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A Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty of

The Senior High School Department of

Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion

First Semester S.Y. 2022 – 2023


Dote, Krizelle Joy G.

Evangelista, Leonard C.

Gayeta, Jeric F.

Javier, Christine C.

Javier, Andria S.

Jusi, Alexandra Mae R.

Sanchez, Liesa Grace B.

Grade 12- Rizal

October 2022

This research entitled "PERCEPTIONS OF ABM STUDENTS OF


ONLINE ADVERTISING" prepared and submitted by Krizelle Joy Dote,

Christine Javier, Liesa Grace Sanchez, Andria Javier, Alexandra Mae Jusi,

Jeric Gayeta, and Leonard Evangelista in partial fulfillment in Inquiries,

Investigation and Immersion has been examined and is recommended for

approval and acceptance for an oral examination.


Research Adviser




ADVERTISING was conducted in order to determine the perception of the

students towards online advertising. This study aims to discover how online

advertising influences students’ buying behavior. Moreover, this study looks

into the possibility of online advertising positively impacting students' financial

and purchasing decisions and can be used in promoting the advantages of

using online advertisements. The researchers used a Quantitative descriptive

design in order to meet their desired goal. In order to ensure that the

proposed study would be correctly reviewed by strand experts and future

users of the study, 30 participants from Grade 11 and Grade 12 ABM students

were chosen by using Stratified Random Sampling. After gathering,

organizing, evaluating, and interpreting the data, the researchers found that

online advertising is beneficial to consumers in purchasing a product and as a

medium for informing consumers about a specific product or brand. Online

advertising has a positive impact and influences consumers positively in terms

of purchasing decisions. The findings of the study, together with the

researchers' individual insight, and interpretation, some articles have laid the

groundwork for the conclusion to be made at the end of the study.

Researchers recommended that future researchers conduct studies to

improve the quality of the researcher's output.

Keywords: Online advertising, Purchasing Decisions, Consumers


The researchers would want to extend their sincere gratitude to the

following people for serving as their mentors and helping them to produce

their study work.

To their adviser in Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion, Mr. Jojo

Anicito Suarez for his significant part in guiding the researchers and

transferring the knowledge he has taught them.

To their Class Adviser, Ms. Gereca Ydssa Capili for setting a positive

example for them and giving each student her entire support.

To the parents of the researchers, for their assistance and commitment

to providing for their children's financial requirements during the research


To their classmates and friends, for the encouragement and motivation

provided by their peers and friends, who helped the researchers finish the

research projects.

To the respondents, who offered direct and significant criticism in

response to the interviews that provided the research project's data.

Finally, thanks to our Almighty God for giving the researchers the

strength, insight, and resolve they required to accomplish their research work.









To our parents, who have guided us, shown us love and care, and provided

for our needs financially,

To our teachers, who assisted us in accomplishing the research,

To our classmates and fellow researchers who assisted us in completing our

research by cooperating and supporting us,

To our friends and family members who have provided us with advice and

encouragement in finishing this project, thank you.

To the Almighty God, who guides us and bestows us with power and abilities,

protection, and a long healthy life.









APPROVAL SHEET.……………………………………………………………. i

ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………. ii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT………………………………………………………….. iv

DEDICATION…………………………………………………………………….. v

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………… vi



Introduction……………………………………………………………………….. 1

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………….. 3

Conceptual Paradigm of the Study…………………………………………….. 4

Research Hypothesis……………………………………………………………. 6

Significance of the Study………………………………………………………... 7

Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………….. 8

Scope and Delimitation………………………………………………………….. 9


Related Literature………………………………………………………………... 10

Related Studies…………………………………………………………………... 13

Synthesis………………………………………………………………………….. 19


Research Design…………………………………………………………………. 21

Population Sample……………………………………………………………….. 21

Research Instrument…………………………………………………………….. 22

Validation of Research Instrument……………………………………………... 24

Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………………………. 24

Statistical Treatment of Data……………………………………………………. 25

Ethical Considerations…………………………………………………………… 26

IV. Results and Discussion

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data…………………………… 27


Summary…………………………………………………………………………... 40

Findings……………………………………………………………………………. 41

Conclusions……………………………………………………………………….. 43

Recommendation…………………………………………………………………. 43


1 Scale, range, and description………………………………………………… 23

2 Mean distribution of the ABM students of Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial

Integrated School perception of online advertising…………………………… 27

3 Mean Distribution of the benefits of online advertising to the consumers…29

4 Mean distribution of the Effects of online advertising on the consumer

financial aspects………………………………………………………………… 31

5 Mean distribution of the effects of online advertising on consumer brand

loyalty……………………………………………………………………………… 32

6 Mean distribution of the effects of online advertising on the consumer

Budgeting Allowance…………………………………………………………… 34



1 Research Paradigm…………………………………………………………… 4

2 Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………….. 5



This chapter presents the background of the study, the statement of

the problem, the conceptual framework, the theoretical framework, the

statement of the hypothesis, the significance of the study, the scope and

delimitation, as well as the definition of terms of the study.


The development of technology caused so many benefits to people

and their lives. The number of people using the internet and social media has

increased. Different types of businesses also appeared and they used the

modern lifestyle of people caused by technology so that they could advertise

their products to people. This advertising is called online advertising. It has

caught people's attention because of its creativity and engaging viewing. Over

time, young people get to know the online world better and often entertain

themselves by watching videos, playing online games, and talking to friends


Digital advertising is a sort of marketing that promotes products using

the internet. It has a variety of products that are promoted by celebrities. It is

also one of the most effective ways of advertising because many people are

using social media now so through it every customer can easily find out about

their products. It also grabs attention because they use famous artists or

influencers. With the use of online advertising, it is better to show how to use

or use a product. Even if the explanation is short, every customer can easily

understand it. The publisher of these products allows people to promote the

products and earn money by doing so. They can also be used as content in

blogs. The digital age has brought new changes in advertising products in

today's generation. Different forms of online advertising influence consumers'

attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions in different ways. Online advertising is a

type of promotion that specifically uses the internet to spread marketing

messages to attract consumers. Online advertising has grown rapidly and

also captures the interest of students.

According to Techopedia (2018), online advertising is a type of

marketing that uses the Internet as a tool to drive visitors to websites and

target and communicate with potential customers. Online advertising aims to

define markets through special and practical uses. Online advertising is also

known as Internet advertising or digital advertising. Some examples of

applications that have online advertising are Google, Facebook, TikTok,

Instagram, Twitter, Messenger, and YouTube which a lot of children and

students are using, for entertainment and educational purposes.

Nowadays, a lot of students look for classes, programs, and online

tutorials through online to learn and gain more knowledge. Various platforms

are being used by students for their studies such as Google, Facebook, and

other websites on the internet which contain advertisements. Due to the use

of social media by young people or students, they see or watch online

advertising every day. Sometimes it is inevitable that they will be enticed by

social media influencers and other types of ads to buy something that is not

important to them. Money is wasted and will only go to nothing if the person is

influenced to buy something that is not important to them. Instead of spending

it on valuable things and school supplies, it will go on useless things. Online

advertising also causes impulse buying in other students because of its

attractive persuasion.

According to Madarang (2020), the data collected by the cybersecurity

firm, 43. 09% of Filipino children are using social media for messaging. They

may encounter various online advertisements in some applications that they

use in interacting with other people that may help them in purchasing their

necessary items and they may encounter negative advertising that causes

scams. Since some activities in school are also dominated by technology,

there is a high possibility that they will get engaged in such advertising.

Student shopping behavior and habits are greatly influenced by various

web advertisements. Since students are most likely to engage in social media

there is a high tendency to encounter online advertising which affects their

decisions in buying online even in traditional shopping. The purpose of this

study was to determine the perceptions of ABM students regarding online

advertising and how online advertising influence the buying behavior of

students nowadays. In addition, this study looks into the possibility of online

advertising positively impacting students’ financial and purchasing decisions

and can be used in promoting the advantages of using online advertisements.

Statement of the Problem

This study is conducted to determine the perceptions of ABM students

of Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School towards online advertising.

Specifically, this study aims to provide answers to the following

research questions:

1. What is the perception of the respondents to online advertising?

2. What are the benefits that could be taken in online advertising?

3. How does online advertising affect the consumers in terms of:

A. Financial Capacity

B. Brand Loyalty

C. Budgeting Allowance

4. Based on the findings, what propose program can be done to present

the advantages of online advertising?

Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

The conceptual paradigm of the study was created in order to

effectively and clearly illustrate the ideas and concepts of the research. This

paradigm of the study discussed the perceptions of AMB students of PSTMIS

towards online advertising. This study was anchored on the influences and

advantages of online advertising on students as a consumer.

Online Advertising

Contributes to

Buying Behavior of Data Gathering


A Proposed
Benefits Of Online
Data Analysis and Program that will
Advertising to
Interpretation Present the
Advantages of

Online Advertising

Effects of Online
Advertising to the

Figure 1: Research Paradigm

Figure 1 presents the paradigm of the study. The first box or the inputs

are the perceptions of ABM students towards the contribution, benefits, and

effects of online advertising to students or consumers. The second box

enumerated the processes that will be used in gathering research data such

as survey questionnaires, gathering data, and data analysis and

interpretation. The output of the research is the proposed program to present

the advantages of online advertising and how to avoid negative advertising.

Theoretical Framework

For the study to have the essential result, the researchers sought some

ideas that might be helpful in comprehending the study’s objectives. Figure 2

illustrates the various principles taken by the researchers to enhance the level

of quality of the study’s findings.

Enhancement on Positive

Purchasing Habit

Responds on Online

Program That Will Present

the Advantages of Online

Influence of

Advertisements on
Figure 2: Theoretical Framework

Enhancement on Positive purchasing habits, based on the concept of

Tshepo Tlapana (2021), online advertising uses a range of advertising

strategies to connect, communicate, persuade, and reach people. These tools

can enhance positive purchasing habit because it influences the consumer’s

way of purchasing and helps in making decisions. Response to Online

Advertising, according to Saba Lurie, (2020), younger individuals can improve

consumer literacy and become more capable of responding to advertising

rather than merely reacting to it by being taught to observe and discuss

advertising in various forms and circumstances. Influence of advertisements

to teenagers, based on the study of IvyPanda, (2022), teenagers are drawn to

different types of advertising. They are exposed to more commercials as they

become older, which shapes their personality. Every stage of a child's growth

is surrounded by marketing. Due to their purchasing and consumption habits,

extensive study has shown that teenagers are important in a number of

businesses. The primary driving force behind teen purchases is the influence

of advertisements that are published or posted online.

Therefore, the stated ideas are significant in this study to construct the

details about the proposed program that will present the advantages of online

advertising to the students.

Research Hypothesis

The null hypothesis is being tested in the study. The proposed program

presenting the advantages of online advertising is not beneficial.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believed that this study is beneficial to the following:

students, teachers, parents, and future researchers.

Students. This study will serve as a good source of knowledge for

them to know the benefits that could be taken in online advertising and how

online advertising affects the consumer in terms of financial capacity, brand

loyalty, and budgeting allowance. This study will help ABM students to

improve their knowledge about online advertising.

Teachers. This study will serve as a tool to provide teachers with valid

and reliable benefits in the online advertising of their students. Through this

research, teachers may discover what are the advantages and disadvantages

of online advertising from their ABM students to help their students to develop

their knowledge in managing online advertising.

Parents. They will be able to have an idea of the situation that their

child was going through online advertising. This research will serve as an eye-

opener to parents on how to help their children to manage online advertising.

Future Researchers. This research can be used as reference material

and a guide for future researchers who would plan to make any related study

precisely the situation brought by managing online advertising and ABM

students to know the benefits of taking online advertising.

Definition of Terms

The following term was defined according to how they are being

used in the study:

Online Advertising. It is a marketing approach that involves using the

Internet as a medium to increase website traffic as well as target and send

marketing messages to the appropriate clients.

Purchasing Habit. These are the purchasing behaviors or habits that

involve consistently purchasing a certain brand.

Marketing. It is the process of promoting and selling products or

services to customers.

Internet. It is a computer network that provides various information and

communication services through interconnected networks that use

standardized communication systems.

Social Media. Platforms and applications that enable users to create

and share content or engage in social networking.

Budgeting. It is an estimate of income and expenditure for a specified

period in the future.

Digital Age. A time when the general public has widespread access to

enormous volumes of knowledge, partly thanks to computer technology.

Consumer. A buyer who makes purchases for their own use.

Program. The acts involved in connecting and forming relationships

with others in order to accomplish an objective.

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this research study is the perception of ABM students

toward online advertising. This research discussed the benefits that students

as a consumer could be taken while using online advertising and how online

advertising affect the consumer's buying behavior in terms of their financial

capacity, brand loyalty, and their budgeting strategies.

This research discussed the advantages and disadvantages of using

online advertising in purchasing habits of the respondents. The proposed

programs can be done based on the results of this study are also included in

this paper.

The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of ABM

students towards online advertising and how this influences the buying

behavior of students nowadays. Moreover, this study aims to look for the

possible impacts of online advertising on the financial and buying decisions f

students. The promoting strategies of the product are excluded in this study

since the goal of this research is all about the consumer's buying behavior.

This paper only covered the students who belong to the ABM strand of Pedro

S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School. The interpretation of the collected

data and the results of this research by the researchers are the only data that

are gathered from the chosen respondents of this study.



This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalization or

conclusions, methodologies, and others. Those included in this chapter help

in familiarizing relevant and similar information to the present study.

Related Literature

The researchers looked for and compiled data relevant to their ongoing

study on how most online advertising is perceived. It will serve as a significant

foundation for the conclusion of the study.

According to Asrael (2018), advertising on social media produces

content that intends to grab the readers’ attention and keep them informed.

Social Media advertising is posted on the applications or websites like Twitter,

Facebook, Google, Instagram, YouTube, etc. The ability to tailor the message

is provided by internet-based social media, which opens up the possibility of a

transactional process of communication between marketers and customers.

Consumers carefully and purposefully choose the brands they discuss on

social media platforms to create good or bad perceptions of them.

Additionally, brand commitments are important to marketers because they link

people to consistent sets of self-meanings, which in turn influence their

purchasing behavior.

Engr. Anthony Paras (2018), stated that today's internet usage is

expanding quickly. It is a crucial tool for communicating with customers. The

number of internet users is growing, making it crucial to comprehend

customer views to determine the efficacy of online marketing. The internet is a

common tool in modern life. The emergence of the internet has benefitted

humanity greatly. This medium allows people to buy, advertise, and sell goods

and services. Online advertising is a type of marketing tactic that uses the

internet to advertise products by distributing information via websites, e-mail,

and other channels. Internet-based advertisements are referred to as online

advertising. This helps to spread awareness of an organization's existence as

well as its goods and services. Both good and negative views are influenced

by web advertising among customers. Consumer perception refers to the

study of the procedures followed by individuals or groups when they choose,

acquire, use, or discard the goods, ideas, or experiences that will satiate their

needs and desires as consumers. People are familiar with and strongly

associated with several domestic and foreign brands. Their culture, way of

life, and environment shape these perceptions in their thoughts. Consumer

behavior is significantly influenced by advertisements. They serve as sources

of inspiration for customers to purchase a specific good. Building trust can

also be accomplished through advertisements. If the consumer is interested in

the product's quality and price range, this is a substantial inducement. Product

evaluation and brand recognition can also help to develop a positive purchase

mindset. People use electronics and the internet more frequently, so online

advertising has expanded quickly. This is one of the key causes for which

practically all businesses use online advertising to launch new products.

Moreover, with the expansion of online social networks, social

networking websites become the most well-known features in the new era.

Because of this, many social media users are using social media for business

purposes. One of the benefits of using social media for business is that

marketers can easily reach consumers around the world so they to purchase

a product without the use of traveling. Numerous factors in social media

advertising can influence consumers' impressions in both positive and

negative ways. These include product knowledge, the effectiveness of

promotion, informativeness, and entertainment.

Menon and Raghavan (2020), state that advertising is one of the best

ways to communicate to the audience and give them the information and

messages that they want to convey. Online advertising is a way of selling

goods, services, and products by posting information with the use of the

internet. The main purpose of advertising is to attract people to purchase their

products. In today's generation, everyone is used to ignoring online

advertisements because advertisements are everywhere. Therefore,

advertisers come up with the idea to make their advertisements more

convincing and attractive. In purchasing products online, the main factors that

influence customers have been identified as price, trust, and convenience.

The price is one of the main factors because consumers found out that the

price online is lower than the price in physical stores. As plenty of shoppers

tend to use social media and depend here on their marketing purchasing

decisions, advertising through social media has become more significant. The

majority of customers are influenced by advertisements online and purchased

the products after watching them. Moreover, customers are being influenced

based on their wants and interest. This only shows that online advertising has

a big impact on the online purchasing behavior of consumers.

According to Harchekar and Yadav (2021), people use the internet in

their daily life. With more people using internet networks, it is now employed

as a means of social interaction. Smartphone-mediated connectivity, which is

based on developing information and networking technologies through the

internet network, has changed how people keep in touch and how businesses

and organizations conduct business. Students and young people are

particularly impacted by the usage of online advertising since they frequently

use it for educational and entertaining purposes. Students' attitudes regarding

online advertising have changed, and this has both positive and bad effects

on their purchasing decisions. Website advertising is important for the

advertising company, but it also negatively impacts internet consumers. With

the increase in the use of Online advertising, there is also an increase in the

use of it to make scams and frauds. Consumers are concerned that their

privacy will be affected by online advertisements.

Related Studies

The researchers searched for various studies on online advertising that

could serve as the foundation for their response to this study. This will give

the researchers crucial information they need to do their study.

Arana (2019), mentioned that the digital marketing landscape is

continuously growing due to the increasing number of Filipinos who choose

digital channels over traditional media. The online magazine has been an

advantage to people, especially teenagers. Since technology continuously

growing, we can use it to gain some income even though we're studying.

Companies can use social media as an asset and may use it for their benefit,

though there must be some regulation and control for further conversation.

Online marketers can now simply post a sponsored advertisement on

Facebook for a significantly lesser amount and reach their target market who

really might be interested in their brand. It will allow you to personally interact

with customers daily because customers are more likely to purchase from a

business that has a good working relationship.

Manala (2020), discussed that advertising helps a company to reach its

target market. Celebrity endorsement is one of the popular advertising forms

nowadays on online platforms which influences the buying behavior of the

consumer even the students who spend most of their time browsing the

internet. Advertising is an essential part of a business to promote a certain

product to the people and their target audience. Even though advertising is

expensive business owners will still afford to use it to promote their business

and it can drive business growth. It provides useful details to the people that

talk about the product benefits and specifications. Advertising includes any

paid nonpersonal communications of an identified sponsor's presentation and

promotion of concepts, products, or services. Its major goal is to communicate

with a specific audience or target market to advance them through the

purchasing process. As a tool, advertising aims to accomplish any one or a

combination of the following: (a) educate clients of the sponsoring business

and its goods, (b) convince them that the products are worthwhile, or (c) just

let them know that they are still available products and a potential future

requirement for them. Several media are used in advertising, each has unique

advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the situation, advertising might

be highly pricey of the length of the advertising or the medium chosen for

advertisement effort. Advertising is one of the biggest line items on an income

statement, but businesses of all sizes and in all industries use it to increase

sales and enhance their brand recognition. A cursory analysis of publicly

traded corporations reveals that annual advertising spending can amount to

billions of dollars. Despite being one of the biggest line items on an income

statement, advertising is used by businesses across all sectors and sizes to

increase sales and enhance their brand recognition.

According to Ramraj (2018), the Internet has altered how businesses

sell themselves and how consumers seek information. Consumers are

continuing to adapt to new marketing strategies including the use of

technology, such as online marketing. Online marketing has introduced new

marketing challenges such as information overload and the security of

personal data. Online marketing first appeared in the early 1990s, but it was

not widely used. Marketers today offer things solely through the Internet, with

little physical presence. Marketers must discover strategies to meet all of the

consumer needs that come with operating in an online company environment.

Since the first industrial revolution, when business marketing was based on

manufacturing, online marketing has come a long way. The fourth industrial

revolution provides the impetus for quick reform, such as digital, physical, and

biological technology, and without these reforms, marketers would be unable

to ensure that the benefits of new technologies are dispersed. Online

marketing allows you to establish a digital environment in which businesses

and consumers can connect. This is because devices are getting more digital

and interconnected, allowing businesses to reach a larger number of

individuals when undertaking internet marketing. When a business wants to

expand its market, expand its customer base, boost sales, and raise

shareholder value, it is critical to consider how consumers perceive it. Even

while online marketing is growing and changing, this does not ensure that

consumers will view it favorably or believe it to be a viable option. Consumer

behavior regarding internet marketing provides a clue as to the perception

that is held by consumers and also provides businesses with a consensus on

consumer perception about online marketing.

According to Bhagwati and Dutta (2018), digital marketing has

utilization in various sectors. Digital media affects young aspirants, especially

in the instruction which is an element of the decision-making process of young

students. Statistics reveal that India has over 360 million internet users and

approximately 85% of the population is active totally on smartphone devices.

Most businesses are 49% investing in digital marketing. Digital marketing

accommodates both the rising number of e-users and also the latest

innovations that spring up every day.

Kotler (2019), states that advertising is any paid kind of impersonal

marketing of products, services, or ideas. Advertising is regarded as a vital

communication strategy in marketing and modern life, where it is utilized to

release products that will entice many people to purchase them. It is viewed

as an introduction to a new product or business; it gives breakthroughs, raises

awareness of a certain product, and distinguishes it from others. Advertising is

a vital marketing communication strategy for reaching, informing, and

motivating prospects.

Furthermore, young customers are becoming more conscious of a

variety of marketing that delivers appealing products to consumers as

technology advances. They become aware of how they might manage their

expenditure on each good they wish to purchase, both individually and over

time. Nowadays, young people prefer to shop online since it allows them to

find products more simply and at the best price. It also serves as the

foundation for budgeting the money spent on purchasing things that a

consumer requires and desires.

According to Pal (2019), due to the growth of industrialization, the

usage of advertisements expanded during the 20th century. Advertising is a

tool used by many businesses to promote their goods and services. Because

of its ability to persuade, advertising has significantly impacted consumer

choice and purchase. Nowadays, advertising uses a variety of strategies

because of technological advancements. Some mobile advertisements have

been successful in drawing viewers' attention. Advertising was discovered to

be a potent communication tool for getting information over to the target

audience of casters. People of all ages concur that web adverts give them the

majority of the product information they require. Advertising and consumer

purchasing behavior have a favorable association with customers' emotional

responses. A significant part of the company is advertising. Advertisements

are used to introduce a business, build a brand, and position a business, a

product, or a service in the buyer's mind relative to other well-known, rival

businesses. A tool used by businesses to market their goods and services is

advertising. In the minds of consumers, advertisements shape how they

perceive a product. Due to the rise of industrialization and the provision of

manufactured and processed goods, advertising use has significantly

increased in the 20th century. Businesses can select the most effective

advertising plan for their company's marketing campaign by utilizing

knowledge, science, and experience in appropriate and right ways. Based on

the propensity of the customer to make purchases marketing is used in


Belga, Garcia, and Mendoza (2019) discussed that young adults in

particular today’s generation are becoming more and more addicted to using

social media. Consumers, particularly young adults, can be easily contacted

through this type of social media connection and informed about the good or

service, the brand, and even the business. Additionally, younger generations

are renowned for having complicated and fluid tastes. Local businesses can

do the same by gathering various data regarding current events, trends, and

happenings that reflect the interests of their target market. Digital adverts,

which are effective social media marketing techniques, can also influence how

a customer responds to a product or service.

Additionally, clients may now communicate with businesses by leaving

likes, comments, and suggestions, thus local businesses come up with the

idea think and generate new ideas that would satisfy the needs of their

customers. It is the same with the clients, seeing their responses, remarks

and the word of mouth through the internet has great help for them to decide

on their purchases. Social media has a now big impact on the customer’s

buying behavior. Young adults in the Philippines are most likely to spend an

average of 10 hours using social media. Marketers use this chance to

promote and spread brand awareness and develop information about their

companies. Long spending of time with young adults using social media is a

big opportunity for marketers to interact with clients.


The related literature and studies reviewed allowed the researchers to

have a clearer understanding of online advertising by ABM students of Pedro

S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School. Furthermore, the reviewed literature

and studies emphasized the impact of online advertising on consumers and


In the study by Harchekar and Yadav (2021), students and young

people are particularly impacted by the usage of online advertising since they

frequently use it for educational and entertainment purposes. Consumers'

attitudes regarding online advertising have changed, and this has both

positive and bad effects on their purchasing decisions.

The study of Menon and Raghavan (2020), mentioned that as plenty of

shoppers tend to use social media and depend here on their marketing

purchasing decisions, advertising through social media has become more

significant. The majority of customers are influenced by advertisements online

and purchased the products after watching them. Moreover, customers are

being influenced based on their wants and interest. This only shows that

online advertising has a big impact on the online purchasing behavior of


The study by Paras (2018), found that consumer behavior is

significantly influenced by advertisements. They serve as sources of

inspiration for customers to purchase a specific good. Building trust can also

be accomplished through advertisements. If the consumer is interested in the

product's quality and price range, this is a substantial inducement. Product

evaluation and brand recognition can also help to develop a positive purchase

mindset. People use electronics and the internet more frequently, so online

advertising has expanded quickly. Numerous factors in social media

advertising can influence consumers' impressions in both positive and

negative ways. These include product knowledge, the effectiveness of

promotion, informativeness, and entertainment. Consumers’ and students

perceived that online advertising helps in choosing products and affects the

buying behavior of a customer. And social media advertising influences the

consumer in positive and negative ways in their purchasing habit.



This chapter presents the methodology employed by the researchers in

analyzing and interpreting the data about the variables of this study. This

chapter shows how the researchers come up with the study for the


Research Design

The main purpose of this research is to determine the perceptions of

ABM students at Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School towards

online advertising. To accomplish this, the researchers collected and acquired

sufficient data for the study using a quantitative descriptive research method.

According to McCombes (2019), descriptive research aims to describe a

population, situation, or phenomenon accurately and systematically. A

descriptive research design can use a variety of research methods to examine

one or more variables. Unlike in experimental research, the researcher does

not control or manipulate any of the variables, only observes and measures


Population Sample

Based on the computation done by the researchers the ideal sample

size for a population of ABM Senior High School Students is 62. The target

population in the study will be thirty (30) students of ABM senior high school

students as advised by the statistician. The sample is comprised of ABM

students of Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School. According to

Ganti (2022), in statistics, a sample size of 30 is quite standard. A sample size

of 30 frequently widens the population data set's confidence interval to the

point where comments contradicting your findings are justified. The probability

that your sample will be representative of your population set increases with

the sample size.

The researchers have polled a variety of ABM students to identify the

impact of taking online advertising. These individuals are asked to complete a

questionnaire provided by the researchers and are expected to participate


The respondents are selected using the Stratified Random Sampling

method, this is typically used by researchers when trying to evaluate data

from different subgroups or strata. It allows the researchers to quickly obtain a

sample population that best represents the entire population being stratified. It

is done by dividing the entire population into homogeneous groups called

strata. It ensures each subgroup within the population receives proper

representation within the sample. The sampling method would be

advantageous to the researchers since it would make it simpler for them to

obtain the necessary data.

Research Instrument

The researcher used an online survey questionnaire to collect the data

needed to support the study and to certain of answers to certain questions.

The questionnaire was made by the researchers with the help of reference

materials found in reliable online sources. The questionnaire employed in this

study was created to gather data on the perceptions of ABM students of

Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School towards online advertising.

Construction of Questionnaire. It was a satisfaction online survey

questionnaire in which ABM students were asked to rate their level of

perceptions towards online advertising. Analysis of Questionnaire. To

analyze the questionnaires, the following process was taken.

1. Questionnaire encoding:

The respondent’s expected responses are given parameters. Analogous

verbal explanations were utilized for each of the numbers Chi-square of


A Likert Scale is a rating scale used to measure opinions, attitudes, or

behaviors (Bhandar and Nikopoulou, 2020). The values range from 1 to 4,

with one being the lowest value and 4 being the highest.

Table 1 contains the scale and the related description for each range, as

shown below. This information will be used to assess ABM students’

perceptions of online advertising.

Table 1. Scale, Range, and Description

Scale Range Description

4 3.50-4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.50-3.49 Agree

2 1.50-2.49 Disagree

1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree

2. Key in of data:

Statistical analysis of the coding values was performed using Microsoft


3. Analysis:

The coded queries were evaluated using Microsoft Excel.

Validation of Research Instrument

The questionnaire for this study is validated for face validity wherein it

determines if the questionnaire is acceptable for this research. Moreover,

before the distribution of the questionnaire, the researchers present the data-

gathering instrument and request some advice from their research adviser.

This is to ensure that the questionnaire is accurate and relevant.

Following the advice of their research adviser, those unnecessary

statements and words are eliminated from the questionnaire. Some of the

words and statements have been correctly replaced and changed. There are

some added items to guarantee that the questionnaire is accurate as well as

the information that is required and needed in this study. After the revision of

the data gathering instrument, the researchers represent it again to their

research adviser before the distribution.

Data Gathering Procedures

To achieve the objective of this research study, the researchers

followed some procedures. The researchers selected the Grade 11 and 12

ABM students of Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School and ask

them to answer the prepared survey questionnaires via a google form.

The researchers choose the appropriate data gathering instrument

which is the survey questionnaires. They constructed the questionnaires

based on the statement of the problems of this study that are being solved.

Furthermore, they request the approval and validation of the questionnaire

from their research adviser. The data-gathering instrument of this study is well

constructed and revised according to the recommendation of the research


The instruments were retrieved after the respondents were finished

answering. After that, the data gathered would be analyzed and assured that

it will only be used in this research paper. The information and data gathered

were based on the statistical analysis results.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The gathered responses to the questionnaire from ABM senior high

students were statistically analyzed to come up with the findings. The

statistical tools employed were percentage, ranking, and weighted mean to

successfully interpret the data.

The percentage is to be used to use to compare or explain the ranges

of data. Parts per hundred of the sampled population as a whole are used to

measure it. This is used to calculate the percentage distribution and frequency

counts of the related variables for the respondents.

The ranking will be used to determine the assessment of the

respondents by arranging the order of the result.

The Weighted Mean is a statistical tool used to compute the weight of

the responses in the questionnaire assigned by the researchers during the

actual data-gathering procedure.

∑ fχ

Ethical Considerations

Informed consent is one of the central principles of research ethics.

Human volunteers should be fully informed about the requirements for

participation in the study before freely engaging in it, following which they

should provide their consent. The primary objective is to provide potential

participants with sufficient information in a language they can comprehend so

they may decide for themselves whether or not to participate in the research


The researchers provide a brief written explanation of the study to the

respondents, senior high school students from ABM of Pedro S. Tolentino

Memorial Integrated School. Respondents should be aware of the study's

confidentiality regulations and given the option of discontinuing participation.

Respondents affirm their willingness to cooperate and the absence of any

pressure by signing a consent form. The respondent's participation must be

scheduled by the researchers at a convenient time and location.

The Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School's ABM students

are provided with a link to the Google Form survey via any communicative

internet platforms, such as Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and others.

Disseminating the link and informing the study's participants of the results are

the responsibility of the researchers.



This chapter presents all the data gathered and the responses

provided by the respondents, as well as its analysis. The findings relate to the

research questions that guided the study. Data were analyzed to evaluate the

perception of ABM students of Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School

toward online advertising.

1. Perception of ABM students Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial

Integrated School toward the online advertising

The researchers gathered data to identify the perception of ABM

students to online advertising.

Table 2

Mean Distribution of the ABM students of Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial

Integrated School Perception of Online Advertising.

Statements Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Interpretation
Online advertising….
Creates engagement 3.20 Agree 3
for students to make

Affects the decision- 3.03 Agree 5

making of consumers.

Affects the consumer’s 3.13 Agree 4
Increase product 3.27 Agree 2
Is accessible and 3.47 Agree 1
relevant to inform
Composite Mean 3.22 Agree

Table 2 presents the mean distribution of the perception of the

respondents towards online advertising. With a weighted mean of 3.47,

Statement 5, “Online advertising is accessible and relevant to inform

consumers.” accumulated a verbal interpretation of Agree, ranked the highest.

On the other hand, Statement 2, “Online advertising affects the decision-

making of consumers.” got the lowest rank with a weighted mean of 3.03.

According to Indeed Editorial Team (2021), Online advertising

increases consumer trust by educating and informing the public about a

particular product. Consumers can base their product purchases on new

information from online advertising. It is accessible since it can be found on

various websites, social networking sites, and search engines on the internet.

By raising awareness of goods, services, and concepts, online advertising

provides consumers with relevant information. It can inform customers about

the features and advantages of new or old items, as well as announce new

programs and products. Online advertising also can answer the queries of the

consumer regarding a brand and allow you to capture lead information without

risking your personal information.

2. Benefits that could be taken in online advertising

The researchers gathered data to identify the benefits that could be taken

in online advertising.

Table 3

Mean Distribution of the Benefits of online advertising to the consumers

Statements Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Interpretation
Online advertising….
Gave the consumer 3.27 Agree 1.5
clear information
about the products
that they are going to

Spread awareness in 3.27 Agree 1.5

terms of buying

Can help consumers 3.23 Agree 3

lessen their time
consumption when
buying products.

Improves the 3.07 Agree 5

perception of
purchasing products.

Helps consumer to 3.20 Agree 4

select better-quality of

Composite Mean 3.21 Agree

Table 3 shows the mean distribution of the benefits that could be taken

in online advertising. As shown in the table, two statements specifically

Statement 1, “Online advertising gave the consumers clear information about

the products that they are going to purchase.” and Statement 2, “Online

advertising spread awareness in terms of buying decisions.” Are tied for the

highest rank. Both statements have a weighted mean of 3.27 and a verbal

interpretation of Agree. While Statement 4, “Online advertising improves the

consumer's perception in purchasing products.” Got the lowest rank with a

weighted mean of 3.07. Naturally, online advertising is beneficial to

consumers which are supported by several related literatures.

According to Mishra and Malik (2019), the majority of customers use

the internet to research products before purchasing them, as well as to

discover important information about specific items. Online advertising

educates the viewer by providing relevant or in-depth information. Online

advertising affects the consumer to make a purchase decision since it is

trustworthy and can be relied upon as an accurate source of information.

Customers are given access to the most recent information through online

advertising, helping them feel more prepared to make judgments. It's a great

way for customers to get interesting and relevant content that includes

information that matters to them.

3. Online advertising affects the consumers purchasing


The researchers gathered data to identify how online advertising

affects the consumer’s experience as they make purchases in terms of

financial aspects, brand loyalty, and budgeting allowance.

3.1 Financial Aspects. The table below shows the gathered data

from respondents regarding consumer financial experiences as they make

purchases in terms of financial aspects.

Table 4

Mean Distribution of the Effects of Online Advertising on the

Consumer Financial Aspects

Statements Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Interpretation
Online advertising….
Persuades consumers 2.60 Agree 5
to buy things they
should not buy.

Helps consumers to 2.67 Agree 4

manage the risk when
it comes to large

Helps to improve the 3.10 Agree 2

skills of consumers
when doing online
transactions in
purchasing products.

Make consumers 3.03 Agree 3

create impulsive

Increases the volume 3.13 Agree 1

of consumer

Composite Mean 2.91 Agree

Table 4 reveals the mean distribution of the effects of online advertising

on consumers in terms of financial aspects. As shown above, Statement 5,

“Online advertising increase the volume of consumer purchases.” ranked the

highest with a weighted mean of 3.13 and verbal interpretation of Agree. On

the other side, Statement 1, “Online advertising persuades consumers to buy

things they should not buy.” The verbal interpretation of Agree and weighted

mean of 2.60 ranked the lowest.

According to Tweni and Tlapana (2021), Due to the engaging

advertisements seen on online platforms, the sales of various companies are

increasing due to the number of things consumers are buying. To connect,

interact, convince, and reach consumers, online advertising employs a variety

of advertising techniques. Customers are affected by these tools in such a

way that they can't help but purchase, and they are also useful in decision-

making. With online advertising seen on social media, especially if it is used

or supported by influencers, consumers buy more products from a brand. As

consumers develop a basis and see it as rewarding it influences the buying

decision where the quantity of the product, they buy increases.

3.2 Brand Loyalty. The table below shows the gathered data from the

respondents regarding the consumer financial experiences as they make

purchases in terms of Brand Loyalty.

Table 5

Mean Distribution of the Effects of Online Advertising on the

Consumer Brand Loyalty

Statements Weighted Verbal Interpretation Rank

Online advertising 3.13 Agree 4
creates a remarkable
identity that will
increase brand loyalty.

Consumers can easily 3.30 Agree 2
remember the brand
as the brand visibility
on social media
platforms increases
through the help of
online advertising.

Online advertising can 3.00 Agree 5

cause a switching of
brand preference due
to its unique

If the brand is better 3.23 Agree 3

known due to online
advertising, the brand
loyalty of the
consumers will

Good communication 3.57 Agree 1

with the seller helps
the consumers to be
loyal to the products.

Composite Mean 3.25 Agree

Table 5 above shows the effects of online advertising on the brand

loyalty of consumers. With the verbal interpretation of Agree and weighted

mean of 3.57, Statement 5, “The good communication with the seller helps

the consumers to be loyal to the products.” got the highest rank. Meanwhile,

the least ranked statement would go to Statement 3 with a weighted mean of

3.00 and verbal interpretation of Agree.

According to Cabigting et al. (2022), online advertising has a huge

impact on both customer loyalty and purchasing decisions because it is a

medium in which sellers connect with consumers. Having good

communication with the customer develops customer loyalty. Online

advertising helps build a better relationship with consumers that makes them

loyal to a product. With the growth of the Internet, consumers grow more

critical of brands. They have more access to information about brands and

products. This opens the door to building a relationship with brands they trust.

As the consumers get more familiar with your business, they begin to trust

your brand and feel comfortable with it.

3.3 Budgeting Allowance. The table below shows the gathered data

from respondents regarding consumer financial experiences as

they make purchases in terms of budgeting allowance.

Table 6

Mean Distribution of the Effects of Online Advertising on the

Consumer Budgeting Allowance

Statements Weighted Verbal Interpretation Rank

Consumers try to 2.97 Agree 4
spend their allowances
on buying unnecessary
things online.
The online store helps 3.03 Agree 2
consumers save their
money/allowance in
terms of giving

Consumers do not let 2.80 Agree 5

their budgeting be
affected no matter how
engaging an online
advertisement is.

Online advertisements 3.10 Agree 1

gave consumers clear
information about the
product so they can
buy products/things
that suit their budget.

Customers only 3.00 Agree 3

choose the products
that are cheap so that
they can save some of
their allowances.

Composite Mean 2.98 Agree

Table 5 presents the mean distribution of the effects of online

advertising in terms of the budgeting allowance of the respondents. Statement

4, with the verbal interpretation of agree and weighted mean of 3.10, got the

highest rank. On the other hand, with a weighted mean of 2.50 and verbal

interpretation of Agree, Statement 3 ranked the lowest.

According to Pratap (2020), online advertising Increased awareness

means more options to choose from so the consumers can decide on which

product suits their budget. As a result of company advertisements, consumers

become more aware of products that better meet their demands. They can

quickly locate alternatives for the things they use. For instance, one business

might sell a pricey product under a premium brand, while another might sell a

less expensive alternative. The customer can choose the option that best

meets his or her demands due to greater awareness.

4. Program that can help to present the advantages of online

advertising to the ABM students of Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial

Integrated School

The researchers gathered data in order to share knowledge as well as

provide an understanding of the advantages and benefits of online advertising

to consumers.

4.1. Promote the utilization of online advertising to the ABM students.

4.2. Discuss the advantages and benefits of online advertising.

4.3. Make an infographic that will serve as a resource for the ABM

students to read and learn about online advertising.


Online Advertising: Program for the Development of skills and


Description and Rationale Goals and Objectives Procedures and Resources

The study conducted by  To promote the  The researchers will
the researchers focused on utilization of do some consultations
proposing an advantageous online with professionals and
program for online advertising. experts inclined with
advertising that will be  To show the knowledge regarding
presented to ABM students impacts of online the issue to provide
of Pedro S. Tolentino advertising on the information that is
Memorial Integrated School. consumers. needed.
As the researchers  To develop the  The researchers will
conducted the study, it was skills of students gather information on
found that online advertising in using online different websites for
has a positive impact on advertising tools. the construction of the
consumers. Thus, the  To raise overall infographics.
researchers come up with a awareness  The researchers will
possible action plan, entitled towards online provide a personalized
“Online Advertising: advertising. learning module that
Program for the includes detailed
Development of Skills and guides on the
Awareness” which focuses functions of online
on presenting the advertising tools.
importance and advantages  The researchers will
of online advertising. also upload the said
infographics on
different social media
platforms to promote
the information
 Combining the
strategies and
knowledge of the
professionals, and
experts, social media,
and websites, the
program shall become

Timely and Sustainability Evaluation Reflections and Comments

The said symposium is  The school  The researchers might

expected to be conducted teachers and encounter difficulty in
on January 6, 2022, as well principal will distributing the
as the distribution of choose to adhere infographics. But
infographics. to the said through the
program. determination and
 The students who willingness of the
will benefit from researchers with the
this program will help of social media
be aware and platforms, the
skillful in using essential information
online advertising shall be distributed.
tools and they  The researchers also
can use it when hope that the
purchasing goods infographics that will
online. be distributed will
informative enough
and will comprehend
easily to adhere to the





This chapter presents the summary of the research study undertaken,

the main findings revealed or indicated the conclusions drawn, and the

recommendations made as an outgrowth of this research, all based on data

obtained from the meticulous and consistent data gathering by the

researchers over the course of the study.


This study is concentrated to identify the perception of ABM students of

Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School toward online advertising.

Specifically, this study aims to provide answers to the following research


1. What is the perception of the respondents to online advertising?

2. What are the benefits that could be taken in online advertising?

3. How does online advertising affect the consumers in terms of:

a. Financial Capacity

b. Brand Loyalty

c. Budgeting Allowance

4. Based on the findings, what propose program can be done to

present the advantages of online advertising?

The researchers used a quantitative descriptive research design to

conduct this study. The purpose of this design is to gather measurable data

from population data for statistical analysis. To identify the study’s objective,

the descriptive research approach is employed to accurately analyze the

population or scenario. Moreover, the researchers also used secondary

sources such as online references, books, papers, and their knowledge or

ideas to help in supporting their study and to be a reference in validating the

data they gathered.

The main research instrument utilized by the researchers was survey

questionnaires to get the quantitative data necessary to address several of

the studies’ research topics. Furthermore, the study’s respondents were 30

ABM students of Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School. The

personal information of these participants was kept strictly confidential.

Percentage, weighted mean, and frequency were used as statistical tools to

analyze the gathered data.


After a series of data gathering, analyzing, and interpreting, the

following details were found in the study.

1. Perception of the respondents to online advertising.

Based on the findings, online advertising is accessible and relevant to

inform consumers which ranked first with a weighted mean of 3.47 and a

verbal interpretation of agree, while online advertising affects the decision-

making of the consumers ranked last with a weighted mean of 3.03 and a

verbal interpretation of agree. Overall, the data resulted in a composite mean

of 3.22, indicating that the perception of the respondents towards online

advertising has a verbal interpretation of agree.

2. Benefits that could be taken in online advertising.

The findings reveal that online advertising gave the consumers clear

information about the products that they are going to purchase and online

advertising spread awareness in terms of buying decisions, has the same

weighted mean of 3.27, and a verbal interpretation of agree. Furthermore,

online advertising improves the consumer's perception of purchasing products

ranking the last with a weighted mean of 3.07 and a verbal interpretation of

agree. The ABM students of Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School

believe, according to the survey, that there are benefits that could be taken in

online advertising.

3.1 Financial Aspects. The results indicate that online advertising

increases the volume of consumer purchases which ranked first, with a

weighted mean of 3.13 and a verbal interpretation of agree, while online

advertising persuades the consumers to buy things, they should not buy

ranked last, with a weighted mean of 2.60 and a verbal interpretation of agree.

Furthermore, the data provided a composite mean of 2.91, indicating that

online advertising affects consumers in terms of financial aspects have a

verbal interpretation of agree.

3.2. Brand Loyalty. It can be observed from the results that good

communication with the seller helps the consumers to be loyal to the products

which ranked first, with a weighted mean of 3.57 and a verbal interpretation of

agree, and online advertising can cause switching of brand preference due to

its unique engagement ranked last, with a weighted mean of 3.00 and a

verbal interpretation of agree. Overall, the data resulted in a composite mean

of 3.25, indicating that online advertising affects consumers in terms of brand

loyalty and has a verbal interpretation of agree.

3.3. Budgeting Allowance. The data indicates that online

advertisements gave the consumers clear information about the product so

they can buy products that suit their budget which ranked first with a weighted

mean of 3.10 and a verbal interpretation of agree. Moreover, consumers do

not let their budgeting be affected no matter how engaging an online

advertisement is ranked the last, with a weighted mean of 2.80 and a verbal

interpretation of agree. Also, the data provided a composite mean of 2.98,

indicating that online advertising affects the consumers in terms of budgeting

allowance have a verbal interpretation of agree.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were


1. Online advertising is beneficial to consumers in purchasing a product

and as a medium for informing consumers about a specific product or brand.

Also, the statement that ranked 1st in the survey “Online advertising is

accessible and relevant to inform consumers.” proves that online advertising

help consumers in purchasing a product.

2. The null hypothesis is not accepted, therefore the proposed program

presenting the advantages of online advertising is beneficial.

3. This concludes that online advertising has a positive impact on

consumers based on the responses of the participants of the study.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study which were

previously shown, the following recommendations are hereby presented:

1. The researchers advise the consumer to consider watching online

advertising before purchasing a product for more additional


2. Similar studies may be conducted to certify the impact of online

advertising on the consumer’s buying behavior. Additional

experimental methods may be utilized to provide a more specific

and thorough analysis.

3. Future studies may be conducted to improve the quality of the

researchers’ output. Future researchers may utilize this work as a

guideline for similar studies to increase the effectiveness of online

advertising to consumers.

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November 2022

Dear Respondents,

Good day respondents!

We are Senior High School students of Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial

Integrated School conducting research entitled ‘Perception of ABM Students

of Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School towards Online Advertising’

as partial fulfillment of our requirements in Inquiries, Investigation, and


We have chosen you as the respondents to provide our needed data.

We will make sure to respect your response and we will assure you that the

data we gathered in this survey will only use in this research paper.

Thank You, Keep Safe and God Bless!

Respectfully yours,

The Researchers

Sir Jojo Anicito Suarez

Research Adviser



Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each of these

statements regarding the perception of ABM students of Pedro S. Tolentino

Memorial Integrated School toward online advertising. Place a checkmark on

the box of your answer.

1. Do you agree or disagree with the statement about the perception of

consumers to online advertising?

Online advertising…. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree

Agree Disagree
Creates engagement for
students to make

Affects the decision-

making of consumers.

Affects the consumer’s

Increase product
Is accessible and relevant
to inform consumers.

2. Do you agree or disagree with the benefits that could be taken in online


Online advertising…. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree

Agree Disagree
Gave the consumer clear
information about the
products that they are

going to purchase.

Spread awareness in
terms of buying decisions.

Can help consumers

lessen their time
consumption when buying

Improves the consumer’s

perception of purchasing

Helps consumer to select

the better qual of products.

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following effects of online advertising

on the consumer in terms of:

3.1 Financial Aspects

Online advertising…. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree

Agree Disagree
Persuades consumers to
buy things they should not

Helps consumers to
manage the risk when it
comes to large purchases.

Helps to improve the skills

of consumers when doing
online transactions in
purchasing products.

Make consumers create

impulsive purchases.

Increases the volume of

consumer purchases.

3.2 Brand Loyalty

Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree

Agree Disagree
Online advertising creates
a remarkable identity that
will increase brand loyalty.

Consumers can easily

remember the brand as the
brand visibility on social
media platforms increases
through the help of online

Online advertising can

cause a switching of brand
preference due to its
unique engagement.

If the brand is better known

due to online advertising,
the brand loyalty of the
consumers will increase.

Good communication with

the seller helps the
consumers to be loyal to
the products.

3.3 Budgeting Allowance

Online advertising…. Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree

Agree Disagree
Consumers try to spend
their allowances on buying
unnecessary things online.
The online store helps
consumers save their

money/allowance in terms
of giving discounts.

Consumers do not let their

budgeting be affected no
matter how engaging an
online advertisement is.

Online advertisements
gave consumers clear
information about the
product so they can buy
products/things that suit
their budget.

Customers only choose

the products that are
cheap so that they can
save some of their


I. Personal Information

Name: Dote, Krizelle Joy G.

Address: Pagkilatan Batangas City

Birthday: February 08, 2005

Age: 17

Email Address:

Contact Number: 09369116676

II. Educational Background


Pagkilatan Elementary School


Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School


I. Personal Information

Name: Evangelista, Leonard C.

Address: Lilinggiwan 2, Ilijan Batangas City

Birthday: June 28, 2005

Age: 17

Email Address:

Contact Number: 09952716189

II. Educational Background


Liliggiwan Elementary School


Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School


I. Personal Information

Name: Gayeta, Jeric F.

Address: Pagkilatan, Batangas City

Birthday: June 25, 2005

Age: 17

Email Address:

Contact Number: 09456557973

II. Educational Background


Pagkilatan Elementary School


Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School


I. Personal Information

Name: Javier, Christine C.

Address: Lilinggiwan 2, Ilijan Batangas City

Birthday: October 25, 2005

Age: 17

Email Address:

Contact Number: 09568091264

II. Educational Background


Lilinggiwan Elementary School


Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School


I. Personal Information

Name: Javier, Andria S.

Address: Lilinggiwan, Batangas City

Birthday: March 15, 2005

Age: 17

Email Address:

Contact Number:

II. Educational Background


Lilinggiwan Elementary School


Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School


I. Personal Information

Name: Jusi, Alexandra Mae R.

Address: Ilijan, Batangas City

Birthday: July 29, 2005

Age: 17

Email Address:

Contact Number: 09154542456

II. Educational Background


Ilijan Elementary School


Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School


I. Personal Information

Name: Sanchez, Liesa Grace B.

Address: Ilijan, Batangas City

Birthday: November 21, 2004

Age: 17

Email Address:

Contact Number: 09667025077

II. Educational Background


Ilijan Elementary School


Pedro S. Tolentino Memorial Integrated School


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