Quarter 1 WW 4

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Read the following questions then choose the best answer. Write your answers in your notebook.

1. Which of the following is the best statement on scanning strategy?

A. Scanning is gaining overview of the material and identifying the text you probably need to read.
B. Scanning is sweeping your eyes (like radar) over part of a text to find specific pieces of
information. You stop reading as soon as your eyes catch an important word or phrase requiring
C. Scanning is no substitute for thorough reading because it should only be used to locate material
D. Scanning is used to quickly locate specific information from a large quantity of written material.

2. Which of the following is the best statement on skimming?

A. Davy looks through a cell phone directory to find a cellphone number.

B. Davy reads a short text and puts events from it into chronological order.
C. Davy runs her eyes very quickly over large chunks of text, and she tries to pick up some of the
main ideas without paying attention to detail because she knows she needs to read fast.
D. Davy starts at the beginning of the reading and glides her eyes over the text very quickly. She
does not actually read the text in total.

3. Which of the following is the best statement on intensive reading practice?

A. Glancing through a magazine article, Joy decided that it was worth reading in-depth.
B. Starting at the beginning of the novel, Joy underlined the unfamiliar words and phrases but did
not stop the flow of her reading.
C. Reading a difficult passage through twice, Joy made some notes and looked for the main ideas
because knew that each paragraph should have main idea.
D. Searching for the meaning of unfamiliar words, Joy went back to reading the passage. If the
meaning of a word or passage still evaded her, she read on until the meaning was clear.

4. Which is the best statement on skimming and scanning?

A. Skimming and scanning are necessary to get a good mark on the different kinds of written
B. Scanning is often confused with skimming, but is in fact distinct reading strategy involving rapid
but focused reading of text, to locate specific information
C. While skimming tells you what general information is within a section, scanning helps to locate a
particular fact. Both reading strategies should be developed because they are important and useful.
D. Both techniques are similar in terms of being a lot faster than normal reading and both are not
aiming for full comprehension.

5. Which is the best way to skim a newspaper?

A. After reading the front page, you do a quick scan of the headlines and the first paragraphs.
B. After reading the front page, you quickly identify the main idea of the article.
C. You start with the sections that are most important to you and skip over the familiar paragraph
because sometimes information in a newspaper may be repetitive.
D. You review what's in the paper and then you proceed in reading your favorite page.

6. Which is the best statement on skimming an article?

A. Skimming can save you hours of laborious reading. 

B. Skimming is very useful as a preview to a more detailed reading or when reviewing an article
heavy in content.
C. Skimming is always faster than your normal reading. Its goal is to have a bird’s eye view of the
D. Skimming is always faster than your normal reading speed, but you should slow down in the
following situations: when you skim introductory and concluding paragraphs, when you skim topic
sentences, when you find an unfamiliar word and when the material is very complicated.
7. Which is the best statement when you skim a book?

A. You read the Preface if there is one for this will often lay out the overall thesis.
B. You read the Table of Contents for it gives the users an overview of the content and
organization and allow you to go directly to a specific chapter.
C. You use the skimming suggestions for articles for the chapter(s) you have selected and decide
whether to go on a more detailed reading.
D. You read the Introduction if there is one because it introduces the topic, explains its relevance
to the readers, states the purpose and outlines the main point.

For numbers 8-10, read the selection below and answer the following questions.


In the beginning there was only sky, sea, and a single bird. The bird grew tired and, while looking for
a place to rest, stirred up the sea until its waters reached the sky. The sky then showered the sea
with islands to calm it down and told the bird to pick an island to build its nest there.

One day, the bird was struck by a bamboo pole, the child of the land and sea breezes. Annoyed the
bird struck at the nodes of the bamboo until it split. From one half a man, Malakas ("strong one")
emerged and from the other half a woman, Maganda ("beautiful one"). Then the earthquake called
on all the birds and fish to see what should be done with these two, and it was decided that they
should marry. They had a great number of children.

One day the couple grew tired of the offspring's idleness and wanted to get rid of them. Malakas
grabbed a stick and started beating their children. This scared them so much that they fled to all
directions, seeking hidden rooms in the house. Some concealed themselves in the walls, some ran
outside, while others hid in the fireplace, and several fled to the sea.

Those who went into the hidden rooms of the house later became the chiefs of the islands. Those
who concealed themselves in the walls became slaves, while those who ran outside were free men.
The children who hid in the fireplace became dark-skinned; while those who fled to the sea were
gone many years, and when their children came back, they had white skins.

8. What main idea is stated in the first and second paragraphs?

A. It is a localized story.
B. An origin of how the first man and woman came to life.
C. A Philippine narrative that depicts how prehistoric people live because it explains the origin of a place,
thing, or idea.
D. A story displaying the rich and colorful culture of Philippines.

9. What was being shown in the third and last paragraphs?

A. Malakas and Maganda specified the places where their children went.
B. Malakas and Maganda explained how the children reached different places.
C. Malakas and Maganda all about the behavior of the children.
D. Malakas and Maganda eventually earned social classification according to their functions and status
because they had separated.

10. The selection is an example of a myth. Choose the best explanation that supports this.

A. The selection explains the origin of life.

B. The selection deals with the life of Malakas and Maganda. They are said to be the first male and
female on Earth.
C. The selection features Malakas and Maganda.
D. The selection is a myth because it provides a story on the origin of life.

1 A 2 Multistructural
B 3 Relational
C 3 Relational
D 1 Unistructural

2 A 1 Unistructural
B 2 Multistructural
C 3 Relational
D 2 Multi-structural

3 A 1 Unistructural
B 2 Multistructural
C 3 Relational
D 2 Multistructural

4 A 1 Unistructural
B 2 Multistructural
C 3 Relational
D 2 Multistructural

5 A 2 Multistructural
B 3 Unistructural
C 1 Relational
D 2 Multi-structural

6 A 1 Unistructural
B 2 Multistructural
C 2 Multistructural
D 3 Relational

7 A 1 Unistructural
B 2 Multistructural
C 2 Multistructural
D 3 Relational

8 A 1 Uni-structural
B 3 Relational
C 1 Uni structural
D 1 Uni structural

9 A 1 Uni-structural
B 2 Multi-structural
C 1 Uni-structural
D 3 Relational

10 A 2 Multi-structural
B 1 Uni-structural
C 1 Uni structural
D 3 Relational

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