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CTL Sotomnyroatincoganeates |TesT Cope 01222010 FORM TP 2019072| MAYAUNE 2019 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION FRENCH Paper 01 ~ General Proficiency PART A- LISTENING COMPREHENSION PART B- READING COMPREHENSION L hour 15 minutes ‘05 JUNE 2019 (axm,) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1, ‘Thistest consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to answer them. In addition tothis test booklet, you should have an answer shee. Do not be concemed tat the answer shest provides spces for more answers than there ae items inthis te prowess 4. Each tem inthis test has four suggested answers letered (),(B), (C), (D). ARer listening to or reading each item you are aboot to answer, decide which choice is best. 5. Onyour answer shee, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter asthe answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Kem Le Marsinique est une. we, Sample Answer © ville @®©00 (©) presqu'tle g The best answer to this tem is “le, s0 (A) has been shaded. 6. Ifyou want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice 7. The supervisor wil tell you when to start and stop working on the different parts ofthis test. Follow the nstretions which you will hear. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. ‘Copyright © 2016 Caribbean Examinations Counell All rights reserved 01222010MuCSEC 2019 PARTA ITEMS 1-30 LISTENING COMPREHENSION 45 minutes, SECTIONI Instructions: For each question in this section you will hear a single sentence, Choose from the four pictures in your fest booklet the ONE picture which BEST shows what the sentence says. Then, shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. For example, you hear II lui donne un beau cadeau, You see: E ® ‘Sample Answer ©@0®@ The correct answer i picture (D), so you would shade the space withthe letter (D) on your answer sheet GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ASS) © GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘SECTION Instructions: In this seetion you will hear a number of sentences. Each sentence will be read twice and will be followed by one question or incomplete statement. Four suggested answers for each question are printed in your test booklet. For each question choose the answer which BEST completes the question or statement. For example, you will hear: Jean est allé chercher des vétements neufs pour aller la boum. (Twice) Qurestce qu'il a achete? After examining the suggested answers you should select the BEST one and shade the ‘corresponding space on your answer sheet. (A) Une upe et une robe Sample Answer (B) Un journal et un livre {C) Une cassene et un disque ®®0® (D) Une chemise et un pantalon ‘The correct answer is (D), so you would shade the space with the letter (D) on your answer sheet. 9. (A) ester couché 13. (A) (B) —fairesa valise ®) (©) mettle couvert © (D) partir aux champs 0 10. (A) unecane 14, (A) ratésonexamen (B) des récompenses (B) passé son examen (©) leloterie nationale (©) oublié son examen (D) _unmatch de football (D) _ séussi son examen 11 (A) Dusport 15. (A) trop tard (B) Des betises ®) enretard (©) Dutourisme (©) debonne heure (D) Des cours dhistoire (D) _ detemps en temps 12, (A) dubeurre 16, (A) Dans un restaurant (B) une baguette (B) Dans un magasin (©) une boutelle de vin (©) Dans uncinéma {D)_-dugiteau et dela glace (B) Dans un bureau GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE followed by a number of questi SECTION I Instructions: In this section you will hear a series of public announcements or news items i. Each announcement or news item will be read twice, For each question there isa choice of four responses. Select the BEST response and shade the corresponding space on your answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. wm ®) © ©) 8) (B) © o 1 @) © © First Selection des pistons 20. des passants des voyageurs ds téléspectateurs Ah du soir 21 ‘8h du mat ‘A 8h 30 du soi ‘Ah 30 du matin «une rencontre sportive 22, une pice de theatre un document un elim “ ® © ©) Ny B) © ©) “ ®) © © Second Selection Des ingénieurs Des voyageurs Des travailleurs Des spectateurs Dans un aéroport Dans une station Dans un train Dans un car Prendre soin Prendre un verre Prende leur train rendre leurs bagages NOW GET READY FOR SECTION IV IN WHICH A PASSAGE IS GOING TO BE READ TO YoU. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Instructions: A passage in French has just been read to you. You may now study the questions and make notes. You must select the BEST answer and shade the corresponding letter on ‘your answer sheet, There is no sample question for this section. SECTION IV 23. 2s, 26. ‘An Anxious Moming PARTA Why didthenarrator wanttoleavehome carly that moming? (A) Toavoid the traffic jam (B) Toget to work on time (©) Tomeet some people (D) Togo into town ‘The town is described as a (A) Fen town (B) crowded city (©) place where many people live (D) _ place where many people work ‘Why wasthis such an important day for the narrator? (A) Arelative was in the hospital. (B) He had an important meeting, (©) Hewasduetohavean operation. (D) A relative was going to have surgery. ‘The hospital was (A) quite near tohome (B) quite near tothe city (©) some distance away from home (D) some distance away from the city 28 30 PARTE ‘What was the narrator's MAIN concer as he was about to leave? (A) The time of the appointment (B) The heavy clouds abo. (©) Thecondition of his car (D) The joumey ahead The narrator reduced his speed during, the joumey because (A) of the heavy rains (B) _hecould see the hospital (©) ofthe fear of being fined (D) he could injure his passenger ‘The narrator arived at his destination for the appointment (A) exactly on time (B) _ longafter the ime (C) Tong before the time (D) shortly before the time How did the narrator feel atthe end of the day? (A) Sad (B) Angry (© Stressed (D) Relieved STOP. THIS IS THE END OF THE LISTENING COMPREHENSION. NOW GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE AND WORK THROUGH THE READING COMPREHENSION AS QUICKLY AND AS CAREFULLY AS YOU CAN. IF YOU CANNOT ANSWER A QUESTION, GO ON TO ‘THE NEXT ONE. YOU MAY RETURN TO THAT QUESTION LATER. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE PART ITEMS 31-60 READING COMPREHENSION 30 minutes: SECTION1 Instructions: Each ofthe followi ‘corresponding space on your answer sheet. Example Quand jai... je bois de l'eau. (A) soit (B) faim (©) soin D) Froid sheet ig sentences contains a blank space. Below each sentence are four options. Select the option which BEST completes the sentence. Then, shade the Sample Answer @®©O0 ‘The correct answer is (A), so you would shade the space with the letter (A) on your answer 31, IMfaittrés chaud dans cette salle. Haut 34, (A) lageler (B) quillpleuve (©) fermer les fenétres (D) mettre le ventilateur (32. Lasemainederniére mon frérem'a prété 8 vingt dollars. Alain de cette semaine jevaisle (A) remese (8) donner ( flicter (©) rembourser fe 33. Marceline s'intéresse beaucoup ‘mode, elle pense toujours (A) des coutumes, (B) aux fabriques (C) aux vétements (©) detoute fagon «sett & ouvert fermer les portes (A) Une ele (B) Untimbre (©) Une boucle (D) Unconcierge Pendant le tremblement de terre on a Telectricité en ville fait B) coupé (©) couvert (D) renversé ‘Quand les invités arrivent chez nous, ‘maman leur dit (A) derien B) aurevoir (©) enchaniée () bienvenue GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 3. w By © @) souvent toujours rarement de bonne heure Maman, le controleurd’autobus ne va pas accepter mon billet de 50 euros. Tuas Ny @) © ©) deVor dela monnsie «du changement GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -10- ‘SECTION IT Instructions: The letter below contains mumbered blank spaces indicating that words are left out. For each blank space there are four suggested answers. After carefully reading the letter, select the answer for each blank space that is BEST in the context. Then, shade the ‘corresponding space on your answer sheet Example ‘Ti nous attend a. ‘Sample Answers j L(A) va 2. (A) Vaéroport 1 © me” 8 ee oe we oe (D) doit (D) Pentrepat 2 @ Oo ‘The correct answers are (B) and (A), so you would shade the space withthe letters (B) and (A) on your answer sheet. mal dupes (Chere Monique, Me voild ei... Londres. Je suis . vacances avec ma famille depuis juin 38 io et Qvelqueois je mvamuse «mais matheureusement ily a des jous od je mennuie terblement. Je future, ee visite Ames amis en Angleterre. Je déteste le climat, II fait trop froidetil pleut ,. es jours. _. beau pays ensoleillé me manque. w ‘ Pai cavie dy i A) a a Ww & 45 (A) Mon @) dv @) a (8) Mes © oon (©) des ©) Ma (D) aux ©) dela () Me 4 Won 43. (A) rendu 46. (A) rentora (B) sur (B)rende (B) renter (©) dans (©) ends (©) rent (D) apres ©) rend (D) entra 41) bon aw (B) bien @) (©) jamais © (©) bonne o) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ou SECTION I Insttuctions: The extract below contains blank spaces indicating that words are let out. For ‘each blank space there are four suggested answers. After reading the extract carefully, select the choice for each blank space that is BEST in the context. Then, shade the corresponding, space on your answer sheet. Example Dépéchez-vous! Jacques Mnous attend a. axriver de Paris en avion, ‘Sample Answers 1 @) va 2. (A) Paéeoport L e@ (B) vient (B) lagare ® ©oe (C) peut (C) lastation ©) doit (D) Fentepat 2 @®OO ‘The correct answers are (B) and (A), so you would shade the space with the leters (B) and (A) on your answer sheet ‘Une Favsur Matic, gewictu ste sendre un? Mon chef de département m'a demand de reser. pour une = ‘a ™ wr réunion, Alors, jene rentre pas... ce soi. Je voudrais que tu laves ma... beige que j'ai laissée sur i PRS gs 4 gg beige awe rmon lit. J'en aura. pour un rendez-vous avec un clint demain matin, Je te... d'avance. a a ‘Ton fre aime 58 Robert 47. (A) giteau 50. (A) gilet 52. (A) parle (B) cadeau (B) robe (B) donne © service (©) chemise (©) remercie (D) _honneur (D) _pantalon () rembourse 48. (A) debout st. (A) 53. (A) aul (B) aubureaw ® ®) gue (©) dans mon lt © (©) dont {D)aumatch de foot © () _lequel A) (B) tard (©) en retard ©) atheure GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -2- SECTION IV | = Instructions: Read the following selections carefully for comprehension. Each selection is followed by a number of incomplete statements or questions. Select the completion or answer thatis BEST according othe information given in the selection. Then, shade the corresponding, space on your answer sheet. There is no sample question for this section. (Items S456 cefer tothe following selection. = La Compagnie Créole ‘a’honneur de vous inviter a son BAL MASQUE Hotel Plage Tropicale le vendredi 25 juillet de21h 3083 Boissons alcooliséesinterdites “Tene formelle Prix: 50€ Les masques serontfournis avant minuit 54, Istagit de quel événement? 56, Les organisateurs vous donneront (A) D'un concert (®)— duthom (B) Dune soirée dansante (B) deT'argent (©) D'une pice de theatre (©) des vétements (D) Dun repas gastronomique (D) des déguisements 58. Arévénement, i faut étre (A) sa0ul (B) content (©) _ bien habe (D) wes fatigue GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ) 37. 58, “3. ‘tems $7.60 refer tothe following selection. Je me rappelle ma grand-mére, Jeune, elle vivait& la campagne. Elle s'est installée & Deauville aprés son mariage. En tant que mére elle était trés dévoude a sa famille, Elle se levait t6t pour préparer le repas et se couchait tard si un de ses cing enfants était sorti lesoir. Lorsque son mari est mort, elle es allée vivre en ville avec son fils ainé et sa famille. La vie urbaine ne lui plaisait pas. Elle se plaignait de tout. Elle n’arrivat pas & comprendre ‘que la femme de son fils travaillat ‘Ma grand-mére, décédée depuis deux ans, me manque beaucoup. De qui se souvient le narrateur? 59. Lagrand-mére.... vivreen ville. @® Dunami (A) voulait (B) D’une proche (B) refusait de (©) D'une collegue (©) se plaisait a (D) D'unprofesseur (D) _ n'aimait pas Comment éisit la grand-méreenverssa 60, Sagrand-méreluimanqueparcequ’elle famille? os (A) Trés loyale (A) estmorte {B) Tres ambitieuse (B) vit ailleurs (©) Peupréoccupée (©) estmécontente (D) Peubienveillante (D) voyage toujours END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. (01222010/MA/CSEC 2019

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