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Homework Week 2, Term 1 2023

Name: Date: Whānau:

Writing: Maths:
Draft a formal letter to your teacher on a piece of We’ve been working with percentages in whānau classes.
refill. In 5-10 sentences, tell them: Remember percent means “out of 100”:
● a little about your family/whānau
● something you like about school
● something you find challenging about school
● something important about you she might not
● one hope you have for your future
Remember to use the formal format (your name
and address at the top right, date, recipient’s name
& address top left, etc)
You can use this address:
Whaea/Matua/Mrs/Mr ___
200 Birkdale Rd
Birkdale, Auckland
Too big a challenge? Continue practicing your basic facts.

Spelling: Te Reo Māori:

HOMOPHONES are words that sound the same but Practice Te pepeha o te kura (step 1) 10 minutes a night.
are spelled differently, like:
pear - pair - pare there - they're - their Ka rere taku manu
site - sight two - too Ko te tihi o Rangitoto
Write down as many homophone pairs (or groups) tū te ao, tū te pō.
as you can in 15 minutes - You can write more on
another page if you run out of room. Also, try to give Huri atu, ki te awa o Kaipātiki
a definition/ meaning for each. ki Te Moana Nui a Kiwa
Bring these lists to class to share.
Ka rere ki te tekoteko, ki te Tā a Maki
Word: Meaning:
E poipoi ana i ngā taonga o Te Purapura Pai

Ka tau ki te tūrangawaewae
Te whakaruruhau
Ka tau ki roto i Ngā Hua o Te Purapura Pai
Ki te kura takawaenga o Oruamo

Ko au tēnei e kai ana i te mātauranga.

Huri noa,
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou,
tēnā tātou katoa.
My bird will fly
The summit of Rangitoto
the day stood still, the night
Te Purapura Pai - translated to stood still.
The Good Seed, stands for our
school, Birkdale Intermediate, Turn to the Kaipātiki River
and also schools in our to the Pacific Ocean
surrounding area
We fly to the carvings and to
Tā a Maki
It nurtures the treasures of Te
Purapura Pai
We find our place to stand
At home, read a school library book, a book borrowed from your classroom, or another book or text you enjoy.
Aim for at least 15 mins a night. Keep a record of your reading in a Reading Log.

Reading Log: Title of Text Read: TIme Spent: Page Numbers / Web Address:






Read the poem, “Untitled” and complete the questions below: Untitled
Background Research: By Shukria Dini

1. Where is Somalia? I looked and I looked,

2. What are two major problems in Somalia right now? all I see is you being destroyed,
cut, burnt by people.
1) I cannot imagine life without you.
You shelter me, feed me
2) I thank you for that.
Trees, our trees,
Oh my people, save our trees
and use solar cookers instead.
3. Why are people cutting down trees in the poem? Let our trees grow and be free
from charcoal makers and buyers
so that we can live a secure life.

This poem was written by people who

work with the Horn Relief Bander Beylams
4. Choose two words to describe the way you think the Solar Cooker Project. Such poems are
author feels about the loss of trees in his country: indeed precious and powerful as they
, describe the importance of trees for a
better environment for war-torn Somalia.
The poems call for reduction in charcoal
5. How do you feel about the destruction of the
burning and charcoal production and for
environment? Does this poem affect your thinking? the protection of the Somalians’ fragile

6. How does this poem fit with your own life or the world you see around you? Does it remind you of
anything else you’ve watched or read? Write 2-3 sentences that explain these connections and
how they might help you better understand the poem.

7. What questions, wonders or puzzles do you still have about this poem?

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