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Chemical Engineering Journal 195–196 (2012) 233–240

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Photocatalytic decomposition of gaseous 1,2-dichlorobenzene on TiO2 films: Effect

of ozone addition
Sheng-yong Lu ⇑, Qiu-lin Wang, Alfons G. Buekens, Jian-hua Yan, Xiao-dong Li, Ke-fa Cen
State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Institute for Thermal Power Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

" Real destruction is the main reason

for removal compared to residual on
" There is an optimum dosage in
ozone addition.
" Ozone addition is an effective
method to reduce required
activation energy.
" Pathways based on the nature of
intermediate products identified are
" CO rather than CO2 is the main
product of aromatic ring cleavage.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Gaseous 1,2-dichlorobenzene (1,2-DCBz) was photocatalytically decomposed on a powdered TiO2 layer
Received 27 December 2011 using UV-light, or the latter combined with ozone addition. The effect of various experimental parame-
Received in revised form 27 April 2012 ters was studied, including inlet concentrations of ozone, UV irradiation or not, carrier gas (dry air or
Accepted 28 April 2012
nitrogen) and treatment time period. A temperature of 150 °C is selected, to replicate flue gas conditions
Available online 7 May 2012
after bag house filter. An optimum ozone addition of ca. 165 ppm was established, higher concentrations
barely improving photocatalytic removal. Possible pathways and mechanisms are discussed on the basis
of the intermediate products identified, the chloride ions distribution in the effluent and catalyst surface,
Gaseous 1,2-DCBz
Ozone-assisted photocatalysis
and a carbon conversion balance.
Intermediate products Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Degradation pathways

1. Introduction gas varies in wide ranges, i.e. 5–30 ng TEQ/Nm3 [2,3] and exceeds
the stringent emission limit of the European Union (0.1 ng TEQ/
Waste incineration reduces solid waste volume and allows Nm3). These semi-volatiles distribute between waste gas and fly
energy recovery. These two features explain its rapid expansion in ash [4]. Their adsorption on activated carbon [5] transfers dioxins
China for the last 20 years [1]. However, poor combustion and inad- from gas to solid residues. Additional treatment is still needed to
equate flue gas treatment lead to the emission of polychlorinated decontaminate ash and spent activated carbon.
dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans Photocatalysis has been proposed to destroy dioxins (along with
(PCDFs), in brief, dioxins. The concentration of dioxins in raw flue almost all other organic compounds) using TiO2 or other inorganic
catalysts [6–9]. TiO2-derived catalysts are widely applied because
of their high efficiency, chemical stability and low cost [10].
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 571 87952629; fax: +86 571 87952438. The basis of photocatalysis has been widely documented [11].
E-mail address: (S.-y. Lu). Several free radicals (OH, OOH, O
2 ) generated during photocatal-

1385-8947/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
234 S.-y. Lu et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 195–196 (2012) 233–240


A pre-exponential factor (s1) Qg volumetric flow rate of reactant gas at reaction

Cinlet inlet concentration of 1,2-DCBz (mmol/Nm3) temperature (ml/min)
Coutlet outlet concentration of 1,2-DCBz (mmol/Nm3) Q inlet molar flow rate of 1,2-DCBz (mmol/min)
Cr residual concentration of 1,2-DCBz on the catalyst R gas constant (8.314 J/K, mol)
surface RE Residual Efficiency (%)
CCOþCH4 CO + CH4 carbon concentration after photocatalysis r reaction rate (mmol/Nm3 s1)
(mmol/Nm3) S reactor bottom area (cm2)
CCl chloride ion concentration (mmol/Nm3) Tr room temperature (K)
DRE Destruction and Removal Efficiency (%) Tg reaction temperature (K)
Ea activation energy (kJ mol1) tg residence time of reactant gas in the reactor (s)
k rate constant (s1) te exposure time per unit catalyst surface exposed to
PDE Photocatalytic Degradation Efficiency (%) reactant gas (s/cm2)
PCDD/Fs polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans t photocatalytic reaction time (s)
Qr flow rate of reactant gas at room temperature (ml/min) V internal volume of the photochemical reactor (cm3)

ysis in the presence of H2O are active oxidants, strong enough to gussa) TiO2, particle size of 20–50 nm, composed of 80% anatase,
oxidize organics to CO2, H2O or other oxidation products. The 20% rutile, and with a B.E.T. specific surface SBET = 50 ± 15 m2/g.
superoxide ion radical O 2 not only intervenes in photocatalytic
reaction, but also generates reactive hydroxyl radicals OH respon-
sible for photo-oxidation in the atmosphere. 2.2. Film preparation and photocatalysis procedure
Both pure and doped TiO2 are applied to photocatalytic degra-
dation of organic pollutants. Recently, much work has focused on The deposition method described in [25] is used for coating the
aqueous media [12] and suspensions [13]. Dioxin surrogates, such TiO2 particles, exposed onto the UV-irradiated bottom of the
as monochlorobenzene and 1,4-dichlorobenzene are also de- quartz reactor, a rectangular parallelepiped with dimen-
graded in suspension [14,15]. The strong toxicity of dioxins as sions: length  width  height = 200 mm  50 mm  10 mm. The
well as the difficulty of developing stable generation systems required TiO2 coating density (2 mg/cm2) is obtained by repeating
has restricted direct application of dioxins in lab-scale tests. Only the same coating procedure a number of times. Scanning electron
few photocatalytic degradation experimental studies focus diox- microscopy (SEM) images show the surface morphology of the TiO2
ins directly [16–20]. Hence, in most cases model compounds, film, constituted by discrete particles (Fig. 1a) and forming a uni-
e.g. chlorophenols, chlorobenzenes, or polychlorobiphenyls, are form film on the bottom of the reactor. Higher magnification
used as substitutes for dioxins. Okumura et al. investigated (Fig. 1b) shows the catalyst surface as an association of
PCDD-conversion over an innovative multicomponent catalyst nanoparticles and its porous structure. Particle size (20–50 nm)
[21] and compared this with o-chlorophenol conversion over stays unchanged after coating; inter-particle pore sizes vary be-
the same catalyst; the results showed great similarity. In this pa- tween 50 and 125 nm. The porous structure enlarges gas to particle
per, gaseous 1,2-dichlorobenzene (1,2-DCBz) was selected as contact, enhancing photocatalysis, as far as light penetration into
model compound for dioxins and comparable chlorinated this structure is not entirely obstructed.
refractory compounds. A thermostatic bubbler is used to generate gaseous suitable 1,2-
Furthermore, ozone addition was reported to enhance catalytic DCBz concentrations in the carrier gas stream selected (air or nitro-
decomposition of organic compounds [22–24], due to catalyst gen). The resulting stream is led to the photocatalytic reactor, after
activation and/or creation of additional activated species. Thus, dilution by a second carrier gas stream and (possibly) ozone, and
the present paper reports on synergetic effects of UV-irradiation, mixing by static gas mixers. Mass flow meters are employed to reg-
photocatalysis, and oxidation by ozone in the decomposition of ulate the flow rates of the carrier gas streams and thus establish
1,2-DCBz. Moreover, various experimental parameters, including the inlet concentration of 1,2-DCBz. A 500 W mercury lamp (dom-
carrier gas composition, and exposure time per unit catalyst inant wavelength 365 nm) is positioned above the reactor as ultra-
surface to the gas stream are evaluated. Possible pathways are violet light source. The surface temperature of the lamp could
discussed, based on identification of intermediate products and reach about 300 °C, so it remains fixed outside the reactor and dur-
inorganic chloride ions, and on establishing the carbon balance. ing operation it is cooled by an air fan. The quartz photocatalytic
This study provides experimental stepping-stones for further re- reactor is designed as a shallow rectangular parallelepiped, with
search on catalytic photolysis of PCDD/Fs in flue gas from actual its entire bottom (area 100 cm2) irradiated, exposing the catalyst
incinerator plant. Therefore, the reactor is heated to 150 °C to sim- film to the UV-light source. The reactor is heated to 150 °C, its tem-
ulate such conditions. perature maintained by heating tape, wrapping sides and bottom
of the reactor. The vertical distance between lamp and reactor bot-
tom (with TiO2 film coating) is 5 cm; the light intensity reaching
2. Experimental the catalyst upper surface, as measured by a UV-irradiatometer,
is 14.8 mW/cm2.
2.1. Materials Experiments start by connecting the 1,2-DCBz generator with
reactor and subsequent tail gas absorbers and turning on the
All reagents, including 1,2-DCBz, hexane, sodium bicarbonate light source about 30 min after the thermo-regulated bubbler
and potassium iodide are analytical grade. High purity nitrogen and the flow rate of carrier gas have attained the desired reaction
(>99.999%) and air are used as dry carrier gas. All are used without conditions, including the selected inlet concentration of 1,2-DCBz.
further purification. A commercial catalyst is selected, i.e. P-25 (De- The flow rate of carrier gas through the bubbler is fixed at 50 ml/
S.-y. Lu et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 195–196 (2012) 233–240 235

Fig. 1. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images of TiO2 film. (a) Magnification of 104 and (b) magnification of 105.

min. The different inlet concentrations of 1,2-DCBz are obtained PDE ¼ ðCinlet  Coutlet  Cr Þ=Cinlet  100% ð2Þ
by varying the temperature of the bubbler between 40 and
50 °C. Unconverted 1,2-DCBz is sampled at the outlet, after pho- RE ¼ Cr =Cinlet  100% ð3Þ
tocatalytic (or other) reaction, and analyzed at regular intervals.
where Cinlet (mmol/Nm3) is the inlet concentration of 1,2-DCBz;
Two absorption bottles in ice-bath each with 150 ml hexane are
Coutlet (mmol/Nm3) the concentration of 1,2-DCBz in tail gas and,
connected in series to absorb any 1,2-DCBz remaining in the tail
Cr (mmol/Nm3) the concentration of residual 1,2-DCBz on the cata-
lyst surface as established by extraction after finishing the
2.3. Analysis From the volumetric flow rate of reactant gas Qg and the
internal volume of the photochemical reactor V, the residence time
Quantitative analysis of 1,2-DCBz concentrations proceeds by tg of reactant gas inside the reactor at 150 °C can be derived as
gas chromatography using an Agilent 6890N GC, equipped with Eq. (5).
electron capture detector (ECD) and a 30 m DB-5 column. Oven
Tg 423 K
temperature initially is maintained for 4 min at 80 °C, then in- Qg ¼ Qr  ¼ 100 ml= min  ¼ 141 ml= min ð4Þ
creases to 106 °C at 5 °C/min and to 250 °C at 8 °C/min; then, the Tr 300 K
final temperature is held for 4 min.

The chloride ion (Cl) concentrations in both tail gas (Cltg ) and tg ¼ V=Q g ¼ ð200 mm  50 mm  10 mmÞ=141 ml min

rinse liquid (Clad ) are analyzed by means of Ion Chromatography ¼ 42:6 s ð5Þ
(Basic 792). The samples arise either from absorbing Cl from tail
gas, or from rinsing the catalyst surface with 1  104 mmol/Nm3 Bearing in mind that the reactor bottom (area S) is uniformly cov-
NaHCO3 and KI aqueous solution. Potassium iodide (KI) allows ered with catalyst, an additional measure of catalytic contact time

detecting whether Cl2 or ClOx is generated during photocatalysis: can now be defined by:

if the samples remain colorless, no Cl2 or ClOx is present. The
te ¼ t g =S ¼ 42:6 s=100 cm2 ¼ 0:426 s=cm2 ð6Þ
chloride ion distribution (in tail gas or as residual chloride ex-
tracted from the catalyst) is closely linked with photocatalytic re- yielding the exposure time te per unit catalyst surface exposed to
moval efficiency; it throws some light on the pathways of reactant gas.
photocatalytic reactions. Intermediates (chlorobenzene, methyl- In MSWI flue gas the PCBz concentration value is quite low
benzene, and organic acids) are analyzed by Gas Chromatogra- (<0.045 mmol/Nm3). However, it is difficult to generate 1,2-DCBz
phy–Mass Spectrometry (GC–MS, Trace DSQ II, Thermo concentrations reliably at such low levels suitable for lab-scale
scientific). The GC–MS is equipped with a DB-WAX capillary col- experiments (e.g., due to wall adsorption). Baseline values of Cinlet
umn (column length 30 m); the NIST Mass Spectral Search Program and te of respectively 3.9 mmol/Nm3 and 0.426 s/cm2 are adopted
is used for identification. A Fourier transform infrared gas ana- in this comparative testing. Photocatalytic removal of 1,2-DCBz is
lyzer GASMET – FTIR (Dx 4000) equipped with infrared source suitably efficient during the full 120 min test, since DRE attains al-
(Sic, 1550 K), sample cell (temperature: 180 °C) and a ‘‘Calcmet most 100%, in particular during the first 30 min (Fig. 2). Thus the te
Library search program’’ ensures the on-line analysis of inorganic value of 0.426 s/cm2 set during this test is sufficiently high.
products (e.g. carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride, methane) in This DRE-value consists of PDE proper and of RE, residual 1,2-
the tail gas stream. DCBz remaining on the catalyst. The RE-value after photocatalytic
reaction, however, at most represents less than 5%. Therefore deg-
3. Results and discussions radation dominates DRE, and the contribution from RE becomes
virtually nil after only 30 min.
3.1. Photocatalytic destruction and removal efficiency DRE According to this study 1,2-DCBz is almost totally decomposed
while it is still adsorbed onto the catalyst surface. However, both
Eqs. (1)–(3) define the terms (largely Photocatalytic) Destruc- DRE and PDE gradually decline during operation, at a time scale
tion and Removal Efficiency (DRE) as composed from two contribu- of only 2 h (Fig. 2). Deactivation becomes stronger at higher
tions: Photocatalytic Degradation Efficiency PDE and Residual 1,2-DCBz concentrations. The reduction in PDE may be linked to
Efficiency RE: a waning adsorption ability of the catalyst, possibly related to
the accumulation on the catalyst of intermediates, occupying ac-
DRE ¼ ðCinlet  Coutlet Þ=Cinlet  100% ð1Þ tive sites and restricting additional adsorption of 1,2-DCBz.
236 S.-y. Lu et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 195–196 (2012) 233–240

Fig. 2. The proportion of PDE and RE in DRE during 2 h reaction (Cinlet = 3.9 mmol/Nm3, te = 0.426 s/cm2, air as carrier gas).

Fig. 3. Adsorption properties of fresh catalyst and used catalyst towards 1,2-DCBz compared to DRE when light is on (Cinlet = 3.9 mmol/Nm3, te = 0.426 s/cm2, air as carrier

This trend is confirmed in Fig. 3, comparing the adsorption

capacity of fresh and of used catalyst, i.e. before and after a photo-
catalytic test. Fresh catalyst at the start (when the light is still off)
adsorbs about 58% of the Cinlet. Once the UV lamp is turned on,
the DRE far exceeds the efficiency related to adsorption alone (with-
out light). Conversely, photocatalytic decomposition ends at once
as soon as illumination stops and then the catalyst shows much
lower RE than that at the start with fresh catalyst. Also, the DRE-va-
lue obviously drops for catalyst that was used once before in an
adsorption test (Fig. 3 vs. Fig. 2): compounds adsorbed onto the cat-
alyst surface and thus occupying active sites reduce PDE. Hager
et al. [26] established the maximum adsorption capability of the
photocatalyst (cfr. Fig. 3): given enough time, adsorption tends to
saturate the catalyst film in the absence of UV light.

3.2. Oxidants assisted photocatalysis

3.2.1. Oxygen-rich and oxygen-free photocatalysis Fig. 4. Effect of reaction atmosphere on DRE and inorganic carbon conversion
The presence of oxygen stimulates DRE (Fig. 4). Oxygen has the efficiency. (Cinlet = 28.6 mmol/Nm3; te = 0.426 s/cm2, reaction time = 3.5 h).
ability of capturing photo-generated electrons, thus successfully
restraining recombination of electron–hole pairs (reaction (8)). It
O2 þ e ! O2 ð8Þ
is also the source of superoxide ion radicals O 2 that accelerate
reaction [11]. Valuable, yet little OH and OOH are formed in the According to the tail gas composition established by GASMET,
case of completely dry air as carrier gas. The effect of water has carbon monoxide CO, hydrogen chloride HCl and trace methane
been studied in Ref. [27]. CH4 are the three main products under oxygen-rich conditions;
hv þ
this implies cleavage of aromatic rings, as well as dechlorination.
TiO2 ! h þ e ð7Þ Carbon monoxide CO rather than carbon dioxide CO2 is the main
S.-y. Lu et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 195–196 (2012) 233–240 237

product. Einaga et al. [28] photocatalytically decomposed gas-

phase benzene over both TiO2 modified with Pt (Pt/TiO2) and pure
TiO2 catalysts, with CO2 and CO as main products, yet stressing that
conversion of CO to CO2 does not occur over pure TiO2 catalyst.
Hence, CO is not an intermediate of CO2, consistent with the results
from GASMET analysis results in this study. Eq. (9) states that in air
around 30% of organic carbon in the aromatic ring is converted into
inorganic carbon after 3.5 h of photocatalytic decomposition. How-
ever, only HCl but no CO or CO2 is detected in the tail gas, as for an
oxygen-free environment, suggesting that O2 and O 2 facilitate the
mineralization of organic compounds; moreover, de-chlorination
instead of benzene ring cleavage is the main reason for 1,2-DCBz
degradation in absence of oxygen.
Inorganic chlorine may either remain adsorbed onto the cata-
lyst surface, or report to tail gas. Both rinse liquid and tail gas
absorption liquid were collected and analyzed through ion chro-
matography to investigate dechlorination efficiency calculated by
Eq. (10). The results shown in Fig. 5 affirm that dechlorination is
Fig. 6. Comparison of removal efficiencies of 1,2-DCBz by TiO2/UV/oxygen, ozone,
more complete with oxygen in carrier gas and again substantiate Ozone/UV and Ozone/TiO2/UV respectively (Cinlet = 27.8 mmol/Nm3, te = 0.036 s
that the photocatalytic removal efficiency is due to degradation, /cm2, ozone concentration = 110 ppm, reaction time = 3.5 h).
not to adsorption. Furthermore, in the absence of oxygen the
inorganic chloride, generated by photocatalysis, tends to remain
on the catalyst rather than to report to tail gas as hydrogen chlo- (only 5%). In an Ozone/TiO2/UV process gaseous 1,2-DCBz may be
ride, which may be a major reason for catalyst deactivation. destroyed through one of the following pathways:

Inorganic carbon conversion efficiency (1) Direct photolysis of 1,2-DCBz by UV. Even without catalyst
¼ CCOþCH4 =Cinlet6  100% ð9Þ 1,2-DCBz can be still photo-decomposed: 1,2-DCBz has its
proper UV light absorption ability, thus subjecting 1,2-DCBz
to direct photolysis (the same process is responsible for
Dechlorination efficiency ¼ CCl =Cinlet2  100% ð10Þ atmospheric photodecomposition, restricting the atmo-
spheric lifetime of most organic compounds):

3.2.2. Ozone assisted photocatalysis 1; 2  DCBz þ hv ! oxidation products ð11Þ

The contact time parameter te is drastically reduced from
0.426 s/cm2 to 0.036 s/cm2 by increasing the flow rate Qr from
100 ml/min to 1200 ml/min. For simulating photocatalytic clean- (2) Direct oxidation of 1,2-DCBz by ozone. Ozone is a strong oxi-
up conditions more realistically, the physical residence time is re- dant, widely used in the treatment of potable water and
duced from 42.6 to 3.6 s. Thus, the average DRE obtained during wastewater because of its oxidation and disinfection capa-
the 3.5 h period of irradiation through TiO2/UV significantly drops bilities [29–31]. In this case, ozonation of gaseous 1,2-DCBz
from 90% (Fig. 4) to around 5% (Fig. 6). Further work will look at in air removes on average less than 3% of 1,2-DCBz (Fig. 6).
this important parameter in more detail. Hence, only little 1,2-DCBz is oxidized directly by ozone
Fortunately, this dramatic loss in DRE can still be corrected by alone according to:
addition of ozone, which accelerates reaction rates dramatically
(Fig. 6): the DRE (77%) is markedly higher at an ozone dosage of 1; 2  DCBz þ O3 ! oxidation products ð12Þ
110 ppm in TiO2/UV (i.e. Ozone/TiO2/UV), than that without ozone
(3) Indirect oxidation of 1,2-DCBz by radicals generated via TiO2
photocatalysis (TiO2/UV) or by ozone photolysis (Ozone/UV).
Simultaneous application of ozone with UV (i.e. Ozone/UV),
greatly increases the DRE, when compared to direct ozona-
tion alone (Fig. 6), because of the generation of supplemental
oxygen atom O through ozone photolysis:

O3 þ hv ! O þ O2 ð13Þ

Ozone/UV realizes an obviously more attractive DRE compared to

TiO2/UV, because the generation of O 2 relies on absorption of O2
onto the catalyst as a first step in TiO2/UV process, which is much
slower than ozone photolysis. Secondly, there is also the contribu-
tion of homogeneous gas-phase reactions in the Ozone/UV system.
The heterogeneous reaction in the TiO2/UV process is held-up by
mass transfer from the gas to the catalyst surface [32].
In the Ozone/TiO2/UV process, the DRE rises sharply to 77%,
much more than the individual contributions of TiO2/UV (5%)
and Ozone/UV (25%). This implies that synergetic effects occur in
Fig. 5. Dechlorination efficiency under oxygen-rich or oxygen-free conditions the Ozone/TiO2/UV process. Ozone substitutes oxygen as photo-
(Cinlet = 28.6 mmol/Nm3, te = 0.426 s/cm2, reaction time = 3.5 h). generated electron acceptor and forms OH free radicals by
238 S.-y. Lu et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 195–196 (2012) 233–240

reactions (14)–(16). The H+ derives from the C–H bond broken dur- Table 1
ing the photocatalytic decomposition of 1,2-DCBz. The reaction rate constants k of different reaction conditions.

Reaction atmosphere te (s cm3) k (s1)

O3 þ e ! O3 ð14Þ
TiO2/UV/N2 0.426 0.030
TiO2/UV/O2-21% 0.062
O3 þ 
þ H ! O3 H ð15Þ TiO2/UV/O2-21% 0.036 0.013
TiO2/UV/O3-55 ppm 0.289

O3 H ! O2 þ  OH ð16Þ TiO2/UV/O3-110 ppm 0.410
TiO2/UV/O3-165 ppm 0.593
TiO2/UV/O3-220 ppm 0.558
Ozone, however, not only promotes photocatalytic reactions, but
also competes with the photocatalyst for UV rays [33], as shown
in reaction (14). Moreover, excess ozone eliminates hydroxyl radi-
cals by reaction (17) [34,35], which blocks the photocatalytic k ¼ A expðEa =RT g Þ ð21Þ
From Table 1 it follows that different reaction conditions result
O3 þ  OH !  O2 H þ O2 ð17Þ in different rate constant values k. Both te extension and oxidant
addition lead to higher rate constant values k, possibly indicating
Thus high ozone concentrations actually attenuate photocata-
a reduction in activation energies (as Tg fixed at 150 °C) according
lytic removal (Fig. 7).
to Eq. (21).
The DRE-value in Ozone/TiO2/UV treatment increases almost
Ozone addition benefits the photocatalysis reaction most: as
linearly with ozone concentrations ranging from 0 to 165 ppm.
shown in Table 1, k-value for photocatalytic decomposition of
Further ozone addition (e.g. 220 ppm) brings a slight drop, ascribed
1,2-DCBz with 55 ppm O3 (TiO2/UV/O3-55 ppm) is 0.289, which is
to UV-absorption by ozone, as well as scavenging of hydroxyl rad-
respectively about 22 times or five times higher than that for
icals by ozone. Consequently, some 165 ppm is regarded as opti-
TiO2/UV/O2-21% with te = 0.036 s/cm2 or 0.426 s/cm2. Nevertheless,
mum dosage of ozone under these experimental conditions.
further O3 concentration increases cannot further enhance k once
the ozone dosage reaches 220 ppm, which is consistent with the
3.3. Kinetics study of photocatalysis reaction results in Fig. 7.

Photocatlytic decomposition of organic compounds was re-

ported according to the first order reaction kinetics equation 3.4. Reaction mechanism
As explored above, any intermediate products adsorbed on the
r¼ ¼ kCoutlet ð18Þ photocatalyst may restrict or even suppress further decomposition
dt of 1,2-DCBz. Moreover, various intermediates, derived from photo-
The above equation can be integrated to catalytic decomposition of 1,2-DCBz, are identified in the rinse li-
quid by GC–MS analysis. These intermediates indicate possible
lnð1  DRE=100Þ ¼ kt ð19Þ pathways of photocatalytic decomposition, when analyzed jointly
with the tail gas compositions established by means of GASMET.
The reaction rate constant k is thus calculated as: Based on the above findings, two different pathways for photocat-
alytic decomposition reaction with or without oxygen are
k ¼ Q =CinletV  106  lnð1  DRE=100Þ ð20Þ suggested.
In the case of dry air as carrier gas, DRE of 1,2-DCBz (above 90%)
Moreover, the relationship between activation energy Ea and rate is obviously higher than the conversion efficiency of organic car-
constant k is expressed by the Arrhenius equation [38]: bon to inorganic carbon; the difference probably corresponds to
dechlorination and decomposition of 1,2-DCBz to other organic
compounds. Photo-generated electrons (e) are preferentially cap-
tured by oxygen as reaction (23) generating O 2 . Considering the
ortho-para directing effect of Cl atom in the aromatic ring, the po-
sitive photo-generated hole (h+) tends to attack its ortho (shown in
reaction (22)) or para position. The further cleavage of aromatic
rings is induced by the super oxide ion radicals O 2 (rather than

OH and OOH due to the absence of water). CH3CHO and
CH2(CH)3COOH are detected by GC–MS as the reaction intermedi-
ates further verifies the occurring of ring cleavage, consistent with
the findings from Sobczyński et al. [39], reporting the presence of –
CHO and –COOH intermediates during the photocatalytic decom-
position of phenol. Toluene and o-xylene are also detected as inter-
mediates, which may be due to the reaction between methyl
groups and benzene, produced during aromatic ring cleavage and
dechlorination, respectively.
Under anaerobic condition (nitrogen as carrier gas) dechlorina-
tion proceeds easier (following the reaction (25)), now that no oxy-
gen competes with 1,2-DCBz for photo-generated electrons (e).
Cleavage of an aromatic ring is not usual under anaerobic condi-
tions. As a result, PDE depends mainly on dechlorination. The
Fig. 7. Impact of ozone concentration on DRE in Ozone/TiO2/UV process vaporization of HCl from catalyst surface postpones the deactiva-
(Cinlet = 27.8 mmol/Nm3, te = 0.036 s/cm2, reaction time = 3.5 h). tion of the catalyst and helps to carry on photocatalytic decompo-
S.-y. Lu et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 195–196 (2012) 233–240 239

sition. In anaerobic conditions, however, chloride ions separated Acknowledgements

from 1,2-DCBz tends to accumulate onto the catalyst surface (as
shown in Fig. 5) as no water present to provide H+ or OH; there This work was supported by the National State Basic Research
they contaminate the active sites, obstructing further photocata- Program of China (973 Program, 2011CB201500), National Project
lytic reactions and resulting in relatively lower DRE. Excess of Scientific and Technical Supporting Program (2007BAC27B04),
electrons not captured by O2 may also attack the carbon-chlorine Zhejiang University Y.C. Tang Disciplinary Development Fund,
bonds of the aromatic ring even in oxygen-rich environment, as and Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to University
follows from the detection of monochlorobenzene in both (No. B08026).
oxygen-rich and oxygen-free environments.

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