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Chapter 2 2LA - Group or Individual (Item No.

1 only – Short Bond paper)

Read Table 1, Points of Emphasis on Education in History.
1. What philosophy of education is observed in each historical group? Fill
up the table below:
Key Periods in Educational History, 1000 BC to A.D. 1600
Historical Group or Educational
Curriculum Related Philosophy
Period Goals
Primitive societies Practical skills of hunting,
7000 B.C. – fishing, food gathering
5000 B.C. stories, myths, songs,
poems, dances
Greek Athenian: reading, writing,
1600 B.C. – arithmetic, drama, music,
300 B.C. physical education,
literature, poetry

Spartan: drill, military

songs and tactics
Roman Reading, writing,
750 B.C. – arithmetic, Laws of
A.D. 450 Twelve Tables, law,
Arabic Reading, writing,
A.D. 700 – mathematics, religious
A.D. 1350 literature; scientific studies
Medieval Reading, writing,
A.D.500 – arithmetic, liberal arts;
A.D. 1400 philosophy, theology;
crafts; military tactics and
Renaissance Latin, Greek, classical
A.D. 1350 – literature, poetry, art
A.D. 1500
Reformation Reading, writing,
A.D. 1500 – arithmetic, catechism,
A.D. 1600 religious concepts and
ritual; Latin and Greek;

2. Define the following:

a. Socialization as a function of society
b. Anticipatory socialization
c. Cultural patterns
d. Life skills

3. What life skills were/are developed in each historical group/period?

4. What are/were the different goals of education in each historical
Taking it to the Net
1. In the Philippines, education from elementary to secondary education is free. What law made
tertiary education free? Research on the tertiary education of other countries. Is it also free or
“only in the Philippines?” Share your findings in class.

2. Life skills were taught to primitive society. Are these, life skills for primitive society the same life
skills for the 21st Century? Find out

Chapter 3 3LA – Group or Individual (Yellow Paper) Items 1-4.

1. Explain the implications of the following social science theories to education.
a. Structural-functional theory
b. Conflict theory
c. Symbolic Interaction theory

2. Fill up Table 2 below:

Table 2 Social Science Theories and Education

Actual Classroom Application
Theory The Theory
(Two each theory)

Conflict Theory

Symbolic-Interaction Theory

3. What are the purposes of education according to the functionalists? Explain and illustrate each function
using actual examples.
4. What does job mismatch mean? What is the implication of job mismatch education?

Chapter 4
4LA-1 (COMPUTERIZED – FOLIO, or Colored Ruled paper)
1. In line with the government’s austerity program, DepEd reiterates the following policies:
a. Graduation rites should be simple but meaningful to encourage civil rights, a sense of
community, and personal responsibility. While these rites mark a milestone in the life of the
learners, these should be conducted without excessive spending, extravagant attire or
extraordinary venue;

b. Moving Up or Completion Ceremonies should be simple, involving only the learners, their
parents and the school; and

c. Non-academic projects such as attendance to field trips, film showing, Junior-Senior

promenade, and other school events should not be imposed as requirements for graduation
or completion. (D.O. # 02, s. 2019)

1) Which of the weaknesses of the Filipino does this DepEd Order wish to help eliminate?

2) Before the pandemic, did DepEd schools adhere to these policies? Cite at least two
examples to support your agreement or disagreement.

3) During the pandemic, do government offices observe austerity programs? Cite at least
two examples to support your answer.

2. In a post-observation conference, school head cites points for improvement for the teacher
observed. It happens that there are more points for improvement than positive points. Teacher
concludes the school head is biased against her.

Which Filipino weakness is revealed? What should be done?

3. What should be done in the Philippine basic education system so that it is more substance than
4. Cite instances where 1) extreme family centeredness, 2) lack of discipline, 3) passivity and lack of
initiative, 4) colonial mentality, 5) kanya-kanya syndrome, talangka mentality, 6) lack of self-
analysis and self-reflection are manifested in Philippine society.

Explain how schools can help counteract such negative traits.

5. Based on Sen. Shahani’s Report, Chapter IV as written by Patricia B. Licuanan, once Chair of the
Commission on Higher Education of the Philippines, schools have contributed to the development
of Filipino passivity and lack of critical thinking:

Aside from the influences of the formal curriculum, there are the influences of the ‘hidden curriculum’, i.e.,
the values taught informally by the Philippine school system. Schools are highly authoritarian with the
teachers as central focus. The Filipino student is taught to be dependent on the teacher, so he attempts to
record verbatim what the teacher says and to give this back in its original form with little processing during

Teachers reward well-behaved and obedient students and are uncomfortable with those who ask
questions and express different viewpoints…. Critical thinking is not learned in school.
a. Does this picture still hold true today? Why or why not?
b. Is this true to the pre-pandemic NVSU setting? To the pandemic NVSU setting?
Provide at least two

4LA – Group or Individual

Read the excerpt of the Report “A Moral Recovery Program: Building a People, Building a Nation”
submitted by the task force headed by then Senator Leticia Shahani to Pres. Corazon Aquino, the Senate and the
members of the press on April 27, 1988, then answer the following questions:

1. According to the report, what are the strengths of the Filipino character? Give an actual example of
each strength.
2. What are the weaknesses of the Filipino character according to the report? Give an actual example of
each weakness.
3. When does the strength of the Filipino become a weakness? Give two examples each.

Strength Example of the Strength becoming a weakness


Taking it to the Net

1. Research on the Senior High School Curriculum. Find out if there are subjects where the following are
intentionally taught: (1) a sense of patriotism and national pride; (2) a sense of common good; (3) a sense of
integrity and accountability, (4) the values and habits of discipline and hard work; (5) the values and habits of
self-reflection and analysis; the internalization of spiritual values and the emphasis on essence rather than on

Grade Level
Subject Value Topic
(Grade 11 or 12)

(Add to the rows if needed)

2. Research on DepEd orders on values education and value integration. Can these DepEd orders disprove that the
Philippine educational system is more form than substance as claimed in Sen. Shahani’s report?

3. The K to 10 Curriculum Guide for Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP) and the Grade 11-12 Curriculum Guide for
Philosophy of the Human Person and Personal Development show that there is an intensive and purposive effort
of the Philippine educational system to eliminate the weaknesses of the Filipino character that is more substance
than form. Which proofs can you give?

Videos Three major perspectives in sociology Structural Functionalism: Definition, Principles,
Strengths, and Weaknesses Structuralism & Functionalism What is Symbolic Interactionism? Symbolic Interactionism Conflict theory Reading Conflict Theory What is Empiricism? The Philosophy of Locke,
Berkeley and Hume David Hume's Theory of Knowledge (David Hume's
Empiricism, David Hume's Skepticism)
Skinner’s Theory of Behaviorism: Key Concepts Introduction to Behaviorism - Thorndike, Pavlov,
Watson, Skinner, Bandura, Gagne
Pavlov's Theory of Classical Conditioning (See link
below for "What is Psychology?")

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