authority
Press "F10" "Operation Login" → "F2" "Operation Permission" button to enter the operation
permission page, this page mainly sets the permission for different users to view and set each page.

Permissions Description:

System Business> Machinery Factory> Manager> Operator

The operator has the lowest authority and the system has the highest authority. When the authority
is set to "system quotient", the system operator has no authority as long as the system operator has the
corresponding authority and the other users do not have the authority. When the authority is set to
"Machinery Factory," " Machinery Factory "has the corresponding authority, and" Manager "and" Operator
"have no authority; when the authority is set as" Manager "," System Vendor "," Machinery Plant "and"
Manager " "Operator" is not entitled; permissions set to "operator", all users have the corresponding

Display permissions: You can view the page permissions

Set permissions: You can modify the parameters of the page permissions
Page Name: The name of the page

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Fifteenth,Factory recovery
Factory recovery
Press "F10" "Operation Login" → "F4" "Factory Recovery" button to enter the factory recovery page. In this
page, you can perform the function of factory default value recovery and password import

Password: Enter the password below prompt: 20120627 to perform the following functions to save
the new factory settings and revert to the factory settings
Store the new factory settings: Machinery Factory permission to use, the current machine
parameters stored to the factory settings
Restore to the factory settings: The machine parameters are all restored to the factory settings
Permission password: After entering this page, the option switch is set to "on" by default, so that the
permission password can be imported. You can use this method to recover your password if you forget it,
provided you back up the password file "Authority.apf" or ask our company for an initial password file.
Password file can be exported in the "Parameter File" page password for backup.

Permission password import Description:

1. Create a new folder "001" in the root directory of the USB flash drive, then create a new folder
"record" in the "001" folder, and then put the password authority file "Authority.apf" into the "record"
folder Inside
2. Then insert the U disk into the computer's USB interface
3. Into this page, press the "F1" password to import button
4. In the pop-up dialog box, select the root directory of U disk "001" folder, and then press the OK
key to execute the import of the password file
5. The import documents show success, you can "Authority.apf" in the password restored to the machine

地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

Sixteenth, malfunction diagnose

malfunction diagnose
Press “F9” 《Engineering Parameters》→“F1” 《diagnose》 buttons into malfunction diagnose page table.
There are six pages in this big contains: 《The alarm》/《The warning》/《Exception record》/《Setting record》
/《Version Record》/《Hardware diagnostics》. There are three kinds of alarm system: Warning: severity, will
affect the machine to work properly, machine action will be cut off, has a record; Caution: slight, it may affect
the machine work, warned not to cut off the machine action, has a record; Prompts: setting error, generally
occur in setting parameters more than set range, no record.
<The alarm>: The current is produced with alarm records show.

<The warning> The current is produced with the warning records show.

< Exception record> The records of all alarms and warning system.

地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

<Setting record> By manual setting machine parameter or perform actions of all the records.

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< Version Record> By version upgrades the underlying program execution system record.

< Hardware diagnostics> The current system running status display hardware.

地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

Serial Alarm content Solution

PLC29000.0 Communication exception, may the IO board
29000.0 : RIO1 Communication of main cable is loose, after reconnect restart,
exception, please restart. If multiple attempts to still can't solve in
connection with our company please.

PLC29000.5 29000.5 : Oil suction filter blockage, Oil suction filter mesh blocked, clean strainer
clean the filter. screen, or change the new mesh.
PLC29000.6 29000.6 : Oil return filter blockage, Oil return filter mesh blocked, clean strainer
clean the filter. screen, or change the new mesh.
PLC29000.7 29000.7 : Liquid level alarm, please Add enough hydraulic oil.
join enough hydraulic oil!
PLC29000.8 29000.8 : Air pressure is too low, The air pressure is low, please test pressure is
please access to more than 0.4 Mpa normal or not, or air pressure switch adjustment
pressure. is too large.
PLC29000.9 Input point: when the motor first starts
29000.9:Abnormal motor start,
"finished" failed to light up, check whether the
please check whether the machine can
motor is abnormal or not, check appliances start
normal boot.
PLC29000.10 29000.10:Servo turntable motor Alarm, excluding motor alarm after the restart.
alarms, abnormal work.

PLC29000.15 Clamping ruler position of absolute value is less

29000.15 : Clamping limit alarm,
than 5 mm, Or "clamping limit" the input point
please hold the reset button to perform
lights up, the template has been running to the
the action, make the template to move
minimum modulus of thick position, not the
clamping action again.
PLC29000.16 Front safety door be opened, input point:"
29000.16:Front safety door be the front safety door" black out signal, please
opened. close the front safety door before perform an
PLC29000.17 The back safety door be opened, input
29000.17 : The back safety door be point:" the back safety door" black out signal,
opened. please close the front safety door before
perform an action.
PLC29000.18 Grating 1 obscured, input point: "grating 1"
29000.18: Clamping of the grating 1
black out signal, please exclude grating again
is obscured.
after 1 obstructions to perform an action.
PLC29000.19 Grating 2 obscured, input point: "grating 2" black
29000.19:Clamping of the grating 2
out signal, please exclude grating again after
is obscured.
2obstructions to perform an action
PLC29000.20 29000.20 : Low voltage clamping is Low voltage clamping action over low voltage
not completed properly, please check the limit time, check the clamping process for
地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

mold for impurities impurity block clamping, or low voltage

clamping position setting is too small lead to low
voltage clamping is not completed within the set

PLC29001.0 Left slip into slow speed sensors may lead to

29001.0 : Left slip into slow sensor
damage of skateboard passes "left slip into slow
may be damaged, please check whether
1" and 2 "slow" left slip into sensors can't light
the sensor is damaged.
up at the same time, the maintenance sensor.
PLC29001.1 Slip right out of the slow speed sensors may lead
29001.1:Right slip into slow sensor to damage of the skateboard passes "slipped
may be damaged, please check whether right out of the slow 1" and "2" slow slip right
the sensor is damaged. out of the sensor can't light up at the same time,
the maintenance sensor.
PLC29001.2 29001.2 :Sliding mode advance and "Left slip into stop "and" Right slip out stop
retreat reach the designated position "input point lights up at the same time, please
sensor lights up at the same time, please repair sensors.

PLC29001.20 Right holder mold back action execution time

29001.20 : The right ejector back grating 1 obscured, input point: "1" grating
grating 1 back cover. signal is put out, after exclusion of grating mask
(1) to perform the right mould refund action.
PLC29001.21 Right holder mold back action execution time
29001.21 : The right ejector back grating 2 obscured, input point: "2" grating
grating 1 back cover signal is put out, after exclusion of grating mask
(2) to perform the right mould refund action.

PLC29002.0 29002.0: Bolt sensor lights up at the "Bolt into" and "bolt refund check" sensor
same time, please check sensor is lights up at the same time, please repair sensors.

PLC29003.0 Feeding 1 action more than set time, please

check the note feeding 1 a movement is normal,
29003.0 : The precision injection
check whether there is pure note feeding 1 a
feeding 1 action timed out.
pipeline jam, detection "precision gun barrel a
full material" input point sensors.
PLC29003.1 When the resetting action exceeds the setting
time, please check whether it is normal to make
29003.1 : The precision injection
a reset and check whether the position of the
feeding 1 reset action timed out.
finishing loading is too large and the electronic
ruler cannot reach the set value.

PLC29003.10 29003.10 : The precision injection Feeding 2 action more than set time, please
地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

feeding 2 action timed out. check the note feeding 2 a movement is normal,
check whether there is pure note feeding 2 a
pipeline jam, detection "precision gun barrel a
full material" input point sensors.
PLC29003.11 When the resetting action exceeds the setting
time, please check whether it is normal to make
29003.11 : The precision injection
a reset and check whether the position of the
feeding 2 reset action timed out.
finishing loading is too large and the electronic
ruler cannot reach the set value.

PLC29003.20 The feeding action exceeds the set time. Please

29003.20:The feeding 1 action timed check whether the feeding action is normal,
out. check whether the loading pipeline is blocked,
and check whether the input point is normal.
PLC29003.21 29003.21:The feeding 1 reset action Please check whether the loading is normal and
timed out. check whether the sensor is normal.
PLC29003.22 29003.22: Metering Pump 1 sensor The "Metering pump 1 upper limited" and the
light up at the same time, please check "Metering pump 1 lower limit" sensor also light
whether the sensor is damaged. up at the same time, please check the sensor.

PLC29004.0 The feeding action exceeds the set time. Please

29004.0 The feeding 2 action timed check whether the feeding action is normal,
out. check whether the loading pipeline is blocked,
and check whether the input point is normal.
PLC29004.1 29004.1:The feeding 2 reset action Please check whether the loading is normal and
timed out. check whether the sensor is normal.
PLC29004.2 29004.2 : Metering Pump 2 sensor The "Metering pump 2 upper limited" and the
light up at the same time, please check "Metering pump 2 lower limit" sensor also light
whether the sensor is damaged. up at the same time, please check the sensor.

PLC29004.10 Pump A1 more than set time, please check the

pump A1 movement is normal, check whether
there is A1 pump tube leakage problem, check
29004.10: Pump A1 action time out
the "Metering pump - A full" input point sensor
is normal, check the use of raw material has
been used up.
PLC29004.11 Pump B1 more than set time, please check the
pump B1 movement is normal, check whether
there is B1 pump tube leakage problem, check
29004.11: Pump B1 action time out
the "Metering pump - B full" input point sensor
is normal, check the use of raw material has
been used up.
PLC29004.12 29004.12:The upper and lower limit The "A1 pump upper limited" and "A1 pump
of the A1 pump cylinder is light up, please lower limit" input point light up at the same
地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

check whether the sensor is damaged! time, the sensor may be damaged, please check.
PLC29004.13 29004.13:The upper and lower limit The "B1 pump upper limited" and "B1 pump
of the B1 pump cylinder is light up, please lower limit" input point light up at the same
check whether the sensor is damaged! time, the sensor may be damaged, please check.
PLC29004.14 The "material A1 shortage" signal has been lit
29004.14 Raw material A1 shortage,
up, raw materials used up, please replace the
please replace the raw material A1!
raw materials.
PLC29004.15 The "material B1 shortage" signal has been lit
29004.15:Raw material B1 shortage,
up, raw materials used up, please replace the
please replace the raw material B1!
raw materials.

PLC29004.20 Pump A2 action more than set time, please

check the pump A2 movement is normal, check
29004.20 : Pump A2 action time whether there is A2 pump tube leakage
out。 problem, check the "metering pump A2 full
material" input point sensor is normal, check the
use of raw material has been used up。
PLC29004.21 Pump B2 action more than set time, please
check the pump B2 movement is normal, check
29004.21 : Pump B2 action time whether there is B2 pump tube leakage
out。 problem, check the "metering pump B2 full
material" input point sensor is normal, check the
use of raw material has been used up。
PLC29004.22 29004.22: The lower and lower limit The "A2 pump upper limit" and "A2 pump
of the A2 pump cylinder is light up at the lower limit" enter at the same time, the sensor
same time, please check whether the may be damaged, please check.
sensor is damaged!
PLC29004.23 29004.23: The lower and lower limit The "B2 pump upper limit" and "B2 pump
of the B2 pump cylinder is light up at the lower limit" enter at the same time, the sensor
same time, please check whether the may be damaged, please check.
sensor is damaged!
PLC29004.24 The "raw material A2 material" signal has been
29004.24 : Raw material A2, please
light up, raw materials used up, please change
replace the raw material A2!
the raw materials.
PLC29004.25 The "raw material B2 material" signal has been
29004.25: Raw material B2, please
light up, raw materials used up, please change
replace the raw material B2!
the raw materials.

PLC29005.0 The color pump C work signal is extinguished.

Please check whether the color pump C pressure
29005.0 : Color pump C work
cylinder has been running to the lower limit,
signal OFF, work abnormality, may be
which leads to the absence of the sensor.
missing material.
Whether the pressure cylinder has performed
the lower pressure action, switch to the lower
地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

pressure action; Check whether the gas source

connected to the color slurry pump C is greater
than 0.4mpa, which needs to be more than
0.4mpa. Check whether the color pump is
normally connected.
PLC29005.1 When the color pump M works, the "color slurry
pump M work signal" is extinguished. Please
check whether the slurry pump M pressure
cylinder has been running to the lower limit,
which leads to the absence of the sensor, and
29005.1: Color pump M work signal
the material is added. Whether the pressure
OFF, work abnormality, may be missing
cylinder has performed the lower pressure
action, switch to the lower pressure action;
Check whether the gas source connected to the
color slurry pump M is greater than 0.4mpa,
which needs to be more than 0.4mpa. Check
whether the color pump is normally connected.
PLC29005.2 When the color pump Y works, the "color slurry
pump Y work signal" is extinguished. Please
check whether the slurry pump Y pressure
cylinder has been running to the lower limit,
which leads to the absence of the sensor, and
29005.2: Color pump Y work signal
the material is added. Whether the pressure
OFF, work abnormality, may be missing
cylinder has performed the lower pressure
action, switch to the lower pressure action;
Check whether the gas source connected to the
color slurry pump Y is greater than 0.4mpa,
which needs to be more than 0.4mpa. Check
whether the color pump is normally connected.
PLC29005.3 When the color pump K works, the "color slurry
pump K work signal" is extinguished. Please
check whether the slurry pump K pressure
cylinder has been running to the lower limit,
which leads to the absence of the sensor, and
29005.3: Color pump K work signal
the material is added. Whether the pressure
OFF, work abnormality, may be missing
cylinder has performed the lower pressure
action, switch to the lower pressure action;
Check whether the gas source connected to the
color slurry pump K is greater than 0.4mpa,
which needs to be more than 0.4mpa. Check
whether the color pump is normally connected.

PLC29005.20 29005.20 : The manipulator (left) The manipulator (left) forward moves beyond
advances overtime. the setting time to check whether the

地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

manipulator action is normal; The manipulator is

programmed to check when the manipulator is
in place (left).
PLC29005.21 The manipulator (left) back action exceeds the
setting time to check whether the manipulator
29005.21 : The manipulator (left)
action is normal; The manipulator is
backs overtime
programmed to check when the manipulator is
back in place (left).
PLC29005.22 The manipulator (right) forward moves beyond
the setting time to check whether the
29005.22 : The manipulator (right)
manipulator action is normal; The manipulator is
advances overtime
programmed to check when the manipulator is
in place (right).
PLC29005.23 The manipulator (right) back action exceeds the
setting time to check whether the manipulator
29005.23 : The manipulator (right)
action is normal; The manipulator is
backs overtime
programmed to check when the manipulator is
back in place (right).
PLC29005.24 The manipulator control program chooses to
enter "20: connect the injection molding
29005.24: The manipulator (left) is machine (left)" signal to be ON state when the
disconnected. "European standard 12" signal must be ON state,
please check whether the manipulator has been
connected normally.
PLC29005.25 The manipulator control program chooses to
enter "20: connect the injection molding
29005.25: The manipulator (right) is machine (right)" signal to be ON state when the
disconnected. "European standard 12" signal must be ON state,
please check whether the manipulator has been
connected normally.

PLC29006.0 The automatic modulating action exceeds the

set time, check whether the automatic
29006.0:Automatic adjust timeout. adjustment process has abnormal phenomena,
and the auto-modulating mode cannot be

PLC29007.0 The computer can not detect the temperature

29007.0:The H1 temperature line is data of the H1 temperature line. Please check
broken. whether the temperature line is broken and
replace the new temperature line.
PLC29007.1 The computer can not detect the temperature
29007.1:The H2 temperature line is
data of the H2 temperature line. Please check
whether the temperature line is broken and
地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

replace the new temperature line.

PLC29007.2 The computer can not detect the temperature
29007.2 : The H3 temperature line is data of the H3 temperature line. Please check
broken whether the temperature line is broken and
replace the new temperature line.
PLC29007.3 The computer can not detect the temperature
29007.3 : The H4 temperature line is data of the H4 temperature line. Please check
broken whether the temperature line is broken and
replace the new temperature line.
PLC29007.4 The computer can not detect the temperature
29007.4 : The H5 temperature line is data of the H5 temperature line. Please check
broken whether the temperature line is broken and
replace the new temperature line.
PLC29007.5 The computer can not detect the temperature
29007.5 : The H6 temperature line is data of the H6 temperature line. Please check
broken whether the temperature line is broken and
replace the new temperature line.
PLC29007.6 The computer can not detect the temperature
29007.6 : The H7 temperature line is data of the H7 temperature line. Please check
broken whether the temperature line is broken and
replace the new temperature line.
PLC29007.7 The computer can not detect the temperature
29007.7 : The H8 temperature line is data of the H8 temperature line. Please check
broken whether the temperature line is broken and
replace the new temperature line.
PLC29007.8 The computer can not detect the temperature
29007.8 : The H9 temperature line is data of the H9 temperature line. Please check
broken whether the temperature line is broken and
replace the new temperature line.
PLC29007.9 The computer can not detect the temperature
29007.9 : The H10 temperature line is data of the H10 temperature line. Please check
broken whether the temperature line is broken and
replace the new temperature line.
PLC29007.10 The computer can not detect the temperature
29007.10: The H11 temperature line is data of the H11 temperature line. Please check
broken whether the temperature line is broken and
replace the new temperature line.
PLC29007.11 The computer can not detect the temperature
29007.11: The H12 temperature line is data of the H12 temperature line. Please check
broken whether the temperature line is broken and
replace the new temperature line.
PLC29007.12 The computer can not detect the temperature
29007.12: The H13 temperature line is
data of the H13 temperature line. Please check
whether the temperature line is broken and
地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

replace the new temperature line.

PLC29007.13 The computer can not detect the temperature
29007.13: The H14 temperature line is data of the H14 temperature line. Please check
broken whether the temperature line is broken and
replace the new temperature line.
PLC29007.14 The computer can not detect the temperature
29007.14: The H15 temperature line is data of the H15 temperature line. Please check
broken whether the temperature line is broken and
replace the new temperature line.
PLC29007.15 The computer can not detect the temperature
29007.15: The H16 temperature line is data of the H16 temperature line. Please check
broken whether the temperature line is broken and
replace the new temperature line.

No Alarm Componant Solution

PLC29050.0 The emergency stop button has been pressed
and the input point "emergency stop" is OFF.
29050.0 Emergency stop been When the mechanical arm of the "European
pressed, please reset and re-run. standard 12" manipulator is pressed, it also
produces the warning, which can resume normal
work after the emergency stop.

PLC29050.15 29050.15 : The left slide is not in Execute the left slide until after it is in place.
place, please slide to the left to execute
the closing mode.
PLC29050.16 29050.16 : The right slide is not in Execute the right slide until after it is in place.
place, please slide to the left to execute
the closing mode.
PLC29050.17 29050.17 : The slipboard is not in Slide the slide into position and then execute
place, clamping the mold is prohibited. the clamp action.
PLC29050.18 Execute the insert into the action until the
29050.18: The bolt is not in place,
input point "pin in and stop" will be able to
clamping the mold is prohibited.
execute the joint mode.

PLC29051.1 29051.1 : The servo motor is The servo motor performs the following tips
restored at the origin. after the origin is reset.

PLC29051.10 29051.10:Left slide into not in place, After the left sliding into position, the left - to -
forbid left to enter! mode movement is performed.

PLC29051.20 29051.20 : Right slide into not in After the right sliding into position, the right- to -
place, forbid left to enter! mode movement is performed.

PLC29052.0 29052.0: The skateboard is not in Perform the insert after the slip in or slip out of
地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

place, interpolation is forbided. the action.

PLC29052.1 29052.1: Open mold not in place, Perform the insert back action until the die is
interpolation is forbided. finished.

PLC29053.0 29053.0: The precision injection 1 The precision injection material 1 has reached
material has reached the lower limit, the lower limit, Please perform the feeding
Please perform the feeding reset action. action after the feeding reset action.

PLC29053.10 29053.10:The precision injection 2 The precision injection material 2 has reached
material has reached the lower limit, the lower limit, Please perform the feeding
Please perform the feeding reset action. action after the feeding reset action.

PLC29053.20 The metering pump1 A is not full, please

29053.20:The metering pump 1 A is
perform pump A material to fill and then
unfilled. If you need to perform A single
perform the feeding action. If you need to
adhesive, please hold down the 'reset
perform the single rubber feeding action, you
button' to carry out.
can hold down the reset button to execute.
PLC29053.21 The metering pump1 B is not full, please
29053.21: The metering pump 1 B
perform pump B material to fill and then
is unfilled. If you need to perform B single
perform the feeding action. If you need to
adhesive, please hold down the 'reset
perform the single rubber feeding action, you
button' to carry out.
can hold down the reset button to execute.
PLC29053.22 The nozzle 1 is already full, and no feeding
29053.22:The Nozzle 1 was full.
action will be performed.
PLC29053.23 Metering pump 1 has reached the upper limit,
29053.23 : Metering pump 1 has Please perform the loading reset action and then
reached the upper limit, please perform perform pump A material, pump B material
reset! action until the pump is fill and then perform the
feeding action.

PLC29054. 0 The metering pump2 A is not full, please

29054.0:The metering pump 2 A is
perform pump A2 material to fill and then
unfilled. If you need to perform A single
perform the feeding action. If you need to
adhesive, please hold down the 'reset
perform the single rubber feeding action, you
button' to carry out.
can hold down the reset button to execute.
PLC29054. 1 The metering pump1 B is not full, please
29054.1:The metering pump 2 B is
perform pump B2 material to fill and then
unfilled. If you need to perform B single
perform the feeding action. If you need to
adhesive, please hold down the 'reset
perform the single rubber feeding action, you
button' to carry out.
can hold down the reset button to execute.
PLC29054. 2 The nozzle 2 is already full, and no feeding
29054.2:The Nozzle 2 was full.
action will be performed.
PLC29054. 3 29054.3:Metering pump 2 has Metering pump 2 has reached the upper limit,
reached the upper limit, please perform Please perform the loading reset action and then
地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

reset! perform pump A material, pump B material

action until the pump is fill and then perform the
feeding action.

PLC29054. 10 The raw material 1 has reached the position of

29054.10 : Please pay attention to
the missing material. Please prepare to replace
the replacement of raw materials 1
the material.
PLC29054. 11 29054.11 : A1 and B1 percentage A1 and B1 have already exceeded the setting
exceed the range. scale, and the material parameters are adjusted.

PLC29054. 20 The raw material 2 has reached the position of

29054.20 : Please pay attention to
the missing material. Please prepare to replace
the replacement of raw materials 2.
the material.
PLC29054. 21 29054.21 : A2 and B2 percentage A2 and B2 have already exceeded the setting
exceed the range. scale, and the material parameters are adjusted.

PLC29055. 0 The color pump C working time is more than

29055.0: The color pump C work is
the feeding time. The pressure of the color
too long to check whether the pressure of
pump C is too small, or the flow setting of the
the slurry pump is too small.
color pump C is too small.
PLC29055. 1 The color pump M working time is more than
29055.1: The color pump M work is
the feeding time. The pressure of the color
too long to check whether the pressure of
pump M is too small, or the flow setting of the
the slurry pump is too small.
color pump M is too small.
PLC29055. 2 The color pump Y working time is more than
29055.2: The color pump Y work is
the feeding time. The pressure of the color
too long to check whether the pressure of
pump Y is too small, or the flow setting of the
the slurry pump is too small.
color pump Y is too small.
PLC29055. 3 The color pump K working time is more than
29055.3: The color pump Y work is
the feeding time. The pressure of the color
too long to check whether the pressure of
pump K is too small, or the flow setting of the
the slurry pump is too small.
color pump K is too small.

PLC29056. 0 Please press left start button to start automatic

29056.0:Please press the left start
program, do not press right start button to start
button to start the automatic program
the program.
PLC29056. 1 Please press right start button to start
29056.1:Please press the right start
automatic program, do not press left start
button to start the automatic program
button to start the program
PLC29056. 2 The safety gate is closed in order to close the
29056.2 : Please turn off the
rear door, then close the front door before
security door before closing the safety
closing, so that the automatic program of the
door to activate the automatic program!
horizontal machine can be started.
PLC29056. 3 29056.3: Please slide the template After the left slide into position, press the left
地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

to the left in position and then start the start button to start the automatic program.
automatic program.
PLC29056. 4 29056.4: Please slide the template After the right slide into position, press the left
to the right in position and then start the start button to start the automatic program.
automatic program.
PLC29056. 5 29056.5 : The fully automatic Fully automatic functions have been closed. If
function is disabled, which can be opened you need to start, please enter the engineering
in the 'engineering parameters - parameters, the adjustment machine, and the
adjust-system' system.
PLC29056. 6 The system enters fully automatic mode before
the three sound warning, if the wrong operation
29056.6 :Please pay attention! The
starts the automatic program, please press the
system is in full automatic mode!
emergency stop button immediately or switch to
manual mode.
PLC29056. 7 29056.7 : Automatic modulating Automatic modulating finished prompt
PLC29056. 8 29056.8 : Automatic drainage 1 Automatic drainage 1 work has been
work has been completed. completed prompt.
PLC29056. 9 29056.9 : Automatic drainage 2 Automatic drainage 1 work has been
work has been completed. completed prompt.

地址:广州市番禺区石基镇海涌路 115 号 电话:020-34862999

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