Mathematics Questions (M1)

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1. Find Angle b 46° b

a. 44° b. 134° √ c. 314° d. 144°

(answer. 180-46=134)

2. Find angle x


y x

a. 40° b. 145° c. 140°√ d. 90°

(answer. 90-50=40...y=40)...(180-40=140)...(x=140)

3. Complete the statement -10 >

a. 9 b. 5 c. 0 d. - 11*

4. What is x

9cm x


a. 10.8 m b. 117 cm√ c. 54 cm d. 15 m

(answer. 9*9=81… 6*6=36…√117=10.8)

5. Find the perimeter of the rectangle



a. 12cm b. 16cm c. 32cm d. 24cm*

(answer. 8+8+4+4=24)

6 What is ¾ written as a decimal?

a. 0.75√ b. 75 c. .70 d. 750

(answer. 3÷4=0.75)

7. What is 10% of 750?

a. 75√ b. 750 c. .75 d. 70

(answer. 750÷100*10=75)

8. 2x + y = 10
3x – y = 6
What is x?

a. 3 1 b. 5 c. 31 d. 16
16 16 √ 5 3

9. Simplify 3 (6x + 4 y) = 17 (x – y)

a. x = -29y b. x = -5y c. x = 29y d. x = -17y

(answer... 3*(6x+4y) = 17*(x-y)

18x+12y = 17x-17y
18x-17x = -17y-12y

10. Express 8 as a mixed number.

a. 8 b. 1 15 c. 1 7 d. 17
15 8 15 8

2 3
11. Find the sum of 7 and 4

a. 1 1 b. 1 29 c. 1 7 d. 11
28 28 15 5

12. Find the Product of 2.5 and 0.5.

a. 1.25 b. 2 c. 12.5 √ d. 30
13. Captain G gross pay is $200,000 per month. If he has to pay 20% for Income Tax,
2% for NIS, 1% for NHT and 2% for Education Tax what is Captain G’s Net Pay?

a. $150,000* b. $50,000 c. $250,000 d. $15,000

(answer. 20+2+1+2=5)(5÷100×200,000=50,000)

14. Sergeant U has 360 rounds of ammunition to distribute to Lance Corporal (LCpl) F, Lance
Corporal (LCpl) M and Lance Corporal (LCpl) Z in the ratio 3:5:7. How many rounds did Lance
Corporal (LCpl) M receive?

a. 51 rounds b. 24 rounds c. 72 rounds d. 120 rounds√


15. A dealer buys 20 articles at a total cost of $5. He sells them for 30c each. What is the profit

a. 20% b. 16.7% c. 20 d. 10%√

16. Factorize x²+7x+12

a. (x+6) (x+2) √ b.(x – 12) (5 – 1) c. (x +4) (x +3) d.(x - ) (x – 3)

17. Find the simple interest on $500 borrowed for 4 years at 11% per annum.

a. $113.6 b. $2000 c. $200 d. $220

18. Simplify x² - 1
x -1

a. x b. x c. x–1 √ d. 1
x-1 x–1

19. If there are four (04) white balls and five (05) black balls in a bag. What is the probability that
you will choose a black ball?

a. 4 b. 9√ c. 5 d. 5
9 5 4 9

20. Find the average age of a team of boys given that four of them are each 15 yrs 4 months old
and the other three boys are each 14 years 9 months old.

a. 14 yrs 1 mth b. 16 yrs c. 15 yrs 1 mth d. 15 yrs 2 mths


1. A= 3, 5, 7, 9, Show 5 is a member of A.

a. 5 A b. A 5 c. 5 A√ d. 5 A

2. Given that = 22, find the area of the circle

7 cm 7

a. 88cm b. 44 cm c. 22 cm d. 154 cm2√ 

(answer. 22÷7*7*=154)


7 cm Find the area of the triangle

4 cm

a. 11 cm3  b. 28 cm √ c. 14 cm d. 56 cm3 

(1/2 base×height=2×7=14 )

4. 2 x 3 x 4
4 10 1

a. 5 b. 9 c. 3 d. 40
3 15 5 24√
5. 15 10 x 5
20 30 10

a. 1 b. 9 c. 11 d. 25 √
8 2 8 100

6. What type of angle triangle is this?

a. Acute-angled triangle √ b. Obtuse-angled triangle

c. Adjacent-angled triangle d. Right-angled triangle

7. A car travels a total distance of 200 km in 4 hours. What is the average speed?

a. 800 km/h b. 60 km/h√ c. 50 km/h d. 50 m/h

(answer. 200÷4=50)

8. A boy makes the following scores at a cricket tournament, 8, 20, 3, 0, 5, 9, 15, 12. What is the
average score.

a. 1210 b. 15 c. 12 d. 9 √

9. Convert the following fraction to percentage 7 .


a. 10% b. 100% c. 70%* d. 7% 

10. Express the ratio 4: 1 in the lowest term


a. 1: 1 b. 2: 1 c. 16:1 √ d. 4: 1
16 8 4

11. Divide $1100 into two parts in the ratio 7 : 3.

a. $336:$157 b. $330:$770√ c. $7.01:$3.00 d. $770:$330

12. If 25 kilograms of butter cost $37.50, how much does 8 kilograms cost?

a. $300 b. $12.00 * c. $4.69 d. $937.5

(answer. 37.50÷25×8)

13. Find (168)2 

a. 28224 √ b. 336* c. 300 d. 170

14. Find the square root of 16


a. 1: 1 b. 16 c. 5 d. 4 √
4 25 4 5

15. E
A If A = 1, 3, 5 , Find the complement of A

1, 3, 5,
2, 4, 6

a. A= 1, 3, 5 b. A= 2, 4, 6 √ c. A= 1, 3, 6 d. A= 1, 3, 5,
2, 4, 6

16. Simplify 33 + 11 x 7
14 49 10

a. 3 16 b. 3 13 c. 35 d. 3 13 √
13 7 7 14

17. Solve the equation 3x + 4y = 11

x - 4y = 15

a. y = 4√ b. y=-½ c. y=2 d. y = -2 8

18. Solve 7 p2 q3 when p = 5 & q = 4 

a. 840 b. 11200 √ c. 140 d. 16

19. A die is rolled. Calculate the probability of a number > 4 but <6.

a. 4 b. 1 √ c. ½ d. ¾
6 6

20. Find the H.C.F of 12, 6, 9

a. 6 b. 12 c. 9 d. 3√


1. 11 -12 4 + 3 x (6 – 2) Find the value.

a. 18 b. 7 c. 2 d. √20

( answer... 11-12÷4+3*(6-2)

2. Find angle C

a. 90° b. 140° c. 40°√ d. 220°

3. Complete the statement 3<

a. 1 b. 2 c. -4 d. 5√

4. B= 11, 12, 13, 1, 2 Show 11 is a member of B.

a. 11 B* b. 11 B c. B 11 d. 11 A

5. Find the area of the triangle

11cm Find the area of the triangle

7 cm

77 √
a. 77 cm b. 38.7 cm c. 38.5 cm d. 7 cm 

6. 4 2 x 5
3 10 4

a. 5 b. 81 c. 25 d. 8.33√
4 3 2

Given that = 22, find the area of the circle
10cm 7

a. 78.6 cm2 √ b. 314.3 cm2  c. 31.4 cm2  d. 15.7 cm2 

(answer... 22÷7*10*10=314.3)

8. A car travels a total distance 300 km in 5 hrs. What is the average speed?

a. 60 m/h b. 1500 km/h c. 6 km/h d. 60 km/h√

(answer. 300÷5=60)

9. A boy makes the following scores at a cricket tournament 12, 50, 10, 5, 0, 20. What is the
average score.

a. 19.4 b. 7½ c. 16.2* d. 97 

10. Convert the following fraction to percentage 12

a. 12 b. 60%* c. 20% d. 12% 

11. Express the ratio 20: 1


a. 200:1 b. 2:1 √ c. 20:10 d. 200:2 

12. Divide $1100 into two parts in the ratio 7 : 3.

a. $336:$157 b. $330:$770√ c. $7.01:$3.00 d. $770:$330

13. If 31 kilograms of sugar cost $51.20, how much does 12 kilograms cost?

a. $614.4 b. $37.20 c. $6144 d. $19.82√

14. Find (12.01)3 

a. 1728 b. 36.00 c. 1732.32√ d. 36.03

15. Find the square root of 144


a. 12 √ b. 72 c. 144 d. 40
13 84.5 169 60

16. E
B If B = 6, 7, 9 , Find the complement of B

6, 7, 9
12, 14, 16

a. B = 12, 9, 9 b. B= 6, 7, 12 √ c. B = 6, 7, 9 d. B= 12, 14,


17. Simplify the 7 2 + 3 2 x 6

9 18 7
a. 98 √ b. 8 18 c. 186 d. 3 2
9 21 21 6

18. Solve the equation 2x + 6y = 21

4x - 6y = 9

a. x = 10 ½ b. x = 10 √ c. x=5 d. x =3

19. Solve
a = 4, c = 3 & g = 0,
a2 c3 g

a. 12 b. 35 c. 216√ d. 0

20. Find the L.C.M. of 18, 9, 12, and 24

a. 12 b. 9 c. 3 d. 6

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