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Computer Science & Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur €S20001, Discrete Mathematics Midterm Examination, Autumn 2011 | Midterm Examination, Sep 2011 Pull Marks: 60 ‘Time: 2 hours [Nene Ta ae Roll No: | 2 3 a 5 6 Total State whether tiue or false: [+1 for correct answer, swering} (a) [ ] There is a bijective function from R (the set of reals) to Q (the set of rationals). oc () [ ] Suppose f : A—+ B is an onto function. If A is countably infinite, then B is cither finite or countably infinite i () | ) If Uyen Ai (= 4o U Ai U --+) is countably infinite, then each of Aj,i > 0, is either finite or countably infinite. (Here N = {0,1,2,--}.) @ [ ]1£ Men Ai (= A041 42N: --) is countably infinite, i then each of Aj,i > 0, is countably infinite. for incorrect answer, 0 for not an- (5) (a) Let the Universe of Discourse be the sot of students at iitkgp, Likes(z,y) denote the [5] statement “x likes tOurse y”. Credited(, y) denote the statement “x credited course y” Express, in predicate logic, the following two sentences. i. “At least two students like Discrete Math, though not everybody likes it. fi, “No student liked every course he has credited.” (b) Check if the formula (p A g) ++ (+p —+ q) is a tautology. 3. the Calkin & Wilf tree is a tree in which the vertices correspond to the positive rational numbers. The tree is rooted at the number 1/1, and any rational number expressed in simplest terms as the fraction a/b has as its two children the numbers a/(a+) and (a+6)/b. (a) Show that all fractions in the tree are reduced. (Hint: you can use induction on the tree.) (b) Prove that every reduced fraction r/s > 0 appears in the tree. (Hint: use induction on the sum r +s) (©) Prove that every reduced fraction appears exactly once in the tree. (4) {3} 3] 4, (a) How many functions are there from a n-element set toa m-element set? {3} (b) How many onto functions are there from a n-element set to a 2-element set? (3) (©) How many onto functions are there from a n-clement set to a m-element set? (the [4] formula may be retained as a sum.) 5. (a) Prove or disprove: If a partially ordered set (X,~) has a single minimal element, then it is a smallest element as well. (An element z € X is called minimal if and only if there is no y ¢.X, 2% y, and y 1 such that p¥(i) = j. Prove that ~ is an equivalence relation on X. 3) 83] 4) 7 (a) Show that if the first 12 positive integers arc placed around a circle, in any order, there [5] exist three integers in consecutive locations around the circle whose sum is greater than 25. (b) Prove that 2% (i.c., the powser set of the sct of natural numbers) is not countably infinite. Show your proof in detail nl

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