DSWD-SIA-Zero Hunger Program

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Kabuhayan Integration, Business Initiatives, and Gainful Access to Networks
(KAIBIGAN)-Fire Victims Project and Urban Poor Project


This AGREEMENT made and entered into this ____ day of ______________by and

The DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY (DTI), a national government

agency with principal address at Barangay Pawing, Palo, Leyte, herein represented by its
Regional Director, Dir. Celerina T. Bato and hereafter referred to as "DTI";

The Presidential Commission for Urban Poor (PCUP), a national government agency
with Field Operations Division address at MASA Building, Tacloban Public Market, Tarcela St.
Tacloban City, Leyte, herein represented by its Tacloban Area Coordinator Mr. Neil Jerson N.
De Los Santos with Supervising Area Coordinator Mr. Wilfredo Y. Cacait and hereafter referred
to as "PCUP";


national government agency created pursuant to Republic Act No. 5416, through its REGIONAL
OFFICE VIII with office address at Government Center, Barangay Candahug, Palo, Leyte,
herein represented by its Regional Director, Dir. Grace Q. Subong and hereafter referred to as

- AND -
The LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT OF TACLOBAN with office address at Paterno
Extension, Tacloban City, Leyte, herein represented by the City Mayor, Alfred S. Romualdez,
herein referred to as the "LGU of Tacloban".


WHEREAS, the DSWD is one of the national government institutions whose mandate is
to provide assistance to local government units (LGUS), non-governmental organizations
(NGOS), other national government agencies ((NGAs), people's organizations (POS), other
members of Civil Society as well as individuals, in effectively implementing programs, projects,
and services that will alleviate poverty and empower disadvantaged individuals, families and
communities for an improved quality of life; and to implement statutory and specialized

WHEREAS, the DSWD has continuously implemented poverty reduction programs such
as the Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) which is mainly a community-based capacity
building program that involves a two-track system in which participants are given the option to
take either the (a)Micro-enterprise Development track of the (b)Employment Facilitation track
after participating in social preparation and capacity-building activities;

WHEREAS, the DSWD is an agency also with the execution of Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program (4Ps), which is the national poverty reduction strategy and a human capital
investment program that provides conditional cash transfer to poor households for a maximum
period of seven (7) years to improve the health, nutrition and education aspect of their lives,
pursuant to Republic Act No. 11310;

WHEREAS, Section 13 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RA 11310

on Livelihood Interventions states that qualified households shall be given priority in the
availment of the modalities and interventions under DSWD's SLP or other appropriate or similar
programs offered by other government agencies or accredited private institutions, in accordance
with their policies and guidelines;

WHEREAS, Rule XVIII of the IRR of RA 11310 on Convergence of Programs and

Services stipulate that "within the framework of a national poverty alleviation strategy and a
holistic social protection program, the various agencies of government implementing multi-
stakeholder programs and services for the poor shall guarantee that the same complement and
converge seamlessly with the aim of ensuring that the targeted household-beneficiaries are
alleviated from poverty and remain non-poor even after the prescribed maximum period for the
conditional cash grant. Such convergence shall focus on the enhancement of operational
efficiency and strengthening of inter-agency partnership, and funding of the program. The
government shall monitor the performance of these agencies to ensure the sustainability and
positive impact of its pro-poor programs.";

WHEREAS, the DTI is the government agency with a mandate of being responsible for
realizing the country's goal of globally competitive and innovative industry and services sector
that contribute to inclusive growth and employment generation;

WHEREAS, the PCUP has a mandate to serve as a direct link of the urban poor to the
government in policy formulation and program implementation addressing their needs. It
coordinates and monitors the implementation of government policies and programs for the urban

WHEREAS, the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Tacloban City expressed its
intentions to implement the Zero Hunger Program to help mitigate hunger, achieve food security,
improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture;

WHEREAS, these Parties are partners in the Enhance Partnership Against Hunger and
Poverty (EPAHP) as the banner program of Zero Hunger Program which is intended to
contribute to the national government efforts in addressing hunger and poverty through the
synergy and convergence of essential services of participating EPAHP partners directly
benefitting the poorer sector of the country and which was officially established upon the signing
of the Memorandum of Understanding on 09 December 2019 at Malacañang Palace, Manila; and

WHEREAS, these Parties agree to enter into program partnership entitled "Kabuhayan
Integration, Business Initiatives, and Gainful Access to Networks (KAIBIGAN)-“Fire Victims
Project" and "Urban Poor Project" in furtherance of the 4Ps program and its beneficiaries,
including non-4Ps beneficiaries.

NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the Parties expressly
agree upon the following terms and conditions of this Agreement:


1. This Agreement shall constitute the commitment of the herein Parties to tie-up in the provision
of skills training, capacity building, livelihood programs, and complementary support services
for the socio-economic upliftment of the lives of the 4Ps and non-4Ps beneficiaries within the
scope of their mandates. Provided that the 4Ps beneficiaries of the KAIBIGAN-“Fire Victims
Project" and "Urban Poor Project” are given priority in 20:80 ratio.

2. The Parties hereto commit to share their respective resources in accordance with their
established policies, guidelines and procedures to complement each other's program/projects for
the benefit of the 4Ps and non-4Ps beneficiaries and their families, and in compliance with
existing laws, and applicable rules and regulations on procurement, fund transfer and reporting.


1. Designate Zero Hunger Program (Program) focal person at the provincial and city level to
implement and monitor the partnership initiative;

2. Share data on existing programs and projects where SLP beneficiaries can be linked to;

3. Monitor, evaluate and report all success, best practices and issues of the partnership initiative;

4. Conduct consultative meetings and conferences to immediately address emerging issues of the
partnership initiative;

5. Provide a regular monitoring and reportorial mechanisms and periodic evaluation for all
beneficiaries provided with the services of partner agencies;

6. Conduct project assessment/evaluation at the end of the partnership initiative based on

mutually agreed partnership assessment/evaluation instruments and methodology; and

7. Implement the partnership initiative within the terms and conditions of the Milestone
Implementation Plan (MIP) approved by partner agencies for this partnership initiative.


A. Roles and Responsibilities of the Department of Social Welfare and Development


Pursuant to this agreement, the DSWD shall:

1. Assign a Zero Hunger staff at the city. The staff shall be tasked to monitor the implementation
of the activities indicated in the MIP, provide technical assistance and capability-building
interventions to the City counterpart to ensure that participatory development processes are
correctly done and are compliant to procedural, technical and financial standards set by the
Program in its various memorandum circular and implementation guidelines;

2. Coordinate with the L/MSDWO and City counterpart, through the assigned staff, in
monitoring, providing technical assistance and capability building to MLGU and in monitoring
and evaluating the performance and compliance of the city/municipality and its pilot barangays
in the implementation of the MIP;

3. Provide Seed Capital Funds (SCF) and Community Mobilization Fund (CMF) for identified
livelihood intervention following the Program guidelines;

4. Establish linkages with other National Government Agencies (NGA), Financial Institutions,
Private sectors and other Development Agencies, to leverage development assistance resources,
technical assistance, and other forms of support for program participants;

5. Adhere to the roles and responsibilities contained in the Specific Implementation Agreement
(SIA) governing the implementation of the Program in the city.

B. Roles and Responsibilities of the City Local Government Unit

Pursuant to this agreement, the City LGU shall:

1. Take the lead in the implementation of the Program in the city;

2. Create a City Inter-Agency Task Force for Zero Hunger (IATF-ZH) to coordinate responsive
and effective partnership efforts to help mitigate hunger, achieve food security, improve
nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture;

3. Designate Zero Hunger Focal Person, preferably staff under City Social Welfare and
Development Office, who will be responsible for the following:

a. Gather and consolidate data from the pilot barangays;

b. Assist in the validation of target beneficiaries;

c. Facilitate the preparation and submission of proposal with supporting documents;

d. Prepare and submit timely reportorial requirements to DSWD-SLP and partner agencies;

e. Provide monthly update to LGU and partner agencies through regular meetings;

4. Provide the general development direction of the city vis-à-vis the objectives of the MIP;

5. Provide support staff to the Program prior of start of the Program operations;

6. Comply with the Program's implementation procedures and guidelines as contained in the
Program's various manuals, policy issuances, and directives;

7. Install Grievance Redress mechanism that will act on or manage complaints regarding Zero
Hunger Implementation at the LGU level;

8. Participate during regular meetings, for local review of performance against this Specific
Implementation Arrangements (SIA) commitment, plans, targets, outcomes and action planning;

9. Adhere to the roles and responsibilities contained in the SIA governing the implementation of
the Program in the City.

C. Roles and Responsibilities of Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)

Pursuant to this agreement, the DTI through its provincial office shall:

1.Receive final list of qualified program participants for provision of the following, subject to
applicable laws, rules and regulations on government budgeting, procurement, accounting and
auditing rules and regulations:

a. Business Advisory Services - provide advisory services tailored according to the participants'
needs through one-on-one consultation and focus group discussions and coaching/mentoring on
the following: Access to market, access to finance, product development, and investment
promotion, including linking the program participants to reliable suppliers/traders;

b. Business Registration Assistance - provide advisory services tailored according to the

participants' needs through one-on-one consultation, focus group discussions and
coaching/mentoring on the following: Access to market, access to finance, product development,
investment promotion, and linking to Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) for
cooperative registration.

c. Business Information and Advocacy - conduct capacity building and seminars related to
entrepreneurial management, marketing, productivity, and government programs;

2. Instruct DTI Municipal Focal Persons to conduct quarterly meetings or as needed with the
concerned municipal partners to discuss updates and evaluation of the implementation to
determine areas for improvement and/or expansion;

3. The DTI shall provide the resource person and meals to the participants during capability-
building trainings that will be conducted.

D. Roles and Responsibilities of the Presidential Commission for Urban Poor (PCUP)

Pursuant to this agreement, the PCUP through its provincial office shall:

1. Submit to the DSWD the list of potential Urban Poor Beneficiaries for cross-matching and
validation with the DSWD's database;

2. Ensure the cooperation and participation of the Urban Poor Beneficiaries in the profiling in-
take, the use and processing of their personal information in the context of the partnership
initiative with the PCUP;

3. Provide Social Preparation activities including capacity-building trainings/seminars and other

related activities, in line with the guidelines of SLP for identified qualified Urban Poor

4. Through its Field Operations Division for the Visayas Region VIII, attend and participate in
quarterly meetings with the concerned DSWD SLP-RPMO to discuss updates and evaluation of
the implementation to determine areas for improvement and/or expansion;

5. Provide meals to the participants during capability-building trainings/seminars that will be



The parties recognize their responsibilities and shall comply with the Republic Act No. 10173,
also known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012, with respect to the data they collect, disclose,
record, organize, use, or consolidate under this Agreement.


Any dispute, claim, controversy, or disagreement arising out of or in connection with this
agreement that cannot be settled amicably within thirty (30) calendar days after written notice,
shall be resolved or adjudicated in accordance with the provisions of Presidential Decree No.
242, in relation to Chapter 14, Book IV of Executive Order No. 292, otherwise known as the
"Administrative Code of 1987."


This Arrangement shall be valid and effective upon the date of signing and shall remain in effect
until ______, unless otherwise revoked or cancelled through a formal communication to be
submitted to the concern party at least two (2) months before the intended date of revocation and
renewable for another year upon mutual consent of the Parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have affixed their signature here on this _____ day of
_________________2022 at ___________________________________, Philippines.

For and in behalf of DSWD: For and in behalf of City:

GRACE Q. SUBONG ___________________________
Regional Director Local Chief Executive

For and in behalf of PCUP: For and in behalf of DTI:

___________________ ___________________________
Regional Director Regional Director


ERWIN D. SONIO ___________________________


________________________ ___________________________
TESDA Provincial Director


Republic of the Philippines )

Tacloban City ) S.S

BEFORE me, a NOTARY PUBLIC for and in this day of _________________________, 2022,
personally appeared before me:

Name CTC No. Date/Place Issued

GRACE Q. SUBONG ___________________ _____________________

___________________ ___________________ _____________________

___________________ ___________________ _____________________

___________________ ___________________ _____________________

___________________ ___________________ _____________________

___________________ ___________________ _____________________

Known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument consisting of 6
pages, including this page wherein this acknowledgment is written, signed the parties and their
instrumental witnesses, which instrument they acknowledge to be their free and voluntary act
and deed, as well as that of the juridical persons which they represent.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my notary seal and signature this ___ day of
_________, 2022 at ____________________________

Doc No. _______

Page No. ______
Book No. ______
Series of 2022

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