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iUnit 1 Fact Sheet Charlie McCool

Advertising is a process and techniques used to promote a product or service to an
intended audience. It is important because it helps to spread awareness and
encourages the target audience to engage and through advertising it generates
income and success. Also media can be advertised in four different formats and they
● Web Adverts ( pop ups, Social media and websites)
● Print media which is like Billboards, posters and advertisements on buses.
● Video Advertisement which is adverts on TV
● The last one is audio which is Radio adverts.

Advertising of Empire

Advert 1: Video Advertising for Empire

This advert is a TV advert that has been uploaded onto YouTube. In the advert it
tells the audience there are two limited edition covers of the magazine that you can
get and then it mentions there are two collectors issues; they do this to show the
audience what’s included when you buy the magazine.
It mentions the actresses that are featured in the advert such as Anna Hathaway
and Christian Bale; they mention this through the voice over of the video and in the
magazine it’s set out as an interview. This will gain a lot of attention from the
audience because they are popular actors and they will be looking forward to reading
it. It also shows the audience that they can get this magazine online so it could really
be useful for the audience.
This advert targets the audience because what it shows in the advert is useful to
know for them and the target audience for this magazine is people who like film
magazines and this advert shows the different issues and articles in it. On the front
cover of the magazine it has catwoman and batman which the movie is about so it
connects well with the target audience.
This advert appeals to the audience because it is advertised on TV which is
important because most people in this target audience which is 18 to 40 watch tv so
if this advert came on they would be interested because the advert is fast paced and
only gives teasers so when the audience is watching it they would want to read more
about it. This advert attracts the audience because the music in the video is
suspenseful which gives the audience a reason to be excited for and would want to
read the issue.

Advert 2: Web Adverts

This is an advertisement for Empire on their Twitter home page and it shows what’s
going to come up in the magazine. It gives the audience a teaser on what is going to
be shown. In the advert it shows what’s inside the magazine and what articles are
featured such as Ant-man and wasp, Pearl which is a horror so in this advert it
specifies what genres the movies are in the issue. It gives you a ‘First Look’ of the
new movie Guardians of the galaxy which will catch the audience’s attention
because it shows a scene from the movie and will make the audience excited.
This advert will appeal to the audience because Twitter is a worldwide social media
platform and there would be a lot of viewers for Empire because Twitter has loads of
information about everything so it would be useful for the target audience because
they will find a lot of information about the issue. On Twitter you can reply back to the
video and re-tweet which makes the audience involved with the advertising process
and they can also give their input on what they should include in the magazine.
The colour of the advert is purple and yellow which will stand out to the audience
because it’s vibrant and exciting.
Advert 3: Web advertisement for Empire

In this advertisement it promotes the new movie hobbit that is coming out and on the
advertisement there is a picture of the front cover of the magazine so it links the
advert and the issue together. On the advert it shows that you can get the magazine
from the app store so you can have it as a digital magazine or you can get it ordered
to your home. This advert will appeal to the audience because it has the picture of
the front cover
which will be useful for the audience because they can get excited for when it is
released and it shows where it is available and that you can get it as a print and you
can get it as a digital download so you are guaranteed to get a copy so you don’t
have to look in the shop for it.
It also targets the audience because they may like the movie hobbit so this could
stand out to them through the colours and the shot of the front cover. On this advert
it advertises that you can get a free issue and has a link on where to buy it. This
could attract the audience because the audience may find it hard to afford a copy of
the magazine so if there is a chance of getting one for free it can stand out to them
and when you buy a copy online it can be a lot cheaper than buying one from the
shop. In the advert it gives the audience an aimed address with the quote ‘Try Your
Free Issue Now’ this is important because they want the advert to feel like it’s a
conversation with the audience and not one sided. The colour of the text is yellow
and blue which makes it all stand out against the dark background.

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