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Name: Karabella Cattanach


Goal 1: To strengthen my understanding and  Consult my supervising  Notes from and reflections
enactment of assessment and moderation teacher about the on discussions with my
practices in the classroom, working to make assessment moderation supervising teacher about
consistent and comparable judgements processes undertaken in the the assessment and
based on data, and modify teaching practices school and, if possible, moderation processes
in response. involve myself in those undertaken in the school.
Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and  Assessment tasks that I
report on student learning.  Discuss with my supervising collaboratively design
Focus Area 5.3: Demonstrate understanding teacher which assessment while on placement.
of assessment moderation and its application tasks will be underway
to support consistent and comparable during my placement and  Reflections on my own use
judgements of student learning. how I can be involved in the of moderation and
Focus Area 5.4: Demonstrate the capacity to assessment process. assessment data recorded
interpret student assessment data to valuate in my daily logbook.
student learning and modify teaching  Create opportunities in
practice. lessons to collect student  Formative assessment such
assessment data and discuss as; quiz results, self-
Rationale: One of my goals from my most with my supervising teacher assessments, and
recent practicum was to develop and how such data could be observations.
implement various differentiation strategies interpreted and used to
in response to students’ needs. Whilst I modify my teaching practice.  Student assessment data
significantly developed my repertoire of from assessments I
knowledge and skills in differentiating for  Involve myself in the designed or collaboratively
assessment, I had limited opportunities to planning, writing and designed.
gather, interpret and evaluate student differentiating of both
assessment data, and in turn, modify formal and informal,  Reflections on my modified
teaching and learning practices accordingly. formative and summative teaching practice in
Because of this, my supervising teacher was assessment tasks, where response to the collection
unable to provide any feedback relating to applicable. of assessment data.
assessment moderation and application.
Consequently, on this placement, I would like  Annotated copy of the
to extend my knowledge of the processes school’s assessment and
behind interpreting and moderating moderation processes.
assessment data to evaluate student learning
and make modification to teaching practice in
response. It is crucial that I develop greater
knowledge, understanding and confidence in
enacting these processes, as the capacity to
use assessment data to direct learning
appropriately is key to improving student
performance and understanding.
Goal 2: To develop a stronger repertoire of  Familiarise myself with the  Reflections on the schools’
both informal and formal strategies processes adopted by the record-keeping and
(including record-keeping) for reporting to school to construct student reporting processes.
students and parents/carers on student records by consulting my
achievement and strengthen my confidence supervising teacher and  Notes from discussions
in enacting such strategies in various other relevant staff with my supervising
contexts. members. teacher and other relevant
staff members about the
Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and  Involve myself in the process ways in which they enact
report on student learning. of reporting to students and school record-keeping and
Focus Area 5.5: Demonstrate understanding parents/carers and use my reporting processes within
of a range of strategies for reporting to own samples from records their own practice.
students and parents/carers and the purpose to inform exchanges, where
of keeping accurate and reliable records of appropriate.  Samples of any
student achievement. contributions I make to the
 Contribute to my supervising student records kept by my
Rationale: As I reflected upon both my past teacher’s creation of student supervising teacher and my
placements and experiences in the classroom records for reporting, where own evaluations of these,
as a teacher since, I identified a lack of appropriate. particularly in relation to
knowledge in reporting practices, particularly their reliability and
formal ones, as being an area in which I  Demonstrate understanding accuracy.
lacked experience and confidence. Whilst my of the importance of
previous placements have allowed me to sit keeping reliable and  Reflections on the
in on parent/teacher interviews and observe accurate records of student importance of keeping
how reliable and accurate records are used achievement. reliable and accurate
to discuss students’ achievements, I had records of student
limited opportunities to learn about the  Consult my supervising achievement.
processes and strategies behind constructing teacher about records of
such records. Consequently, on this student achievement from  Notes from discussions
placement I would like to focus on how I can past years and how these with my supervising
incorporate these reporting strategies into relate to their performance teacher about how records
my own teaching practice organically and this year. of student achievement in
ensure that the records created are both a past years relate to the
reliable and accurate representation of current year.
student achievement.
 Voice recordings of
instances where I report
student achievement to
students and/or
parents/carers and
reflections on these.
Goal 3: To increase my knowledge of and  Consult my teacher prior to  Comprehensive profiles of
confidence in deploying a range of strategies the commencement of my students who already
that can create opportunities for student practicum about students exhibit challenging
success, promote engagement and inclusion, with challenging behaviours behaviours and notes
and practically manage challenging and what strategies are about any effective
behaviours. already in place to support strategies already in use to
these students. manage these behaviours.
Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive
and safe learning environments  Evaluate and reflect on the  Reflections on the
Focus Area 4.1: Identify strategies to support responsiveness of students effectiveness of strategies
inclusive student participation and with challenging behaviours aiming to manage
engagement in classroom activities.
Focus Area 4.3: Demonstrate knowledge of to the deployment of challenging behaviours and
practical approaches to manage challenging strategies aiming to manage future goals in response.
behaviour. such behaviours.
 Written feedback from my
Rationale: Having reflected on my past  Seek feedback from supervising teacher
practicums and discussions with my supervising teacher to regarding my use of
supervising teacher, I feel that my teaching provide feedback on the planned strategies in
practice would significantly strengthen if I effectiveness of my planned action.
actively seek to develop a greater range of strategies in action.
strategies that can create opportunities for  Notes from discussions
student success, and practice using these.  Discuss with my supervising with my supervising
Such practices are fundamental not only to teacher what ways they teacher about the ways in
creating opportunities for student success, create opportunities for which they create
but subsequently, promote engagement and success in the classroom. opportunities for success in
aiding the management of challenging the classroom.
behaviours. Drawing upon these strategies  Create learning activities
effectively would also mean that other that provide opportunities  Notes from my own
students are less affected by challenging for all students to research into strategies
behaviours, and in turn, enhance a positive experience success and that create opportunities
classroom environment and culture. reflect on the effectiveness for success in the
of these practices. classroom.

 Lesson plans that highlight

opportunities for all
students to experience
success and ‘entry points’
and reflections on the
effectiveness of these.
Other aims you may have for this professional experience:
 Build rapport with all members of the school community including teaching staff, students, and
 Increase understanding of strategies for teaching ATSI students and students with disabilities.
 Acquire resources for teaching and assessment.

Teacher Education Student: Karabella Cattanach Date: 16/03/2023

Supervising Teacher: Date:

Subject Coordinator/Marker: Date:

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