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At Laurus we aim to deliver a high-quality dining experience alongside high-calibre talent. We are a
customer-focused hospitality business that pushes the boundaries on what is familiar and nostalgic yet
infinitely explorative and bold. We aim to create a destination where our customers feel inspired as they
step into an experimental hub of diverse ideas yet still grounded by our respect for the past. We also
place value on building trusted relationships that will help us reach and live out our purpose.

To do this, we need a road map of how to proceed in our daily tasks and roles. We need a code or a
set of standards that we all uphold so that we can realise this purpose. These standards build trust and
respect within our team and develop our culture. This sets us up for success to deliver a truly world class
experience for our customers, team members, suppliers and community as a whole. The following are
our standards.

1. Guests are our focus and priority. being served by somebody who is clearly focused on some-
thing else (partner, parents, dog, how you are going to cook
Our customers are our guests and they need to be our pri- your dinner when you get home). This will build you as a
ority. If a customer needs attention or assistance, this needs professional and is a key driver of great service in any indus-
to take priority. Our customers should always feel valued, try.
appreciated and taken care of. Without our customers, we
don’t have a business. It’s that simple! 6. Eye contact and smile.

2. When a guest is walking through the restaurant, we Please make sure you use eye contact when dealing with

stand aside to let them through. They have priority of way at other people. That is staff, guests, suppliers or anybody. This

all times. This makes them feel valued and appreciated. is a clear way to show people you see them and they are
valued. When you put down a guests food, drink or pour
3. When a staff member is carrying plates with freshly plat- some water, eye contact and smile, each and every time. This
ed food on them, we stand aside and let them through. is engaging, professional and conscious service.

4. Be prepared. 7. It is everybody’s responsibility to run food and drinks to

our guests.
That is with a clean and presentable uniform, always carry-
ing a wine knife, notepad, 2 pens. Hair neat, cleanly shaved 8. Once you are assigned a section, it’s your responsibility.
(or neatly trimmed if you wear a beard or facial hair), clean
shoes, clean pants, clean hands and any cuts covered with a If you are assigned a section, then each table and customer

band aid. No touching your face or hair whilst front of house in that section is your responsibility. Ensure your customers

and if you do, immediately wash your hands. see you in the section and always be on the lookout for eye
contact and customers looking around for help. Once the
5. You are focused whilst at work. sections are assigned, if there are issues, the manager needs
to know where to go for answers quickly.
That is focused on work and being consciously engaged in
service and what you are doing. There is nothing worse than


9. Anybody who walks into the restaurant, gets treated like 15. When you clear a glass or a plate off a table, you can-
a guest. not go to another table with the dirty item. You need to place
the glass on a tray or take the plate out to the kitchen-hand
That goes for suppliers, somebody’s friend, and staff members area, before you can go to another table. That way, we’re
not on shift. They should all be offered water and a comfort- always approaching a table clean and presentable.
able place to sit even if they say they are fine.
16. When carrying plates, you should aim to carry two
10. Dietary requirements are serious and need to be treat- plates in one hand, leaving the option for a third plate in
ed as such. your second hand. If you are only carrying two plates, these
should still be done in one hand, leaving your free hand to
Ensure you fully understand our system, your responsibility
stop other team members or customers walking into you. This
in this and how to communicate to other team members. You
is also a professional look for the venue if all adhere to this
will be issued with dietary information on our menu, ensure
standard for both freshly plated food going to a table and for
you take the time to read this.

11. We treat other team members the same as we treat our 17. Dirty plates go directly to the kitchen-hand area. They
are not to go on a waiters station.

That is we respect each other, talk calmly and use please and
18. Ensure you are always productive. During rostered
thankyou’s, even when extremely busy. This assists in getting
hours, it is your responsibility to ensure you are working to
through a tough service, and keeping everybody in a calm
the best of your ability.
and friendly state of mind that flows onto our guests.
19. Keep communication with the kitchen concise and to
12. Everybody is to be greeted promptly when entering the the point, especially during service. Long comments con-
space, that is, within five seconds. This is everybody’s respon-
fuse the matter and slow things down. State what you need,
sibility, not just the host or the manager.
where you need it and when. If there is a deeper issue, fol-
low-up with your team leader.
13. Whilst at work you should display positivity at all times
to assist in creating a fun, low stress and great environment
20. Speak up! If something isn’t right, speak to your team
to work in. Achieving this promotes an enjoyable atmosphere
leader, head chef or venue manager as appropriate. Great
for our customers to be in and will help them to return in the
teams are made up of great individuals that feel valued and
are invested in the shared outcome and success of the team.
In the same tone, if somebody has done something great,
14. You need to alert the manager if any guest complains don’t keep it a secret!
or seems unhappy. It is our aim that each customer leaves
happy with their expectations not only met, but exceeded.
21. Have fun! We work in hospitality because we appreci-
Each team member is responsible for playing a part in this
ate people, food, drinks and culture. Enjoy it!
22. Thank you! We appreciate and we’re grateful for your
contribution to our team and culture!


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