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JAPN10001 Japanese 1 Final examination Answer Sheet Semester 1, 2020

STUDENT NUMBER: .... :t~.9..~.................


Q7. (2 x 2 = 4 marks)
Two things you may do:IP.1'.9..¼ .. Q?.n..S.p.e.0.k ... h.e.-.r.~.. :............................................................. ,

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Two things you should not do: ... 0!. ..Y.0.\1...( (-:'.r.\~J?:t... rn.«lks':.... 0...P..'r:J.9.Y.\f..(;.0..l.! .. .h.?.:fg .,.... .
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QS. (8 marks)
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Q9. (7 marks) _

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Continued on next page

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