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The PVT-Behavior of Ethane in the Gaseous and

Liquid States

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thlOugh the critical point. This law, although
empirical, has been well established by continued
A reduced density correlation for the gaseous verification since its conception in 1886. This
and liquid regions of ethane has been developed from rule has been applied to the saturated density data
all the experimental PVT data available in the of methane,6 propane 17 and n-butane8 to produce
literature for this substance. Saturated vapor and ,the straight lines presented in Fig. 1 w!Iich pass
liquid densities reported for methane, propane and through the critical point T R = 1.00, PR = 2.00.
n-butane were utilized to establish the rectilinear- The rectilinear-diameter relationship for ethane
diameter line for ethane. This line was then used was established from the lines for the other sub-
with the saturated-vapor data for ethane to produce stances in Fig. 1 by plotting the quantity PR +
the saturated envelope for this substance. Most of PR against Zc for different reduced temperaturei. A
the saturated liquid data reported for ethane were crit'lcal analysis of the saturated vapor and l'quid
found to be inconsistent with the saturated-liquid densities reported for ethane by Kuenen,10 Maass
curve resulting from this study. and McIntosh,ll and Sage, Webster and Lacey18
The correlation covers the regions 0.65 < TR < 6.0 revealed that the values of PR + PR resulting
and 0 < PR < 15. For regions for which no experi- from these studies were incoJsistent with the
mental data have been reported, the isobars of rectilinear-diameter line obtained from the reliable
the correlation were extended by the use of the density data of the other substances, as shown in
theorem of corresponding states. This correlation Fig. 1. In the analysis of these data, reduced
is presented both on rectilinear and log-log co- quantities were calculated using the critical con-
ordinates. 2 .8
At the present time, there is considerable interest ~

in the exact PVT behavior of pure hydrocarbons. 2 .6

Matschke and Thodos 12 recently have developed a
comprehensive compilation of experimental vapor
"c! '1i 2 ,5
and liquid density data for methane. Similar studies
have been conducted for other pure substances.4 , 7
In the present study the density data available in ~~ 2,4
I ~\~
ETHANE {z.·0,2851 ~~
the literature for gaseous and liquid ethane have
been critically reviewed and utilized to develop
r-Tc=305,4 oK Pc=4820atm
~ 2.3
a reduced density correlation for this substance.
pc=0,203 g/cm'
Maass and Mc Intash

The rectilinear-diameter rule proposed by Cailletet

and Mathias S states that the sum of the saturated
I> Sooe, Webster, and Lacey
~~~ 2.1
liquid and vapor densities of a pure substance is
a linear function of temperature which passes
u,:> e.6 0 08 U~ ~

Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers Reduced Temperature, TR• f.c
office Nov. 6, 1960. Revised manuscript received Dec. 20,
*Now associated with the Research and Development Dept. RECTILINEAR-DIAMETER RULE TO THE
of The Atlantic Refining Co., in Philadelphia, Pa.
12References given at end of paper. ETHANE, PROPANE AND N-BUTANE.
SPE 1632-G
JUNE, 1962 83
stants of ethane. Tc == 305.4'K, Pc == 48.20 atm liquid densities reported by the other investigators.
and Pc == 0.203 gm/cc. which were measured by Further experimental work is required to verify the
Beattie. Su and Simard,2 and are recommended by saturated liquid curve for ethane chosen in this
Kobe and Lynn.9 The deviations of the experimental study.
densities from the expected rectilinear-law line Density data for the superheated region of ethane
exhibited in Fig. 1 are most likely the result pf are reported by Beattie, et ai,l,3 Michels, et ai, 13
experimental inaccuracies in the data, much of Sage, et ai,l8 Yee 20 and Reamer, et ai. 16 In 1944,
which were obtained more than 30 years ago. The Reamer, Olds, Sage and Lacey l6 reported that the
critical densities resulting from the studies of work of some of the previous investigators appeared
Kuenen,10 Maass and McIntosh,ll and Sage, Webster to be questionable. Therefore, these investigators
and Lacey 18 are considerably different from the conducted experimental PVT measurements for the
value of Pc == 0.203 gm/cc. which was used to superheated region of ethane, and claim that their
reduce their saturated densities presented in Fig. data are accurate to within 0.5 per cent. All of the
1. If the critical density resulting from each of available density data for ethane are presented in
their studies were used to reduce the corresponding Figs. 2 and 3. In Table 1, reduced densities obtained
experimental saturated densities, these points from enlarged plots of Figs. 2 and 3 are given for a
would fall close to the ethane line obtained from number of temperatures and pressures, including
the interpolation of the data of the other substances. saturated vapor and liquid values.

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In Figs. 2 and 3, the isobars below PR == 1.00
REDUCED DENSITY CORRELATION were extended to interset:'t the saturat~d vapor
In Figs. 2 and 3 a reduced density correlation is curve by the use of vapor pressure data for etha~ 19
presented which was developed from all of the For the regions of the compressed liquid phase and
experimental data available in the literature. In the dense gaseous phase for which no data are
many cases, the data were not available in a form available, the isobars in Figs. 2 and 3 are presented
suitable for direct use in the correlation. Therefore, as dotted lines. The extension of the isobars into
it was necessary to construct intermediate cross- the compressed liquid region above TR == 0.65 was
plots from which the information necessary to accomplished by the use of a reduced density plot
produce the isobars included in this study could for nitrogen 4 and the following relationship.
be obtained. The saturated vapor data of Porter lS
were found to be consistent both internally and • • • • • . • • • • • . • (1)
with the trends exhibited by the saturated vaFor
data of methane, propane and n-butane. Consequently,
the saturated liquid curve was calculated from the
Such an extension is considered reliable since both
rectilinear-d iameter line for ethane and the corre-
of the substances are nonpolar and have similar
sponding saturated vapor points. The data of Sage,
critical compressibility factors.
Webster and Lacey,18 which comprise the most
For the extension of the density data of Figs.
recent saturated liquid densities reported for ethane,
2 and 3 into the dense gaseous-phase region, use
fall closest to this curve. As before, the use of a 4
critical density of Pc == 0.203 gm/ cc is the cause ETHANE (1,,0.285)
of the deviations from this curve of the saturated T,·3()5.4·K p,.4820 aIm
, ",.0..20.3 g/cm'
2 ~

~ :.--,


1.0 - • Beattie, Hadlock, and

It~ ~, ",I,'.~4'
- PoffenberQer ,
0..8 -
0 Beattie, Su,ond Simard
+ Beattie, Su. and Simard
,' ' ,,, ,
, ,'
o!. 0.6
0. 5 -
= : ="Ond Mcintosh
+ Michels. van Strooten, ,
"., , ·iIii - and Dawson ,'Ie V , ,
. ."- ",,, ,, , ,
0.4 -
o.....l~ -
• Porter
• Reamer. Old'. Sage. ~"
"- 0. 3 -

'C and Locey

f 15 i -
.a. 5aQe. Webster. and
Locey \
'" , , ,
~ £ o. 2 - v Y.. ,
\\ ~"
\~ , , , ,
J ,
r.0~ r..
~\,j, \ ... \. \. \.
, ,
~' , ' ,
, ,,
, ,
0..0 8 , ,, ,

0..0.6 v.e" , , , ,
0..0 5 " ,
, ,
0.0.4 ,
" ,,\, ,, ,

16 11 18
19 20
0.6 0.8 1.0

Reduced Temperature, T" =

'" 2
3 4 5 6




has been made of the compressibility-factor correla- z c = critical compressibility factor
tions of Nelson and Obert 14 and the theorem of
P = density, gm/ cc
corresponding states with the following relationship.
Pc = critical density, gm/ cc
PR = reduced density, p/Pc
(2) PR[ = reduced density of saturated liquid, Ps,lPc
PR v "" reduced density of saturated vapor, Ps v Ipc
Ps = saturated density, gm/cc
where for each isobar P R is the density at the
highest temperature for which an experimental PR B . . reduced density at saturated conditions,
value was available. The log-log plot presented Ps/Pc
in Fig. 3 e,pables densities to be obtained for
reduced temperatures as high as TR "" 6.0 and low REFERENCES
reduced pressures.
1. Beattie, J. A., Hadlock, Cawfield and Poffenberger,
NOMENCLATURE Noland: Jour. Chem. Phys. (1935) Vol. 3, 93.
2. Beattie, J. A., Su, G. J. and Simard, G. L.: Jour.
P = pressure, atm ACS (1939) Vol. 61, 924.

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Pc = critical pressure, atm 3. Beattie, J. A., Su, G. J. and Simard, G. L.: Jour.
ACS (1939) Vol. 61, 926.
P R = reduced pressure, PIPe
4. Byrne, Robert and Thodos, George: AIChB Jour.
T = temperature, oK (1961) Vol. 7, 185.
T c = critical temperature, oK 5. Cailletet, L. P. and Mathias, E. O. J.: Compt. rend.
(1886) Vol. 102, 1202.
T R = reduced temperature, TIT c
6. Cardoso, Ettore: Jour. Chem. Phys. (1915) Vol. 13,
z = compressibility factor 312.


Sat'd. Sat'd. PR = PR = PR = PR = ~= PR = ~= PR =
TR Liquid Vapor 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.80

0.50 2.791
0.60 2.626 0.012
0.70 2.442 0.036 2.469
0.80 2.220 0.100 0.0379 0.0599 0.0860 2.258
0.85 2.086 0.155 0.0350 0.0550 0.0770 2.132
0.90 1.923 0.236 0.0330 0.0510 0.0700 0.160 1.989
0.95 1.701 0.364 0.0310 0.0479 0.0663 0.143 0.262 1.800 1.890
1.00 1.000 1.000 0.0294 0.0448 0.0610 0.133 0.227 0.361 1.000 1.700
1.05 0.0280 0.0424 0.0579 0.124 0.200 0.302 0.442 0.700 1.200 1.400 1.500
1.10 0.0266 0.0402 0.0547 0.117 0.185 0.268 0.370 0.500 0.700 0.940 1.165
1.20 0.0369 0.0494 0.103 0.163 0.222 0.294 0.380 0.476 0.572 0.689
1.30 0.0337 0.0450 0.0936 0.145 0.197 0.255 0.318 0.388 0.459 0.536
1.40 0.0311 0.0417 0.0850 0.131 0.179 0.228 0.280 0.333 0.393 0.451
1.50 0.0290 0.0388 0.0792 0.121 0.162 0.207 0.252 0.300 0.350 0.396
1.60 0.0269 0.0362 0.0726 0.112 0.149 0.190 0.230 0.273 0.314 0.357
1.70 0.0254 0.0339 0.0680 0.103 0.139 0.176 0.212 0.251 0.290 0.327
1.80 0.0320 0.0640 0.0965 0.130 0.164 0.199 0.234 0.270 0.303
1.90 0.0301 0.0600 0.0910 0.122 0.153 0.190 0.220 0.252 0.282
2.00 0.0286 0.0570 0.0860 0.115 0.144 0.183 0.208 0.235 0.263

PR = 10.0 PR = 12.0 PR = 14.0

0.70 2.501 2.536
0.80 2.308 2.358 2.433 2.473 2.531 2.574 2.617 2.651
0.90 2.090 2.159 2.215 2.261 2.307 2.378 2.433 2.485 2.527
1.00 1.800 1.925 2.012 2.077 2.135 2.221 2.293 2.358 2.402
1.10 1.300 1.635 1.780 1.879 1.957 2.068 2.159 2.230 2.282
1.20 0.812 1.288 1.528 1.674 1.773 1.918 2.023 2.106 2.170
1.30 0.621 1.005 1.280 1.466 1.594 1.770 1.897 1.988 2.059
1.40 0.515 0.827 1.080 1.280 1.428 1.626 1.771 1.871 1.951
1.50 0.449 0.702 0.930 1.124 1.280 1.500 1.651 1.764 1.852
1.60 0.401 0.618 0.821 1.000 1.159 1.383 1.544 1.667 1.759
1.70 0.363 0.555 0.740 0.904 1.059 1.289 1.451 1.574 1.669
1.80 0.339 0.509 0.678 0.830 0.978 1.203 1.369 1.491 1.588
1.90 0.317 0.471 0.628 0.770 0.910 1.130 1.299 1.419 1.513
2.00 0.295 0.440 0.583 0.720 0.850 1.065 1.229 1.360 1.452
JUNE, 1962 85
7. Hamrin, C. E., Jr., and Thodos, George: AIChB Jour. 14. Nelson, L. C. and Obert, E. F.: Trans., ASME (1954)
(1958) Vol. 4, 480. Vol. 76, 1057.
8. Kay, W. B.: Ind. and Bngr. Chem. (1940) Vol. 32, 15. Porter, Frank: Jour. ACS (1926) Vol. 48, 2055.
358. 16. Reamer, H. H., Olds, R. H., Sage, B. H. and Lacey,
9. Kobe, K. A. and Lynn, R. E., Jr.: Chem. Rev. (1953) W. N.: Ind. and Bngr. Chem. (1944) Vol. 36, 956.
Vol. 52, 117. 17. Reamer, H. H., Sage, B. H. and Lacey, W. N.: Ind.
10. Kuenen, J. P.: Phil. Mag. (1895) Vol. 40, 173. and Bngr. Chem. (1949) Vol. 41; 482.
11. Maass, O. and Mcintosh, D.: JOI#'. ACS (1914) Vol. 18. Sage, B. H., Webster, D. C. and Lacey, W. N.: Ind.
36, 737. and Bngr. Chem. (1937) Vol. 29, 658.
12. Matschke, D. E. and Thodos, George: Trans., AlME 19. Sondak, N. E. and Thodos, George: AIChB Jour.
(1960) Vol. 219, 396. (1956) Vol. 2, 347.
13. Michels, A., van Straaten, W. and Dawson, J.: Physica 20. Yee, Edward G.: PhD thesis, U. of Michigan, Ann
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