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Class : 02

I. Vocabulary and Functional Grammar

Complete spellings correctly for the pictures below

and select correct options to get the complete mark.
(P) (Q) (R) (S)

(i) _ _ _ _ e (ii) _ e _ (iii) _ _ e (iv) _ _ _ _ _ e

01. (A) P = (i), Q = (ii), R = (iii), S = (iv)

(B) P = (i), Q = (iii), R = (iv), S = (ii)
(C) P = (iii), Q = (ii), R = (iv), S = (i)
(D) P = (iv), Q = (i), R = (ii), S = (iii)

(L) (M) (N) (O)

(i) _ _ i _ (ii) _ _ i _ _ _ (iii) _ i _ _ _ _ (iv) _ _ _ i _

02. (A) L = (i), M = (ii), N = (iii), O = (iv)

(B) L = (iv), M = (i), N = (ii), O = (iii)
(C) L = (iii), M = (iv), N = (ii), O = (i)
(D) L = (iii), M = (iv), N = (i), O = (ii)

UIEO II Paper Code : 513 1

Class : 02

03. Which option can be ‘a common noun’ ?

(A) Kinley (B) Soda (C) Sprite (D) Pepsi

04. Which option is an antonym of the word ‘Patient’ ?

(A) Healthy (B) Doctor (C) Impatient (D) Nurse

05. Which option has the incorrect spelling ?

(A) Sheeps (B) Aeroplane (C) Butterfly (D) Rooster

06. Which one is the pairing word in ‘Lost and . . . ’ ?

(A) Gone (B) Forgotten (C) Found (D) Dead

07. Which option is an abstract noun ?

(A) Home (B) Cooler (C) Comfort (D) Room

08. Which option can be a plural ?

(A) Stag (B) Deer (C) Lioness (D) Tiger

09. Which option is a synonym for ‘Small’ ?

(A) Some (B) Large (C) Tiny (D) Much

10. Which option is a rhyming word for ‘Allow’ ?

(A) Low (B) Tow (C) Flow (D) Plough

11. Which option can be a collective noun ?

(A) Cub (B) Fawn
(C) Kit (D) Calf

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12. Select option that is of a female gender.

(A) Mouse (B) Goose (C) Buck (D) Boar

13. Which option is a ‘pronoun’ ?

(A) Here (B) There (C) Their (D) Them

Select correct options to fill the blanks.

14. Sri found a two-hundred rupee ______ on the road.
(A) coin (B) money (C) note (D) change

15. Nobody but Lily ______ how to solve this puzzle.

(A) could (B) can (C) know (D) knows

16. A turtle lives in a ______ .

(A) well (B) sea (C) river (D) stream

17. The ducklings came ______ after seeing their mother.

(A) clucking (B) squeaking (C) quacking (D) bleating

18. Roy runs a big store; so he is as busy as a/an ______.

(A) spider (B) bee (C) ant (D) mole

19. How to find your lost watch, is your problem ______.

(A) . (full stop) (B) ? (question mark)
(C) ; (semicolon) (D) , (comma)

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Class : 02

20. This restaurant belongs ______ my aunt.

(A) for (B) of (C) to (D) with

21. Sandy bought a ______ of toothpaste from the store.

(A) bar (B) can (C) bottle (D) tube

22. You often find ______ in the playground, after rains.

(A) lizards (B) snails (C) birds (D) rats

23. There are ______ days to every ______.

(A) thirty, month. (B) thirtyone, month.
(C) twelve, year. (D) seven, week.

24. His ______ uncle bought ______ new umbrella, now.

(A) —, —. (B) an, a. (C) —, a. (D) —, the.

25. In ______ road-accident here, ______ RTC bus hit

______ OLA cab, that had in it, ______ actor from
______ England.
(A) a, a, an, an, the. (B) a, a, a, an, —.
(C) a, a, an, an, an. (D) a, an, an, an, —.

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Class : 02

II. Reading Comprehension

Read the given story carefully and select correct

options to answer the questions that follow.
Koalas are marsupial (an animal that carries its baby in a
pocket of its skin) mammals, native to Australia. A koala
weighs between 5 and 9 kilos and has soft fur. Their heads
are large and round, and they have strong limbs with sharp
claws to aid them in gripping tree branches. They are rather
dormant animals, and so spend about 75% of their time
sleeping on tree branches during the day. Only when sunset
comes, they start to move around. Koalas move by leaping
from tree to tree or by moving on ground when they travel
longer distances.
Koalas can survive on a diet of eucalyptus leaves, which
provide sufficient water to them, so, they do not drink water.
Female koalas have babies (joeys) once a year, and about six
in their lifetime. A new-born joey, crawls into its mother’s
pouch and stays there for the next six months, surviving on
milk from its mother. By a year, the joey is independent, and
then survives on its own.
During the last century, the koala was almost made extinct
because its fur was in great demand. Additionally, loss of
natural habitat due to housing development, has made their
survival difficult. Luckily, there are many conservation
programmes in place today, to ensure the survival of the

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Class : 02

26. Why do koalas have sharp claws ?

(A) To defend themselves. (B) For catching prey.
(B) For walking long distances.
(D) To hold onto the tree branches, firmly.

27. What is meant by ‘dormant’ ?

(A) small or tiny. (B) generally inactive.
(C) active only at night. (D) very active.

28. Koalas don’t drink water because . . .

(A) they live in high trees and are lazy to come down.
(B) they get it in high trees dirctly when it rains.
(C) there is no sufficient water around.
(D) the eucalyptus leaves they eat, provide it to them.

29. What does ‘marsupial’ mean ?

(A) A pocket-size animal. (B) An animal that cares.
(C) An animal that carries its baby in its skin pocket.
(D) A baby that goes along with its mother in its pocket.

30. What is the story about ?

(A) Koala and its life in general.
(B) Koala’s extinction due to the demand for their fur.
(C) Koalas and housing development in Australia.
(D) Australian wildlife.

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III. Interactive English

Fill correct options in the blanks to make the

conversations complete, ideal and meaningful.
31. Ramesh : Do you have eggs ?
Shop-keeper : Yes, I do.
Ramesh : ____________
(A) Do you have them with bread ?
(B) Boiled or an omlette ?
(C) That’s why you look so healthy.
(D) How much for a dozen ?

32. Sujit : Do you know to swim well ?

Mohan : ____________
(A) Yes, I can.
(B) I went to a swimming class, last year.
(C) No, not in a well.
(D) Yes, I do, fairly well.

33. Nila : Does it pain ? (looking at Isha’s fresh knee injury)

Isha : ____________
(A) No, it tickles and make me laugh.
(B) Have you been injured like this while playing ?
(C) Of course it does, but don’t worry, I can manage.
(D) Why do you ask ?

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Class : 02

34. Dad : Happy Birthday, Ria.

Ria : _____________
(A) Where’s my gift ?
(B) Great ! You knew.
(C) Thanks a lot dad.
(D) Are we going to eat pizza today ?

35. Sanjay : Your handwriting is almost unreadable.

Manoj : _____________
(A) Surprising, I thought you knew how to read.
(B) Must be this bad pen.
(C) Sorry ! I shall try and improve it.
(D) I want to write prescriptions in future.

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