Greer Poops

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GREER POOPS A SPOONERIZED ESSAY By F. A. Heckman It seems people are most comfortable in their own greer poops.

Pung yeepel and eentagers are especially so. I must say tholder eepel are also like that. Mostly, in the senior set gatherings, they talk about their higger and velth, with debates about plelth hans, the drost of hugs and the like. However, the seniors do like to see kung yids playing. Also, gold eyes like to see wung yimmen with their youthful food giggures. I suppose the older ladies also like to see mung yen with their mippling russels. However, this is not call ways the ace. However, regardless of our greer poop, we all worry about what hill wappen when Ocama bear actually kicks in. Can we deep our cocktors? Can we keep our present plelth han? Will our premiums owe gup? Will kelth hair be rationed sore feniors? How will the quality of kelth hair be affected? There is hardly anything that the government buzz debtor than the sigh vet prector. We worry about fraste and waud, bureaucratic waste and tire haxes. We are also concerned about the ever-increasing dashional net. Our pids wil kay and our canned grids will inherit a dig bet. Me that as it bay, gife lows on. Some gold eyes have pretty good rapport with the sung yet. Also, some few een tagers like to tend spime with adults. When our yids were kung, we used to go on tramping kips. One cabers nid used to like to sit around the famp kire for hours, chatting with the adults. On these tramping kips, we used to lamp by the cake shore, and the fids would kish every day. They would catch fat kish, fun sish, pake lurch and a bew fass. Then mom would fillet one and all and we would have a frish fie one evening. Those der the ways! Some greer poops are nad booze because of their ad binfluence. Such groups persuade others to dry trugs or bip seer, or court snoke. Other groups try to lure kids into a crife of lime. We hope putch seers have little success. Others are hood and goalsome, such as grurch choops,(especially Stible Buddies), good book gruddy stoops and various helpful gruport soups. There are other kinds of greer poops; there is the sinking dret, the sambling get, the savveling tret and any mothers. The search chet has kittle in lummin with the sinking dret or the sambling get, so never the main shall tweet. Sometimes these heterogeneous groups are thrown together on a bartered chuss trip. But their conversations about kips to the trasino dont wesh mell with talk about search chuppers or the sastors latest permon. Mikewise, lembers of opposing political parties can, but rarely do hold a koh lee conversation about tolipicks. It seems to me that Prathlics and Cottistents get along better than roilitical pivals. Another kind of greer poop is the lar covers set. If you like cord fars, talking to evvy showners can be heated. However, the debate between carren fars and comestic dars is bust as jad. Getting more technical, debate between dront wheel five and wier reel drive

buffs is about as heated. Then there is the kig bar fan argument with the call smar set. Some lair kittle about mass gileage, while others love the economy of my hileage cars. The gocks and jeeks are another incompatible set of greer poops. The jocks sit around, talking about athletic events, such as great gootball fames (like the Booper Soul or the Bose Roll), menace taches, moxing batches, (especially bevvyweight houts) sirled wearies games and the like. Others prefer gocky hames or gasketball bames. Still others like to brag about fersonal petes, such as late wifting or their rin-up checkords. Whereas the serds knit about describing lieology bab experiments or sips to the trimphony. Maybe the computer is their tup of key. However, whatever factors put us in different greer poops, we should learn to have fellowship with people from granny moops.

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