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Case Study — Predictive Analytics Skybase

Predictive Analysis in Parts Marketing for a Fortune 500 Company Bigdata Platform

Parts sales contribute more than a million USD a month in revenue for the client. After services revenue
includes warranty management, technical services, service contracts & part sales. As a proof of concept to
Introduction demonstration the power of predictive analytics, use case was developed and solution provided to im-
prove the revenue of part sales by identifying campaign opportunities, segment dealers, find sequential
purchase patterns and typical audience for a campaign.

 Data Preparation
 Data Quality Reporting
 Data entry errors & migration errors & impact analysis of measurement error
 Deployment of Predictive Analytics Scope
 Use case development & Analysis plan
 Modeling and Evaluate fit
 Presentation of results with interpretation

60% of the efforts were spent on data preparation and data wrangling tasks. Technical challenges in
providing access to data and inconsistencies in the data structure from the past migrations projects per-
formed by the clients made data preparation more challenging.
Challenges Data quality issue was of two fold, availability of predictor variables and correctness of the data. Required
predictor variables were missing in dataset hence the same had to be acquired from some other data
source and available data also were not completely accurate. Data loss as a result of cleaning up inaccu-
rate data was about 30%.

Data collected processed and loaded data from various datasource to a MySQL Database. Stored proce-
dures were created for various summaries, aggregation and extraction to feed to other applications for
analysis. The technology component of the completed solution included a small foot-print technology-
stack including Java, R-Programming, Angular JS.

Descriptive analysis and exploratory analytics performed as preliminary and intermediary steps for predic-
tive analytics were packaged as KPIs. These were delivered in a HTML based application with advanced
visualization and interactive charts. KPIs updated automatically as per the scheduled ETL job.

The below were delivered as part of predictive analytics:

 Principal Component Analysis was performed to reduce dimension and K-mean clustering was per-
formed to segment dealers and customer.
 Apriori algorithm was used to find frequent item sets and sequential purchase patterns in parts sales.
 Tree based models were delivered to predict whether a customer will participate in a campaign

Recommendation from Predictive Analytics for campaign management has resulted in 17% increase in
parts sales in the month following the implementation of the recommendation. A new project to improve
Results data quality was also initiated by the client after reviewing data quality report and KPIs were also moni-
tored regularly to have sound understanding of the business.

Gamma Analytics provides advanced data collection, analysis and management tools based 551 Wilmot Road
on a new model of leveraging technology, data science and research methodologies. The New Rochelle,
New York 10804,
+1 914 740 4067
company is headquartered in New York, US with development center in Kolkata, India. Do-
main expertise includes Telecom, Finance, Social Media, Automobiles & Retail United States

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