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Amelka Jakubowska

1. Wielu młodych ludzi wyjeżdża na studia do innych miast i staje przed

problemem wyboru zakwaterowania na czas nauki. Jedną z możliwych
opcji jest zamieszkanie w akademiku. Napisz rozprawkę, w której
przedstawisz wady i zalety tego typu zakwaterowania.

Often when people star college they have to leave their hometown and move to
different city or even country. There they face a difficult choice having to decide
where to live. A lot of students choose dormitories which both have pros and cons.
One of the most significant advantages of dormitories is the fact that they are
much less expensive than for example rented apartments. That allows young people to
keep a lot of money for food, clothes, going out with friends and for other expenses.
They just do not have to spend most of their money on flat fee which is very expen-
sive. This is very beneficial for students who usually do not have too much money
even if they work daily.
One further advantage of dormitories is having people around you. It helps you
to feel safe and additionally you always have the possibility to borrow anything you
need at a certain moment or ask someone to help you with tasks you do not under-
stand. It is a great opportunity to make friends as well. Especially for people who
might have problems with socializing- they are actually forced to meet their room-
mates as they live together.
On the other hand living in a dormitory have disadvantages. First of all you do
not get the privacy you would living on your own. Usually you are not alone in your
room. That can be very overwhelming especially for introverts who love their per-
sonal space and spending time in their own company. Some students also find it diffi-
cult to study while someone else is in the room.
To summ up living in a dormitory in fact has pros and cons depending on per-
sonality of each student. For some it would be a great place to live while for others it
might be a nightmare. In my opinion dormitories have a lot of advantages that far ex-
ceed disadvantages and for me it would be a great place to live being in college.

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