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Alchemy of Fusion - article series- from Dan Winter 

Friends- Fall 2016-

New Fall 2020- see our FILM SCREENPLAY implementation of this article: -
alchemy film project new review (acknowledgement to Teresa Burns ) :

return to main index: , , (Plasma

rejuvenation /
Priore) , , , (tech projects

Biofeedback IOS: , , craniosacral- , (Brainwave implosion biofeedback ).

Original article in this series: -related-Ophanim

/ Dee / Vincent Bridges page

Dec 21, 2021

Compassion, Scrying-History AND Physics with Dan Winter
Interactive with Generation ZED -
Alchemy story and screenplay: (this article) Alchemy of Bliss
Alchemy of Death
Alchemy of Plasma
Magnetic Line/aura tools
Example equations for isotope transitions (LENR/cold fusion)-
Roger Green current LENR project:
Part 1 lecture in this series: Plasma Intelligence-Secret of LOST ART OF

> update April 2020 - from Dan Winter - Dedicated to Kate Forbes- and her
friend from Spokane- who is inquiring about these DIELECTRIC issues.

Why are high dielectric materials / 'phase conjugate dielectrics' - like

Shungite, phase conjugate mirrors, the philosophers stone, the Kaba stone,
Dee's Shew Stone, and the coating under Nostredamus scrying cup - key to so
many spiritual mysteries- like SCRYING - AND alchemy - AND most zero
point energy devices? ( recommend the slideshow
at where you see to Olmec people willing
to drag the RIGHT DIELECTRIC material huge stones 60 miles- to become
the carved heads of their ancestors- TO HOLD THE PLASMA OF

First- from an electrical engineering perspective high dielectric materials and

phase conjugate dielectrics (like the barium strontium titanate heart of phase
conjugate mirrors) - are simply the insulator sandwiched between the 2
conductive plates of a capacitor-

such that the amount of resulting capacitance is high. High capacitance

effectively means that in a resistor/capacitor - tank circuit-the super dielectric
capacitor would 'ring like a bell' forever! In engineering terms- this means
that any capacitor whose dielectric constant (dielectric permittivity) is over a
certain value ( perhaps 8000-15000) is by definition a vacuum energy

To visualize what this means- as you imagine the charge ringing between the 2
plates of a capacitor- in the high dielectric sandwich insulator core- imagine a
foam geometry for the super efficient distribution of that ringing charge -
such that the charge becomes implosive like fractal wormholes thru pine cones
kissing noses. This is why ('fractal') super dielectrics need self similarly
between their macro vs micro molecular electrical structures. The material
physics mechanism for this is the answer to the most important mystery in
phase conjugate optics- HOW does the super dielectric create the phase
conjugate (time reversing/ negentropic) mirror. This is also the answer to the
perfect super capacitor which everyone already knows will soon replace every
car battery. This is the perfect material coating which was the secret
Nostredamus learned for the dark coating under his scrying water cup mirror
( and Dee' Shew Stone). The enabled phase conjugate point both optically and
electrically- precisely and coherent embeds the local longitudinal emf grid
(fractal)-which IS DNA radio- and gravity waves- and the dream spell and
how ghosts and dreams propagate.

We now use a practical example in physics to illustrate. Remember the

turning point moment Peter the Hermit- was able to sell the financing of the
first crusade - was when he discovered the (historically documented) Arab
'mad caliph' had finally turned his insanity from eating the ground power of
the Kaba stone - to using it for alchemic gold making. (Vincent suggested
history records more than half the mass of the Kaba stone disappeared to
grinding during this period). The reason the Crusades financer's finally wrote
the first checks was when they knew that if the Arab's continued gold making-
they would rule the world too soon. Years later- historically- Flamel and then
Dee and Kelley would use that same red power 'projective powder' /
philosophers stone- to alchemically make the purest gold the British Royal
Society had ever measured in the history of the planet. Let us introduce the
electrical engineering- starting with the glass meteorite / Lucifer's eye- KABA
stone. That meteoritic glass upon atmosphere entry vaporized all metals-
embedded in the glass- the only residuals were the PGM (platinum group
metals: gold / palladium / platinum). The vapors of those metals heat mixed
thru the molten glass ideally can make a sandwich FOAM geometry which
becomes potentially self/ similar / fractal. Meaning the nano particles in the
foam - can be suspended in a sponge enabling implosive nano conjugation - in
a (high dielectric ) charge implosive matrix. In other words the long waves of
charge could conjugate implosively with the short waves of charge implosion
we know is the fractal/alchemic key signature of nano gold ( and carbon /
fullerene ) valence electrons. In other words-
under the right conditions- this powder COULD function as a media to invite
implosive non-destructive charge collapse (otherwise named fusion or
alchemy- interestingly we believe Einstein named this 'the gravity').

As Vincent Bridges on one occasion explained to me- the conditions under

which this powder could be used for alchemy were as follows. A small amount
of the critical red powder -was encased in pure bee's wax in a matrix about
the size of a grain of rice. Later when the grain was dropped into the
ciritically heated mercury (or some say lead, tho mercury atomic weight is
proven to be 1 electron from gold ) -then the molten wax would serve as the
wetting agent to enable more perfect bonding of the crystal matrix to the
molten metal. Later we learned (thanks to Bill Donavan) to extend Joe
Champion's predictions of the precise critical temperatures- needed for
isotope collapse- to add the precise phonon frequencies used to catalyze-
individual predicted isotope transitions.

The REASON these high dielectrics enable scrying / clairvoyance- is also

related to the conjugate coherent embedding of longitudinal emf (
astral/etheric). Our next film about Theraphi- (acknowledgement to Mayra of
Athens/ Paris)- will be detailed example of how Theraphi broad spectral
conjugation specifically and dramatically helped trigger clair audience/
ancestral voice perception/ and lucid dreaming,

This then introduces how implosive high dielectric capacitance- like

SHUNGITE can be therapeutic also for the aura -WHERE THERE IS
(end note added April 2020)
Below we add here some notes we made a decade ago about why HIGH
DIELECTRIC materials are key
to BIOACTIVEFIELD.COM ----------------------

Phase Conjugate Cascade (Dielectrics) is the key to bioactive fields and has
proven to optimize germination, fermentation, metabolic rates, tissue repair,
and sedimentation. We now know that in air just like in water, when the
electric symmetry is fractal and phase conjugate all the LIFE-FORCE energy
will be massively optimized

Phase Conjugate Dielectrics

Phase Conjugate Cascade (P.C.C.) Crystals (Dielectrics) are key to bioactive
fields and has proven to optimize:
a) Germination
b) Fermentation
c) Metabolic rates
d) Tissue repair
e) Sedimentation

We now know that in air just like in water, when the electric symmetry is
fractal and phase conjugate all the LIFE-FORCE energy will be massively

This is called a bioactive electric field.  We now know the symmetry,

frequency recipes and resin sizes to make capacitors (electric fields), which
are fractal and thus cause growth. This is the physics behind electric fields
which help seeds to germinate and can reduce aging, storage of food and
many other applications.

In fact, the commercial applications are planet changing:

Fermentation rate increase in food, beer, wine, yogurt and other food
producing industries
Commercial digesters
BIO-energy and algae fuels e.g. Ethanol production
Building growth chambers
Revolutionizing greenhouse agriculture.

We have long known that all living things require a fractal field. This is
patently evident in water chemistry, where redox- the measure of charge
distribution efficiency and electron availability to react- is precisely a measure

It clearly predicts the ability of all living things to thrive in water. Not so
evident - sadly- has been the desperately needed understanding - that
FRACTALITY IN AIR will predict just exactly how likely EVERY LIVING
THING- is to be able to grow- in that space.

Of course we realize the best way to teach this revolution in the way we think
of - what space is 'livable'- is to make it a commercial success. In this regard
we have had breakthroughs. Dan Winter has taken what is known of phase
conjugation in dielectrics- and applied critical plank, phi and hydrogen
frequencies - and developed piezoelectric fields which cause resins to
crystallize while hardening into PHASE CONJUGATE DIELECTRICS.

This has never been achieved before! These crystals when place inside phase
conjugate containers produce a strong dielectric field which is phase
conjugating and immensely triggering to bioactivity and hence to growth rate
and which also will inhibit aging.

We have multiple series of sophisticated measures - showing that we can for

example increase glucose consumption rate- by 50% during fermentation.
This means in effect we can increase metabolic rate. - - - While we emphasize
this is exquisitely important for designing new digesters, fermented beverages,
yogurts etc- we also understand that accelerating metabolism can have side
effects (apoptosis for example). The difference has to do with keeping the
metabolic increase inside a dielectric whose dominant superluminal (phase
conjugate) harmonics are of natural biologic origins- thus allowing the
survival wisdom of primary DNA radio signal to dominate. Hence we achieve
longevity storage, rapid fermentation, and anti- aging.

+++++++ PHASE CONJUGATED DIELECTRICS have produced a

measured approximately 50% increase in glucose uptake which translates into
an approximately 50% increase in fermentation rate.  Dan Winter has taken
what is known of phase conjugation in dielectrics- and applied critical plank,
phi and hydrogen frequencies - and developed them with piezoelectric fields .
This has never been achieved before.

Phase Conjugate Dielectrics - Phase Conjugate Cascade (P.C.C.) Crystals

(Dielectrics) are the key to bioactive fields and have been proven to optimize:
a) Germination
b) Fermentation
c) Metabolic rates
d) Tissue repair
e) Sedimentation

We now know that in air just like in water, when the electric symmetry is
fractal and phase conjugate all the LIFE-FORCE energy will be maximally
This is called a bioactive electric field effect.  We now know the symmetry,
frequency recipes, resins and resin sizes in order to make capacitors (electric
fields), which are fractal and thus greatly enhance growth processes. We are
assured that this is the physics behind electric fields which help seeds to
germinate and can potentially reduce aging, storage of food as well as many
other applications.  The key with this new technology is the proprietary
choices of resins and frequency recipes.

In fact, the commercial applications are planet changing:

 Fermentation rate increase in food, beer, wine, yogurt and other food
producing industries
 Commercial digesters
 BIO-energy and algae fuels (e.g. ethanol production)
 Building growth chambers
 Revolutionizing greenhouse agriculture.
 Medical and anti-aging applications

We have long known that all living things require a fractal field. This is
patently evident in water chemistry, where redox- the measure of charge
distribution efficiency and electron availability to react in water is precisely a
measure of degree of FRACTALITY IN WATER.

It clearly predicts the ability of all living things to thrive in water. Not so
evident, sadly, has been the desperately needed understanding
that FRACTALITY IN AIR may predict just exactly how likely EVERY
LIVING THING is to be able to grow in that particular space.

These crystals, when placed inside phase conjugate containers, produce a

strong dielectric field which is phase conjugating and strongly triggers
bioactivity and hence growth rates and also perhaps the inhibition of aging.

We have a multiple series of sophisticated measurements showing that we can,

for example, increase glucose consumption rate by as much as 50% during a
common and simple fermentation process utilizing ordinary yeast and

As you can see below, the commercial implications are profound. Note the
impact is at the conjugate point where the double cone of flux lines conjugate/
implode. 3D technical Flux Maps in Progress

This was invented by Dan Winter - in mid 2008 ++++


Creating a Capacitively BIOACTIVE Field (Phase Conjugate / ' Fractal')
Research Measured in the Lab by Dr. Sal Giandinoto
Fermentation results with Gold Phase Conjugate (Hereinafter referred to as)
PCC Cups-

Two trials of the fermentation experiment measuring glucose metabolism here

at the Lifeworks Foundation lab showed that there was an average of a 30%
increase in glucose metabolism over the four control experiments without the
PCC Gold cups. The first trial conducted on Dec. 12, 2008 showed an
approximately 40% increase in glucose metabolism whereas the second trial
performed on February 12, 2009 showed an approximately 20% increase in
glucose metabolism with the use of the gold PCC cups. The same experiment
was conducted at CPI with different results. The CPI results did not show any
significant increase in glucose metabolism with the gold PCC cups. However,
CPI used a significantly different method for their glucose assay which may
very well explain the differences seen between their tests and ours.

Electrical conductivity measurements were performed on both the gold cup

with and without the PCC crystals. In these tests, de-ionized water was
actually added to the cups and the conductivity of those solutions was directly
measured. The results of these tests were quite striking and showed a very
large increase in water conductivity over time when the gold cups were filled
with de-ionized water. The rate of increase in conductivity in the water
changed much more dramatically when the cups contained the PCC crystals
as opposed to the cups without the crystals.

See the following graphs which illustrate the dramatic difference between the
conductivity of the water in the gold plated ceramic cups versus the gold
plated cups with the crystals embedded inside the cups:

+++++ Did you know that the ability of every liquid inside your body – to
support life is simply measured by REDOX potential. Measuring any body of
liquid for this plus electrical resistance and acidity is called Biologic Terrain
Analysis – and can quickly predict cancer for example.

Redox (oxidation / reduction potentaial - or electron availability to react) - is

simply of measure of FRACTALITY! 

Another example: The ability of the air in any environment to create healing –
largely depends on NEGATIVE IONS. A negative ion is literally like an
electric 'black hole' caused by FRACTALITY.  The ability to make black hole
like energy fields is good – because this causes waves of energy or charge to be
sorted (into phase -that is wave lengths that fit the nest) and thus clear
whatever cannot be perfectly  shared or distributed.

In Ted Baroody's book "Alkalise or Die" - the REASON blood must become
electrically attractive to protons (extra 'electrons' or 'electron space' is
associated with alkalinity) - is because - if the blood cannot ATTRACT
electrical charge - you begin to decay and get sick.

Protons, for example, and 'free radical' hydrogen (atom) are thought of as
being electrically positive. Electrons are negative. The real meaning of this,
requires visualizing (picture below) - the DIFFERENCE between centripedal -
or inward sucking spin - versus - centrifugal - or outward pushing spin. See in
the below pic- understanding this 'hydrodynamic' or flow-form of a tornado's
vorticity having a net inward or outward flux - IS THE KEY TO REALLY
CHARGE. (and Yin versus Yang etc.),


AND EMBED A CHARGED PROTON - becomes a definition of becoming

Once you begin to see that becoming electrically attractive to charge, is how
you and everything become alive (even how you attract the right people to hug
you) - try to begin to see WHY fractal or rose or fern or onion like 'self-
similarity' electrically - is how anything alive - BECOMES THAT
ATTRACTOR (below)... It is because when the inside of a wave nest (like
your heart) becomes self-similar to what is outside- THEN - the outside can
fall in!

First we learned that Re-Dox potential can effectively predict whether any
liquid inside biology is going to create health versus disease.

Later it emerges that in effect the Re-Dox (Oxidation - Reduction Potential or

electron availability to react) is nothing more than A MEASURE OF

This is because - first - a free electron itself is nothing more than an electrical
black hole (implosive fractal) - and further than the electrical symmetry
(effectively - definition of life itself!) is precisely the fractal (and non-
destructive charge) compression which always precedes EFFICIENT
CHARGE DISTRIBUTION. In other words- biology heals and thrives ONLY
when it can get first the compression correct so that a charge radiance (fractal
or perfectly branched) charge distribution results. This then spits out
infection, inflammation and restores electrical self-organization.

In order to make our point about what SHAPE of ELECTRIC FIELD can
make ALL BIOLOGY HAPPY - we are going to use this example: A seed.
The difference between a seed that is alive, versus a seed that is dead is: the
ability to shoot out an electric field strong enough to change the angle of
incoming water. By radiating an electric wave of charge- the seed does two
things- it shapes the angle at which the next molecule bonds - to determine the
shape of growth- AND the seed changes the angle of incoming water molecules
with their load of mineral / food. IF there is no charge field coming from the
seed- there is nothing to determine the pattern / direction of growth - and
nothing to shape the incoming water and mineral bonds. SO- if an electrical
engineer (you and me) were talking about the difference between life and
death for a seed - we would say: ABILITY TO RADIATE CHARGE is life! ..
You can probably guess where we are going with this electrical definition of
life: IF radiating charge efficiently becomes our definition of life - THEN
something first must efficiently compress that charge so that it CAN radiate. >
FORTUNEATELY - for physics - the answer is simple - CHAGE
radiation (perfect distribution means LEAST storage) - is perfected ALSO

One nice rather medical example of this ideal: Nobel winning Albert Szent-
Gyorgyi in "Electronic Biology and Cancer" figured out the difference
between a healthy cell and a cancer cell. At a primary level - the critical
difference was the {triplet state electron} ORDERLINESS OF ITS WATER.
Super ordered {fractal?} water geometry - makes CHARGE DISTRIBUTION
EFFICIENT - and THAT is the end of cancer! - ref: ,
also many pictures of water making fractal / molecular pent patterns- . Another nice more plant physiologic example: our
wonder plant doctor friend in Werrra Meissner - points out that the most
healing potent part of the plant for his medicines is always the growth spurt
strong - where that charge is embedded in the molecules of the cells near
there, is where you can find the most healing part of the plant.

Second example
Your Heart! We are so happy that Dr. Irving Dardik's work on perfect
nesting/ embedding / superlooping to define which heartbeat survives - has
been made popular. Our extensive pictorial review is at . The major new popular book is: "Making
Waves". It is all a nice pictorial way of understand why THE HEALTHY
HEART IS A FRACTAL HEART! We applied this to our HeartTuner -
teaching fractality : see . The point here is
to understand HOW the life saving quality of FRACTALITY which is well
known to be the key ingredient to Heart survival - can be applied to defining
sacred space - for architecture. - - “the poetry is nice but the physics is even
-DW/SG +++++
Phase Conjugate Dielectric Crystal Array -for metabolic accelerant
further lab tests to involve Sal and Bob D.
-fermentation test- requires- commercial lab or production group with
fermentation experience
test needed for wine / beer / yogurt fermentation industry - acceleration of
yeast growth
- separate test needed for: coating process to produce accelerated commercial
- impact on healing rates.
- impact on seed treatment ( see link below
Note- that this seed treatment by implosive capacitance- test- is separate and
in addition to the phase
conjugate magnetic water process above. See the picture- of the p.c. dielectric
(gold eggs- WITH inner
coating or layer of the custom piezoelectrically produced resin - link below).
Note that negative ion shower is well known to produce- seed acceleration -
see book:
"Seed of Knowledge" link below.
Our process takes electro negativity produced by phase conjugate fractality to
a new level of efficiency
and potency based on an actual symmetry understanding of what makes an
electric field fractal. All can
see that it is precisely electrical centripedal force available that determine IF a
seed germinates. Now
we know how to completment capactively life giving electro-negativity.
Note that pictures of BOTH these devices- and public description- and history
of measurement is at
Time required - for growth and optimization trials for commercialization: 6-
12 months.

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