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Statistics I-HW I (Due 2022.07.

13 12:00)

1. (25%) A group of 12 college students was asked to report the number of hours that they slept on the previous
night with the following results:
10, 4, 6, 2, 2, 3, 9, 5, 5, 3, 1, 2
For this dataset,
(a) Calculate the sample mean.
(b) Calculate the sample standard deviation.
(c) Find the sample median.
(d) Find the five-number summary and the IQR.
(e) By Tchebyshev’s Theorem, at least 75% of the measurements lie in the interval (L, U). What are the
values of L and U?

2. (20%) The following dataset displays a sample of the amount spent on groceries per week (y) and the
associated number of household members (x).
x 2 3 3 4 1 5
y $384 $421 $456 $564 $207 $612
(a) Calculate the sample covariance of variables x and y.
(b) Calculate the sample correlation coefficient of variables x and y.
(c) Find the equation of the least-squared fitting line.
(d) Estimate the value of y given x=4.

3. (15%) Considering a certain disease, the probability that one person has this disease is about 10%. A test is
proposed to detect this disease. For people with this disease, there are about 10% false negatives. Also, for
people without this disease, there are 10% false positives.
(a) One person has a positive result on the test. What is the probability that this “positive result” is correct?
(b) One person has a negative result on the test. What is the probability that this “negative result” is correct?
(c) Refer to (b), to verify the test previous result, we perform a test on the object again. The result is also
negative, which is identical to the first test. What is the probability that this person is without the disease?

4. (15%) Tossing one fair dice two times, let X and Y be the points in the first and the second times, respectively.
(a) What is the probability distribution of Z=X-Y?
(b) What is the expected value of Z?
(c) What is the variance of Z?

5. (15%) Past experience has shown that, on average, only 1 in 10 wells drilled hits oil. Let x be the number
of drillings until the first success (oil is struck). Assume that the drillings represent independent events.
(a) Obtain the probability function p  x  (probability distribution) of x. Express it by an explicit
mathematical formula.
(b) Calculate the expected value (population mean) of x.
(c) Calculate the population variance of x.

6. (10%) In a food processing and packaging plant, there are, on average, three packaging machine breakdowns
per week. Assume the weekly machine breakdowns follow a Poisson distribution.
(a) What is the probability that there are three machine breakdowns in two continuous weeks?
(b) Let A and B be the number of machine breakdowns in the first week and the second week, respectively.
Calculate the probability P(A+B=3) by random variables A and B to justify the result in (a).

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