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Sunlight is composed of different types of rays. Some of these can penetrate
the skin, while some cannot.
Besides, X rays, infrared rays, and ultraviolet rays can penetrate till the surface
of the bones. Laser rays can pass through the bones. The difference in
penetration power is due to the differences of wavelength and frequency
between each type of ray.
The longer the wavelength, the lower will its frequency be, and the lesser the
penetration power. Conversely, the shorter the wavelength, the higher will be
the frequency as well as penetration power. The same holds true for sound
waves. The size of the wavelength influences the effect of the waves.

'मननात ् त्रिायते इ त मंत्रि'

Mananat traayate iti mantra
It means that by repetition (mananat) of which, you overcome/protected (traayate)
[overcoming or protection from bondage/troubles/cycles of birth and death] is (iti) called

Mantra is that which saves you from repetitiveness.

A repetitive thought is a worry. Mantras help to free you from your worries.

The mantra is like a seed. Every seed has the potential to become a tree.

Similarly, these sound vibrations contain all the possibilities of creation.

✿ It is a sacred utterance, numinous sound, or a syllable, word, phonemes, or
group of words set in an order to produce certain vibration in atmosphere,
which gives the desired effect to the person who practices it with
✿ There are many mantras like Narayana Ashtakshari, Siva Panchakshari,
Gayatri Mantra etc and each mantra is very profound and carries immense
amount of knowledge.
✿ For example,
Gayatri is defined as ‘gayantam trayate iti gayatri‘, which means the one
who protects (trayate) the one who sings (gayantam) is (iti) gayatri.
✿ Mantra whether spoken from mouth (in the form of sound waves) or
repeated in mind (in the form of thoughts/electric impulses) carries
energy. It obviously exerts some power the mantra will be ringing in
one's ears even after the chanting is stopped.
✿ The yogic scriptures often compare mantra to a boat or a bridge that
an aspirant can take to cross the mire of delusion created by the
external world and reach the center of consciousness within.
✿ The power of mantra is not limited by time, space, or causation, for
mantra is a self-existent, self-luminous reality that can be heard by
all who have ears to hear.
Lets Understand Varnmala
Sanskrit Wonder

Some years back, at a seminar held in Jaipur, that had several scholars from Russia
in attendance, the then minister from the government of India, Vasant Sathe, was
present as a delegate. He addressed the audience in impeccable Russian. The
Russian scholars were surprised. They asked him, "Mr. Sathe, do you speak
He said, "No. Not even a word." Surprised, they demanded, "Then how come you
read your address so perfectly?" He replied, "That is because of the exceptional
feature of the Devanagari script, which is used to write in my mother tongue. It is
possible to transcribe any language of the world using this script, and pronounce it
like a native speaker of that language."
English, French, Russian, German, or any other language cannot claim this special
quality that allows one to transcribe words from another language in its script, and
pronounce it perfectly well.
Pranava is the primal sound that existed before the creation and the sound
that stays after the pralaya. This is the natharupa - the Form of sound, of
the Supreme Luminance. This mantra om refer to none other than God.
The great yogis meditate in this mantra as the path to Eternal Bliss of the
Formless Nameless God !


Uउ + aum̐
M ◌ँ
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Chanting in a group enhances the experience, and also sends positive radiations
into the world around us. The spiritual Energy of Mantra impacts on our
consciousness, and can lead us to Joy,
Expansion and Light: Our True Nature.
Mantras were one of the earliest components of yoga and are
quite possibly the first type of meditation that was developed.
There are three main types of Mantras:
Bija (seed),
Saguna (with form),
Nirguna (without form).
A seed when sown grows into a fruitful tree, like that Beej Mantra is a fun of shakti.
There are Various Beej Mantras which are an important part of Mantras and each
Beej mantra has its own power and when mixed with mantras adds extra power to
the traits of that mantra.
According the mantras which contain up to nine words are termed Beej Mantra,
ten or twenty words forms Mantra and beyond are known Maha Mantra.

श्रीं śrīṃ - Lakshmi क्रीं krīṃ - Kali

ह्रौं hrauṃ - Shiva हं haṃ - Akasha Tattva
यं yaṃ - Vayu Tattva रां rāṃ - Agni Tattva
Also known as Brahmika mantras, the nirguna mantras have goals that are
more esoteric than other mantras. They do not appeal to a particular deity,
object or idol.
One of the most common nirguna mantras is om (also spelled aum), which has
no specific meaning but is valued for its sound vibration, representing the
primordial cosmic sound and Brahman.
Additional examples of nirguna mantras include:

सोहम/Soham – "I am that" or “I am what I am.”

अहम ् ब्रह्मािस्म/Aham Brahmasmi – “I am Brahman.”
तत ् त्वम ् अ स/Tat Twam Asi – “That thou art.”
Saguna is a Sanskrit word meaning “with attributes” or “having qualities." Saguna
mantras are sometimes called deity mantras because they often focus on some
form of the divine.
In yoga, saguna mantras are repeated as part of meditation, pranayama breathing
exercises and even some asana practices.
The Saguna mantras that invoke specific deities or aspects of God or Brahman are
thought by some to manifest both the divine power and the actual form of the deity.
Some examples of saguna mantras are:
ॐ नमो नारायण Om Namo Narayana,
ॐ दुं दुगार्ययै नमः Om Dum Durgayai Namaha,
ॐ गं गणपतये नम: Om Gan Ganapataye Namah.
PEACE MANTRA/शां त मंत्रि

ॐ सह नाववतु | सह नौ भुनक्तु |
सह वीयर्यं करवावहै | तेजिस्वनावधीतमस्तु मा वद् वषावहै ||
ॐ शािन्तः शािन्तः शािन्तः ||

अथर्य - ओम! हे परमे वर!

हम छात्रि और शक्षक दोनों की एक साथ रक्षा करें ,

हम छात्रि और शक्षक दोनों का एक साथ-साथ पोषण करें ,
हम दोनों साथ मलकर महान ऊजार्य और शिक्त के साथ कायर्य करें एवं वद्या प्राि त का साम यर्य
प्रा त करें ,
हमारी बुद् ध तेजस्वी हो, हम एक दूसरे से ईष्यार्य न करें ।
PEACE MANTRA/शां त मंत्रि
Om! Saha Naav-Avatu | Saha Nau Bhunaktu |

Saha Viiryam Karavaavahai | Tejasvi Naav-Adhiitam-Astu Maa Vidvissaavahai |

Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

Om ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;

May we work conjointly with great energy,

May our study be vigorous and effective;

May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).

Om Peace !Om Peace !Om Peace !
PEACE MANTRA/शां त मंत्रि

असतो मा सद्गमय ।
तमसो मा ज्यो तगर्यमय ।
मृत्योमार्य अमृतं गमय ।
ॐ शािन्तः शािन्तः शािन्तः ॥

अथर्य - हे प्रभु! हमे असत्य से सत्य की ओर ।

अन्धकार से प्रकाश की ओर ।
और मुझे मृत्यु से अमरता की ओर ले चलो॥
ॐ शािन्त शािन्त शािन्त ॥
PEACE MANTRA/शां त मंत्रि

Asato maa sadgamaya,
Tamaso maa jyotir gamaya,
Mrityormam ritam gamaya,
Om shanti shanti shantihi.

From untruth, lead us to truth.

From ignorance, lead us to wisdom.
From death, lead us to immortality.
Om peace peace peace.

ॐ सवर्वे भवन्तु सु खनः। सवर्वे सन्तु नरामयाः॥

सवर्वे भद्रा ण प यन्तु। मा कि चत ् दुःख भाग्भवेत ्॥
ॐ शािन्तः शािन्तः शािन्तः ॥

ॐ सभी लोग सुखी हो, सभी रोगमुक्त रहे ,

सभी का जीवन मंगलमय बने और कोई भी दुःख का भागी न बने।
ॐ शािन्त शािन्त शािन्त ॥
Om, Sarve bhavantu sukhinaḥ | Sarve santu nirāmayāḥ ||
Sarve bhadrāṇi paśyantu | Mā kashchit duḥkha
bhāgbhavet ||
Oṁ Shāntiḥ, Shāntiḥ, Shāntiḥ ||

May all be prosperous and happy, May all be free from

May all see what is spiritually uplifting, May no one suffer,
Om peace, peace, peace ||
Infinity Mantra

ॐ पूणम
र्य दः पूणर्य मदं पूणार्यत्पूणम
र्य ुदच्यते ।
र्य य पूणम
र्य ादाय पूणम
र्य ेवाव शष्यते ॥
ॐ शािन्तः शािन्तः शािन्तः ॥

ओम ्! वह अनंत है , और यह (ब्रह्मांड) अनंत है ।

अनंत से अनंत की प्राि त होती है ।
(तब) अनंत (ब्रह्मांड) की अनंतता लेते हु ए, वह अनंत के रूप में अकेला रहता है ।
ओम ्! शां त! शां त! शां त!
Infinity Mantra
Om! Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam Puurnnaat-Puurnnam-Udacyate |
Puurnnasya Puurnnam-Aadaaya Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

Om, That (Outer World) is Purna (Full with Divine Consciousness);

This (Inner World) is also Purna (Full with Divine Consciousness);
From Purna is manifested Purna (From the Fullness of Divine Consciousness the World is
Taking Purna from Purna, Purna indeed remains (Because Divine Consciousness is Non-Dual and
Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.
शं नो मत्रिः शं वरुणः। शं नो भवत्वयर्यमा। शं न इन्द्रो बृहस्प तः।
शं नो वष्णुरुरुक्रमः। नमो ब्रह्मणे। नमस्ते वायो।
त्वेमेव प्रत्यक्षं ब्रह्मा स। त्वामेव प्रत्यक्षं ब्रह्म व दष्या म।
ऋतं व दष्या म। सत्यं व दष्या म। तन्मामवतु। तद्वक्तारमवतु। अवतु मां। अवतु वक्तारं ।
ॐ शािन्तः शािन्तः शािन्तः ॥

दे वता ‘ मत्रि’ हमारे लए कल्याणकारी हों, वरुण कल्याणकारी हों । ‘अयर्यमा’हमारा कल्याण करें । हमारे लए
इन्द्र एवं बृहस्प त कल्याणप्रद हों । ‘उरुक्रम’ ( वशाल डगों वाले) वष्णु हमारे प्र त कल्याणप्रद हों । ब्रह्म को
नमन है । वायुदेव तुम्हें नमस्कार है । तुम ही प्रत्यक्ष ब्रह्म हो । अतः तुम्हें ही प्रत्यक्ष तौर पर ब्रह्म कहूं गा ।
ऋत बोलूंगा । सत्य बोलूंगा । वह ब्रह्म मेरी रक्षा करें । वह वक्ता आचायर्य की रक्षा करें । रक्षा करें मेरी । रक्षा
करें वक्ता आचायर्य की । त्रि वध ताप की शां त हो ।
Om Sham No Mitrah Sham Varunnah | Sham No Bhavatv[u]-Aryamaa | Sham Na Indro Brhaspatih |

Sham No Vissnnur-Urukramah |Namo Brahmanne | Namaste Vaayo |

Tvam-Eva Pratyakssam Brahmaasi | Tvaam-Eva Pratyakssam Brahma Vadissyaami |

Rrtam Vadissyaami | Satyam Vadissyaami |

Tan[t]-Maam-Avatu | Tad-Vaktaaram-Avatu | Avatu Maam | Avatu Vaktaaram ||

Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

Om, May Mitra be Propitious with Us, May Varuna be Propitious with Us, May the Honourable Aryama be
Propitious with Us, May Indra and Brihaspati be Propitious with Us, May Vishnu with Long Strides be
Propitious with Us, Salutations to Brahman, Salutations to Vayu (the Breath of Purusha), You Indeed are the
Visible Brahman, I Proclaim, You Indeed are the Visible Brahman, I Speak about the Divine Truth, I Speak
about the Absolute Truth, May That Protect Me, May That Protect the Preceptor, Protect Me, Protect the
Preceptor, Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

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