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1. How do you deal with stress?

Some techniques I use to manage stress are doing regular exercise, doing relaxation techniques
such as deep breathing and meditation, adequate sleep, social support, and a healthy diet.
Additionally, it is vital do what you like. For example, I engage in activities that I enjoy, such as
hobbies or spending time with loved ones. It is also important to identify and avoid triggers that
cause stress and to prioritize tasks to avoid feeling overwhelmed. This way I am more
concentrated on one thing without stressing myself with my problems, difficulties...

2. Identify at least one stress management strategy we've discussed and

explain how you can use these techniques to manage your stress.

One stress management strategy that can be effective is to alter the situation. This involves
identifying the stressor and making changes to reduce or eliminate the source of stress. For
example, if a work project is causing stress, one could break it down into smaller tasks and set a
realistic deadline. Another strategy is to accept the things you cannot change. This involves
reframing your thoughts and focusing on what you can control. For example, if you are stuck in
traffic and running late for an appointment, instead of getting stressed and frustrated, you could
use that time to listen to music or a podcast. By adopting these stress management techniques,
you can reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.

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