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05 Activity 1 ARG

1. What elements of Societal Environment or Task Environment are present in the given case study?

The task environment is defined in the provided case study; I think that the case study's elements
are the clients, suppliers, and competitors. They decided to change their company name and make
changes to their products, including redesigning the store colors, cups, napkins, and donut boxes
into a fresher and brighter look that brings new energy to the brand. They also realized it was
difficult for them to appeal to their customers, especially the younger ones.

2. Explain the most appropriate industry analysis tool to help Dunkin’ maintain its future healthy
position in the market.

In my opinion SWOT Matric is the appropriate in this case, it is the ideal industry analysis tool for
supporting Dunkin' Donuts in maintaining a dominant market position going forward. It provides
an outline for assessing the competitive position of an organization and for formulating its strategic
plans. With the use of a SWOT analysis, you may evaluate internal and external factors as well as
current and potential future customers.

3. Perform an industry analysis for Dunkin based on the present context, using recommended
method or tool in item #2.

• Donut advantage in the fact that in the • Financial limitations have made Dunkin
generation nowadays are most likely the less competitive and caused it to slow
products of donut or popular. down its growth goals.
• Their branding strategy • This slow growth is an issue since
• Excellent in franchise strategy Dunkin usually follows its competitors
into new and growing areas.

• They redesigned their store’s color, • Even they well known in industry,
added premium coffee ad included non- there’s have a lot of competitors and
coffee beverages and merchandise or many industries are offer the same
offer a more variety of products. products.
• They are popular in offering those
• The potential exists to meet the demands
of the entire food industry.

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