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SOCIETY AND CULTURE—Soc Sci 1 QUIZ Normal State – as to Durkheim, society is in what

state when they fulfill their function?

Science is the state of knowing.
Natural Science studies phenomena and processes Pathological State – what state if society do not
as well as objects in nature and provide systematic fulfill their functions?
information of non-human and physical aspects of Function – term used by Merton that refers to the
the natural world.
beneficial consequences of people’s action that
Social Science involved in the study of society, help keep a group.
social relations, and human behavior.
Dysfunction – consequences that undermine a
Pure Science – its goal is to discover truth system’s equilibrium.
Applied Science – the use of scientific knowledge Manifest Function – intended to help part of the
and theory for the solution of practical problems. system.
Anthropology – it refers to the science of human Latent Function – unintended consequences that
being. help a system adjust.
Father Valentin Martin – introduced sociology as Latent Dysfunction – unintended consequences
subject in the curriculum in 1896 at the University that hurt the system.
of Santo Tomas.
Conflict Theory – Theory developed by Marx
Imperialism; The success of American and French witnessing industrial revolution that transformed
Revolution; The turmoil of industrialization; The Europe.
success of the natural science – four factors
combined that led to the development of sociology. Bourgeoisie – refers to small group of capitalists
who owns the means to produce wealth.
Sociology refers to the science of society and the
social interaction taking place among individuals in Proletariat – refers to the mass workers who are
a social group. exploited.

Social Organization – This involves the study of Auguste Comte – Father of Sociology.
social groups, social institutions, ethnic relations, Positivism – refers to the idea of applying scientific
social stratification, social mobility, and method to the social world.
Sociological Imagination – This perspective opens
Social Psychology – this area studies human a window onto unfamiliar words and offers a fresh
nature and personality as the product of group life. look at familiar words.
Human Sociology – Deals with the human behavior Society – A group of people who shares a culture
of a given population in relation to its environment. and territory.
Symbols – refers to things which we attach Social Location – The corners in life that people
meanings. occupy because of where they are located.
Theory – refers to the general statement about Verstehen – to grasp by insight.
how some parts of the world fit together and how
they work. Subjective Meaning – the ways in which people
interpret their own behavior.
Symbolic Interactionalism – people use symbols to
encapsulate their experience. Social Facts – the pattern of behavior that
characterize a social group.
Structural-Functionalism – society is a whole unit
made up of interrelated parts that work together. Anthropology – the science of humanity and its
Universalism; Integration; Adaptation; Holism – 4
unifying themes of anthropology

Biological and Physical Anthropology; Socio-

Cultural Anthropology; Archeology; Linguistic;
Applied Anthropology – 5 subfields of

Cultural Relativism – perspective in anthropology

where everyone sees other cultures to the lens of
their own.

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