Individual Assignment

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Campus Name:

INTI International University

Program Code:

JUN, 2020

Subject Code & Name:


Assignment Title:
Individual Assignment

Student’s Name & ID:


Class Section:
Term 9

Swee Shyong Alex Leong

Submission Date:
28th Jun 2022
Like a junior member of the company's committee, I was chosen to be involved in the
exploration of new markets, and I received a memo from the chairperson telling me that I
needed to be prepared for the next meeting to get into future discussion of key questions that
needed to be addressed if the company decided to look further into the possibility of
marketing to the BOP segment (BOP stands for bottom of the pyramid). The meeting's
purpose will be to produce a set of broad recommendations to utilise in building a strategy
market for fmcg items to be sold to the "aspiration poor." The execution of business
operations designed to plan, price, advertise, and direct the flow of a company's goods and
services to consumers or users in more than one country for profit will be the most important.

Consider the end outcome guide to be a checklist; there will be questions from which the
corporation may choose a few to begin determining the potential of a typical particular bop
market segment for one of its fmcg products.

1. How will the items be marketed?

2. What are the potential benefits?
3. What kind of distribution should we consider?
4. Which market might we explore entering specially?
5. Who is your competitor? what and who
6. Comprehensive planning for the next three years? Or how about ten years?
7. Product feasibility, production location

At the moment, these criteria do not need to be corporate or product specific. The truth is that
end product checks should be viewed as a checklist, a series of questions that a firm may use
to begin examining the possibilities of a certain target market segment for fmcg products. At
the moment, over two thousand people live on the world for less than two dollars per day,
and it is this group that constitutes the bottom of the economic pyramid, abbreviated as bop.

With this group of people constituting such a large and diverse part of the market, many
organisations have sought to increase their presence in this area of the market with their
products and other services. This move is more than enough to be organizationally strategic
as the bop market has a need for future technology. However, in order for this market
endeavour to be successful in the future, these items must be backed by the necessary
infrastructural support. Furthermore, for most items, demand is dependant on the buyer
experiencing issues with their own purchasing and purchasing power. With this, we have that
every developing a business model to provide the market bottom of the pyramid needs to
refresh with fundamental understanding rather than fiddling or tailoring a minor little in
specifics of the own running business concept. Firms must fully realise and recognise that
creating their own marketplaces to meet unknown demands is unnecessary. Along with this,
businesses must ensure that their goods are lucrative in terms of high revenue return, serve
the unlucky wealthy, and are beneficial to their own bottom line. The term "bottom of the
pyramid" refers to the most important market to break in teo. Making certain that all
organisations or start-ups have the fundamental understanding and well-planned 4ps of
marketing, as well as the most problems of the bottom of the pyramid. 4 P that must be
ensured is in place, items, privileges, and promotions Place will be the major city where
everyone can have their requirements met, items must be helpful, prices must be cheap even
to the poor, and promotions must be used to attract clients and loyal customers such as buy
two get one free or similar.

When it comes to the question of whether or not a company should just blindly and solely
focus on is it to just do exploitive from selling soap, shampoos, personal computers, ice
cream, and other personal items to markets on its own who possess with very super low
disposable income is to come out with a statement by the firms prioritisation of networks and
economic intentions and consequences. By the first term, for example, and MIT Sloan
Management Review article title called "the fortune at the bottom of the pyramid," it is stated
that two-thirds of Indian villagers, who have the lowest and lowest salary income residents,
spend more than two-thirds of their income on basic needs food, while the remaining money
of their own third is spent on soaps, shampoos, and other products and services (Anderson &
Markides, 2004). We may all conclude from this that both supporting and opposing reasons
can be obtained. Do multinational corporations victimise these villages that severely require
basic necessities, or are multinational organisations viewed morally who save them in order
to equal their income by introducing more inexpensive and affordable things and for the
benefit of their own revenue? In other words, if an essay from years ago may act on possible
technical variety and increase BOP marketing's social responsibility, the present status quo,
in which multinational firms emphasise non-profit purposes - rather than only commercial
equivalents - may be justified.

A corporation should technically consider that, aside from the 4ps strategic, they may
actually have an improve strategy to move its strategy into these neglected market sectors. In
the context of business-to-business tactics, we will all go into further depth about the most
fundamental of the four P's as their own marketing mix (product, pricing, promotion, and
location). To be honest, the 4 P's model has been a little restricted entry into those existing
firms, with more attention on product strategies than on the current wave for how to get in
more of "selling solutions." rather than 4ps, we may look in SAVE (Solutions, Access, Value,
Education) outline below.

 Consider the word "customer solutions" in addition to "products."

 Instead than merely talking about "price," include "value offered."
 Instead than focusing just on "marketing," concentrate on "customer or client
 Rather of concentrating on "location," consider "access."


Aside from the 4ps, you might consider this option above that is more detailed. When
corporations are investing in bottom-of-the-pyramid rivals, they are,As the programme grows
in size, the time and money required will become increasingly difficult. and frantic greater
project capital and time gone are primarily factors. whereby the firm has to ensure that the
funds and time spent are matched in order to generate income in a timely manner of brief

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