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Pre Final Exam

Question One “ Write Scientific Term ? “ Each Question for 2.5 Marks

1. An important source of stored energy; its breakdown to creatine plus a high-energy phosphate can rapidly fuel
the first 5 to 10 seconds of exercise

2. Energy System at which Point in exercise when lactate accumulation begins to kick in.

3. Organelles known as the “ Power House ” of the body’s cells, the location where most ATP production occurs.

4. A measurement of the amount of increase in blood sugar after eating particular foods.

5. A hormone secreted by the pancreas that is required for the transport of glucose from blood into tissues
6. The basic building blocks of proteins.

7. An organ between the esophagus and small intestine that stores swallowed food, mixes the food with stomach

8. A person who eats a plant-based diet and does not consume meat and poultry

9. The major form of cardiovascular disease that results when the arteries supplying the heart muscle (coronary
arteries) are narrowed or completely blocked by deposits of fat and fibrous tissue.

10. A precursor to a hormone

11. Medications or substances that lead to increased water loss from the kidneys

12. Synthetic drugs that mimic the effect of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in the body; cause rapid strength
gains but also carry significant toxic effects; expressly prohibited in sports competition.
13. Weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared; a proxy for measurement of body composition.

14. The net expenditure of calories created when calories expended exceed calories consumed

15. A feeling of being fully satisfied, when there is no longer a desire to eat.

16. Beverages containing carbohydrates, protein, or electrolytes & effective during workout

17. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension; an eating plan that is high in fruits and vegetables and low in sodium

18. The cells respond inefficiently or ineffectively to insulin.

19. Weakening of the bones, which can lead to bone fracture of the hip, spine, and other skeletal sites

20. Bacteria that can be consumed in foods or supplements that help the body maintain a healthy balance of gut
Question Two “ Short Essay Questions “ Each Question for 5 Marks

1. List and describe two chronic diseases that may afflict athletes
& the general nutritional principles to consider for each disease ?

2. Provide a list of five tips to offer athletes who would like to lose weight or muscle mass ?

3. List five health conditions that result from obesity ?

4. Outline an ideal nutrition program for optimal performance in endurance sports ?

Whose weights 70 KGs , his age 28 years old, and his height is 180 CMs

5. Identify ways to recognize and treat hyponatremia and dehydration.

6. Describe how gender, age, diet, and environment affect hydration status.

7. Recognize the major goals of pre-exercise, exercise, and post-exercise nutritional strategies.

8. Describe the pathway of glucose from food to fuel.

9. Explain how energy is stored in the skeletal muscles and other tissues ?

10. Explain the importance of water for health and athletic performance ?


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