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PUBLISHED IN PAR EXTRAORDINARY GAZ LOK THE : OF PAKISTAN GOVERNML MINISTRY C REE OF PAKISTAN NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES, SULATIONS & COORDINATION Islamubad, the 22" January, 2019. NOT CATION -O. (1/2019. In exervise of the powers conferred by section 17 of the Pakistan Medicul and Dental Council Ordina 2019 (II of 2019), the Ministry, on recommendations of the Pakistan Medical and Deutal Council. is pleased 10 recognize thy following postgraduate qualilications granted by the Ziauldin University. Katehi and College of Physicians & Surgeons of Pakistan with Ziauddin University Karachi as recognized training institution, for the said additional medicul qualifications, by making us under an entry in the Third Schedule to the said Ordinance. namely: In the aforesaid ‘Third Schedule, in the Table, in Part-A, after last entries in the Grst second and third columns, the following new entries shall be added, namely:= wii University, Karachi Master of Public et Health Diploma in Medien! DM MS Orthopedic Master of Philosophy M.Phil Community Medicine in Community Medicine Doctor uf Medicine MD Rhcummology: 7 Rheumatolog, Docior of Medi Diagnostic Radiology College of Physicians & Surgeuns of Zinuddin University, Karaeht an MEPS (Anesthesiology) (Anissthesiology) Fellow College ut Physicians & Surgeons (Anesthesinlogy) FCPS (Anesthesiology) Meinber Colley Physiciins & Surgeons (Pediatrivs) Fellow Colley of Pysiciunis & Surgeon). MCPS (Pediauri¢s) FCPS (Peidinir’

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