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to make someone believe that something is true…convince someone of something: ..He failed to convince the jury
of his innocence….convince someone (that): …Maria had convinced herself that he didn't love her…..You don't
have to convince me you're the right person for the job…….to persuade someone to do something…convince

someone to do something: …They tried to convince him to buy a cheaper car.

convincing (adj)

something that is convincing makes you believe that it is true or persuades you to do something…Synonyms or
related words for this sense of convincingCapable or incapable of persuading someone: persuasive,
convincing, unconvincing, smooth-talking, silver-tongued, compelling, seductive, believable, carry conviction, cut no

ice/not cut any ice (with someone)... more…someone who is convincing seems to be telling the truth or behaving in
a natural way

insist on/upon something to say that you must have something…She insists upon fresh fruit every

morning….insist on/upon doing something to keep doing something that annoys people…Why do

you insist on leaving your dirty clothes all over the floor? say very firmly that something must

happen or must be done…You must see a doctor immediately – I insist…..insist (that): ..She insisted

that we stay at her house instead of a hotel…..insist on: ..Some companies insist on staff undergoing

regular medical checks… keep saying very firmly that something is true, even when other people

will not believe you….insist (that): …The school insists that it is doing everything it can to

cooperate……insist on: ….He has insisted on his innocence from the beginning.

 if you insist( SPOKEN)…used for agreeing to something because someone says you

must. This expression is often used humorously…'Another piece of cake?' 'Oh, if you insist.'

- definition

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What are red words?

90% of the time, speakers of English use just 7,500 words in speech and writing. These words appear in red, and are

graded with stars. One-star words are frequent, two-star words are more frequent, and three-star words are the most


VERB [TRANSITIVE] /nɪˈɡlekt/

present tense
I/you/we/they neglect
he/she/it neglects
present participle neglecting
past tense neglected
past participle neglected

Related dictionary definitions

neglect NOUN

1. 1

to fail to look after someone when you are responsible for them

parents who neglect their children….

Thesaurus entry for this meaning of neglect

1. a.

to fail to give someone enough love, attention, or support….

What do you think of a man who neglects his wife?....

Thesaurus entry for this meaning of neglect

2. b.

to fail to look after a place, for example a house or garden….

The building has been neglected for years…...

Thesaurus entry for this meaning of neglect

2. 2

to fail to do something that you should do….

He couldn't neglect his duties as an officer…...

neglect to do something: ….
She had neglected to inform me that the company was having financial problems…...

Thesaurus entry for this meaning of neglect

3. 3

to fail to pay attention to something such as an idea or a work of art….

Often in the past the issue of disability has been neglected…...

His work has been badly neglected.

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a neglected child….

neglected buildings…..

The garden was neglected and overgrown.

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VERB [TRANSITIVE] /ɪɡˈnɔː(r)/

present tense

I/you/we/they ignore
he/she/it ignores
present participle ignoring
past tense ignored
past participle ignored

1. 1

to not consider something, or to not let it influence you….

We had ignored the fact that it was getting darker…..

This approach ignores the complexity of modern business…...

ignore someone's advice/warning: ….

The government has ignored the advice it was given…….

Thesaurus entry for this meaning of ignore

2. 2
to pretend that you have not noticed someone or something….

He completely ignored her and kept on walking…….

ignore someone's plea/remark/protests: ….

Other shoppers ignored her pleas for help. Collocations: ignore

Thesaurus entry for this meaning of ignore

Collocations: ignore



▪ blatantly, completely, deliberately, pointedly, simply, studiously, totally….


▪ advice, existence, fact, insult, plea, possibility, protest, question, reality, remark, request, threat,

warning.What are red words?

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ADJECTIVE /ˈstʌbə(r)n/

adjective stubborn

comparative stubborner

superlative stubbornest

Other entries for this word

Related dictionary definitions

 stubborn streak NOUN

1. 1

a stubborn person is not willing to change their ideas or to consider anyone else's reasons or arguments…

Thesaurus entry for this meaning of stubborn

1. a.

showing that you are not willing to listen or to change what you think

a stubborn look/voice….

Thesaurus entry for this meaning of stubborn

2. 2

very difficult to change or to defeat….

Defenders of the city put up stubborn resistance…...

The proposed law is meeting stubborn opposition.

Thesaurus entry for this meaning of stubborn

1. a.

difficult to cure or remove….

a stubborn cold….

stubborn weeds/stains….

Thesaurus entry for this meaning of stubborn

stubborn as a mule

very stubborn….

Thesaurus entry for this meaning of stubborn



They stubbornly refuse to admit there's a problem.


ADJECTIVE /ˈɡreɪsf(ə)l/

a graceful shape or object is attractive

graceful Moorish architecture….graceful arms and feet….graceful movement is smooth and beautiful….She

rose to her feet in one graceful movement…..showing good manners and respect for other people….She

was extremely graceful in defeat…..a graceful refusal….DERIVED

WORDS….gracefully….ADVERB….gracefulness….NOUN [UNCOUNTABLE.]

awkward…. difficult to deal with and embarrassing….After he spoke there was an awkward
silence…..Luckily nobody asked any awkward questions about what he was doing there.It's a bit awkward, because

he's my friend but I'm still his boss….. BRITISH someone who is awkward is difficult to deal with or please, and

causes problems, often deliberately….He's just being awkward… awkward customer …. something that is
awkward is difficult to move or use because of its shape or position…The crates were much too heavy and awkward
for one person to carry… not comfortable, relaxed, or confident….He stood there looking stiff and awkward in his

uniform….. feel awkward about (doing) something: ….She felt awkward about asking to borrow more

money… .. slightly wrong and not attractive or graceful….She had arranged all the furniture at awkward
angles…..DERIVED WORD….awkwardnessNOUN [UNCOUNTABLE]

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