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not on the main watershed. On the other hand the chain between

stressed syllable, which is used in some phonetic works.

learned societies. There is also a museum, with natural

by means of Harith of Ghassan procured an introduction

batteries. Teams, wagons and materiel generally are also

plan of Leibnitz, who was its first president. Hampered and

1885 69 1512 1900 78 1939

died, seemed to think that the Alexandrine might be as

fifty-five years of age. Lysias maintained, in one of his

MNT. and MON. Moneta.

nominal. The federal constitution closely resembled that of

supremacy, and after a stubborn struggle secured a part

several ranges of hills, but no point within the province

20 For further details of these alphabets, see Conway, The

promise. She soon turned, however, to the rapid production

richest and most productive province of Asiatic Turkey. The

me laugh; every one that heareth will laugh at me'' (xxi.

FIG. 2.--Water Plantain (Alisma Plantago.) Plant

before its junction with the parent stream, which it appears

until it was explored in 1884-1887 by Karl von den Steinen

frontier. The cold is then intense and the force of the wind

valley (occupied by Lake Nyasa), the southern part of which

several attacks before, in 1803, Ali conquered the Suliot

the Atlantic. It hasan area of 22,584 sq. m. A dry, semibarren

whose death and return to life represent the decay of nature

majority at eighteen years of age. King Alexander, on the

cavalry and infantry, and to the eunuchs in charge of the

preservative action, that is, its potency, is very slight

original draft of this, afterwards enlarged by his pupil,

yards; those for heavy guns are effective up to one thousand

technical equipment in Scotland, given by Mr A. Forrester

the class of mixed aliphatic-aromatic ketones. It can be

In the early samples of carbide this compound used to be

wholly wanting among the English people. One day the prince

Proclus. He taught at Alexandria, and had among his scholars

The prestige thus won by the British in the south in 1779

their Polish allies, when on the 18th of March 1438 he was

to His will as revealed in the Scriptures; that the whole

hydrochloric acid gas under pressure; and by heating alumina

man. The story of Cincinnatus, twice summoned from the

``some at least of the alterations in Codex Bezae arose

the purple colour is due to the simultaneous existence in

matters. His memoir on the topography of the Troad, with

or disease incurred in the army. The estimate of 500,000 in

powers. The poet now followed her to Rome, but the friendship

that this albino, had it developed colour, would have been

and sulphonal, and as a solvent. It forms a hydrazone

55). According to another account, Larentia was a beautiful

substitution of a trace of a substance that provides sweetness

task of organizing the church was not easy and dissension was

Cemmaes. Industries include slate quarrying, shipbuilding,

the St Lawrence in combination with their forces at Lake

fosterers, and they are now filled with research, useful for

time. The ``peons'' as a rule were negroes, but a few white

H. Cemetery. X. Sacristy.

is decorated with three phalli in relief. Later, though

@. Except possibly Faliscan, the other dialects of Italy

Dermatophyton grows on the carapace of the tortoise and

wind. The application of this observation to the phenomenon

in which the influence of Tieck is observable; but his

said about his personal appearance. We are further told

Protestant parents at Uzes, in Languedoc. His father died when

Ireland 534,875 4,645,215 3,749,352 1,164,316

161,175,000 bushels (1901). Similar details for potatoes,

of the aediles of Rome. In Athens there were ten, chosen

when, apart from the natural dislocation of commerce, many

and the pelvis widens, it is usually driven out of this

seized by his adherents; the amir's troops were defeated some

(South and South-East Africa)

great career in America; as the vehicle of use, books, journals,

ALCHEMY. In the narrow sense of the word, alchemy is the

See G. Droysen, Albrechts I. Bemuhungen um die Nachfolge

about 394 B.C. at Thurii and taken early to Athens,

to a general in command, but now a distinct high functionary

transmission of property. Imprisonment for debt has been

the abdomen gave small, repeated doses of Epsom salts to wash

this only a few fragments of the domestic buildings exist.

a section of his poems ``anacreontiques,'' because they

space stacked loosely with wire-gauze. When D moves down,

reached the territory at that time regarded as reserved to

1 For an analysis of the play see an article on

made not only on the meridian, but whenever she might be

southern boundary of a wider portion of the generally barren

itself, ``unmolested.'' ``Paulus Romae, apex Evangelii.''

is attached a keyboard with from 5 to 50 keys. The keys on

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