PSY303 Personality Psychology

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02. 03. 2023.

23:30 PSY303 Personality Psychology

Course Code Course Title Weekly Hours* ECTS Weekly Class Schedule


PSY303 Personality Psychology 2 1 6

Prerequisite None It is a prerequisite to None

Lecturer Office Hours / Room / Phone Currently not available


Assistant Assistant E-mail

Course Objectives Providing students with knowledge about different personality domains-how individuals may differ, qualities and abnormalities, theoretical
explanations on how we become the way we are and the psychopathologies related to personality

Textbook Larsen, J. Randy, Buss, M. David, King, B. David, Ensley E. Carolyn (2020), Personality Psychology-Domains of knowledge about human nature,
2nd edition, Mc Graw Hill

Additional Stanley O. Gaines, Jr. (2019), Personality psychology-The basics, Routledge UK

Literature Oliver P. John and Richard W. Robins (2021), Handbook of Personality-Theory and Research, 4th Edition, Guilford Press USA

Learning After successful  completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Define how to use knowledge about definitions and types of personality traits
2. Explain descriptions of various personality characteristics
3. Determine self- concious and self- esteem in daily life
4. Identify environmental factors as influence to personality traits (soc- economic, education, birth order)
5. Analyse relation between personal characteristics and behaviour

Teaching Methods Weekly lectures with class discussions and active student engagement to relevant topics. Evaluations through an assignment, quiz, midterm and
final exam.

Teaching Method Face-to-face Teaching Method Delivery Notes



Week 1 Introductory lecture relevant chapters from the textbooks

Week 2 Traits and theoretical issues relevant chapters from the textbooks

Week 3 Personality dispositions over time relevant chapters from the textbooks

Week 4 Genetics and physiological approaches to personality relevant chapters from the textbooks

Week 5 Evolutionary perspectives on personality relevant chapters from the textbooks

Week 6 The intrapsychic domain of personality relevant chapters from the textbooks

Week 7 MIDTERM EXAM all relevant chapters

Week 8 Motives and personality relevant chapters from the textbooks

Week 9 Emotion and the cognitive domain of personality relevant chapters from the textbooks

Week 10 Approaches to the self relevant chapters from the textbooks

Week 11 Personality, culture and social interactions relevant chapters from the textbooks

Week 12 Sex, gender and personality relevant chapters from the textbooks

Week 13 Stress, coping, adjustment and health relevant chapters from the textbooks

Week 14 Disorders of personality relevant chapters from the textbooks

Week 15 Wrap up of the topics covered during the semester all relevant chapters

Evaluation Tool Quantity Weight Alignment with LOs

Final Exam 1 40

Semester Evaluation Components

Assessment Methods and Criteria
Midterm Exam 1 30

Quiz 1 1 15

Quiz 2 1 10

***     ECTS Credit Calculation     ***

 Activity Hours Weeks Student Workload Activity Hours Weeks Student Workload
Hours Hours

Lecture Hours 3 14 42 Home Study 1 12 12

Midterm Exam 5 7 35 Final Exam 5 7 35

Quiz 2 13 26

        Total Workload Hours = 150

*T= Teaching, P= Practice ECTS Credit = 6

Course Academic Quality Assurance: Semester Student Survey Last Update Date: 08/02/2023

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