During Event of An Earthquake

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(Sound of Earthquake) 

Luigi: What`s happening!? Why is there an earthquake? 
 (Sound of volcano erupting) 
Franzine: Dad I can't believe this!! The volcano is erupting!! Look! (Points at volcano) 
Diane: What should we do??? (Hold your head)  
Luigi: Let`s leave the place immediately or we`ll be surrounded by lava and larvae ( in panic
Diane: Franzine  go and wake your brother up while I get the things we need (mag aayos ka
ng mga bondages )  
(Luigi closes the windows) 
Luigi: Diane, is everything settled? (panic tone)   
Diane: the bondages and food packs are still missing, help me find it.  
(They heard a loud scream)  
Franzine: AHHHHHHHHHHHH ( basta sigaw na tile to)  
(both diane and luigi went upstairs)  
(They saw gian being press by a huge rock)  
Luigi; Diane bring franzine with you and ask for help 
Miro: As expected, the volcano eruption did happen like the news stated a few days ago  
Corainne: ok double check your bags and see if there are other items missing  
2 daugthers: Mom it`s complete  
Miro: Ok let`s move out.  
(they heard a megphone from afar)  
Georgy: Everyone who is stil in tehir houses please immediately move to the evacuation
shelter at (name of place)    
Transitions to Andrei`s script

Miro, Corainne, Arwen and Jannah hears the nearby rescuer and immediately went out...
Miro: Miss can I ask where should we evacuate?
Geogry: The nearest evacuation center is just over there at (Street name) please hurry the
volcano's eruption is getting violent!!!
Miro: Ok, everyone has their stuff right? To the evacuation center we go
Corainne: Yes we're good to go, lets go!!
(Family runs to the pointed direction)
Clarence and Andrei:Please evacuate at the nearest evacuation (Shouts)
Diane runs in the direction of the two handsome rescuers
Diane: Please help my family they are stuck at our house please hurry!
Clarence: Ok miss calm down we're gonna help your family but please head to the evacution
center first
Andrei: Georgy please escort her to the evacuation center immediately Clarence:
Andrei lets go!!*
(Runs inside the family 2's house Sees gian collapsed on the floor but before picking up gian
hears luigi in the rubble)
Clarence: Andrei lets take this kid to the side
*Andrei and Clarence takes the kid to the side *
Clarence: sir pls wait were gonna rescue you
Luigi: Please dont... The house will collapse soon just hurry and save my son
Andrei: But sir---
Luigi: just please
Clarence: (inahles) ok sir if that what you want...lets go andrei (They carried the kid outside)

Transition to sebs script  

Reporting live in (city/town), from ATZ News, I’m Venus Claire. Breaking news, (volcano)
has erupted. According to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, or
PHIVOLCS, The volcano started to erupt around 11:35 AM in the morning, at the same,
weak-to-moderate seismic activity was reported. The eruption as of now has already
damaged most of the city. Please move in a near evacuation center. ATZ news will be
back, Please wait for further announcement.

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