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Permutation and Combination

Integer Type/Fill in the Blanks

Words of lerngth 10 are formed using the letters, A, B. C. D, E, F., G. H.I, J. Let x be the number
of such words where no letter is repeated and let y be the number of such words where exacty

one letter is repeated twce and no other letteris repeated. Then, [2017]

2 Let n be the number of ways in which 5 boys and 5 girls can stand in a queue in such a way that
all the girls stand consecutively in the queue. Let m be the number of ways in which 5 boys and 5
giris can stand in a queue in such a way that exactly four girls stand consecutively in the queue.

Then the value of is 2015

3 Let ni m < na < na < ns be positive integers such that n + n2 + na + n4 + ns 20. Then the
number of such distinct arrangements (n1, n2, n3, n4, ns) Is. [2014]
Let n 2 2 be an integer. Taken distinct points on a circle and join each pair of points by a line
segment. Colour the line segment joining every pair of adjacent points by blue and the rest by
red. Ifthe number of red and blue line segments are equal, then the value of n is
5. A pack contains n cards numbered from 1 to n. Two consecutive numbered cards are removed
from the pack and the sum of the numbers on the remaining cards is 1224. If the smaller of the
numbers on the removed cards is k, then k - 20

Ifn&kbe +ve integers such that n 2~ The numbers of solutions (x1, X2, X):
X21,X2 2 2, ., Xk 2k all integers, satisfying x +x2 + X3 +
+Xk nis [1996, 2]
There are four balls of different colours and four boxes of colours, same as those of the balls.
The number of ways in which the balls, one each in a box, could be placed such that a ball
doesn't go to a box ofits own colour is_
(1992, 2]
8 Total number of ways in which 6+ and 4* signs can be arranged in a line such that no 2-
signs occurs together is
(1988, 21
9 Let A be a set of n distinct elements. Then the total number of distinct functions from A to A is
and out of these are onto functions.
10. The sides AB, BC, CA of a triangle
ABC have 3, 4 and 5 interior
points respectively on them. The
number of triangles that can be constructed using these interior
points as vertices is [1984]

1 The product of any r consecutive natural number is always divisible by r! (T/F) [1985, 2
2 Ifn., n2, n3, np are P
posiive integers, whose sum is an even
number then the number of odd
integers among them is odd (T/F)
[1985, 21

d. FIlTJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapnya Vihar New Delhi

-110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax:011-26513942.
S i n gj e C o T e c t

9 For 12 5et v. be hwe

a g h e elermen
ents out of which evactiy are odd The y neyrnrfsfunt
(B 252
(D) 126
cansists of 6 girts and 4 boys A team of 4 mernbers in to be sfeted from i st
ee ele.cthon of a captain (from among these 4 members) or the team h e wa
ng e t one boy. then the number of ways of selecting the tearm is
B) 320
(D) 95

d six ewelopes are numbered 1 2 3 4 5 6 and cards ae to be staeed

one card and no card is placed n the emnioge
G n fhat each enveope contasns exacty eie
numbered 1 is alwys placed n

hesame number and moreover the card

number of ways it can be done
2 Then the
mhered (B) 2655
(D) 67

in whidch 5 balls of different colours can be distributed among 3 persens

nurmber of ways

e a c h person
at least one
gets bal is
(B) 150
(D) 243 2012
Sis equat
The total number of
unordered pairs of dsjoint subsets of
4 (B) 34
(D) 41
by usng
to 10 and formed
integers, with sum of the digits equal

numtber of s e v e n digit
and 3 only, Is
3 (8) 66 2009
(D) 88

the permutations
are aranged in an

permuted and all

are before h e
of the word COCHIN that appear
eters The number of words
as in an English dictionary.
aet ca order
(B) 192 2007
(D) 48
LCM of p
such that the
he posibve integers
prirne numbers and p, q are

number of ordered pair (P. )is 2006.
(O) 224
dividedinto squares
ofnurmber o
t h sides 2m-1 and 2n- 1 is
then tie
gie in he diagr am,
lines as shon
f par allel
Gang is
ges pos sible wth odd side lengths (B) 4
(0) mn(m n1}

C m
n n1
should be mteger
co0 dinales
boh he
neans 0) s
The point and (21
number oft e
i g r a l points
(0 0). (0. 21)
eYacdy in the interior ot the tnangle
(B) 190 (2003
A) 133 etlor

(D) 105
C) 233

1 The number of arangements of the letters of the word BANANA in hich the t o N's don't
appear adjacently is
(A) 40 (B) 60
(C) 80 (D) 100
12 How many different nine digit numbers can be formed from the number 22335588 b
reaanging its digits so that the odd digits occupy even positions?
(A) 16 (B) 36
(C) 60 (D) 180
(2002. 11
13 Let T, denotethe number of triangles which can be formed using the vertces of a reguar poilygen
of n sides. If T. -T = 21, then n equals
(8) 7
(D) 4 (2001, 11
An n-digit number is a positive number with exactly n-digits. Nine hundred distnc n-ágts
numbersare to be formed using only the three digits 2, 5 and 7. The smallest value of n for which
this is possible iss
(A) 6
c) 8
15 Number of divisors of the form 4n +2 (n 2 0) of the integer 240 is
(A) 4
(C) 10
(B) 8
(D) 3 [198,
16 A 5 digit number divisible by 3 is to be formed using the numbers 0, 1,
repetition. The total number of ways this can be done is 2, 3, 4 &5 without

216 (B) 240

600 (D) 3125
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it:
Let a denote the number of all n-digit posiûve integers formed by the digits 0, 1 or both such that no
consecutive digits in them are 0. Let b, = the number of such n-digit integers ending with digit 1 and
Cthe nurmber of such n-digit integers ending ith digit 0.

1 The value of b is

2 Which of the following is correct?
(A) a17 = a16 + a15
(B) C7 C16 +C15
(C) b7 bi6 + C16 (D) a7 =C17 +bi6 2012
Match the Matrix

1. In a high school, a committee has to be formed from a group of 6 boys M,, M2, M3. M., Ms. Me
and 5 girls Gi, G2, G3, G4, Gs
Let a be the total number of ways in which the committee can be formed such that the
committee has 5 members, having exactty 3 boys and 2 girls
(i) Let az be the total number of ways in wMiich the committee can be formed such that the
committee has at least 2 members, and having an
equal number of boys and gids.
(iii) Let az be the total number ot ways in wMich the committee can be formed such that the
committee has 5 members, at least 2 of them being girls.

ahe total
the number
nun of ways in which the committee can be formed such that the
Let 4 ers,
iv) committed has 4 membe having atleast 2 girls and such that both M, and
the commiteetogether
G. are NOT in
Thevalue ofaj
is 1136
The value of a
is 2. 189
is 3 192
Thevalue of o 4 200
Thevalue of a is
5 381
6. 461
opton is
The (B) P1;Q-4; R->2; S->3
R -> 2; S>1
A) P-4; Q>6; R-> 5; S-2 (D) P-4; Q >2; R>3; S >1 (2018]

Cansider all possible permutations of

the letters of the word ENDEANOEL. Column l
Statements / Expressions in
1.atch the Statements/ExpresSionsin Column I with the
Column1 Column-
ENDEA is (p) 5!
A) The number of permutatons Containingthe word 2 5!
in which the letter E occurs in (q) x

The number of permutatons

thefirst and the last positonsis
in which none ofthe letters D, | ()
7x 5!
The number of permutations
(C) is
LN occursin thelast five positions
in which the letters A, E, O (s) 21 5! x

The number of permutations

OCCur only in odd positions is 2008
is a positve integer
is an integer, where
or otherwise prove that
Using permutation (n!
[2004, 21

this can be done

women and
men.8 In how many ways
be formed from 9 how many of
these committee
Committee of 12 is to be incduded in acommittee? In (1994,4
nve women have to
1) St
the women are in majority?
) the men are in majority? to sit on
table. 4 particular guests desire
half on each side
of a long number
of ways which the
Determine the
One ave to be seated, the other side. [1991, 4
and three others on
siftior ar
Sitng arrangement can be made.
(2n+ 1) books. Ifthe [1987, 3]
collection of
Astud books from a value of n.
allowed to select at most n is 63, find
numher least one book
w a y s he can
select at can 3 balls be
balls. In how many ways [1986, 2
AbOx C and 4 red draw?
contains 2 white balls,
l 3 black balls to be included in
drawn from the box if at least one black ball is relatives, 3 of them
also 7
his ife has of 3 ladies &
dinner party
Aman has 7 relatives, 4 ofthem are ladies
&3 a [1985, 5]
m can they invite relatives.
are ladie In how many ways of wife's
c9entemen. relative and 3 are
Ilemen ldt there are 3 of man's If m > n, then
women sit together.
no two
n so that [1983, 2
men and in a row
n women are to be
O n e n are D
seated m!(m+1)
showtthat the can be seatedis (m-n+1)!

of ways in which they


Numerical Value

of 5 numbers which divisible by 4, with digits from the set {1, 2, 3,4, 5 and
ne number digit are
the repetition of digits is allowed, is

7 elements. If a is the number

2 Let X be a set ith elements and Y be a set with exacdy
exactly 5 functions from Y to X, then the value
of one-one functions from X to Y and B is the number of onto

of ( - a ) is (2018]

Integer Type/Fill in the Blanks

The minimum number of times a fair coin needs to be tossed, so that the probability of getting at
least two heads is at least 0.96 is [2015]

of the three independent events E, Ea and Es, the probability that only E occurs is a. only E
occurs is p and only Es occurs is 7. Let the probability p that none of events E. E; or E; Occurs
saisfythe equations (a -

28) p aß and (-3) p 2py. Allthe given probabilities are

Probability of occurrence of E
to lie in the interval (0, 1). Then [2013]
Probability of occurrence of Eg

If from each of three boxes containing 3 white and 1 black, 2 white and 2 black, 1 white and 3
black balls, a ball is drawn at random, then probability that 2 white and 1 black ball will be drawn
[1998, 21
Three numbers are chosen at random withoutreplacement from {1,2, . . 10}. The probability
that the minimum of the chosen numbers is 3, or their maximum is 7, i s . . [1997, C, 21

If two events A and B are such thatP(A°) = 0.3, P(B) = 0.4 and

P(AB=0.5 then P B [1994, 2]

Three faces of a fair die are yellow,two faces red and one blue. The die is tossed three times.
The probability that the colours, yellow, red and blue, appear in the first, second and the third
tosses respectively is
(1992, 2]
Let A and B be two ev ents such that P(A) = 0.3 and P(AUB =0.8 if A and B are independent
events then P(B) =
[1990, 2
A oair of fair dice is rolled together till a sum of either 5 or 7 is obtained. Then the probability that
5 comes before 7 is
1989, 2
Urn A contains 6 red and 4 black DaisS and urn B contains 4 red and 6 black balls. A ball is
drawn at random from urn A and placeda in urn B. Ihen one ball drawm at random from urn B and
placed in urn A. One ball is nOw drawi trom urn A,. probability that it is found to be red is

(1988, 2

d. FlUTJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Saral, Sarvoprya Vihar, New Delhi 110016,Ph 46106000, 26669493, Fax:011-26319942.
. .
9 2 5. 4

Permutation and Combination

Fill in the Blanks
1. 5 2 5 3 7 4. 5
5.5 6. ken p-Cn-o where p k(k+1) 7. 9
8 35 9. n, n! 10. 205

1 T 2. F

MCQ-Single Corect
1. D 2. A 3.
5. D 6. C 7.
9. C 10. 11. A
13 B 14. B 15. A 16.
1. B 2. A

Match the Matrix

1. C
2. (A) (P) (B)(s) (C)(q) (D) (q)
2 (e) 2702 (b) 1008 3
3 5. 64
C; 9! 9!
6. 485
Numerical Value
1. 625 2. 119

Fill in the Blanks

1. 8 2. 6 3. 13
32 4. 11
5. 1/4 6. 7. 2/7
36 8. 2/5
9. 10 P(A)=P (B) 12 1/9
2 F
1. F
MCQ-Single Correct
2. C
5. A 5.10.
C A 8.
12. D
C 15.
9. 14. D 16. A
13. A

nn 468lu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vih3 6106000, 26569493, Far.otTTT

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