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GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 part III scope CI to CIV 20200221

Section 1 - Hazards and Risk Management System Requirements

Name of Certification Programme: FSSC 22000 V5.1 - Food chain categories CI to CIV and DIIa 0

GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 CPO self assessment Benchmark leader assessment
element element name requirement Compliant supportive evidence supportive evidence description Compliant Benchmark leader's comment
number Yes/No reference Yes/no
HACCP Hazard and Risk A Hazard and Risk Management System including prerequisite programmes shall be implemented yes ISO22000: 8.2 & 8.5 8.2.1 The organization shall establish, implement, maintain and yes
1.1 management system to identify and control food safety hazards, including allergens. update PRP(s) to facilitate the prevention and/or reduction of
This system shall be systematic, comprehensive and shall take into consideration relevant law. contaminants (including food safety hazards) in the products, product
processing and work environment.
8.2.2 The PRP(s) shall be:
a) appropriate to the organization and its context with regard to food
appropriate to the size and type of the operation and the nature of
the products being manufactured and/or handled;
c) implemented across the entire production system, either as
programmes applicable in general or as programmes applicable to a
particular product or process;
d) approved by the food safety team.
8.2.3 When selecting and/or establishing PRP(s), the organization shall
ensure that applicable statutory, regulatory and mutually agreed
customer requirements are identified. The organization should
a) the applicable part of the ISO/TS 22002 series;
b) applicable standards, codes of practice and guidelines.

HACCP Hazard and Risk This shall be a HACCP system, based on the Annex of Codex Alimentarius General Principles of yes ISO 22000: 8.5 ISO 22000 follows the principles of Codex HACCP including: yes
1.1.2 management system Food Hygiene. 8.5.1 - preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis;
8.5.2 - Hazard analysis including selection and categorization of
control measures
8.5.3 -validation of control measures and combinations of control
8.5.4 - HACCP control plan (HACCP/OPRP Plan)

HACCP Hazard and Risk The scope of the Hazard and Risk Management System shall be defined per product / product yes ISO22000: Hazard identification and determination of acceptable levels yes
1.2 management system category and / or per process or production step. The organization shall identify and document all food safety
hazards that are reasonably expected to occur in relation to the type
of product, type of process and process environment.
The identification shall be based on:
a) the preliminary information and data collected in accordance with
b) experience;
c) internal and external information including, to the extent possible,
epidemiological, scientific and other historical data;
d) information from the food chain on food safety hazards related to
the safety of the end products, intermediate products and the food at
the time of consumption;
e) statutory, regulatory and customer requirements.

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GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 part III scope CI to CIV 20200221

GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 CPO self assessment Benchmark leader assessment
element element name requirement Compliant supportive evidence supportive evidence description Compliant Benchmark leader's comment
number Yes/No reference Yes/no
HACCP Hazard and Risk The Hazard and Risk Management System shall be applicable to the site’s scope of certification. yes ISO22000: 4.1 + The organization shall determine the boundaries and applicability of yes
1.3 management system the FSMS to establish its scope. The scope shall specify the products
and services, processes and production site(s) that are included in the
FSMS. The scope shall include the activities, processes, products or
services that can have an influence on the food safety of its end
When determining this scope, the organization shall consider:
a) the external and internal issues referred to in 4.1;
b) the requirements referred to in 4.2.
The scope shall be available and maintained as documented

HACCP Hazard and Risk The Hazard and Risk Management System shall be reviewed regularly, and in case of any change yes ISO22000: 10,3 - supported Top management shall ensure that the FSMS is continually updated. yes
1.4 management system that impacts food safety. by 8.6; 8.7, 8.8; 9.2 To achieve this, the food safety team shall evaluate the FSMS at
planned intervals. The team shall consider whether it is necessary to
review the hazard analysis (see 8.5.2), the established hazard control
plan (see 8.5.4) and the established PRPs (see 8.2). The updating
activities shall be based on:
a) input from communication, external as well as internal (see 7.4);
b) input from other information concerning the suitability, adequacy
and effectiveness of the FSMS;
c) output from the analysis of results of verification activities (see
d) output from management review (see 9.3).
System updating activities shall be retained as documented
information and reported as input to the management review (see

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GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 part III scope CI to CIV 20200221

Section 2 - Food Safety Management System Requirements

Name of Certification Programme: FSSC 22000 V5.1 - Food chain categories CI to CIV and DIIa 0

GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 CPO self assessment Benchmark leader assessment
element element name requirement Compliant supportive evidence supportive evidence description Compliant Benchmark leader's comment
number Yes/No reference Yes/no
FSM 1 Management responsibility A clear organisational structure identifying the job functions and responsibilities of at least those yes ISO 22000 - 3.2.5; 5.3.1 & 5.3.1 Top management shall ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are assigned, communicated and understood within yes
employees whose activities affect food safety shall be established, implemented and maintained. 7.2 the organization.
Top management shall assign the responsibility and authority for:
a) ensuring that the FSMS conforms to the requirements of this document;
b) reporting on the performance of the FSMS to top management;
c) appointing the food safety team and the food safety team leader;
d) designating persons with defined responsibility and authority to initiate and document action(s).
FSM 2 Management commitment Evidence of the senior management’s commitment to establish, implement, maintain and yes ISO 22000 - 5.1 5.1 Leadership and commitment yes OK with the update in V5.1.
and food safety culture continuously improve the Food Safety Management System shall be provided. This shall include Top management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the FSMS by:
elements of food safety culture, at a minimum consisting of: communication, training, feedback a) ensuring that the food safety policy and the objectives of the FSMS are established and are compatible with the strategic direction of the
from employees and performance measurement on food safety related activities. organization;
b) ensuring the integration of the FSMS requirements into the organization’s business processes;
c) ensuring that the resources needed for the FSMS are available;
d) communicating the importance of effective food safety management and conforming to the FSMS requirements, applicable statutory and
regulatory requirements, and mutually agreed customer requirements related to food safety;
e) ensuring that the FSMS is evaluated and maintained to achieve its intended result(s) (see 4.1);
f) directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the FSMS;
g) promoting continual improvement;
h) supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility.
Food safety culture is covered in several sections of ISO 22000 as part of the HLS (Higher Level Structure) - this is explained in the FSSC Guidance
document on Food safety culture
Annex 2 - Audit report requirements sets out the minimum content to be reported on under section 5 - Leadership covering communication,
training, feedback from employees and performance measurement
A definition was added in Appendix 1 of the Scheme for Food safety culture

FSM 3 Management review The senior management shall review all elements of the Food Safety Management System, yes ISO 22000: 9.3 9.3.1 General yes
including the Hazard and Risk Management System HACCP plan or HACCP-based plans regularly, Top management shall review the organization’s FSMS, at planned intervals, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.
and in case of any change that impacts food safety, to ensure their continuing suitability and 9.3.2 Management review input
effectiveness. The management review shall consider:
a) the status of actions from previous management reviews;
b) changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the FSMS, including changes in the organization and its context (see 4.1);
c) information on the performance and the effectiveness of the FSMS, including trends in: 1-9
the adequacy of resources;
e) any emergency situation, incident (see 8.4.2) or withdrawal/recall (see 8.9.5) that occurred;
f) relevant information obtained through external (see 7.4.2) and internal (see 7.4.3) communication, including requests and complaints from
interested parties;
g) opportunities for continual improvement.
The data shall be presented in a manner that enables top management to relate the information to stated objectives of the FSMS.

FSM 4.1 Food safety legislation Procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained to ensure compliance with yes ISO 22000: 7.5.1 c + 4.2 + 7.5 Documented information yes
applicable legislation (both countries of production and intended sale). 7.5.1 General
The organization’s FSMS shall include:
a) documented information required by this document;
b) documented information determined by the organization as being necessary for the effectiveness of the FSMS;
c) documented information and food safety requirements required by statutory, regulatory authorities and customers.
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
To ensure that the organization has the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet applicable statutory, regulatory and
customer requirements with regard to food safety, the organization shall determine:
a) the interested parties that are relevant to the FSMS;
b) the relevant requirements of the interested parties of the FSMS.
The organization shall identify, review and update information related to the interested parties and their requirements. Characteristics of end products
The organization shall ensure that all applicable statutory and regulatory food safety requirements are identified for all the end products intended
to be produced.
The organization shall maintain documented information concerning the characteristics of end products to the extent needed to conduct the
hazard analysis (see 8.5.2), including information on the following, as appropriate:
a) product name or similar identification; b) composition;
c) biological, chemical and physical characteristics relevant for food safety;
d) intended shelf life and storage conditions; e) packaging;
f) labelling relating to food safety and/or instructions for handling, preparation and intended use;
g) method(s) of distribution and delivery.

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GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 part III scope CI to CIV 20200221

GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 CPO self assessment Benchmark leader assessment
element element name requirement Compliant supportive evidence supportive evidence description Compliant Benchmark leader's comment
number Yes/No reference Yes/no
FSM 5 Food Safety Management The elements of the Food Safety Management System shall be established, implemented, yes ISO 22000: 4.3 + 4.4 4.3 Determining the scope of the food safety management system yes
system maintained and continuously improved and shall have a scope appropriate to the range of The organization shall determine the boundaries and applicability of the FSMS to establish its scope. The scope shall specify the products and
business activities to be covered. services, processes and production site(s) that are included in the FSMS. The scope shall include the activities, processes, products or services that
can have an influence on the food safety of its end products.
When determining this scope, the organization shall consider:
a) the external and internal issues referred to in 4.1;
b) the requirements referred to in 4.2.
The scope shall be available and maintained as documented information.
4.4 Food safety management system
The organization shall establish, implement, maintain, update and continually improve a FSMS, including the processes needed and their
interactions, in accordance with the requirements of this document.

FSM 6 Food safety policy and A clear, concise and documented food safety policy statement shall be in place, as well as yes ISO 22000: 5.2 5.2.1 Establishing the food safety policy yes
objectives measurable objectives specifying the extent of the organisation’s commitment to meet the food Top management shall establish, implement and maintain a food safety policy that:
safety needs. a) is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization;
b) provides a framework for setting and reviewing the objectives of the FSMS;
c) includes a commitment to satisfy applicable food safety requirements, including statutory and regulatory requirements and mutually agreed
customer requirements related to food safety;
d) addresses internal and external communication;
e) includes a commitment to continual improvement of the FSMS;
f) addresses the need to ensure competencies related to food safety.

FSM 7.1 Food defence A food defence threat assessment procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained yes FSSC Add req ASSESSMENT yes
to identify potential threats and prioritise food defence measures. The organization shall have a documented procedure in place to:
a)Conduct a threat assessment to iden fy and assess poten al threats;
b)Develop and implement mi ga on measures for significant threats.

FSM 7.2 Food defence A documented food defence plan shall be in place specifying the measures implemented to yes FSSC Add req PLAN yes
mitigate the public health risks from any identified food defence threats. a)The organiza on shall have a documented food defense plan specifying the mi ga on measures covering the processes and products within the
FSMS scope of the organization.
b)The food defense plan shall be supported by the organiza on’s FSMS.
c)The plan shall comply with applicable legisla on and be kept up-to-date.

FSM 7.3 Food defence This food defence plan shall be supported by the Food Safety Management System. yes FSSC Add req as above yes

FSM 8.1 Food fraud A food fraud vulnerability assessment procedure shall be established, implemented and yes FSSC Add req VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT yes
maintained to identify potential vulnerability and prioritise food fraud mitigation measures. The organization shall have a documented procedure in place to:
a)Conduct a food fraud vulnerability assessment to iden fy and assess poten al vulnerabili es;
b)Develop and implement mi ga on measures for significant vulnerabili es.

FSM 8.2 Food fraud A documented food fraud plan shall be in place specifying the measures implemented to mitigate yes FSSC Add req PLAN yes
the public health risks from the identified food fraud vulnerabilities. a)The organiza on shall have a documented food fraud mi ga on plan specifying the mi ga on measures covering the processes and products
within the FSMS scope of the organization.
b)The food fraud mi ga on plan shall be supported by the organiza on’s FSMS.
c)The plan shall comply with the applicable legisla on and be kept up-to-date.
FSM 8.3 Food fraud This food fraud mitigation plan shall be supported by the organisation's Food Safety Management yes FSSC Add req as above yes

FSM 9.1 Documentation A procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained for the management and control yes ISO 22000 - 7.5.1; 7.5.3 7.5 Documented information yes
requirements of documented information required to demonstrate the effective operation and control of 7.5.1 General
processes and the Food Safety Management System. The organization’s FSMS shall include:
a) documented information required by this document;
b) documented information determined by the organization as being necessary for the effectiveness of the FSMS;
c) documented information and food safety requirements required by statutory, regulatory authorities and customers. Documented information required by the FSMS and by this document shall be controlled to ensure:
a) it is available and suitable for use, where and when it is needed;
b) it is adequately protected (e.g. from loss of confidentiality, improper use, or loss of integrity).

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GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 part III scope CI to CIV 20200221

GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 CPO self assessment Benchmark leader assessment
element element name requirement Compliant supportive evidence supportive evidence description Compliant Benchmark leader's comment
number Yes/No reference Yes/no
FSM Documentation All the above-mentioned documented information shall be securely stored for the time period yes ISO 22000: 7.5.1;; 7.5 Documented information yes
9.2.1 requirements required to meet customer and legal requirements, or for a period exceeding the shelf-life of the; ISO 22000 - 8,3 7.5.1 General
food if customer or legal requirements are not available. It shall be effectively controlled and The organization’s FSMS shall include:
readily accessible when needed. a) documented information required by this document;
b) documented information determined by the organization as being necessary for the effectiveness of the FSMS;
c) documented information and food safety requirements required by statutory, regulatory authorities and customers. Documented information required by the FSMS and by this document shall be controlled to ensure:
a) it is available and suitable for use, where and when it is needed;
b) it is adequately protected (e.g. from loss of confidentiality, improper use, or loss of integrity). For the control of documented information, the organization shall address the following activities, as applicable:
a) distribution, access, retrieval and use;
b) storage and preservation, including preservation of legibility;
c) control of changes (e.g. version control);
d) retention and disposition.
8.3 - Documented information as evidence of the traceability system shall be retained for a defined period to include, as a minimum, the shelf life
of the product.

FSM 10.1 Specified requirements / Specified requirements or specifications shall be established, implemented and maintained for all yes ISO 22000: & 7.1.6 - The organization shall maintain documented information concerning all raw materials, ingredients and product contact materials to the yes
Specifications inputs to the process, including services that are purchased or provided and have an effect on & FSSC Add Req 2.5.1 extent needed to conduct the hazard analysis (see 8.5.2), including the following, as appropriate: a-g
food safety. 7.1.6 Control of externally provided processes, products or services
The organization shall:
a) establish and apply criteria for the evaluation, selection, monitoring of performance and re- evaluation of external providers of processes,
products and/or services;
b) ensure adequate communication of requirements to the external provider(s);
c) ensure that externally provided processes, products or services do not adversely affect the organization's ability to consistently meet the
requirements of the FSMS;
d) retain documented information of these activities and any necessary actions as a result of the evaluations and re-evaluations.
In addition to clause 7.1.6 of ISO 22000:2018, the organization shall ensure that in case external laboratory analysis services are used for the
verification and/or validation of food safety, these shall be conducted by a competent laboratory that has the capability to produce precise and
repeatable test results using validated test methods and best practices (e.g. successful participation in proficiency testing programs, regulatory
approved programs or accreditation to international standards such as ISO 17025).

FSM 10.2 Specified requirements / A review process of the specified requirements or specifications shall be in place. yes FSSC Add req 2.5.1 c) c)For food chain categories C, D, I, G and K, the following addi onal requirement applies to ISO/TS 22002-1 clause 9.2; ISO/TS 22002-4 clause 4.6 yes
Specifications and ISO/TS 22002-5 clause 4:
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a review process for product specifications to ensure continued compliance with food
safety, legal and customer requirements.

FSM 11 Procedures Effective procedures and instructions shall be established, implemented and maintained for all yes ISO 22000: 8.1 The organization shall plan, implement, control, maintain and update the processes needed to meet requirements for the realization of safe yes
processes and operations having an effect on food safety. products, and to implement the actions determined in 6.1, by:
a) establishing criteria for the processes;
b) implementing control of the processes in accordance with the criteria;
c) keeping documented information to the extent necessary to have the confidence to demonstrate that the processes have been carried out as
The organization shall control planned changes and review the consequences of unintended changes, taking action to mitigate any adverse effects,
as necessary.
The organization shall ensure that outsourced processes are controlled (see 7.1.6).

FSM 12 Resource management The resources needed to establish, implement, maintain, review and improve the Food Safety yes ISO 22000: 5.3; 7.1 + 7.2 7.1.1 General yes
Management System shall be identified and assigned. The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, update and continual
improvement of the FSMS.
The organization shall consider:
a) the capability of, and any constraints on, existing internal resources;
b) the need for external resources.

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GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 part III scope CI to CIV 20200221

GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 CPO self assessment Benchmark leader assessment
element element name requirement Compliant supportive evidence supportive evidence description Compliant Benchmark leader's comment
number Yes/No reference Yes/no
FSM Purchasing and supplier A purchasing procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained to ensure that all yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 9.2 9.2 Selection and management of suppliers yes
13.1.2 performance inputs to the process, including externally purchased materials and services which have an effect There shall be a defined process for the selection, approval and monitoring of suppliers. The process used
on food safety, conform to specified requirements or specifications as well as food safety and shall be justified by hazard assessment, including the potential risk to the final product, and shall include:
regulatory requirements. a) assessment of the supplier’s ability to meet quality and food safety expectations, requirements and
b) description of how suppliers are assessed;
NOTE Examples of a description of how suppliers are assessed include:
1) audit of the supplying site prior to accepting materials for production;
2) appropriate third party certification.
c) monitoring the performance of the supplier to assure continued approval status.
NOTE Monitoring includes conformity with material or product specifications, fulfilment of COA requirements,
satisfactory audit outcomes.

FSM Purchasing and supplier A procedure for the evaluation, approval and continued monitoring of suppliers which have an yes ISO 22000 - 7.1.6 + BoS 7.1.6 Control of externally provided processes, products or services yes
13.2.1 performance effect on food safety shall be established, implemented and maintained. The procedure shall decision #3 The organization shall:
address procurement in emergency situations to ensure that food still conforms to the a) establish and apply criteria for the evaluation, selection, monitoring of performance and re- evaluation of external providers of processes,
documented specified requirements or specifications, and the supplier has been evaluated. The products and/or services;
results of evaluations, investigations and follow up actions shall be recorded. b) ensure adequate communication of requirements to the external provider(s);
c) ensure that externally provided processes, products or services do not adversely affect the organization's ability to consistently meet the
requirements of the FSMS;
d) retain documented information of these activities and any necessary actions as a result of the evaluations and re-evaluations.
BoS#3: •in addi on to ISO 22000:2018 clause 7.1.6, the organiza on shall have a procedure for procurement in emergency situa ons to ensure that
products still conform to specified requirements and the supplier has been evaluated.
FSM 13.3 Purchasing and supplier Outsourced processes that may have an effect on food safety shall be identified and controlled. yes ISO 22000 - 7.1.6 7.1.6 - as above yes
performance Such controls shall be documented in the Food Safety Management System.

FSM Traceability Procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained to ensure product identification yes ISO 22000 - 8.3 8.3 Traceability system yes
14.1.1 from the supplier (minimum one step back) through any processes undertaken to the recipient of The traceability system shall be able to uniquely identify incoming material from the suppliers and the first stage of the distribution route of the
the food (minimum one step forward). end product. When establishing and implementing the traceability system, the following shall be considered as a minimum:
a) relation of lots of received materials, ingredients and intermediate products to the end products;
b) reworking of materials/products;
c) distribution of the end product.
The organization shall ensure that applicable statutory, regulatory and customer requirements are identified.

FSM 14.2 Traceability Documented tests of the traceability system shall be undertaken to ensure this is operating yes ISO 22000 - 8.3 Documented information as evidence of the traceability system shall be retained for a defined period to include, as a minimum, the shelf life of the yes
effectively. product. The organization shall verify and test the effectiveness of the traceability system.

FSM 15 Product development Product design and development procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained no Included in draft V5.1 yes OK with the update in V5.1.
for new products and changes to product or manufacturing processes to ensure safe and legal
products are produced.

FSM 16.1 Allergen management An allergen management plan shall be established, implemented and maintained. This shall yes FSSC Additional Req: 2.5.6 2.5.6MANAGEMENT OF ALLERGENS (FOOD CHAIN CATEGORIES C, E, FI, G, I & K) yes
include a risk assessment of allergen cross contamination, implemented controls to reduce or + 2.5.2 The organization shall have a documented allergen management plan that includes:
eliminate that risk, and labelling of the food in compliance with the allergen labelling legislation a)Risk assessment covering all poten al sources of allergen cross-contamina on and;
in the country of intended sale. b)Control measures to reduce or eliminate the risk of cross-contamina on.
In addition to clause of ISO 22000:2018, the organization shall ensure that finished products are labelled according to all applicable food
safety (including allergens) statutory and regulatory requirements in the country of intended sale.

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GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 part III scope CI to CIV 20200221

GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 CPO self assessment Benchmark leader assessment
element element name requirement Compliant supportive evidence supportive evidence description Compliant Benchmark leader's comment
number Yes/No reference Yes/no
FSM 17.1 Control of measuring and The equipment / devices used to measure parameters critical to ensure food safety shall be yes ISO 22000 - + 8.7 Monitoring systems at CCPs and for OPRPs yes
monitoring equipment / identified. At each CCP, a monitoring system shall be established for each control measure or combination of control measure(s) to detect any failure to
devices remain within the critical limits. The system shall include all scheduled measurements relative to the critical limit(s).
For each OPRP, a monitoring system shall be established for the control measure or combination of control measure(s) to detect failure to meet
the action criterion.
The monitoring system, at each CCP and for each OPRP, shall consist of documented information, including:
a) measurements or observations that provide results within an adequate time frame;
b) monitoring methods or devices used;

FSM 17.2 Control of measuring and The identified equipment / devices shall be regularly calibrated; calibration shall be traceable to a yes ISO 22000 - 8.7 8.7 Control of monitoring and measuring yes
monitoring equipment / national or international standard or method. The organization shall provide evidence that the specified monitoring and measuring methods and equipment in use are adequate for the
devices monitoring and measuring activities related to the PRP(s) and the hazard control plan.
The monitoring and measuring equipment used shall be:
a) calibrated or verified at specified intervals prior to use;
b) adjusted or re-adjusted as necessary;
c) identified to enable the calibration status to be determined
safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement results;
e) protected from damage and deterioration.
The results of calibration and verification shall be retained as documented information. The calibration of all the equipment shall be traceable to
international or national measurement standards; where no standards exist, the basis used for calibration or verification shall be retained as
documented information.

FSM Product labelling and Finished product shall be labelled to ensure safe use of food, in compliance with the applicable yes FSSC Additional Req: 2.5.2 2.5.2PRODUCT LABELLING yes
18.1.1 product information food safety legislation in the country of intended sale. In addition to clause of ISO 22000:2018, the organization shall ensure that finished products are labelled according to all applicable food
safety (including allergens) statutory and regulatory requirements in the country of intended sale.

FSM 18.2 Product labelling and When product is unlabelled, all relevant product information shall be made available to ensure yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 17 & FSSC 17 Product information and consumer awareness yes OK with the update in V5.1.
product information the safe use of the food by the customer or consumer. Add Req 2.5.2 Information shall be presented to consumers in such a way as to enable them to understand its importance
and make informed choices.
Information may be provided by labelling or other means, such as company websites and advertisements, and
may include storage, preparation and serving instructions applicable to the product.
Updated FSSC additional req in V5.1 to be more explicit
In addition to clause of ISO 22000:2018, the organization shall ensure that finished products are labelled according to all applicable
statutory and regulatory requirements in the country of intended sale, including allergen and customer specific requirements.
When product is unlabelled, all relevant product information shall be made available to ensure the safe use of the food by the customer or

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GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 part III scope CI to CIV 20200221

GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 CPO self assessment Benchmark leader assessment
element element name requirement Compliant supportive evidence supportive evidence description Compliant Benchmark leader's comment
number Yes/No reference Yes/no
FSM 19.1 Testing A procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained to ensure that analyses of food yes FSSC Additional Req: 2.5.1 2.5.1MANAGEMENT OF SERVICES yes OK with the update in V5.1.
parameters critical to food safety are undertaken by competent laboratories and using + ISO 22000: 8.7 + 7.2 a)In addi on to clause 7.1.6 of ISO 22000:2018, the organiza on shall ensure that where laboratory analysis services are used for the verifica on
appropriate sampling and testing methods and that such analyses are performed in accordance and/or validation of food safety, these shall be conducted by a competent laboratory (including both internal and external laboratories as
with the applicable requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. applicable) that has the capability to produce precise and repeatable test results using validated test methods and best practices (e.g. successful
participation in proficiency testing programs, regulatory approved programs or accreditation to international standards such as ISO 17025).
8.7 Control of monitoring and measuring
The organization shall provide evidence that the specified monitoring and measuring methods and equipment in use are adequate for the monitoring and
measuring activities related to the PRP(s) and the hazard control plan.
The monitoring and measuring equipment used shall be:
a) calibrated or verified at specified intervals prior to use;
b) adjusted or re-adjusted as necessary;
c) identified to enable the calibration status to be determined;
d) safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement results;
e) protected from damage and deterioration.
The results of calibration and verification shall be retained as documented information. The calibration of all the equipment shall be traceable to international or
national measurement standards; where no standards exist, the basis used for calibration or verification shall be retained as documented information.

7.2 Competence
The organization shall:
a) determine the necessary competence of person(s), including external providers, doing work under its control that affects its food safety performance and
effectiveness of the FSMS;
b) ensure that these persons, including the food safety team and those responsible for the operation of the hazard control plan, are competent on the basis of
appropriate education, training and/or experience;

FSM 19.2 Environmental monitoring A risk-based approach shall be in place to define the microbiological environmental monitoring yes FSSC Additional Req: 2.5.7 2.5.7 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING (FOOD CHAIN CATEGORIES C, I & K) yes
programme which shall be established, implemented and maintained to reduce the risk of food The organization shall have in place:
contamination. a)Risk-based environmental monitoring program;
b)Documented procedure for the evalua on of the effec veness of all controls on preven ng contamina on from the manufacturing
environment and this shall include, at a minimum, the evaluation of microbiological and allergen controls present;
c)Data of the monitoring ac vi es including regular trend analysis.

FSM 20 Internal audit An internal audit procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained; it shall cover all yes ISO22000 - 9.2 9.2.1 The organization shall conduct internal audits at planned intervals to provide information on whether the FSMS: yes
elements of the Food Safety Management System. a) conforms to:
1) the organization’s own requirements for its FSMS;
2) the requirements of this document;
b) is effectively implemented and maintained.
9.2.2 The organization shall:
a) plan, establish, implement and maintain (an) audit programme(s), including the frequency, methods, responsibilities, planning requirements and
reporting, which shall take into consideration the importance of the processes concerned, changes in the FSMS, and the results of monitoring,
measurement and previous audits;

FSM 21 Complaint handling A procedure for the management of complaints and complaint data shall be established, yes ISO 22000 - 7.4.2; 8.9.3 + 8.9.3 Corrective actions yes
implemented and maintained to ensure that complaints are assessed and corrective actions 10 The need for corrective actions shall be evaluated when critical limits at CCP(s) and/or action criteria for OPRPs are not met.
implemented, when necessary. The organization shall establish and maintain documented information that specifies appropriate actions to identify and eliminate the cause of
detected nonconformities, to prevent recurrence, and to return the process to control after a nonconformity is identified.
These actions shall include:
a) reviewing nonconformities identified by customer and/or consumer complaints and/or regulatory inspection reports;
b) reviewing trends in monitoring results that can indicate loss of control;
c) determining the cause(s) of nonconformities;

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element element name requirement Compliant supportive evidence supportive evidence description Compliant Benchmark leader's comment
number Yes/No reference Yes/no
FSM 22 Serious incident An incident management procedure, including product recall and withdrawal, shall be yes ISO22000 - 8.4 & ISO/TS - 15 Product recall procedures yes
management established, implemented and maintained. The recall procedure shall be regularly tested for ISO/TS22002-1 - 15 15.1 General requirements
effectiveness. Systems shall be in place to ensure that products failing to meet required food safety standards can be
identified, located and removed from all necessary points of the supply chain.
15.2 Product recall requirements
A list of key contacts in the event of a recall shall be maintained.
Where products are withdrawn due to immediate health hazards, the safety of other products produced under
the same conditions shall be evaluated. The need for public warnings shall be considered.
8.4.2 Handling of emergencies and incidents
The organization shall:
a) respond to actual emergency situations and incidents by:
1) ensuring applicable statutory and regulatory requirements are identified;
2) communicating internally;
3) communicating externally (e.g. suppliers, customers, appropriate authorities, media);
b) take action to reduce the consequences of the emergency situation, appropriate to the magnitude of the emergency or incident and the
potential food safety impact;
c) periodically test procedures where practical;
d) review and, where necessary, update the documented information after the occurrence of any incident, emergency situation or tests.
NOTE Examples of emergency situations that can affect food safety and/or production are natural disasters, environmental accidents, bioterrorism,
workplace accidents, public health emergencies and other accidents, e.g. interruption of essential services such as water, electricity or refrigeration

FSM 23 Product release A product release procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained. yes ISO 22000 - 8.9.2; Evaluation for release yes
Each lot of products affected by the nonconformity shall be evaluated.
Products affected by failure to remain within critical limits at CCPs shall not be released, but shall be handled in accordance with
Products affected by failure to meet action criterion for OPRPs shall only be released as safe when any of the following conditions apply:
a) evidence other than the monitoring system demonstrates that the control measures have been effective;
b) evidence shows that the combined effect of the control measures for that particular product conforms to the performance intended (i.e.
identified acceptable levels);
c) the results of sampling, analysis and/or other verification activities demonstrate that the affected products conform to the identified acceptable
levels for the food safety hazard(s) concerned.
Results of evaluation for release of products shall be retained as documented information.

FSM 24.1 Control of non-conformity A procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained to ensure that any non- yes ISO 22000: General yes
conformity impacting food safety and any non-conforming products are clearly identified and The organization shall take action(s) to prevent potentially unsafe products from entering the food chain, unless it can demonstrate that:
controlled to prevent unintended use or delivery. a) the food safety hazard(s) of concern is (are) reduced to the defined acceptable levels;
b) the food safety hazard(s) of concern will be reduced to identified acceptable levels prior to entering the food chain; or
c) the product still meets the defined acceptable level(s) of the food safety hazard(s) of concern despite the nonconformity.
The organization shall retain products that have been identified as potentially unsafe under its control until the products have been evaluated and
the disposition has been determined.
If products that have left the control of the organization are subsequently determined to be unsafe, the organization shall notify relevant
interested parties and initiate a withdrawal/recall (see 8.9.5).
The controls and related responses from relevant interested parties and authorization for dealing with potentially unsafe products shall be retained
as documented information.

FSM 25 Corrective actions A procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained for the determination and yes ISO 22000 - 8.9 8.9.3 Corrective actions yes
implementation of corrective actions in the event of any significant non-conformity relating to The need for corrective actions shall be evaluated when critical limits at CCP(s) and/or action criteria for OPRPs are not met.
food safety. The organization shall establish and maintain documented information that specifies appropriate actions to identify and eliminate the cause of
detected nonconformities, to prevent recurrence, and to return the process to control after a nonconformity is identified.
These actions shall include:
a) reviewing nonconformities identified by customer and/or consumer complaints and/or regulatory inspection reports;
b) reviewing trends in monitoring results that can indicate loss of control;
c) determining the cause(s) of nonconformities;
d) determining and implementing actions to ensure that nonconformities do not recur;
e) documenting the results of corrective actions taken;
f) verifying corrective actions taken to ensure that they are effective.
The organization shall retain documented information on all corrective actions.

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Section 3 - Good Industry Practices Requirements

Name of Certification Programme: FSSC 22000 V5.1 - Food chain categories CI to CIV and DIIa 0

GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 CPO self assessment Benchmark leader assessment
element element name requirement Compliant supportive evidence supportive evidence description Compliant Benchmark leader's comment
number Yes/No reference Yes/no
GMP 1 Site environment The site shall be located and maintained to enable the reception, storage, production and yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 4 4.1 General requirements yes
distribution of safe food and to prevent its contamination. Buildings shall be designed, constructed and maintained in a manner appropriate to the nature of the
processing operations to be carried out, the food safety hazards associated with those operations and the
potential sources of contamination from the plant environs. Buildings shall be of durable construction which
presents no hazard to the product.
GMP 2 Local environment All grounds within the site shall be maintained to prevent contamination and enable the production yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 5 5 Layout of premises and workspace yes
of safe products. 5.1 General requirements
Internal layouts shall be designed, constructed and maintained to facilitate good hygiene and manufacturing practices. The movement
patterns of materials, products and people, and the layout of equipment, shall be
designed to protect against potential contamination sources.
5.2 Internal design, layout and traffic patterns
The building shall provide adequate space, with a logical flow of materials, products and personnel, and physical separation of raw from
processed areas.
NOTE Examples of physical separation include walls, barriers or partitions, or sufficient distance to minimize risk. Openings intended for
transfer of materials shall be designed to minimize entry of foreign matter and pests.
5.3 Internal structures and fittings
Process area walls and floors shall be washable or cleanable, as appropriate for the process or product hazard. Materials of construction
shall be resistant to the cleaning system applied.
Wall floor junctions and corners shall be designed to facilitate cleaning. It is recommended that wall floor junctions be rounded in
processing areas.
Floors shall be designed to avoid standing water. In wet process areas, floors shall be sealed and drained. Drains shall be trapped and
Ceilings and overhead fixtures shall be designed to minimize build-up of dirt and condensation. External opening windows, roof vents or
fan, where present, shall be insect screened.
External opening doors shall be closed or screened when not in use.
5.4 Location of equipment
Equipment shall be designed and located so as to facilitate good hygiene practices and monitoring. Equipment shall be located to permit
access for operation, cleaning and maintenance.

GMP 3 Site design, construction, The site, both the exterior and the interior, shall be designed, constructed and maintained to yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 5 5.1 General requirements yes
layout and flow of minimise food safety risks. Internal layouts shall be designed, constructed and maintained to facilitate good hygiene and manufacturing
operations The layout and flow of operations shall be suitable for the intended purpose and designed to practices. The movement patterns of materials, products and people, and the layout of equipment, shall be
minimise food safety risks. designed to protect against potential contamination sources.
5.2 Internal design, layout and traffic patterns
The building shall provide adequate space, with a logical flow of materials, products and personnel, and
physical separation of raw from processed areas.

GMP 4.1 Product contamination risk Procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained to prevent or minimise risk of yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 10, 14.1 10.1 General requirements yes
and segregation contamination and cross-contamination of purchased materials, work in progress, rework, packaging Appendix 1 - definition Programmes shall be in place to prevent, control and detect contamination. Measures to prevent physical, allergen and microbiological contamination
and finished product covering all aspects of food safety. shall be included.
10.2 Microbiological cross-contamination
Areas where potential for microbiological cross-contamination exists (airborne or from traffic patterns) shall be identified and a segregation (zoning)
plan implemented. A hazard assessment shall be carried out to determine potential contamination sources, susceptibility of the product and control
measures suitable for these areas as follows:
a) separation of raw from finished or ready to eat (RTE) products; b) structural segregation — physical barriers, walls or separate buildings; c) access
controls with requirements to change into required workwear; d) traffic patterns or equipment segregation — people, materials, equipment and tools
(including use of dedicated tools); e) air pressure differentials.
10.3 Allergen management
Allergens present in the product, either by design or by potential manufacturing cross-contact, shall be declared. The declaration shall be on the label
for consumer products, and on the label or the accompanying documentation for products intended for further processing. Products shall be protected
from unintended allergen cross-contact by cleaning and line change-over practices and/or product sequencing.
10.4 Physical contamination
Based on hazard assessment, measures shall be put in place to prevent, control or detect potential contamination.
NOTE 1 Examples of such measures include:
a) adequate covers over equipment or containers for exposed materials or products; b) use of screens, magnets, sieves or filters; c) use of detection or
rejection devices such as metal detectors or X-ray.
NOTE 2 Sources of potential contamination include wooden pallets and tools, rubber seals, and personal protective clothing and equipment.
14.1 General requirements
Rework shall be stored, handled and used in such a way that product safety, quality, traceability and regulatory compliance are maintained.
Appendix 1: Definitions
Commodities, parts or substances that are assembled or processed to form a final product.

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element element name requirement Compliant supportive evidence supportive evidence description Compliant Benchmark leader's comment
number Yes/No reference Yes/no
GMP 5 Employee facilities Employee facilities including hand washing and toilet facilities, and public facilities where yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 13.2 13.2 Personnel hygiene facilities and toilets yes
applicable, shall be provided, designed and operated to minimise food safety risks. Personnel hygiene facilities shall be available to ensure that the degree of personal hygiene required by the
organization can be maintained. The facilities shall be located close to the points where hygiene requirements
apply and shall be clearly designated.
Establishments shall:
a) provide adequate numbers, locations and means of hygienically washing, drying and, where required,
sanitizing hands (including wash-basins, supply of hot and cold or temperature controlled water, and soap
and/or sanitizer);
b) have sinks designated for hand washing, whose taps should not be hand operated, separate from sinks
for food use and equipment-cleaning stations;
c) provide an adequate number of toilets of appropriate hygienic design, each with hand-washing, drying
and, where required, sanitizing facilities;
d) have employee hygiene facilities that do not open directly on to production, packing or storage areas;
e) have adequate changing facilities for personnel;
f) have changing facilities sited to enable personnel handling food to move to the production area in such a
way that risk to the cleanliness of their workwear is minimized.

GMP 6.1 Personal hygiene, Documented personal hygiene standards shall be established, implemented and maintained to yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 13 13.1 General requirements yes
protective clothing and minimise food safety risks. Requirements for personal hygiene and behaviours proportional to the hazard posed to the process area or
medical screening product shall be established and documented. All personnel, visitors and contractors shall be required to
comply with the documented requirements.
GMP 6.2 Personal hygiene, Suitable protective clothing shall be provided to minimise food safety risks. yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 13.4 13.4 Workwear and protective clothing yes
protective clothing and Personnel who work in, or enter into, areas where exposed products and/or materials are handled shall wear
medical screening work clothing that is fit for purpose, clean and in good condition (e.g. free from rips, tears or fraying material).
Clothing mandated for food protection or hygiene purposes shall not be used for any other purpose.
Workwear shall not have buttons. Workwear shall not have outside pockets above waist level. Zips or press
stud fastenings are acceptable.

GMP 6.3 Personal hygiene, A medical screening procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained to identify yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 13.5 + 13.6 13.5 Health status yes
protective clothing and conditions impacting food safety and that any person affected shall immediately report illness or Subject to legal restrictions in the country of operation, employees shall undergo a medical examination prior
medical screening symptoms to management, subject to legal restrictions in the country of operation. to employment in food contact operations (including site catering), unless documented hazard or medical
assessment indicates otherwise.
Additional medical examinations, where permitted, shall be carried out at intervals defined by the organization.
13.6 Illness and injuries
Where permitted by law, employees shall be required to report the following conditions to management for
possible exclusion from food-handling areas: jaundice, diarrhoea, vomiting, fever, sore throat with fever,
visibly infected skin lesions (boils, cuts or sores) and discharges from the ear, eye or nose.
People known or suspected to be infected with, or carrying, a disease or illness transmissible through food
shall be prevented from handling food or materials which come into contact with food.

GMP 6.4 Personal hygiene, The requirements 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 shall apply to employees, contractors and visitors commensurate yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 13.1 13.1 General requirements yes
protective clothing and to their impact on food safety. Requirements for personal hygiene and behaviours proportional to the hazard posed to the process area or
medical screening product shall be established and documented. All personnel, visitors and contractors shall be required to
comply with the documented requirements.

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element element name requirement Compliant supportive evidence supportive evidence description Compliant Benchmark leader's comment
number Yes/No reference Yes/no
GMP 7 Training Procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained to ensure that all employees are yes ISO22000: 7.2 7.2 Competence yes
trained, and retrained as necessary to have an understanding in food safety, commensurate with The organization shall:
their activity. a) determine the necessary competence of person(s), including external providers, doing work under its control that affects its food safety
performance and effectiveness of the FSMS;
b) ensure that these persons, including the food safety team and those responsible for the operation of the hazard control plan, are
competent on the basis of appropriate education, training and/or experience;
c) ensure that the food safety team has a combination of multi-disciplinary knowledge and experience in developing and implementing
the FSMS (including, but not limited to, the organization’s products, processes, equipment and food safety hazards within the scope of the
d) where applicable, take actions to acquire the necessary competence, and evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken;
e) retain appropriate documented information as evidence of competence.
NOTE Applicable actions can include, for example, the provision of training to, the mentoring of, or the re- assignment of currently
employed persons; or the hiring or contracting of competent persons.

GMP 8.1.1 Housekeeping, cleaning and Procedure of housekeeping, cleaning and disinfection shall be established, implemented and yes ISO22000: 8.2.1; 8.2.1 The organization shall establish, implement, maintain and update PRP(s) to facilitate the prevention and/or reduction of yes
disinfection maintained. Its effectiveness in minimising food safety risks shall be verified, based on the risks ISO/TS 22002-1: 11 contaminants (including food safety hazards) in the products, product processing and work environment.
associated with the product or activity. 11.1 General requirements
Cleaning activities shall not represent a food safety risk. Cleaning and sanitizing programmes shall be established to ensure that the food-processing equipment and environment are maintained
in a hygienic condition. Programmes shall be monitored for continuing suitability
and effectiveness.
11,2 - Tools and equipment shall be of hygienic design and maintained in a condition which does not present a potential source of
extraneous matter.

GMP 8.2 Housekeeping, cleaning and Cleaning facilities, equipment and chemical materials shall be suitable for their intended use and yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 11.2 11.2 Cleaning and sanitizing agents and tools yes
disinfection shall be stored and used appropriately. Facilities and equipment shall be maintained in a condition which facilitates wet or dry cleaning and/or
Cleaning and sanitizing agents and chemicals shall be clearly identified, food grade, stored separately and
used only in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Tools and equipment shall be of hygienic design and maintained in a condition which does not present a
potential source of extraneous matter.

GMP 9 Rework Rework shall be managed to minimise food safety risks and not to compromise traceability. yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 14 14.1 General requirements yes
Rework shall be stored, handled and used in such a way that product safety, quality, traceability and
regulatory compliance are maintained.
14.2 Storage, identification and traceability
Stored rework shall be protected from exposure to microbiological, chemical or extraneous matter
Segregation requirements for rework (e.g. allergen) shall be documented and met.
Rework shall be clearly identified and/or labelled to allow traceability. Traceability records for rework shall be
The rework classification or the reason for rework designation shall be recorded (e.g. product name,
production date, shift, line of origin, shelf-life).

GMP 10 Site inspections / checks A programme of site inspections / checks shall be established, implemented and maintained to yes 2.5.12 Included in draft V5.1 as additional requirement to internal audits yes OK with the update in V5.1.
ensure the site environment and processing equipment are maintained in a suitable condition to
ensure food safety, as applicable to the activity of the site.

GMP 11 Air and water quality Air, compressed gases, and water (including ice and steam) in any form which could impact food yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 6 6.4 Air quality and ventilation yes
safety shall be regularly monitored, and adequately stored and handled in order to minimise food The organization shall establish requirements for filtration, humidity (RH%) and microbiology of air used as an ingredient or for direct
safety risks. product contact. Where temperature and/or humidity are deemed critical by the organization, a control system shall be put in place and
Water not intended for use in food production, if available on site, shall be managed to minimise monitored. Ventilation (natural or mechanical) shall be provided to remove excess or unwanted steam, dust and odours, and to facilitate
food safety risks. drying after wet cleaning.
6.5 Compressed air and other gases
Compressed air, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and other gas systems used in manufacturing and/or filling shall be constructed and maintained
so as to prevent contamination.
6.2 Water supply
The supply of potable water shall be sufficient to meet the needs of the production process(es). Facilities for storage, distribution and,
where needed, temperature control of the water shall be designed to meet specified water quality requirements.
Water used as a product ingredient, including ice or steam (including culinary steam), or in contact with products or product surfaces,
shall meet specified quality and microbiological requirements relevant to the product.
Water for cleaning or applications where there is a risk of indirect product contact (e.g. jacketed vessels, heat exchangers) shall meet
specified quality and microbiological requirements relevant to the application.
Where water supplies are chlorinated, checks shall ensure that the residual chlorine level at the point of use remains within limits given in
relevant specifications.
Non-potable water shall have a separate supply system that is labelled and not connected to the potable water system. Take measures to
prevent non-potable water refluxing into the potable system.
It is recommended that water that can come into contact with the product should flow through pipes that can be disinfected.

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element element name requirement Compliant supportive evidence supportive evidence description Compliant Benchmark leader's comment
number Yes/No reference Yes/no
GMP 12.1 Waste management A procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained for the collection, storage and yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 7 7.1 General requirements yes
disposal of waste material, including waste water and drainage. Systems shall be in place to ensure that waste materials are identified, collected, removed and disposed of in a manner which prevents
contamination of products or production areas.
7.4 Drains and drainage
Drains shall be designed, constructed and located so that the risk of contamination of materials or products is
avoided. Drains shall have capacity sufficient to remove expected flow loads. Drains shall not pass over processing lines.
Drainage direction shall not flow from a contaminated area to a clean area.

GMP 13 Pest control A procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained to prevent, monitor and control or yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 12 12.1 General requirements yes
eliminate the risk of pest infestation at the site. Hygiene, cleaning, incoming materials inspection and monitoring procedures shall be implemented to avoid creating an environment
conducive to pest activity.
12.2 Pest control programmes
Pest management programmes shall be documented and shall identify target pests, and address plans, methods, schedules, control
procedures and, where necessary, training requirements.
12.5 Monitoring and detection
Pest-monitoring programmes shall include the placing of detectors and traps in key locations to identify pest activity. A map of detectors
and traps shall be maintained. Detectors and traps shall be designed and located
so as to prevent potential contamination of materials, products or facilities.
12.6 Eradication
Eradication measures shall be put in place immediately after evidence of infestation is reported. Pesticide use and application shall be
restricted to trained operatives and shall be controlled to avoid product
safety hazards. Records of pesticide use shall be maintained to show the type, quantity and concentrations used; where, when and how
applied, and the target pest.
GMP 14 Reception of purchased Appropriate procedures for the reception of purchased materials shall be established, implemented yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 9.3 9.3 Incoming material requirements (raw/ingredients/packaging) yes
materials and maintained to assure that only materials that meet food safety requirements are accepted. Delivery vehicles shall be checked prior to, and during, unloading to verify that the quality and safety of the
material has been maintained during transit (e.g. integrity of seals, freedom from infestation, existence of
temperature records).
Materials shall be inspected, tested or covered by COA to verify conformity with specified requirements prior
to acceptance or use. The method of verification shall be documented.
NOTE The inspection frequency and scope can be based on the hazard presented by the material and the risk assessment of the specific
Materials which do not conform to relevant specifications shall be handled under a documented procedure
which ensures they are prevented from unintended use.
Access points to bulk material receiving lines shall be identified, capped and locked. Discharge into such
systems shall take place only after approval and verification of the material to be received.

GMP 15 Transport All containers and vehicles used for transportation in a way that could impact food safety shall be yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 16.3 16.3 Vehicles, conveyances, and containers yes
designed, constructed and maintained to minimise food safety risks. They shall be suitable for the Vehicles, conveyances, and containers shall be maintained in a state of repair, cleanliness, and condition consistent with requirements
intended purpose given in relevant specifications.
Vehicles, conveyances, and containers shall provide protection against damage or contamination of the product. Control of temperature
and humidity shall be applied and recorded where required by the organization.
Where the same vehicles, conveyances, and containers are used for food and non-food products, cleaning shall be carried out between
Bulk containers shall be dedicated to food use only. Where required by the organization, bulk containers shall be dedicated to a specified

GMP 16.1 Storage Food shall be held or stored in designated areas and handled under controlled conditions to yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 16.1 + 16.2 16.1 General requirements yes
minimise food safety risks. Materials and products shall be stored in clean, dry, well-ventilated spaces protected from dust, condensation, fumes, odours or other
sources of contamination.
16.2 Warehousing requirements
Effective control of warehousing temperature, humidity and other environmental conditions shall be provided where required by product
or storage specifications.
It is recommended that where products are stacked, consideration is given to measures necessary to protect the lower layers.
Waste materials and chemicals (cleaning products, lubricants, and pesticides) shall be stored separately.
A separate area or other means of segregating materials identified as non-conforming shall be provided.
Specified stock rotation systems (FIFO/FEFO) shall be observed.
Gasoline- or diesel-powered fork-lift trucks shall not be used in food ingredient or product storage areas.

GMP 17 Stock management A procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained to ensure that purchased materials, yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 16.2 16.2 Warehousing requirements yes
work in progress and finished products are used in the correct order, and within the allocated shelf Specified stock rotation systems (FIFO/FEFO) shall be observed.
life when applicable.

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GFSI Benchmarking Requirements version 2020 CPO self assessment Benchmark leader assessment
element element name requirement Compliant supportive evidence supportive evidence description Compliant Benchmark leader's comment
number Yes/No reference Yes/no
GMP 18 Equipment Equipment shall be suitable for the intended purpose. Equipment shall be designed, constructed, yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 8.1 + 8.2 + 8.1 General requirements yes
maintained, used and stored to minimise food safety risks. 8.6 Food contact equipment shall be designed and constructed to facilitate cleaning, disinfection and maintenance.
Contact surfaces shall not affect, or be affected by, the intended product or cleaning system.
Food contact equipment shall be constructed of durable materials able to resist repeated cleaning.
8.2 Hygienic design
Equipment shall be able to meet established principles of hygienic design, including:
a) smooth, accessible, cleanable surfaces, self draining in wet process areas;
b) use of materials compatible with intended products and cleaning or flushing agents;
c) framework not penetrated by holes or nuts and bolts.
Piping and ductwork shall be cleanable, drainable, and with no dead ends.
Equipment shall be designed to minimize contact between the operator’s hands and the products.
8.6 Preventive and corrective maintenance
A preventive maintenance programme shall be in place.
The preventive maintenance programme shall include all devices used to monitor and/or control food safety hazards.
NOTE Examples of such devices include screens and filters (including air filters), magnets, metal detectors and X-ray detectors.
Corrective maintenance shall be carried out in such a way that production on adjoining lines or equipment is not at risk of contamination.
The procedure for releasing maintained equipment back to production shall include clean up, sanitizing, where specified in process
sanitation procedures, and pre-use inspection. Local area PRP requirements shall apply to maintenance areas and maintenance activities
in process areas.
Maintenance personnel shall be trained in the product hazards associated with their activities.

GMP 19 Maintenance Effective planned maintenance shall be in place for the site and equipment to minimise food safety yes ISO/TS 22002-1: 8.6 8.6 Preventive and corrective maintenance yes
risks. A preventive maintenance programme shall be in place.
Maintenance activities shall not represent food safety risks. The preventive maintenance programme shall include all devices used to monitor and/or control food safety
NOTE Examples of such devices include screens and filters (including air filters), magnets, metal detectors and X-ray
Corrective maintenance shall be carried out in such a way that production on adjoining lines or equipment is not at risk of contamination.
The procedure for releasing maintained equipment back to production shall include clean up, sanitizing, where
specified in process sanitation procedures, and pre-use inspection.
Local area PRP requirements shall apply to maintenance areas and maintenance activities in process areas. Maintenance personnel shall
be trained in the product hazards associated with their activities.

Section 3 page 15 of 16

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