Mr. Happy Man

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Happy Man

In the film, a radio host said, “a lot of people couldn’t understand why he would do what he’s doing.”

In your own words, describe the motivation behind Johnny Barnes’ actions. In other words, why did
Mr. Barnes perform his service to others; what qualities did he have that motivated him toward this
service? Respond in 1-2 complete sentences.
His qualities are that he loves and dedicates time of his life to people he doesn't know. I wish the
whole world would greet you and wish you the best for that day. Yours is a very important task,
however foolish it may have been.

Think about your own life. What is something YOU can do to spread happiness in your community?
Respond in 1-2 complete sentences.
I think that is very simple to spread happiness, only saying hello with a smile in the face. Only with this
gesture the person will not feel ignored, but as someone deserves to be greeted.

One woman interviewed in the film explains that she did not want to look at Johnny Barnes when she
was driving to work one morning because she wanted to “hold on to my unhappy moments.”

Why might someone want to hold on to unhappy moments? Is happiness a choice? Why or why not?
Respond in a paragraph of 5-8 complete sentences and restate the questions in your answer.
I think it's important to face difficult times, but that doesn't stop us from being happy. Sad moments
can be interrupted by some laughter or jokes. It is also different to glad and be happy. Glad is a rather
fleeting emotion and of moderate intensity. On the other hand, being happy is a deeper emotion that
transcends the moment and the circumstance. I do not agree with what this woman did, because joy
must always be welcome, otherwise we will be bitter people. Life with joy is easier and more

As portrayed in the film, a statue of Johnny Barnes was commissioned and erected at the Hamilton
traffic circle in his honor.

Imagine that you are chosen to write a plaque for the base of the statue. Create a one-sentence
inscription honoring Johnny Barnes.

I LOVE YOU, HAPPINESS. WITHOUT YOU LIFE IS SO BLACK!! We will all remember you with great
happiness your great service in this same traffic circle. As you would like, whenever we see you we
will smile.

Jane Goodall, educator and primatologist, said, “I have many kinds of happiness. I’m completely
happy when I’m alone in nature… I’m really happy when I sit around with friends in the evening,
particularly around a campfire where we can tell stories… I’m totally happy when I’m walking with a
dog. Dogs make me really, really, happy because you can just be yourself with a dog.”

When are you happiest? Respond in 2-3 sentences and use the stem, I am happiest when…
Mr. Happy Man
I am happiest when I am with my family, it is my comfort zone and I love them. Also when I'm with my
friends, they are important to me in my day, if they don't know what would become of me. When I go
to sleep, I am happy to be able to rest from a whole day of activities, and grateful to be able to rest in

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