GRADING SYSTEM Recommendation

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1. The following examinations shall be conducted every semester;

Type of examination

Midterm Grading Period:

1st Examination
2nd Examination
3rd Examination

Final Grading Period:

4th Examination
Final Examination

2. The concerned instructors are responsible for this process.

3. Every Student secures his admission slip/exam permit from the Accounting
Department and presents his permit during examination.
4. Agro Industrial Foundation College of the Philippines (AIFCP) adopts the
Averaging method in computing grades of students for the semester.
5. There are two grading periods per semester, namely:

Midterm Grading Period:

1st Examination 15%
2nd Examination 15%
3rd Examination 15%
Quizzes 25%
Class Participation / Recitation 20%
Project/Assignments 10%
Midterm Grade 100%

Laboratory: Subject with Laboratory:

Performance/Laboratory Exercises 65% Lecture 50%

Practical Exam/Assessment 35% Laboratory 50%
---------- ------------
100% Computed Ave. Grade 100%
Final Grading Period:

4th Examination 15%
Final Examination 30%
Quizzes 25%
Class Participation / Recitation 20%
Project/Assignments 10%
Final Grade 100%

Laboratory: Subject with Laboratory:

Performance/Laboratory Exercises 65% Lecture 50%

Practical Exam/Assessment 35% Laboratory 50%
---------- ----------
100% Computed Ave. Grade 100%

6. The General Weighted Average Grade (GWAG) is computed as follow:

For Subject with Lecture only:

Midterm Grade : 50%

Final Grade : 50%
GWAG : 100%

For Subjects with Laboratory:

Midterm Comp. Ave. Grade : 50%

Final Comp. Ave. Grade : _50%
GWAG : 100%

7. The students must obtain seventy-five percent (75%) grade to pass the
course/subject based on amended Joint CHED-MARINA Memorandum

8. Term paper, field trips and other activities are not substitutes of the above major

9. All examination results are documented in a test paper and returned to the
students 5 days after it is being recorded. However, all FINAL examination
(Departmental Test) papers are kept by the respective instructors for one year
for safekeeping and for reference in cases of complaints.

10. All students with failing grades shall be given appropriate corrective actions.

11. Those students who fail in the overall computation of their grades but
consistently attended their classes, did class works, projects, course
requirements and manifested interest in the subject enrolled can appeal for re-

12. Those that missed to submit their course requirements for some valid reasons
(e.g. sickness, major surgical procedures / operation and death of immediate
members of the family) can also submit themselves for re-sits / appeals.

RE-SITS (Theory and Practical Assessment)
1. Subject instructors will submit to the program heads the list of students who failed
in the examination three days after the Final Examination.
2. The program head will scrutinize the records as presented by the instructor and
submit the said list of students for re-sits to the Dean of Maritime Studies.
3. The instructor will call the attention of students who will undergo re-sit.
4. The student will pay P50.00 for special exams and re-sits to the cashier and
present the receipt of their payment to their respective proctors.
5. The instructor will conduct the examination for re-sit.
6. The instructor will check the answer sheet and compute the grades of the students
and finally submitted to the registrar 5 days after the final examination.
7. The student can take the Re-sit once (1).
8. The highest possible grade for those who undergo re-sit in the midterm and final
will have a 75% grade.

1. Subject instructors will give re-sits to the students who failed on their Midterm &
Final grade in areas such as the Examination, Laboratory Exercises, and
2. Re-sits will be given within a week after the Midterm and Final Examination.
3. Re-sit could be in the form of written or oral examination with notice and
permission to the Department Head. Subject instructors will use the official LMS
platform, “Binnacle”, of the school or other online application such as Google
meet, zoom, etc. as medium.
4. Students who cannot take re-sit due to valid reasons will have INC grade for the
5. Re-sit is applicable to modalities A, B or C.
6. Grades will be computed after remedial activities.
7. No payment is involved for the Resit.
8. The student can take the Re-sit once (1).
9. The highest possible grade for those who undergo re-sit in the midterm and final
will have a 75% grade.

SPECIAL ASSESSMENT (Theory and Practical Assessment)
1. Special Assessments will be given for those who have an illness, accident, and
any form of emergency.
2. Students with approved promissory from the accounting office and/ or approved
letter from the guidance officer are allowed to take the special assessment.
3. Special Assessment is given before the Midterm and Final will end.
4. The highest possible grade for those who undergo special assessment of midterm
and final Exams? and laboratory activities will have a 75% grade.


1. Student-Initiated Appeal

1.1. The student through writing will inform their respective subject teachers
for the reconsideration and submission of their late class requirements.

1.2. Upon approval by the subject teacher, the students’ letter for appeal along
with the students’ requirements will be forwarded to the Department Head
and Dean of Maritime Studies for approval.

1.3. After the approval, the subject teacher will re-compute the grades of the

1.4. The subject teacher will record the final re-computed grades.

1.5. If the grades have been approved by the Department Head and Dean of
Maritime Studies after thorough review, the grades will be submitted to the
registrar’s office.

2. Faculty-Initiated Appeal

2.1. The faculty member through writing will inform their respective Department
Head for the re-computation of grade.

2.2. The faculty member attaches supporting documents such as class record,
test papers, quizzes and laboratory output to the letter.

2.3. The faculty member submits the grading sheet and supporting documents
to his/her Department Head for the latter’s remarks and comments.

2.4. With the remarks and comments of the Department Head, the faculty
member will submit the documents to the Dean of Maritime Studies for
further review and approval.

2.5. When the Dean of Maritime Studies approves the request, the final grades
will be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.
Note: Changing of grades is subject to policies and guidelines of the College

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