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Received: 12 June 2020 Revised: 28 July 2020 Accepted: 30 July 2020

DOI: 10.1002/mrc.5084


Probing short and long-range interactions in native

collagen inside the bone matrix by BioSolids CryoProbe

Nidhi Tiwari1,2 | Sebastian Wegner3 | Alia Hassan3 | Navneet Dwivedi1,4 |

RamaNand Rai2 | Neeraj Sinha1

Centre of Biomedical Research,
SGPGIMS Campus, Lucknow, 226014,
India Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance is a promising technique to probe bone
Department of Chemistry, Institute of mineralization and interaction of collagen protein in the native state. However,
Sciences, Banaras Hindu University,
many of the developments are hampered due to the low sensitivity of the
Varanasi, 221005, India
3 technique. In this article, we report solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance
Bruker BioSpin Corporation, Fällanden,
Switzerland (NMR) experiments using the newly developed BioSolids CryoProbe™ to
Department of Physics, Integral access its applicability for elucidating the atomic-level structural details of
University, Lucknow, 226026, India collagen protein in native state inside the bone. We report here approximately
Correspondence a fourfold sensitivity enhancement in the natural abundance 13C spectrum
Neeraj Sinha, Centre of Biomedical compared with the room temperature conventional solid-state NMR probe.
Research, SGPGIMS Campus, Raebarelly
With the advantage of sensitivity enhancement, we have been able to perform
Road. Lucknow 226014, India.
Email:; natural abundance 15N cross-polarization magic angle spinning (CPMAS) and
1 two-dimensional (2D) H–13C heteronuclear correlation (HETCOR)

Funding information
experiments of native collagen within a reasonable timeframe. Due to high
Science and Engineering Research Board, sensitivity, 2D 1H/13C HETCOR experiments have helped in detecting several
Grant/Award Number: short and long-range interactions of native collagen assembly, thus signifi-
EMR/2015/001758; Department of Science
and Technology (DST); Council of
cantly expanding the scope of the method to such challenging biomaterials.
Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR);
SERB, Grant/Award Number: KEYWORDS
EMR/2015/001758 bone, collagen, CryoProbe, magic angle spinning, solid-state NMR

1 | INTRODUCTION functional behavior of collagen, it has always been the

utmost important research area. The 90% of the organic
Collagen is a ubiquitous and predominant protein found part in bone ECM is made up of Type I collagen, respon-
in mammals and contributes to one-third of the whole sible for the mechanical stability and flexibility of the
body protein.[1] It is a structural component of the bone. Additionally, collagen plays a predominant role in
extracellular matrix (ECM) of various connective tissue, the bone bio-mineralization process by affecting the
such as bone and cartilage, as well as skin and basement nucleation, growth, structure, and orientation of bone
membranes.[2] The primary function of the triple-helical appetite.[5] The unique triple-helical structure of collagen
collagen is to provide strength and flexibility in bone consists of an assembly of three parallel helices with the
and ligaments on exposure to external stresses.[3] In tripeptide repeating sequence of Gly-Xaa-Yaa, where
addition to this, collagen proteins are essential for a glycine (Gly) occupies every third position and buried
broad range of functions, including entrapment, local inside the center of the triple-helical strands, and X, Y
storage, delivery of growth factors, angiogenesis, tissue positions filled by mostly proline (Pro) (28%
morphogenesis, and tissue repair.[2,4] Due to the broad abundance) and hydroxyproline (Hyp) (38%

Magn Reson Chem. 2020;1–9. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

abundance) are exposed towards outside.[6–8] The by 3–4 folds and hence faster data acquisition by at least
interchain hydrogen bonding holds the triple-helical col- an order of magnitude while keeping the sample in its
lagen assembly while Hyp confers the additional stability original composition along with its natural line width.[37]
of the collagen protein through water-mediated hydrogen In the present article, we report the advantage of sen-
bonding and stereoelectronic effects.[9,10] Most of the sitivity enhancement achieved in natural abundance 13C
structural studies of Collagen protein confined around and 15N spectra of native collagen inside the bone matrix
the model peptides,[7] extracted collagen,[11] and molecu- by using an HCN cross-polarization magic angle spinning
lar dynamics simulations.[12] Different spectroscopic (CPMAS) CryoProbe for solid-state NMR. Due to sensitiv-
techniques X-ray,[13,14] Fourier transformed infrared ity enhancement, it allows recording high-resolution
(FT-IR),[15] Raman spectroscopy,[16–18] micro-computed two-dimensional (2D) 1H–13C heteronuclear correlation
tomography (CT),[15] and atomic force microscopy (HETCOR) experiments of collagen in natural isotopic
(AFM)[19] give the structural details of static state but fail abundance within a limited timeframe. With the help of
to detect the dynamics and orientation-dependent molec- high-resolution 2D 1H–13C HETCOR spectra recorded at
ular interaction in a native environment. Inside the bone, short and long contact times, we can probe the short and
the native environment of collagen is formed by deposi- long-range interactions within the spatial proximity of
tion of mineral, lipids, noncollagenous proteins (NCPs), collagen inside the bone matrix in its actual native envi-
citrate as well as water, and its associated interaction with ronments. These interactions play a predominant role in
them.[20,21] All these interactions present inside the bone the structural stability and functional mechanism of
are responsible for the different structural arrangement of collagen inside the bone matrix.
native collagen protein than the extracted form of colla-
gen.[22] Understanding the structural and functional
behavior of collagen triple helix assembly in its actual 2 | E XP E R I M EN T A L S E C T I O N
native state in healthy and diseased conditions will pave
the way for the development of treatment methods for 2.1 | Sample preparation
various bone degenerative diseases,[23] tissue engineering
methods of artificial cartilage,[24] and bone implants.[25] All the solid-state NMR experiments were performed on
Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a the cortical femora bone of goat (Capra hircus, 2–3 years
robust technique to probe structural and dynamical old). Small size flakes were obtained by filing the intact
details along with associated interaction among bone with the help of a scalpel. These flakes had the
different components of such complex heterogeneous same morphology as that of intact bone. The bone
biomaterial.[26–31] Still, it has limited applicability in cap- sample was not subjected to any kind of pretreatment or
turing the detailed structural framework of native colla- processing because it causes the alteration in the homo-
gen due to the low concentration of organic components geneity and water content of the bone matrix.[38]
inside the bone. Natural abundance spectrum of collagen
suffers from weak signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio because of
low sensitivity and limited isotopic concentration. Due to 2.2 | Solid-state NMR experimental
low sensitivity, it is difficult to explore the various inter- parameter
actions present inside the biological system at the molec-
ular and atomic level that is beyond the detectable All solid-state NMR spectra were collected on a 14.1 T
range of solid-state NMR. Sensitivity enhancement is a narrow bore Bruker AVANCE NEO spectrometer operat-
significant concern that has to be overcome to get high- ing at 600.3 MHz (1H), 150.9 MHz (13C), and 60.8 MHz
resolution structural details, along with associated (15N) Larmor frequencies. This spectrometer was
interaction among different components of bone in equipped with a cryogenically cooled 3.2-mm triple-
natural abundance in a limited time framework. One resonance 1H/13C/15N CPMAS probe (BioSolids Cryo-
powerful approach for boosting the sensitivity of the Probe). The magic angle spinning (MAS) speed was set to
natural abundance spectrum is high-field dynamic 12 kHz using Bruker's MAS3 pneumatic unit within an
nuclear polarization (DNP)-based solid-state NMR exper- accuracy of ±2 Hz. 1H π/2 pulse was calibrated to 2.50 μs.
iments that have become feasible with the development For 13C CPMAS spectrum, ramp cross-polarization
of high-power microwave sources and cryogenic MAS sequence at Hartman Hahn match condition with spinal-
probes.[32–36] Use of BioSolids CryoProbe is another 64[39] 1H decoupling of 52.08 kHz and 1.25-ms contact
recently developed approach to improve the sensitivity time was set. The 1D 13C spectrum was acquired with
without line broadening. Cryogenically cooling the RF 512 scans at 5-s recycle delay. The 15N CPMAS spectrum
coil and preamplifier electronics leads to a boost in S/N was recorded with 878 scans at 3-s recycle delay using

cross-polarization sequence with spinal-64 1H decoupling four folds (S/N 156:1) in the natural abundance 1H–13C
of 50 kHz and 1.0-ms contact time. The 2D 1H–13C CPMAS spectrum of native collagen (Figure 1 and
CP-MAS HETCOR experiments were acquired using Table S1). We have assigned most of the 13C resonances
frequency-switched Lee-Goldberg (FSLG)[40,41] 1H homo- from an organic matrix. Resonances of Gly, Hyp, and Pro
nuclear decoupling. The 256 t1 increments for a total from the backbone of collagen are similar to the spec-
acquisition of 5.36 ms with 16 scans and 3-s recycle delay trum recorded with the conventional solid-state NMR
were used for recording the experiment. 2D 1H–13C het- method (Figure 2).[38,45] The signal intensity of ring
eronuclear correlation (FSLG-HETCOR) experiments vcarbon resonances of aromatic amino acids (AAAs) such
were carried out at 100 and 500-μs contact times. as Phe, Tyr, Trp, and histidine (His) resonances of colla-
gen protein around 129 ppm is significantly enhanced


The physiochemical properties of a bone microstructure

are defined by the associated intermolecular and intra-
molecular interaction among the various constituents.
The triple-helical structure of collagen has frequent inter-
actions involving hydration network and hydroxyproline
that endorse the nonspecific self-association,[2] while
charged and hydrophobic interactions confer specificity
and a high affinity for self-association.[42–44] Probing
these interactions responsible for peculiarity and self-
association of the triple-helical structure of collagen to
the higher order structure would be helpful in developing
a better understanding of the structural and functional
role of collagen in bone microstructure. In this article,
intrastrand, intrahelix, and interhelix interactions present
in the collagen triple-helical structure inside the bone are
probed by 1H–13C HETCOR experiments at short and
long contact times.
FIGURE 2 Resonance assignment of 1H–13C cross-
polarization (CP) magic angle spinning (MAS) spectra of collagen
3.1 | Natural abundance 13C CPMAS in natural isotopic abundance recorded at 600-MHz solid-state
spectrum of native collagen nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer equipped with a
3.2-mm triple resonance 1H/13C/15N cross-polarization MAS
Probing the organic part of the bone with a BioSolids (CPMAS) BioSolids CryoProbe with approximately fourfold
CryoProbe causes an absolute increase in sensitivity by sensitivity enhancement

FIGURE 1 H–13C cross-polarization (CP) magic angle spinning (MAS) spectra of native collagen recorded at (a) 600-MHz solid-state
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) equipped with a 3.2-mm Direct Variable Temperature (DVT) probe. (b) 600-MHz solid-state NMR
spectrometer equipped with a 3.2-mm triple resonance 1H/13C/15N cross-polarization MAS (CPMAS) BioSolids CryoProbe

(Figure 2). Moreover, we have observed resonances from histidine and arginine.[47] Resonances from arginine
citrates at 74–76 ppm, which is closer to the inorganic (84.4 ppm and 70.8 ppm) and lysine (32 ppm) were also
surface. Due to low abundance, resonances from ring assigned,[51] which were not possible to detect in the
carbons and citrate show very weak intensity in conven- conventional solid-state NMR CPMAS spectrum of 15N
tional solid-state NMR spectra even with a very high (Figure 3).
signal averaging. The increased signal intensity of the
aromatic ring carbon resonances observed with Cryo-
Probe opens up the possibility to probe various hydro- 3.3 | Natural abundance 2D 1H–13C FSLG-
phobic interactions present inside the collagen triple HETCOR solid-state NMR
helices in its native environment.
To probe the interhelix and intrahelix molecular interac-
tions in the spatial proximity of collagen in its actual
3.2 | Natural abundance 1H–15N CPMAS native environment, we performed 2D 1H − 13C heter-
spectrum of native collagen onuclear correlation (FSLG-HETCOR) experiments at
100 and 500 μs contact times (Figure 4). Well-resolved 2D
Acquiring 15N spectra of collagen protein in natural 1
H − 13C HETCOR spectra of native collagen were
abundance is quite challenging because of very low nat- acquired in a reasonable timeframe. FSLG-HETCOR
ural occurrence (0.37%) and low gyromagnetic ratio experiment performed at 100-μs contact time shows a
(−2.7126 × 107 rad T − 1 s − 1) of 15N.[46] By reducing one-bond C − H ( 1.0–1.5 Å) correlation. In compari-
H T1 accompanied by a long signal averaging time, we son, at 500 μs contact time, we get the long-range
can detect 15N resonances in natural abundance. Ear- ( 2–6 Å) correlation within the spatial proximity of col-
lier, the spectrum acquired by sensitivity enhancement lagen inside the bone matrix, as shown in Figure 4. The
with paramagnetic doping of Cu (II) EDTA in the appearance of the additional peak in the carbonyl region,
sample[47–49] suffers from line-broadening. With the aromatic region, and NH region in the 2D 1H–13C
help of a BioSolids CryoProbe, we could obtain a high- HETCOR spectrum of collagen indicated the presence of
resolution natural abundance 1H–15N CPMAS spectrum a long-range correlation. Moreover, with the advantage
with a significant increase in sensitivity (S/N 42:1) of increased sensitivity, we could explicitly assign the car-
along with faster acquisition without any paramagnetic bonyl group of different residues of collagen protein,
doping (Figure 3). We have assigned the resonances probe the various molecular interactions, and detect
originating exclusively from the Pro/Hyp backbone at the interaction of ring carbons of AAAs with different
121.6 ppm, Gly at 108 ppm,[50] and 15N side chains of residues of collagen protein.

FIGURE 3 Resonance assignment of

H–15N cross-polarization (CP) magic angle
spinning (MAS) spectra of collagen in natural
isotopic abundance recorded at 600-MHz solid-
state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
spectrometer equipped with a 3.2-mm triple
resonance 1H/13C/15N cross-polarization MAS
(CPMAS) BioSolids CryoProbe with significant
sensitivity enhancement

FIGURE 4 Overlay of two-dimensional

H–13C frequency-switched Lee-Goldberg
heteronuclear correlation (FSLG-HETCOR) of
native collagen at 500-μs (green) and 100-μs
(pink) correlation times

3.3.1 | Short and long-range interaction in in interhelix collagen assembly confirmed by depicting
collagen the closest distance in the crystal structure of collagen
protein (Protein Data Bank (PDB) ID: 1Q7D), as shown
The 2D 1H–13C HETCOR experiments provide atomic- in Figure 6b(iii). A long-range intrahelix interactions can
level piercing insights into the assembly of collagen triple be seen between Gly Cα and Pro Cβ of collagen protein
helix inside the bone. The overlay of 2D 1H–13C Figure 5b(iii), because these residues engaged in the
HETCOR spectra recorded at 100 μs and 500 μs is shown hydrogen bonding network, which is responsible for the
in Figure 4. At 100 μs, one bond intramolecular interac- stability of the triple-helical structure of collagen protein.
tion could be seen (Figure S1) in triple-helical collagen The molecular interactions between Arg Cα (arginine)-
protein. Dotted lines represent correlations among Hyp Asp (aspartic) Cα and Lys (lysine) Cε-Asp Cβ suggests
Cγ, Hyp Cβ, and Hyp C. Interaction between Pro Cβ and the possibility of cation-pair interactions that had been
Pro Cγ also shows one bond correlation. Resonances studied in collagen peptide.[42] A molecular interaction is
from carbonyl group, NH group, and ring carbons of aro- shown by distance measurement between Arg (basic) and
matic groups of collagen protein could not be observed Glu (acid) in Figure 5(iv).
with 100-μs contact time. Additionally, resonances from
Ala Cβ are not observable due to limited magnetization Correlation of carbonyl resonance of collagen
transfer up to one bond. 2D 1H–13C HETCOR spectra As observed in the 1H–13C HETCOR spectra (Figure 5a)
recorded at 500-μs contact time allows magnetization of collagen protein, it could be seen that the carbonyl
transfer up to 6-Å distances enabling us to explore the regions (168–176 ppm) distinctly arise from highly abun-
spatial proximity of collagen triple helix. Long-range dant residues (Hyp, Pro, and Gly) of native collagen.
intrahelix and interhelix interactions could be seen Figure 5a shows the correlation between the carbonyl
among the various residues of collagen protein, as shown carbon and the cyclic proton of Hyp, and Pro represented
in Figures 5a and 6a. Ring carbon of Hyp show correla- with the dotted lines. Additionally, the correlation
tion with ring carbon of Pro indicating the presence of between the NH proton of glycine and the carbonyl
hydrophobic interactions. These interactions are present group confirms the presence of interchain N–H (Gly)  

FIGURE 5 (a) Two-dimensional

H–13C frequency-switched Lee-
Goldberg heteronuclear correlation
(FSLG-HETCOR) spectrum of native
collagen at 500 μs showing correlation
of carbonyl resonances with Hyp, Pro,
and Gly residues, and other molecular
interactions. (b) (i) One collagen triple
helix in the crystal structure of integrin-
binding collagen PDB ID: 1Q7D.
(ii) Intrahelix hydrogen bonding
network among Gly, Pro, and Hyp
residues. Expanded view of intrahelix
molecular interactions are indicated by
depicting the distance between (iii) Gly-
Pro (hydrogen bonding). (iv) Glu-Arg
(charge pair interactions). (v) NH-π
interactions between NH proton and
ring carbons of phenylalanine (Phe)

O=C (Xaa) hydrogen bonds that are responsible for the and tyrosine (Tyr) AAAs constitute 1.4% and 0.3% of total
alignment of three chains in the collagen triple helix.[7] amino acid present in the collagen of the mammalian
In collagen triple helix, the correlation among Cα protons bone.[53] These AAAs have a very specialized role in
of Hyp, Pro, and Gly and carbonyl carbon also suggest higher order structure and function of collagen protein.
the presence of Cα–H(Gly/Yaa)   O=C(Xaa/Gly) type of They appear to play a key role in accelerating the aggre-
hydrogen bonds as reported by Bella et al.[52] These gation of the triple-helical structure of collagen and
interchain Cα–H–O=C hydrogen bonds in collagen affecting their biological activity.[44] Earlier, a DNP-based
protein are responsible for a large ensemble of weak solid-state NMR experimental study of collagen protein
interactions in the inner core of the triple helix, add of bone provides evidence for CH-π interaction between
extra stability to the structure of collagen protein Phe and Pro/Hyp of neighboring asymmetric pair of tri-
(Figure 5a(ii)). ple helix in collagen assembly.[44,54] Figure 6b(ii) shows
the molecular interactions of Phe with Pro/Hyp in the
Correlation of aromatic resonances of collagen closest neighboring helix. Here, we observe the molecular
Aromatic amino acid residues are relatively rare in the interactions of aromatic residues with other interstrand
triple-helical assembly of collagen. Phenylalanine (Phe) and intrastrand residues of collagen triple helix.

FIGURE 6 (a) Two-dimensional

H–13C frequency-switched
Lee-Goldberg heteronuclear correlation
(FSLG-HETCOR) spectrum of native
collagen at 500-μs contact time showing
correlation of aromatic resonances with
NH protons of Lys, Gly, and Asp
residues along with other molecular
interactions. (b) (i) Interhelix molecular
interactions in asymmetric pairs of
collagen triple helix in the crystal
structure of integrin-binding collagen
PDB ID: 1Q7D. Expanded view of
interhelix molecular interactions are
shown by depicting the distance
between (ii) Phe-Pro-Hyp (CH- π
interactions). (iii) Hyp-Pro (hydrophobic

As shown in Figure 6a, the 1H spectral region of 42.1/7.82 ppm with ring carbon of AAAs indicate the
6–9 ppm is assigned to NH proton of collagen protein. presence of polar NH-π/Cation-π) hydrophobic interac-
Resonances observed at 124–132 ppm/6.5–8.5 ppm tions. These hydrophobic interactions (CH/NH-π, cation-
(13C/1H) are assigned to ring carbons and NH protons of π) are responsible for local or global stability of collagen
Tyr, Phe, and His residues of collagen protein. The corre- protein.[43,55,56]
lation between NH protons of Lys/Gly and Asp and ring The atomic-level investigation of the multiscale het-
carbon of aromatic residues shows the intrahelix and erogeneous structure of bone has been challenging due to
interhelix polarization transfer through space in collagen poor spectral resolution and sensitivity. However, MAS-
assembly. Additionally, the cross peak observed at DNP solid-state NMR methods are highly efficient in sen-
124–132 ppm/6.5–8.5 ppm (13C/1H) indicates the polari- sitivity enhancement for elucidating the structural details
zation transfer from NH proton to ring carbon of AAAs; of the biological system, such as bone at natural isotopic
Figure 5b(v) shows the measurement of the distance abundance.[51,57] Despite the advantage of sensitivity
between NH proton and ring carbon of Phe in the struc- enhancement, due to the requirement of the low-temper-
ture (PDB ID 1Q7D). Interactions between Lys (Cζ/Ηζ) ature, molecular motion is significantly slowed down,

and molecules are trapped in a range of conformations environment of collagen inside bone would be useful in
that leads to slightly different chemical shifts along with comprehending its structural and functional mechanism
the broadening of the signals and a reduction in the during bone homeostasis and helpful in developing pre-
resolution. Moreover, with the use of stable biradical for vention and care therapy for the diseases related to colla-
doping the sample, DNP-enhanced ssNMR cannot be gen structural disorder.
considered a noninvasive technique.[36] A recent develop-
ment in multidimensional 1H detected NMR experiments A C KN O WL ED G EME N T S
had been employed to study the bone microstructure.[58] The authors gratefully acknowledge SERB
H-detected NMR measurements on the bone under (EMR/2015/001758), the Council of Scientific and Indus-
ultrafast MAS (>60 kHz) conditions led to an improve- trial Research (CSIR), and the Department of Science
ment in spectral resolution and sensitivity enhancement and Technology (DST), India, for financial support.
by effective suppression of 1H–1H homonuclear dipolar
coupling and increased transverse relaxation time. ORCID
Hence, 1H detected NMR experiments enables the Neeraj Sinha
manipulation of long-lived magnetization for potential
applications. The proton-detected HETCOR experiment
and low-γ nuclei homonuclear correlation achieved by
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