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Desert Survival is a situation which we got during our session. It is a situation where plane
was crashed and 5 member of a plane got stucked in a Sahara Desert And there were 15
essential items with them which help them to direct or which help them for their survival. So
we have to rank those 15 essentials items according to their position and we have to match
these items with our group and from indivisuals.

 I got 72 which is not a very much difference from our group. And I think this is a good
score for me my thinking and my group thinking is almost same. Sometimes we have
conflict between us but after that we all position a things almost same. This show my
decision with my group decision match somewhere.
 Our group score 75 which is not good as compare to expert score. We plot some
wrong items in a list due to which our score was less. It shows that our group thinking
ability is not match with experts. Due to which our survival rate was very low in a
dessert. So we have to work in unity and we have to listen everyone during critical
situation. We have to give equal importance when we work in a team. We have to
show our team spirit.
 By doing all these this we come to know that my thinking, my group thinking and
expert thinking is not matched properly with each other. Our views were different
with each other our perception towards taking decision was very different it shows
that always we are not right while making any decisions. Some times we have to work
according to expert mind and some time we have to use our brain that how we have
to react when any kind of problem comes in front of us.

6- Leadership Style
Leader Style is a process of giving direction like leader. It is a method of giving direction,
making and processing a plan and motivating a people. Leaders have creative and innovative
idea for any kind of work which make them flexible in every manner. They were very cool in a
bad situation the always try to inspire a people when their employees fell low. The leaders
have a courageous to do a things in a right way a in a right manner which male them
successful from every way. The leaders have a person power to do a things ant to take a
decision. They do not have to take permission to charge a

things they were a initiate charger and they take action when they want. A good manager
can be a good leader. There were 5 Leadership Style Improverished, Authoritarian, Country
Club, Middle of the Road, Team Leader.

1- Improverished- This type of leader are low concern for task and for a people what is
happening around they doesn’t care. This type of leader does minimum required to
remain employed.
2- Authoritarian- this type of Leader were very high concern for their task they want to
do their task in respected manner. But they were very low concern for their employee
and for the people who are treated like machine to get their job done. This type of
leader were very attentive towards their work.
3- Country Club- This type of Leader were very high concern for the and for the
employees who work in their company. But thet are very less concern towards their
work which they were doing. This type of leader were very friendly in nature and they
always want a friendly atmosphere to do a work.
4- Middle of the road- This type of leader were medium concern for their task and
medium concern for their work. This type of leader treat equally to their subordinates
and to their work. This type of Leader always want a satisfactory performance and
morale in their business.
5- Team Leader- this type of leader always want a high concern for their task and they
always have a high concern for their employees and people. And this leader expect
from their employees to strive for a maximum performance and morale in their

After doing this task my intersection point was in team leader from this I came to
know that I have good ability to handle a task and to guide a people and I can lead a
group in a effective manner and I will to try to achieve a effective result. I always try to
retrieve maximum input from my performance so that my group my organization can
do better in their type of work.

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