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Team 1 “The Circuit Breakers”

Team Members: ABC, XYZ, PQR, STU

A Hexapod driven by a six-bar linkage avoids obstacles.

MEC101, Fall 2020 Robot Design Demo

Problem Statement
COVID 19 has required that we maintain social distance and clean our hands
regularly. However, people forget to do that. To solve this problem, we will
design a robot, which can follow people and remind them to maintain distance
and wash hands.
Proposed Solution
To solve this problem, we have designed a two wheel drive robot with an
ultrasonic sensor and a line sensor. The robot will move along a predefined
path and if it encounters someone, it will stop and beep at them and flash an
LED, which will serve as a reminder to wash their hands.
What our solution looks like

Insert a good Insert a good

quality photo of quality photo of
your robot. your robot with
yourself in it.
Robot Demo Video
Please make sure that you upload your robot demo to the youtube first and then embed it
here. Your robot should be demonstrated while narrating what it is doing and how it is
Simply recording the demo with no narration is not acceptable.
Do not insert video from your google drive and do not simply place a link.

Put the link to your YouTube video here.

Link to the recording of your presentation
Once you have recorded the video of your robot’s operation, you will be recording this
presentation with your team members. You can use zoom for this. Schedule a time when you
would record this. Make sure that each member participates in the recording. Everyone’s
face should be clearly visible.
This slide should not be shown during your recording of this presentation.

Put the YouTube link to your presentation recording here.

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