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UDC 669: 620.178.748.22 DEUTSCHE NORM April 1994 I EN 10045 Patt 1D} 2 Charpy impact test on metallic materials Test method Motaiscte Worstct: Kecnlegblegeversuen naed Charpy “This standard,togethne Prctotateen vet 030 115, Jat 1091 eaten soporodes ONO'S, February 1978 edton, European Standard EN 10 045-1 : 1994 has tho status of a DIN Standard A.commais used as the decimal marker. National foreword ‘Tis standardas bear propered by ECISSVTC 1a, “The rorponsina German bea mvoled inthe praparaton of he sardaré wae the Normanauesenua steripritong (aerate Tosirg Starcards Commitee), Testolca! Committee Patvrfulven sit sehlegeriger Beansoruchany tir erate lease Intrnatlonsl Standards 180 89: 1978 and 180 440: 1982, with which it corforme in substance ‘As compared mm ne previous stion of OIN50 118 enly species u-neten ana v-neten lest eces, but not he OV, DYME,DVVK and email tert paces ‘Standards referred to land not ince in Reterencos) Ot, Foraword of Zuropean Stancard Provious ecitions DIM OVMA 115 »01N501%5: 69:57, 05524 11.88, 0275. Amendments 'n comparison eth DINO 118 Fobriavy 1875 adton he follng anandmants have bean mae, 4) The standad ony specifes U-roxcd and V-notch tes lecen Dut DVM, DUME, anc OVI tet places, 1) Tha tat lamcarsire has been changed. ) The stands nes Deon exon reise, Ne cate ne es Intemational Patent Classification sornaro Cominued overeat. EN comprises pages gp no roh wn ios aaa gota Som smaraomey — DNENTOOSPanT ral Pig AR Page? DIN EN 10.48 Part Ecitor's note Tne standard reprocuces te oii tat oF the Engl version of EN 10 U4s-I 6 s5U4a DY CEN. 19 Ks preparation for uneaton as DIN EN 1004S Part (Engen verlon). cortain ponte have Bown netod which we consi 10 be in rowd Of Comostion, Those hare been matked"). Tn soggetted amencinantzare given below andwilb forwarded tothe espana (CEN Secrterat for Fa constrain, 1s prasaniaon, athograshy. punctuaicn and hyohonaticn. the aim his bees 1oImpiement tha PLE Rune consistent Cbvius evn log. redundancies and omitnore) hase teen rected without thor referee, Suggested amendment 1 The paaing of clase should nataaby ead Procecre” ase currant practi in test stander) 2 For ease ofcompraensien, lo succiuse 62, the Tsk sentences to Lo SrTeCwe 0 86"... aed 8 eS piece OF etaneard Ginansons be Used EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 10 045-1 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM awe 1999 oe ea 620-78 a8 22 Descriptors. Mate products, mecharsal ests, Charpy impact test, tes place, tev zener. English version Metallic materials — Charpy impact test Part 4: Test mothod ‘com with te CEN/CENELEG Internal Pegulatons walkh stpilte the candhions for ‘Sino thts Euroosan Standerd the statue of amationlstanserdwithou ay alten, wn nage ara netited tino Centra Sectetarat arte sve sats as Ine oficial CEN European Committee fer Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Europaisches Komitee tor Nermung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 96, B-1060 Brussels (©1000. Copynght aservecto al CEN members, Pet. No, ENG 045-1: 1200 page2 £n10 049 Part DBriet history ‘he preposai forth Euzep4an Standard wes preparsaby Tecnncal CormitseECISS/TC 1a Nectanicaland physical iets, ihe Secretariat fame = hay AMOR. It represen the frst ar of ine stancard Metalic mater — impact test This European Standard replaces EURONORME EU 7-85 Chapy imoact fst fret EU 45:69 Impct testing ing V.otah, Bose typo Ltt piees ‘hi Eurcosan Standard wis adopted by GEN on 19894127. According tothe CEWEENELECIrtenal Rgsatons, hefallowingcounires are bound lo impr this EuropeanStardar Austia, Bagiun, Osanerk, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, lelan, ound, italy, Luxemurg, Netherlands, Norway, Dongs, Sasin Sandan Suitzaran acd Unit Kinasom, Foreword The standard EN 10045 soncams metalic matariale —Charp impact test ard comprises tho folowing Parts Part 1 Metro of tat at? Venitetienofpendulun moact testing machines Part of BN 10 045isbesec on te allowing 150 Standards: ISO 81:1978. Stee:Crrpy impsct test (0h) 150 148:1989, steescrarpy pact est (¥-rotet) Contents Seopa cesses Tet pieces : aati machine Ten reQuremerts)<-..oseeo- seo Soba SescoPesfesssersSeeestGee? Tost report : . ‘Antex A st f nations standards coresponcing ‘eihe referenced dra European Standart. ecescseceeesseeseeseees 7 1 Scope 4.4. Tis Pat of tis Excpeer Ctundard deserbos the Charpy impect test (J+ and V-notch) Sor reac rats Fer conan partevlr mealie materia and appitions tbe Charpy inpact Yat may be the sues! of space standarcs and partir requirements. 2 Normative references 180 286-11988 1SOsystom flit ane ts. Pant Gane, lerances and éevatons EN 10,045.29) Metalic materials; Charpy impact ‘ext Pane: Venteation of pendulum mae 3. Principle ‘Ta est consists of breaking by one blow com aswinging pendlum, uncer conditons defined hereattr, atest place notened in tha midge and suopered sf sach and. The energy absorbed is deteminedijulaa This abscrbed eoergy = 8 Medeor ‘Timprapartin Unite Ceropean Standard ie published, reference canbe madete the cerrsepending national ‘Nona stancards, a Intof when's given in annex A, 10046 Pett Page 2 Desigration it oe m3.) et ia 1 | cenginet wat rece 2 | Heioneat tet sece 3 | wat ottet pace 4 [Height blew natch 5 | Anglo ofretes | 6 [atte of curate at base ot etn | Reaus of ans 9 | ange ot ane of sah anu 10 | avaeottaoer ot ska 11 [Rass a tp of titer 12 | ot oterior = _| erway aosorona oy breakage, Ku oF cr 4. Designations ‘Te designaons applcabie te this etancard arb se incicatod in ttle ara figures 1 ana 2 8 Tost ploces 54 Sompiing, number of pleces and thelr location shal be as speed I the felewant product stand, 52 The standard ist pecs shall be 55 mm org and afaquare action wth 40 nm sides, In tho ceive of helene, there val boa neten. Two pes of netch ere spacfse, 2) Vootch cf 45,2 re deep, with £0.25 mm rags a curvature at base of rote Wi etancardto laces casnotbe obtained mth rail a reuuced aectlontest pcs, with awidth ef mm Sim {see fable z]enst 99 sed, tne noton Dang cutin one a he nav laces 1 U-notch er teshole natch, 5 mm cea, witha tr exdlie of umvatre al baes of mete ‘Th as plans sna bernard al ove, okc0p1 Inthe case pecision-cast foundry test pecan wien he ewe fase peel! ota plane of symmetry of the ich may bo unrazhine. 52 me of me test pce yrmaty of thanetch hal be perpondite to te longitudinal a {54 The tolerances on th» sneciied dlneraons cf th ts! piece shall boas ven in tablo 2 {85 Test sece of widtisoiner ten nose shown Intable2, fr exarpse, wih the unmachined wisi equlto ine Wickes ol theprocuct,mey be used provdad this permited m ihe relevant produc! standard. Comparison free, FOWeVe™. 3 ‘nly of snifcanca when mado Berwoon lent olecat ol the same fart and denersiors {56 mactning abel bo carved cut in such a may tht any alteration of te tes! poze, «9. Us 1 GoM Working or neat, Ismnimzed. Te ratck na De careful prepared so hat nogrocves pall lo inebare ofthe notch, aevblate thenaked “hetetpiacemay be mash on any face tin contact waltha supports or anvis ard ata pontal east itor te nten {avon tne erncis ecole aang ave te nerking. © Testing machine 6A The tasting machinn aid 100482, ‘The vues ofthe srincpalcharatartow ofthe esting machine are apecied in table 3. hail be constructed and insaied ig and ghay ve In aecorgance witn European Stand Pages ENAOOES Part “Tabled Telaranceson sprctadtentpince dimensions ieaieees 1 ea aime gs | tomers | tt enone ie | a fe ah 25 = <= [eel ae | oe [eel es a yomm =| £01 mm is3 omn | 2006 mm jsi2 sacass soon | onan | ea | som | seven | reaseeeeCi sin, | ME eel elias ame |auen| ine cece | ee ee (ses) ee ars el wale e ee ea zi lassen! jew, | ses Jaomee| oe eee a, | He eueen| ee) | atom, igteen| ec ldanclineiec (sim, (Neteam | 4 | tien: [ait erate Imovewwnpervean| x [oar | - | [er | - tyes ene en ee ameseet w | we (Se) a | 22 || - longitudinal faces of test plese | ae RES oe a pacraer er dee fe arena ee Taare Soeemeuet ‘Tabled. Characteristics oftentnemachine saris Desgnation rise (09 fa | i » 7 J bistance bstweer snvits (0° §?| mm 8 | radue ot anit (78) nm 9 | Ange ottaper ot each sot wees 10 | Angi oftape ofstiher aor 16 11 | mags at up oF scar 2°35) om 12 | Maximum wet of seer team = | Sead! striker t natant ot impact 5 10 55m/s!) = | Angievenoenthe spon and te anv | 90°20; 1) For mactiras maruinctred prior to 1983, a apeed ol 4S ava te 7 m/s rmasibo by serosa 62 standard test consitons shal corossond to a naminal machina avaigy of 960-4 10) J and the use o aoe plece of tndaré dimanciones The resered avesrood snorgy under the senators shall te designated ty ine apts = HU ter a Usroic teat place = kV tor # V-roton tat noe EW 10045 partt Fa99 9 Forexanple: KY = 121 J daotoe = nomial energy: 803 = standard V-ncten test place = mnamy absorbed auring recur: 121 J 103 Testing machines with diferontstihing energins ere permitted, in which case the eymbcl KU or KY chal ‘upplomacteday annex darting te energy otha "esthg machine For onan: KY 190: ajalaie energy: 180 3 KU 100 = 65 Jdenctes: — standard U-notch test pace 64 Fortestsena subsidiary V-rotch espace, thaKY symbol shallbesupplamentad by Indion denating the rst avaibin ‘teacgy ofthe ting mechina and tacand tha width ofthatast pn, = =v 300773: anatacie energy: 300 J, wid of test pines: 7.8 mn = 10 15015: raale aneay: 150, width a est place: Sm = monies neigy: 160 4 — reaucea secon test pine of wis 1.9 rt 7 Tost roquromonts:) 7A. The es siacoshal ie squarely aginst the arvisin such away thatthe lene of symmetry of thenatchis na more han O.smmram nepianeotsyrmaty atthe anvil. The teat place anal Ye onthe suyportsmsuch away thatthe por ester ‘is the sige ozpoate the netch ofthe test pace (Se8 Sgur 2). TZ Wwe estvenperaiueis not spaced In we relevant product standard, shall by equal to @9+5)°C. ena emperaie i apceied in the ‘lovart product stanéard wenatt &tsarance shail be adhared to within $2 or tosts a tenperaures cre: ran amolent, me testpice sallbe mnereeainthe cooing or heathgmectumtoreutictont {ime t ensure fat he requlodtomporetresroechae throughout the tapioca (eg atleast 10 ren in aliguidmecum = atleast 30 mina gasecus radio Tho tet piece shall bebrokan witinSsacendsct the lime ofrenoval rom the mac “The transfer dove shall be designed ard used bo aush away that the tamportare of he tat pce a maineineg within he tamperatur range permitec. 7.3. curing neteat, netcatpice 9 deformed butt brekin the erergyabenrbee canal be dolormned. Thetestraport NOTE: ie arhasized that ony eacult 2 te! siaces of iatical mansions should bs compared. Thor ine general rmothedtor converting re reults osained by ane test methadints the values whieh woud be obtained by another 8 Test report “Te test reper stl include she following invormaton: 2) raterance tom stancare, im EN'10 085-1: 1) te ype ardamarsions ofthe Tost piece ©) onteston tthe ost ace (grade, east ne. ©) rection of sangling and lection of samp, where kxoHn ©) nomina! energy ofthe siricer 1) 9st wmperatre, n oogreos Celso (0) sear arargy KV 9 Hin joule Pages EN 10045 Patt 9 fal Cchary Ute! sieso RB, (Sharp V-test pace NOTE: Soe tle | for iplaration of rotors somtere. Figues. Charpy impact test Test pecs Height et tet piece ade of toa piace Longin ottestpiece Figure 2, Contguration of ea piace supports and envis Annex A (vorrei LUst of national standards coreeponsiing to the referenced draft European Standard ‘nl Eurpean Standard 10 045-2 nae boon propare. it poss cr ntion even i table 4 Table 4. National standards corresponding to propoxed Eurspean Standard otter tothe cerrespending natlenal standard, oem ‘Coroeponaing nial etanderém 180 Garmany France | UK | betgum ‘Sweden foots2 | onvsise | neaos-sos | ests ae Part 960 106 1972 1965 Copyrioh ty the DIN Deuteches Initut Fur Normung EV FriNow 26 18:32:48 2003

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