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The nature of the learners,the learning environment, and the teacher's

technique of addressing learner's differences.

The setting of the classroom can support students' involvement and learning.
Real learning occurs when teachers and students focus on and consider how
the classroom is established, and unexpected behavior problems can be
avoided.The Center for Teaching and Learning(CTL) has been the teaching
laboratory of Philippine Normal University-Visayas, which molds teachers into
becoming education leaders and produces quality learners. Classrooms in the
CTL, based on my observations, don't have bulletin boards as well as any
decorations, unlike the depEd classrooms. It has walls with only the PNUV
mission and vision written on them. However, it has an impact on students
because the more organized the classroom is, the more they are away from
distractions during discussions. I have observed that some students have wide
spaces but others with large population like the Grade 10 have narrow spaces
and it is not comfortable seeing students limitedly move inside the classroom. 
On the other hand, it would be better if they were rearranged and other
unnecessary things were removed for a wider and more conducive learning
environment. It is good to see the classroom neat and clean because if it is
messy and dirty, it adds to the already crumpled minds of students as they
learn their lessons.
The suggestions that I would like to recommend are: students must be strictly
monitored in terms of their cleaners because most of the time they don't
observe their cleaning schedules. Students must also be advised every time to
sit in their proper seats because if they keep on transferring, they create a lot
of noise in the classroom during discussions. One time,it was our first week of
observation we call the attention of the cleaners but it seems like no one
heard us.  In this sense, it must be strictly imposed on them that they must be
the ones cleaning their mess, not others, because it is part of teaching them
values as well as cleanliness and orderliness in the classroom or even outside
the classroom. I would also like to suggest that other classrooms have enough
wall fans because it is easier to learn when you feel comfortable and when
everyone isn't feeling hot inside the classroom..
In a learner-centered approach, the learner is at the center of instruction. As I
have observed, there are different types of learners in the classroom. There
are learners who are quiet yet know the answer when asked; there are
learners who sleep in the middle of the discussions; and there are learners
who are very participative. However, as mentioned above, there are students
who keep on transferring seats and talking with their seatmates. Some
students also show no interest in other subjects yet are very interested in a
particular subject. Furthermore, students mostly from lower years do not fear
their student teachers yet are afraid of their subject teachers. There are
indeed a lot of student differences as well as behaviors that need to be
determined in order for them to be understood or, if they seem to be bad,
changed or fixed.
I have this one student from Grade 10 who is not participative and even sleeps
in class. She sits in front, and even when the teacher is talking, if she is not
interested, she will sleep. As I talked to her, she said, "Law ayan ko abi math
ma'am, kay mas namian ko english amo na wala ko ga tulog kung english." It
is a struggle on our part, knowing we need to change the way she perceives
mathematics. Perhaps she just needs patience when it comes to learning
mathematics step by step. During their exam, she keeps on asking about the
instructions, even when they are repeatedly given to her. It made me realize
that she might not be studying her subject, which she doesn't like, because
even the parts of the circle were not identified by her. I see that this girl has a
bright personality as well as great social skills. It's just that she lacks focus on
things or subjects she is not interested in, which is why she ends up having
low scores during tests and exams. The teacher always reminds this student
to study. Whenever she got a low score, there was one time when the teacher
let them pass their papers after being corrected, and she got a low score. The
teacher asked her to study more and improve her score on the next test.
The primary role of a teacher is to deliver classroom instruction that helps
students learn. On the other hand, teachers do not just let students learn
academically; they also teach them values that are necessary in their day-to-
day lives. Students have individual differences that teachers must know in
order to understand the learners and teach them the way they want to be
taught. Teachers have different ways of dealing with students. Others are
showing full authority in their voices during classroom instruction. Allow group
activities that unify students and help them embrace the differences of their
classmates; some of their teachers use humor in scolding those that are not

listening. In terms of class participation, those who are less participatory are
given the chance to speak by calling their names. They give warnings to
students who are noisy. During reporting, teachers give every student the
chance to speak in front of the class for them to be given equal opportunity.
All in all, teachers allow students to discover their capabilities despite their
differences, and this is necessary in order to provide students with a sense of
belongingness inside the classroom.

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