School Performance of 4P's Beneficiaries in Gumaca National High School, S.Y 2022-2023

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“School Performance of 4P’s Beneficiaries in Gumaca National High School, S.

Y 2022-2023”



Creativity has become a popular topic in the social sciences and humanities as students

and journalists seek to understand its fluence on cities, occupational markets, educational

institutions and organizations ( Pachuki, Lena & Tepper, 2010). The value of creativity and

innovation emerges from specific social contexts fulfilling different objectives across Groups,

Institutions, Time, and Political Geographics (MA, 2004; Okpara, 2007). Since the human

ministry of education (2003) Published its white paper on creative education, both School and

Business have emphasized the cultivation of creative thinking rather than traditional thought

patterns. Because Creativity is the foundation of innovation, it must be fostered in individuals,

especially students who wish to catalyze the modernization and development of a Country.

We analyzed the definitions of creativity and reviewed the literature to compare how curricular

evaluate creativity. When then describe our experiences of the 4ps framework by using both peer

and expert ranking. Finally, we provide recommendations for future research to further

understand how evaluated, so that earmark methods can be developed and enforced.

The 4ps program started cast 2008 under the previous Administration and continued in

massive scale in Aquino Administration. This CCT entails several provision which still

unfamiliar to both School Administration and Teachers alike. Presently the Government

spending staggering amount of money per year, 44 billion by 2013 and 62 billion in 2014 to

sustain the program; which eventually added to fiscal national debt. In order to implement the

program Philippine Government has granted the amount of $800 million from World Bank and

Asian Development Bank; therefore we can conclude that the funding of the program came from

the loan and eventually paid by tax and payers.

“School Performance of 4P’s Beneficiaries in Gumaca National High School, S.Y 2022-2023”

In 2007, the Philippines implemented a conditional cash transfer program for the poorest

Filipino households. The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program or 4ps, which also serves as the

country's version of CCT, is the central program of the many people alleviation tactics applied.

Other current poverty reduction programs include the subsidized health insurance converge,

supplemental feeding program, the food for work program, rice subsidy program, the Self-

Employment Assistance Kaunlaran (SEA-K) and the Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan –

Comprehensive Integrated Delivery of Social Service (KALAHI-CIDSS) (Geron, et al., 2011).

Cited by Department of Social Welfare and Development (2010). Pantawid Pamilyang

Pilipino Program is a poverty reduction strategy that provides extremely poor households to help

improve their health and education of children aged 0-14.

De Lima, the principal author and sponsor of the 4ps law in the senate, filed proposed

senate, filed proposed senate resolution (SR) No. 844 also seeking to suspend the graduation of

existing household beneficiaries from the current global health crisis. Opposition senator Ceila

M. De Lima urge the department of social welfare and development (DSWD) to accommodate

additional qualified household beneficiaries into the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4ps)

Considering the grave impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on poor families across the Country.

Republic Act no. 11310 Institutionalizing the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4ps).

This act consists of 24 sections institutionalizing the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program (4ps) the congress shall give highest priority to the following sector. Protection and

enhance the right of all the people to the humanity, dignity, reduce social economies and political

inequalities and remove culture inequitably diffusing wealth and political power for the common

good promotion of social justice including the commitment

“School Performance of 4P’s Beneficiaries in Gumaca National High School, S.Y 2022-2023”

to create economies opportunities based on freedom of initiative and self-reliance the state shall

establish programmed aimed at investing on human capital and improve delivery of basic

services to the poor particularly education, health and nutrition which is an intervention

anticipated to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty through basic services to the poor

early childhood care and development: Promote gender equality and empowerment of women

and children right achieve universal primary education: Reduce child morality and nutrition:

Improve material health: Ensure health live and promote wellbeing for all.

The importance of creative teachings is also multivalent. Creativity can be accurate

predictor of children’s achievements the realization of creative ability depends on knowledge and

skills as well as using diverse types of information, including each student's fluency, flexibility,

and originality and assessment of his/her own creativity (Karkockiene, 2005). Spanish teachers

also employed experiential approaches to improve their teaching practice through demonstration,

observation, collaboration, field work, and reflection-all of which are associated with creative

meaning (Burke, 2013) several educational approaches have been used for promoting creativity,

such as providing or rewards ( Eisenberger & Rhoades, 2001 ); a creative climate and culture

( Isaksen & Akkermans, 2011 ); or programs associated with a person, process, product, and

environment ( Ma, 2009 ). Ofsted (2010) reported that an emphasis on collaborative learning led

pupils to feel safe to contribute more ideas, be more inventive, and experiment more frequently

with practical approaches to problem solving. Research has separately tested the ability of

educational programs, interventions, and learning methods to enhance the creativity of children

and adolescents ( Punch & Oancea, 2014 ).

Background of the Study

“School Performance of 4P’s Beneficiaries in Gumaca National High School, S.Y 2022-2023”

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program ( 4Ps ) the Phillipines version of conditional

cash transfer ( CCR ) was implemented to address the pressing issues of Poverty in the country

though provision of cash benefits to foster investment in human capital ( Nutrition, Health, and

Education ) to extremely poor households. Ome conditionally to avail of the program in regular

preventive health check-ups and vaccination of children 0-5 years.

Statement of the Problem

This study sought to answer the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Sex: Male: Female:

1.2 Age:

2. What is the school performances of 4Ps Beneficiaries in terms of:

2.1 Academic Grades

2.2 School Attendance

2.3 School Decipline

3. What are the effects of being 4ps Beneficiaries in terms of:

3.1 Academic

“School Performance of 4P’s Beneficiaries in Gumaca National High School, S.Y 2022-2023”

3.2 Finance

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The Main focus of this study was to compare the Performance of 4Ps and non-4Ps pupils

in the Gumaca National High School. A certain number of Grade 11 student were chosen to be

the respondents of the study. The everage grades of respondents in English, Filipino, Science and

Mathematics for the 2nd Quarter, School Year 2022 - 2023 were considered as the respondents

Academic Performance.

Significance of the study

The study may give the student fresh information and understanding that will aid in their

realization additionality, it can introduce them to various research approaches and develop their

critical thinking abilities which they can then use in their own research project.

The may help the School Administration in its decision making regarding the creation of

curricula, the distribution of resources and the provision of student support services. Additionally

it can assist the school identify areas for development and serve as a road map for future

endeavors to raise the standard of instruction.

“School Performance of 4P’s Beneficiaries in Gumaca National High School, S.Y 2022-2023”

This study can help Parents enhance their role and help them accomplish their duties and

responsibilities to their children.

This study can help future researchers contribute to this research of knowledge in the

field or the next future researcher it may also spark research questions and directions resulting in

the development of novel approaches to current issues and challenges.

Definition of Terms

4Ps - The 4Ps is a human development measure of the national goverment that provides

conditional cash grants 60 the poorest of the poor to improve the health, nutrition and the

education of the children age 0-15

POVERTY - Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or cmmunity lacks the financial

resources and essentials for a minimun standard of living.

MALNUTRATION - Malnutration refers to deficiancies or excesses in nutrition intake,

imbalance of essential nutrients or impaired nutrient utilization the double burden of

Malnutration consists of both undernutrition and overweight and obesity, as well as diet-related

non-communicable diseases.

BENEFICIARIES - In life Insurance the Beneficiary is the person or entity entitled to recieve

the claim amount and other benefits upon the death of the benefactor or on the maturity of the


CREATIVITY - According to this model, Creativity can be viewed from four different

perspectives: Product, Process, Person and Press of the environment. Thus, the main question

talked here is how creativity can be stimulated by attending to cash of these components .

“School Performance of 4P’s Beneficiaries in Gumaca National High School, S.Y 2022-2023”

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

1. Demographic Profile 1. Questionnaire Identified the effects of being

1.1 Age 2. Survey Forms 4Ps beneficiary in Senior High

1.2 Sex 3. Interviews School in Gumaca National

1.3 Strand High School SY: 2022-2023

1.4 Grade Level

2. Performance of 4Ps


2.1 Academic Grades

2.2 School Attendance

2.3 School Discipline

Written in the input are the variables, namely, the demographic profile, grades and attendance

and the academic performances of the respondents of the research. The process consist of using

questionnaires, survey forms and interviews with the participants. The results will be the

summarized and have a conclusion. It is expected that the output will have identified the

academic performances of the respondents of the study.


“School Performance of 4P’s Beneficiaries in Gumaca National High School, S.Y 2022-2023”


The government used this as the foundation for the so-called Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program (4Ps), which has as one of its goals the attainment of universal primary education. The

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4ps) is more than a welfare program; it addresses

structural inequalities in society and promotes the development of the poor's human capital,

breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty, according to Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago's

Explanatory Note on the Constitution, Article 2, Section 9, of the Fifteenth Congress of the

Philippines, first Regular Session, Senate S. No. 92.

According to Reyes and Tabunga (2012), the long-term objective of the 4Ps is to improve human

capital. Based on the experiences of other nations that have adopted the CCT, the 4Ps are thought

to offer a great deal of potential for improving nutrition and health outcomes as well as

educational attainment. The 4Ps are anticipated to have an impact on a number of issues in the

educational system, including rising dropout rates. Higher enrollment rates have been attained by

CCT schemes in other nations.

On the other hand, according to a report on conditional cash transfers by Fiszben in 2009, a

variety of educational initiatives have been found to raise enrollment rates at schools (in some

cases considerably) without enhancing academic performance. The findings of the evaluations

completed provide unique difficulties for CCTs. The outcomes of these evaluations pose

difficulties for CCTs. Geographical targets are widely used for conditional cash transfers. The

quality of the supply of education (and health) services is inadequate since they operate in

particularly underprivileged communities. Apart from. To identify disadvantaged households,

CCTs employ proxy methods. The evaluations stated above usually imply that improving the

“School Performance of 4P’s Beneficiaries in Gumaca National High School, S.Y 2022-2023”

academic performance of advantaged pupils, even after they have been enrolled in school, is very


According to the National Statistical Coordination Board, 27.9 million Filipinos, or 1/3 of the

population, live in poverty. To solve this issue, the Department of Social Welfare and

Development (DSWD) jointly launched the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), a

conditional cash transfer program that was modeled after successful initiatives in Latin American

nations like Bolsa Familia in Brazil, Familias en Accion in Colombia, and OPORTUNIDADES

in Mexico. More than a welfare program, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps)

addresses structural injustices in society and supports the poor's human capital development,

ending the intergenerational cycle of poverty. As a condition of receiving the grants, parents

must complete workshops on being a good parent, take their kids to the doctor, and make sure

they attend school.

According to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), the

PantawidPamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) continually assists beneficiaries in achieving self-

sufficiency so that they can finally be removed from the program to combat poverty. According

to data, 387,577 4Ps families were delisted in 2018, although only over 300,000 were identified

as self-sufficient in 2019. According to the Standardized Targeting System and the poverty

threshold established by the Philippine Statistics Authority, the program currently supports more

than 800,000 families who are considered poor or near-poor. Since the program's inception in

2008, it has already assisted 5,220,953 poor households nationwide. based onDec. The 4Ps

currently oversees 4,091,590 households as of December 31, 2021.


“School Performance of 4P’s Beneficiaries in Gumaca National High School, S.Y 2022-2023”

According to a study by Dumayas and Alejo (2020) students who are beneficiaries of the

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) in the Philippines have shown improvments in their

academic performance of 4Ps beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries in a public elementary school

in Cebu, Philippines. Result showed that 4Ps beneficiaries had a higher mean score in

Mathematics and English comepared to non-beneficiaries. The study also revealed that the 4ps

beneficiaries had a higher attendance rates and were less likely to drop out of school.

Similarly, a study by Dacanay and Santiago (2019) found that 4Ps beneficiaries in a public high

school in Quezon City, Philippines showed significant improvements to the financial assistance

provided by the 4Ps program which allowed beneficiaries to have access to basic necessities such

as food, health care and education.

Montilla et al. did a study. According to a study by Alvarez et al. in Diogenes R. Cabarles

Elementary School titled "Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4ps): Assistance to Pupils

Education," 4ps has a significant impact on students' education based on its beneficiary

conditions. Students are able and motivated to attend classes because they have access to enough

school supplies, satisfying meals, parasite-free stomachs, and supportive and involved parents.

Brian O. Dela Torre of Balamban Elementary School did a second study, and in his paper titled

"Financing Education through the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps)," it was shown

that 4Ps had a significant impact on the school's performance metrics. This study also made

school staff and program participants more aware of the program's advantages, disadvantages,

possibilities, and threats. The study also comes to the conclusion that the 4Ps program assisted its

recipients and the institution that enrolled 4Ps students. In order to ensure that the program's

goals are met, it is advised that it be continued but improved.

“School Performance of 4P’s Beneficiaries in Gumaca National High School, S.Y 2022-2023”

A 2017 study by the Philippines Institute of Education also found that 4Ps beneficiaries had

higher academic performance comapared to non-beneficiaries with 4Ps beneficiaries sharing

higher scores in Math, Science and English. The study also found the 4Ps beneficiaries had

higher attendance rates, lower drop outs rates and higher graduation rates.

Another study, conducted in 2018 by the Asian Development Bank, found that 4Ps beneficiaries

had improved academic performance in all subjects compared to non-beneficiaries. The study

also found that the gap in academic performance in all subjects compared to non-beneficiaries.

The study also found that the gap in academic performance between 4ps benficiaries and non-

beneficiaries had narrow overtime .

CHAPTER l References:

CHAPTER ll References:


“School Performance of 4P’s Beneficiaries in Gumaca National High School, S.Y 2022-2023”




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