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Across Down
2. (n) when people, especially siblings, compete with 1. (n) brother or sister.
each other. 3. (n) the state between childhood and adulthood.
4. (n) a party or a meeting when people come 5. (v) to take another person's child into your own
together as a group. family and take care of him/her as your own child.
6. (n) when two or more people or things 9. (v) to take care of, feed, and protect someone or
communicate with each other or react to each something, especially young children or plants.
another, including handshake, talking, hugging,
7. (n) a skill.
8. (n) disagreement or fighting between people.
10. (n) the way people or animals naturally react or
behave, without having to think or learn about it.
11. (v) to experience something difficult or painful.

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Across Down
5. (n) a baby or a very young child. 1. (adj) causing accidents because they do not
8. (adj) being easily upset by the things people say or walk/do/behave in a careful, controlled way.
do/ quickly understanding what other people need. 2. (adj) being able to wait, or to continue doing
9. (adj) being related to mental processes of something despite difficulties, or to suffer without
understanding. complaining or becoming annoyed.
10. (n) speed. 3. (n) an important event in the development or history
of something or in someone's life.
11. (n) an idea or a principle that is connected with
something abstract. 4. (adj) being fully grown and developed.
6. (adj) being able to endure something unpleasant or
annoying, or to keep going despite difficulties.
7. (adj) not thinking carefully enough or not caring
about what might result from actions taken.

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Across Down
2. (n) condition of being extremely fat, in a way that 1. (adj) being not very good or very bad.
is dangerous for health. 4. (n) many different types of things or people.
3. (v) to keep away from somebody/something; to try 5. (n) a strong desire for food or something.
not to do something.
6. (v) to keep a building, a machine, etc. in good
5. (n) one of the large tubes that carry blood from the condition by checking or repairing it regularly.
heart to other parts of the body.
9. (n) a serious illness when arteries in the brain
7. (n) a person who scientifically studies and gives breaks or is blocked, which can cause death or
advice about food and eating. inability to move or speak clearly.
8. (adj) being important, crucial, essential.
10. (n) components of the dish or something.
11. (n) a medical condition that causes you to react
badly or feel ill when you eat or touch a particular

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