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IP Address Classes

IP class ranges
First address Last address First address Last address IP
Class (binary (binary (decimal (decimal RANGE IP RANGE END
notation) notation) notation) notation) START
A 0 0 1111111 0 127
B 10 10000000 10111111 128 191
C 110 11000000 11011111 192 223
D 1110 11100000 11101111 224 239
E 1111 11110000 11111111 240 255

Subnet Mask
Class Binary notation
A 11111111.00000000.00000000.00000000
B 11111111. 11111111.00000000.00000000
C 11111111. 11111111. 11111111.00000000

IPv4 Address Classes Based on First Octet Values

Key Facts for Classes A, B, and C

Identifying the class of an IP address (decimal notation)

If an IP address is written in the decimal notation, check the value of the first section or octet and use the
following rules to identify the class of the IP address.

• If the value is in the range 1 to 127, the address belongs to class A.

• If the value is in the range 128 to 191, the address belongs to class B.
• If the value is in the range 192 to 223, the address belongs to class C.
• If the value is in the range 224 to 239, the address belongs to class D.
• If the value is in the range 240 to 255, the address belongs to class E.

Identifying the class of an IP address (binary notation)

If an IP address is written in the binary notation, you can use the following rules to identify the class of the
IP address.

• If the first bit is OFF, the address belongs to class A.

• If the first bit is ON and the second bit is OFF, the address belongs to class B.
• If the first two bits are ON and the third bit is OFF, the address belongs to class C.
• If the first three bits are ON and the fourth bit is OFF, the address belongs to class D.
• If the first four bits are ON, the address belongs to class E.

Private Address Ranges

Address ranges to be use by private networks are:

• Class A: to

• Class B: to
• Class C: to

Deriving the Network ID and Related Numbers

Each classful network has four key numbers that describe the network. You can derive
these four numbers if you start with just one IP address in the network. The numbers are as
■ Network number
■ First (numerically lowest) usable address
■ Last (numerically highest) usable address
■ Network broadcast address
First, consider both the network number and first usable IP address. The network number, also called the network ID
or network address, identifies the network. By definition, the network number is the numerically lowest number in
the network. However, to prevent any ambiguity, the people that made up IP addressing added the restriction that
the network number cannot be assigned as an IP address. So, the lowest number in the network is the network ID.
Then, the first (numerically lowest) host IP address is one larger than the network number.

Next, consider the network broadcast address along with the last (numerically highest) usable IP address. The TCP/IP
RFCs define a network broadcast address as a special address in each network. This broadcast address could be used
as the destination address in a packet, and the routers would forward a copy of that one packet to all hosts in that
classful network. Numerically, a network broadcast address is always the highest (last) number in the network. As a
result, the highest (last) number usable as an IP address is the address that is one less than the network broadcast
Simply put, if you can find the network number and network broadcast address, finding the first and last usable IP
addresses in the network is easy. For the exam, you should be able to find all four values with ease; the process is as
Step 1. Determine the class (A, B, or C) based on the first octet.
Step 2. Mentally divide the network and host octets based on the class.
Step 3. To find the network number, change the IP address’s host octets to 0.
Step 4. To find the first address, add 1 to the fourth octet of the network ID.
Step 5. To find the broadcast address, change the network ID’s host octets to 255.
Step 6. To find the last address, subtract 1 from the fourth octet of the network broadcast
Example of the process, using Class A IP address,

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