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No.2003/Safety(A&R)/1/30 OFFICE MEMORANDUM GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) New Delhi, dt. (2. 01.2006 Sub: Derailment of 7201 Golconda Express at Warangal Station on Secunderabad Division of South Central Railway on 02.07.2003, ‘The undersigned is directed to refer to the Commissioner of Railway Safety’s letter No,T,12018/2/2003-RS dated 29.04.2004 forwarding a copy of Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety’s note on the captioned accident and to’state that the comments of the Ministry of Railways thereon are furnished in the Annexure, DA:As above. ‘The Commission of Railway Safety, Ministry of Civil Aviation, 16-A, Ashok Marg, ‘ Lucknow. Copy to: GM/South Central Railway satya ate “Be Srantvee- po. 1- 8G et aac. yy : PelgpOoaTe a a 6 (Amitabhy Director/Safety-IIL Railway Board Ele. Annexure (to Railway Board’s O.M No. 2003/Safaty(A&R)/1/30) Sub: Derailment of 7201 Golconda Express at Warangal Station on Secunderabad Division of South Central Railway on 02.07.2003, Cause & Respor ity: The cause of the accident and primary as well as secondary responsibility therefor, as established by the Commission has been accepted. As far as blameworthy responsibility is concerned the issue has been examined by the Board for its bearing on the subject matter and the same has not beén found feasible for acceptance. marks and Recommendati Para 91 Noted, Appropriate instructions have also been issued vide Board’s letters No. 2003/CE-IVTS/4 dated 01.08.2003 and 05.01.2004. (copies enclosed), Para 9.2, Noted. Action is being initiated on this, Para 9,3, 9.8 & 9.10 The position has already been explained by the Railway Adininistration to the satisfaction of the Commission. Para 9.4 Not Accepted, The recommendation examined but has not been found feasible for acceptance, as the present system is working satisfactorily. Para 9.5 Not Accepted. The recommendation has been examined, however, it gs not been found feasible for acceptance, Para 9.6 Accepted. The work of extension of pit line is for future requirement and at present the available length of pit line is adequate for all the trains, which are maintained at Guntur. The Railway has, however, been asked to expedite extension of the sanctioned work, Para 9.7 Not Accepted. Digital voice recorder is not considered useful for loco application. Para 9.9 Accepted. Trepanning tool has been included in the list of equipment of SPART in item 62 of recommendations of High Level Committee on Disaster Management. On successful trial, it will be considered for inclusion in ARMV. Para 9.11 Not Accepted. The recommendation has been examined but has not been found feasible for acceptance as the existing Twin Single Line working converted to orthodox double line working, will severely affect the section capacity and reception/dispatch of trains at KZJ. Para 9.12 Accepted. The specification issued by M.P Dte. of RDSO for micro controller based speed recording cum indication system provides for short term memory of three hours vide letter No.SD/Accident dated 02.07.04. Ministry of Railways recommends publication of the Inquiry Report. eeRR GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No.2005/Safety(A&R)/3/16 New Delhi, dt.A+.12.2005 General Manager, South Central Railway, Secunderabad, Sub: Derailment of 7201 Golconda Express at Warangal station of Secunderabad Division of South Central Railway on 02.07.2003, As per findings of CRS/South Central Circle, Safety and Operating Departments of Secunderabad Division were held blameworthy responsible in this accident, The General Manager/South Central Railway ‘had not agreed to fix blameworthy responsibility in this accident, Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety did not agree with General Managet/South Central Railway and upheld the views of CRS/South Central Circle, ‘The matter has. been examined and the Board has not agreed to fix blameworthy responsibility on Safety and Operating Departments of Secunderabad Division, 27 Aa! aos, (Vishnw Kumar) Director/Safety-Il Railway Board SS V2 oe GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS. c RAILWAY BOARD No. 2003/CE-IVTS/4, The Principal Chief Engineers," +. 7; CR, ER, NR; NER, NFR, SR, SCR, SER,Wi. mee The Chief Engineers, A ECR, ECOR, NCR, NWR, SECR ; SWR, WCR:: Sub: Maintenance of sand humps. : rf Ref: This Office letter of even n imber dated 04.0 200: requested (9 send.a certificate on completion of the drive that all sand humps are being maintained as per the standard drawing. In case of an exception'thereto! a list was also to be prepared and sent to Board in the format specilled thareinahour aes per éland we Replies have since been received from some of the Railways.’ However, on!» 7 a crosscheck, the Railways were not able to confirm that for sand humpsthal-were shown as not conforming to standard drawing at present, whether Rallwaystwill:be able to do the required maintenance and bring them up to standard !drawing‘las there may be space constraints or obstructicns in the form of cabin,’ levelterdssing, , and other structures ete, In view of this, the requisite information should be_sent as." under: } ot : rebat [logs the i f wi | ain!” uo Me Riy FOivn. No. of sand] Nos, out | No. out of (@) [Now ou oF (oy hump — that | of (3) that| that require } that cannot }be,|(3) exists * on} conform | | brought ip |. to}} the division, [to -std.| bring them | Std, Drg. due to-!; Drg. upto std. Org. : | constraints, *! 8 6 For all’ sand humps as per Column 5 above, the action plan and targat date for compliance be’sent as per following format. ER : fly Name of [Sand hump| Reason for non-| Target for, station location conformance al | compliance. : | present _ |_* 2 zs 5 6 0 5hty DocumentaiConrés\ug OSdoxPage-t of 3 ty s SY MAN Ae GOVERN Hee nila a DEN MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS Pol Te. gee é {RAILVIAY BOARD) a feo, 2003NCE-WSA uw Do "i ‘isan | Lhe Director General, ij u Pets * ROSO, Manak Nagar, . naean Lucknow. ; g emotion amide sub; Sand Humps: Ary tot nla $ got” ROSO' leltor No, CTIBUF dated 07.08.03. MS Alety 4 4.0 The preliminary repor, ey the Commission Railway: Gately! who enquired ino the accxtent of 7201 Gores ” had been 60% fecommendatton: via Eaprass at Warangal:on 02.07.2003, EERE) os seme une bark CRS had trade the following tmunadiole. ‘afety* gf dation sor stalions approached with continuous eet gradionl for 3 sonsidoronte length and having past history ‘o/ overshooting starter signals ove cis sceacl Port feng sng RamaTitearon yr9i,SuPUalo MI distance of 39-1 beyonet Shi bir no bfidges, steucturts OF 180} Bye wail 18 nol possible [9 adhe 19 Ns SFpujation in ou of Hhypout Goove distance, hydraulic bulfers r/ De promided.” ain tain endo thet The final report has also been, received now wherein CRS ying recommenstation *ADSO should review the desgntdrawing of sand hump inview of increas? ino speed on loop lines’ and cunning of loner goods Wains. For stalions wher ed numps have been provided in leu of ngequate.cisiance beyond starior signe eMper OR 340 Of S.C. Railway.’ Raley radiministration shoul! stipulate Cp rausiance of 30 Mls beyond sind Mute where there that be 1 mice ol Mterossings. At such loeelions Vnere © snot possible a ton ca hey of ab9.9 JO tits distance, ydrauticdictton bulle ive may be prowkied where ta sexidod Perr ‘ends, Necossary 1siruolior formeintenance scnvuute of Sand manprovarshoat ine as part of relevant Points Crossings inspection may be issued! : of sarid + atwvarangat fovardls Kozipet se tha ond. of formation bayend senzed portion aay insroased (0 stande'd tena ¥ » alfications as suggested in Pare 7.5 i Symilar modification may sobs cares ‘out for ollier sand humps s" ible. vj Fenglis of sand hump is 101 an setatuly 2 ansered by the Board. Sarl ME 4 3G aan repincoment of Signal eta, TTP veovision of @ signal ovatley roe ps aie 8 ctat2d Dy ste Ceretranls Oh Jarious locations, weosecinge are 1, - oe i on pohesiiia al all locations. 18 not practenlly (oasistem "od ‘rat. thers have 10 bo several postuble wakloh 70 10 bu calagoredd as most preferred solution and lonst preferted one solution, to be satulornity We has, theretore, bein and Ihese ha solution, / “4.0 Board (M.E.) have considered thal the issue needs further examination in keeping wilh the follo ving preferenae °f solution’ f Preference No, 1; Adequate length of signal overlap should be provided in E lieu of sand humo. This may necessilale land acquisition, construction of a i small bridge, shilling of level crossing gate, shilling of cabin ole. Wherever feasible, this may allomplod as the mast preferred solution, Preference Ko, 2: ‘Whererar its nol possible te replace.a sand hump vith adequate. length signal overlap, a modified design of sond hump. in conformity wilh CRS's final recommendations, reproduced at Para 2.0 above, may v8 needed. This modified design should bo with a view thal once a train has untered into a loop tine ala higher speed due lo pliher failure of the brakes of die to deze bein) inaltantive or olherwise, tha sand hump shoukt be aie to either stop the lrain oF to redues the impacl; ‘Te pedilicaliane. te design of sant hump can include: vory-atoop gradient slong with a dezd stop dleck’ol steepers filled up witli earth, which may be ‘ able to desorb some forceslimpact similar to hydraulic bulfer/iiclion butlers atc 4 ‘ RESO ma, row e28ign Gi sensi hump and meke efforts to \ vec 8 Modhed de id hump as per prelertod solution No, 2 above and acvise Soard for further necessary action. The design paramalers ¢.4.-Ieain ioad, speed, drackents within sand humps ele. which may be possible to be catered for, may Iso be advised AN early matter Lon esa be laiven 0 as (0 bo abie to lake @ finn! view In the «etre (Pradaep Kumar) Execullve Clvll.Enginoaring (P), “Railway Board, Copy to ED/TracidROSO for information, er ) Si ‘Our Ret! SB.Accident a w 7 Dt. 2.7.2004 Exe, Director/Mech, Engg, Railway Board, Rail Bhawan, NEW DELHI-110001 { ax No. : ULL — 23383167 ) Sub; Derailient of 7201 Golkunda Express at Warangal station of Secunderabad Division of South Central Railway on 2.7.2003, Ref Raliway Boar jer No, 2O0B/M(SafetyVH/2/SC/5 di. 23.6.2004. ease 1.0 The recommendations of CRS have been examined dnd comments are as under: 1. Bara 9.5 = RUSU should study — diesel locomotives. During, brake application by A-9 automatic brake valve on train, in order to release locomative proportionate brakes keeping train brakes in applied condition. locomotive brake release’ switch has been provided on both diésel and electric locomotives. This feature is provided on locomotive to facilitate its detachment from the train on which brakes are in applied condition, Instwuctions iv Railways issued vide RDSO Report No. MP.Misc,-88/99 (Revision-0.01), January'2000 clearly indicates that. during braking operation when speed of a running, train comes down, if proportionate brakes are in ‘operation, the train shatl be brought to stop with tram and loco air brakes on. In view of this, tae driver should not utilize this feature during normal operation of the train. Provision of locomotive brake release switch has been shown at item S. no.40 of RDSO deg, n0.$K.0P-2918 and SK.DP-3100 for dual brake and pure air brake diesel locomotives respectively. Similarly, this switch is shown at item no. 41 of RDSO dry. av. SX.DP-2350 & SK.DP-2610 fur dual brake and pure air brake eleeitic hucumotives. 1}, Para 9.42. RDSO should review specification - ~ of RDSO. LO *=The specitication isstied by M.P.Dte, tor micro controller based speed recording cum \ indicating system provides for'short term mentory of three hours, : 2.0 The enclosed tetier of GiM/Southern Railway along with Railway Board's letter under reference has not been received by this office. A copy of the same may please be sent Le (AK. Misra) DA:Nil. for Director General/(MP)

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