Event Wrap Up Report Lecture Series Lega

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Norhasimah Hamim 2013838972

Nurul Farah Izzah Zailani 2013875064

Alfian Thomas 2013834132

Nurain Mohd Jais 2013269312

Norfadila Hamim 2013682628

Nadia Mohd Adros 2013266064

Muhammad Shazwan Bin Sazali 2013688024

Nur Izzah Syazwani Abd Manaf 2013453348


1.0 Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………………………4

2.0 Introduction on the Events……………………………………………………………………………….5

3.0 Contents on the Events.

3.1 Goals………………………………..……………………………………………………………………..6

3.2 Resources………………….……………………………………………………………………………..8

3.3 Marketing…………………………………………………………………..…………………………….9

3.4 Attendance……………………………………………………………………………………………..16

3.5 Results…………………………………………………………………………………………………..18

3.6 Reactions………………………………………………………………………………………………..21

4.0 Learning Points……………………………………………………………………………………………..25

5.0 Future Developments……………………………………………………………………………………..29

1.0 Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to analyze a wrap-up on the events attended and

participate by the students for the purpose of fulfilling the assessment

requirement in subject “Convention and Exposition Management”. The write-up

covers two events with different scale, range and roles for the students.

The events reported in this write-up included a medium scale seminar titled “Mini

Seminar: Magnet Kekayaan dan Kejayaan” by Dr. Azizan Osman from

International Richwork; and a small lecture series titled “Lecture Series: Legal,

Budget and Quality Issues in MICE” by Ms. Hasnita Ahmad from ABC Media


The write-up reported on the events overall concepts, structures and

performances. In addition, the report also indicates the how students‟ roles

differed as well as their expectations and experiences gained in both events.

Apart of that, the report also determines the different types of events held and

each of their characteristics.

The report summarizes the learning outcomes of the events to the benefits of

the students, as well as the level of their understanding in the events

organization. In the same line with the above notion, this report recommends on

the future development that can be valuable and beneficial for the future

undertaking in events organization.

2.0 Introduction on the Events

Title : a) Mini Seminar: MAGNET Kekayaan & Kejayaan, and

b) Lecturer Series: Legal, Budget & Quality Issues in MICE

Concept : a) Theatre sitting style with stage (Seminar), and

b) Class room setting (Lecturer Series)

Date : a) 24 November 2013, and

b) 8 December 2013

Location : a) Berjaya Times Square Convention Center, and

b) Class room 7, Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management

Facilitators : Mr. Zaidi and Ms. Hasnita Ahmad

Collaboration : a) ABC Media Work,

b) UiTM StudentS (HTT 704 – Convention & Exposition

Management), and

c) IMKK Alumni

3.0 Contents on the Events

3.1 Goals

Mini Seminar: Magnet Kekayaan dan Kejayaan

The seminar is held to provide the Bumiputeras a platform of sharing and

exchanging experiences regarding the way to success and wealth in business

and life. This seminar emphasis on changes and improvement that can be

implement by the participants, begin with the way of thinking and continues with

way of life. The talk was given by Dr. Azizan Osman, whose name now widely

known as Asia‟s number one marketing specialist, speaker and mentor.

The UiTM students participated in the event as part of volunteers group in the

event organization. The primary purpose in joining the event is to experience the

organization of the event itself, to see how the organizer; International

Richwork; as an organization with wide experience in events, handling the

marketing, resources allocation and the flow of the event itself.

The objectives of the volunteering effort of the students in the said event are:

a) To gain overall experience in handling medium scale seminar

b) To learn about time management in ensuring the flow of the event

c) To examine the way in handling crowd control and issues

d) To know the method on engaging the participants with the event program

Lecturer Series: Legal, Budget & Quality Issues in MICE

The lecture series is conducted to expose the students towards the industrial

players‟ experienced in handling MICE in regards with legal, budget and quality

issues. The lecture was by Miss Hasnita Ahmad from ABC Media Network, which

also collaborated with International Richwork in organizing, the “Mini Seminar:

Magnet Kekayaan dan Kejayaan”.

The UiTM students joined the event as participants, to learn, discuss and

exposed themselves to real world practices of MICE industry especially in

managing the financial, budgetary and legal considerations of conventions.

The aims of the lecture series are:

a) To discuss on evaluating quality customer service in convention

b) To learn on the financial philosophy and objectives

c) To expose the students on the convention and exposition budget, negotiating

process and pricing policies

d) To examine the legal and ethical considerations often practices in convention

3.2 Resources

In order to organize an event, such as conventions, seminars, exhibitions, stakeholders

need sufficient resources. Resources can be divided into few categories. There are

financial, material and equipment and people. Without these support, none of events

can be held. For our event and lecture series that we attended, we can see a lot of

financial involvement, in terms of rent a place, logistics, food, compensation and etc.

Therefore, for this event that we attended which held at Berjaya Times Square

organized and funded by ABC Media Network which one of the Richworks Group of


Mini Seminar: Magnet Kekayaan dan Kejayaan

For Mini Seminar: Magnet Kekayaan & Kejayaan by Dr. Azizan Osman which conducted

by ABC Media Network, they are only fifteen permanent staff which involved in this

seminar. However, they are more than thirty persons which they are from IMKK Alumni

and including us work as volunteers. However, there are estimated three thousand

participants came to this mini seminar and only seven students came for lecture series

which was only conducted during HTT 704 class.

Mini Seminar: Magnet Kekayaan & Kejayaan by Dr. Azizan Osman held in Berjaya Times

Square. Here, all the audio visuals and technical arrangement done by Berjaya hotel‟s

staff and supervised by ABC Media Network personnel. Before the mini seminar started,

the organizer played a video about their alumni‟s successful business story to share with

the audiences. Since, they are organizing in hotel, all participant and attendees can used

hotel car park facilities with paying. Lecture series was held in UiTM Shah Alam

(University Teknologi Mara) at Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management, Room 6.

Lecturer Series: Legal, Budget & Quality Issues in MICE

For lecture series, we collected some of money to contribute to our presenter which is

Ms Hasnita as compensation to her. Mini seminar is of the channel that ABC Media

Network opens for public in order them to promote their paying program which known

as IMKK (Intensif Mentor Kekayaan Dan Kejayaan). In line with IMKK, attendees who

interested to join it, there is a fee incur. There are few ranges of price 3000 – 10000

Ringgit Malaysia. However, during this mini seminar, the organizers giving a discount

voucher RM 1000 per person. Beside than that, during the mini seminar, organizer

provides breakfast for all crews and for lunch they got sponsored from one of the

restaurant in Berjaya Times Square.

3.3 Marketing

Marketing focuses on the most fundamental requirements of companies to

identify customers, research their needs and preferences, analyse their attitudes

to promotion and other factors that influence their purchasing decisions and

persuade them to buy products and services from you rather than a competitor.

Present-day marketers, they look into the importance of marketing strategy


This event reaches the participant through effective by engaging events

participant online and offline. We can see from the event, the organizers and

the team take actions from the stakeholders before and after the event. As been

shared by Hasnita Binti Ahmad, General Manager of ABC Mediaworks, she

mention how important in planning marketing strategies to get participant and to

maintain the loyal participants.

One of the strategies is to know what participants want by determining event

content that can be a challenge in terms of hitting the mark with your

participants. There are a number of online tools that will allow you to collaborate

with registrants around sessions and topics.

Other than that, it will make the participants easy if they can „own‟ the event.

This mean to gather feedback from participants that lets them feel they are

helping to contribute meaningful direction or content for the event. Also, always

give the time for the participants the opportunity to invite friends or colleagues

that they believe might be interested. In this event, the organizer attracted the

participant by offering a marketing strategy in market their product and to really

get them, the organizer come out with free entrance if the participant confirmed

attendance of three people. If the participant turn up alone or two persons, the

entrance will be charge of RM30 each person. Many times, people are eager to

be involved, but time limitations prohibit them from fully participating. Offer an

easy way for participants to check in on the newest event updates or online

conversations when it is convenient for them. This will help participants feel

involved and in turn, to see the event as successful.

Next, by sending lots of reminders through mailing can help to get the

participant to the event. Amazingly, people sign up to attend events and then

either forget or have something else come up last minute that they might be

interested in. By this frequent reminders which letting people know about the

speakers, downloadable materials prior to the event and other information will

help to boost the overall attendance.

Additional, this event makes easy for participants to engage widely. The team of

event allows people to contribute on a level that is meaningful for them, either

by giving them the option of uploading photos, videos or even letting the share

as diary entries on a common site. Also, the easier all of this is, the more likely

people will participate.

This event marketing strategy also implemented the leverage one event to help

in supporting with other events. Let say the event planning for one yearly event,

but have other activities or events that are related. An event collaboration tool

will allow exporting email addresses of attendees so they can be invited to

related events and activities.

Lastly, according to one of the organizers, it is more effective by the utilizing of

social media to reach the participants. The popularity of social media websites,

such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, websites and Blog has given rise to

promising new ways for event participants to raise money online. While some
industry observers still doubt the fundraising potential of these tools, special

event participants continue to be an exception and have shown strong

fundraising success by tapping into the power of social networking. This

advertisement tools also involved television power as well. The organizers used

product to promote their event. For example, the product was commercialized

through „Nasi Lemak Kopi „O‟‟. Television viewers get the product information

straight from this advertisement. Same goes with newspapers advertisement.

It is always be better if there is follow up after the seminar. After the seminar,

aside from providing time for people travel home, rest and digest the material, it

is good to build off the positive energy to continued engaging everyone. This

requires creating clear and efficient communications channels which include

email list serves, Facebook group, etc. When a seminar ends, no matter how

tired they are, they try not to disappear or straight away went back. They will try

to communicate with the participant and obtain updated feedback straight from

the participant on the same day.

At the end of the day, communication is the key to ensure the event ends

successfully. The success based on the communication and interested

stakeholders to join an online community prior to the event are just one way to

keep communication lines open and lively. No matter tools what used to

communicate with the event participants, one of the goals for event success

should be driving online and offline engagement that drive real value for the

Marketing mix

In developing a marketing mix, the organizers select the elements to combine in

an effort to meet the needs of target market. The marketing mix, commonly

called four Ps containing product, price, promotion and place. Other marketing

gurus would extend these traditional four points to seven, to include planning,

prospect and post-sale.

Product is the destination/venue and its facilities and resources. The organizers

manage to handle the seminars that suitable with the requirement or content of

the event. It covers such issues as service, quality, branding and those unique

features which differentiate it from competitors. The product has to have the

right features to create the right marketing mix. For example, it must look good

and work well. Seminars that have been launched by Dr Azizan‟s team would be

the product that will be selling or share to the participant. The content must be

interesting to attract participant to buy the product.

Price may cover a variety of issues including conference centre/venue hire

charges and delegate rates, hotel or guest house accommodation costs, and

transport costs. Pricing policies must take account of many factors including

projected future demand and any seasonal fluctuations expected. The entrance

fee was charge differently by using the strategy of, if the participants attend the

seminar alone or pairing, they will be charge RM30 each person. But if the

participants attend 3 persons, the entrance will be free of charge. This strategy

is to get more participants to come to the seminar. We can say this idea was
fully successful get more than 3000 participant attended the seminar. Not to

forget participants those have to stand while the seminar was delivered.

Promotion communicates information about the destination/ venue and its

products to prospective clients. There is need potential future customers to

experience the product, but also journalists and other key people who may in

some way influence business activity levels. Advertising, public relations, direct

marketing, selling and familiarization visits are some of the promotional activities

undertaken. For example, for the entire mini seminar, Dr Azizan using Facebook

fan page (“alumni atau bakal alumni program Dr Azizan Osman”), TV

commercial, bunting, email as well as SMS blasting to the potential participants.

Place focuses on the activities used by a destination or venue to make its

product available and accessible to prospective clients. Such distribution channels

include trade shows, destination or venue guides and brochures, CD-Roms or

videos/DVDs and websites. As been shared by the General Manager, the

company really cares about the place that the seminar will be held. The seminar

usually takes place at town, hotels and so on.

Planning is the strategic process of analysing markets, assessing the

competition, identifying programmes and selecting appropriate marketing

strategies. Basically, Dr Azizan will launch their new seminar at the end of his

present seminar. For example, during the mini seminar that our group attended,

at the end of the seminar, Dr Azizan rapidly mention about his coming seminar

called as “Seminar Hentakkan Dunia Usahawan 2014”.

Prospect (or client/customer) is sole reason for, and the object of, all the

destination or venue‟s marketing endeavors. Dr Azizan expressed the importance

of the participant in its mission statement as follows:

“A participant is the most important client in the event. He/ she is not

dependent on us. We are dependent on him/her. He/she is not an interruption to

our work. He/she is the purpose of it. He/she is not an outsider in our business.

He/she is part of it. We are doing him/her a favor by serving him/her. He/she is

doing us a favors by giving us the opportunity to do so.”

Post-sale processes address the continuing need to provide service to and for

prospects. This is done to ensure that the sense of expectation generated at the

sales meeting is not just met but exceeded in the run-up to an event and,

indeed, in the provision of service during and after it. Client retention is not

always possible within the conference industry because of the buying patterns of

certain organizations, especially within the association sector, but keeping

satisfied clients is a much more cost-effective way of maintaining, and building

market share than having constantly to find and attract new clients.

Recommendations by colleagues/peers of venues and destinations is frequently

found to be a key way in which these are sourced, as a satisfied customer

becomes an unpaid ambassador (or „distribution channel) whose value should

never be underestimated. The participant who had attended to Dr Azizan‟s

previous seminar and register for the advance programme, there will be personal

coaching on their business matter given by expertise from Dr Azizan panel.

3.4 Attendance

Mini Seminar: Magnet Kekayaan dan Kejayaan

There was an overwhelming response on 24th November 2013, which is the last

seminar series of Magnet. This seminar cost only RM30 per pax and they are

promoting a special price for those who are attending in a group of three which

they will get to attend the event for FREE. Therefore, there was about more

than 3000 of attendees who are attending the event. The venue of the seminar

was full with the attendance from different races, age and background.

Based on the observation on the day of the event, most of the participants are

Malay people but there were also a few Indian people who attend the event.

The range of age of the attendees is from 15 to 60 years old. Most of the

attendees are at the age of 25 to 40 years old which their main target market for

the event. These people are excited to attend the seminar because their aim is

to know how to manage a successful business. Some of them have their own

business already but they want to know the tips on improving their business

skills. Other than that, some of these attendees are the same people who attend

the previous seminar or the alumni of Dr Azizan program.

Furthermore, some of the attendees come to the event for the overview on the

other seminar that will be conducted by Dr. Azizan. Based on the response from

the attendees of the event, I believed that around 30% of them are the same

attendees from the previous event. Some of them are the fans of Dr. Azizan that
will attend every seminar that will be conducted by him either is paid or free

event. Other than that, there was a separation between male and female

attendees. Due to that arrangement, the number of attendees of male and

female is balance. All of the seats provided was fully occupied by them and

some of them have to sit on the floor for the sake of the seminar.

Lecturer Series: Legal, Budget & Quality Issues in MICE

The attendees of the lecture series were the part time students of Master in

Tourism Management (HM771B) who is taking Convention and Exposition

Management (HTT 700) module. There were nine of them who is attending for

the lecture series. Since all of the students are the part time students, most of

them have the working experience in the industry specifically in event

management. The range of age is from 31 to 23 years old.

There were four of them who had the experience in organizing the event. These

people are actively participating in the Q & A session where it is beneficial for all

of them to have the new knowledge. There were about two of them has the

degree of event management. The other attendees also had the experience of

attending a few events previously. All of these attendees were the volunteer for

the Mini Seminar of Magnet Kekayaan and Kejayaan which is organized by Ms.

Nita. Based on their volunteer program experience, there were trying to relate

the experience and asking the uncertainty about the event.

3.5 Results

Mini Seminar: Magnet Kekayaan dan Kejayaan

This mini seminar with the topic of “Magnet Kekayaan dan Kejayaan” is a series

of roadshow which had been organized since October 2013 in all over states in

Malaysia. Berjaya Times Square is the last venue for this series and was received

an overpowering response from audiences. Some of the audiences were coming

from other states even though the last venue is actually targeting Klang valley

people. It was a great seminar in motivating audience to be an outspoken

person, good in delivering message through any kind of communication, as well

as inspiring them to contribute to others or community once success. This so

called “mini” event was received about 3000 attendees and filled up all seats in

the ballroom.

As part of volunteers, the UiTM students learn a lot of things in different aspect

of operations during the event namely managing volunteers, handling audience

for seating arrangement in one time, time management, teamwork, crowd

management, method on engaging the participants with the event program and

dealing with last minute promotion announced by Dr. Azizan (usually depends

audience responses during his talk). The great part is they receive excessive

application from their alumni of their previous IMKK program to be their

volunteer in all events. These people will also contribute in terms of sponsoring

food and beverages for volunteers during events. This definitely a “wow” factor

to organizer as they do not need to add compensation cost to their volunteers.

Additionally, the organizer and volunteers are really work together in ensuring

the time management are well taken care of as well as handling the flow of

event. Volunteers was divided into groups; registration, usherer, crowd handler

(in the rooms), and microphone assistance (male only). These groups had their

own task as brief by manager in- charged, Mr. Zaidi. UiTM students were

assigned in the ballroom to take care of crowd in getting their seats from the

first row of the arrangement. This was the main task as 3000 audiences rushed

into the rooms to get the best spot. Therefore, volunteers need to work smart to

divide them and make sure all the crowds manageable and under control.

Furthermore, another interesting lesson was their method in engaging

participants to guarantee their event is different from other typical seminar and

even make it remarkable. It was really inspired especially with their chicken

dance as their introduction of seminar and testimonial or successful stories of

their audience after attending their event last time. In marketing perspective,

this event was really well known from the mix media channel; social media

(Facebook, twitter, Instagram), websites, newspaper, radio, television and last

but not least, the most effective method is word of mouth. Their number of

audience is growing from one event to another. Then, dealing with last minute

promotion from Dr. Azizan is a must to know for volunteers. This is important as

there were counters for audience to register and confirm their seats in next
programmes outsides of the ballrooms. Overall, this event was another level of

learning curve and the students gets a great exposure in managing seminar.

Lecturer Series: Legal, Budget & Quality Issues in MICE

Apart from the event, the UiTM students continue their learning exposure on

seminar by inviting Ms. Nita for mini lecture series in Faculty of Hotel and

Tourism Management, UiTM Shah Alam. This lecture series was conducted to

discuss further on how the organizer of seminar (Richworks) managing their

financial and budget for each event, evaluating quality customer service in a

convention as well as examine the legal and ethical considerations often

practices in convention. Further than that, Ms. Nita is the best person in sharing

her knowledge for that particular aspect as she work with Dr. Azizan for quite

some time until she could establish her own company and remain her business

relationship with Dr. Azizan by collaborate with Richworks for their events.

In line with that, this lecture series was highlighted the legal, budget and quality

issues which referring to the “Mini Seminar: Magnet Kekayaan dan Kejayaan” as

their main case study. Quality of customer service basically is one or important

element need to be well taken care of during convention especially their

registration, information of events, information of venue (layout of venue

inclusive of restroom, prayer rooms & etc) and attitude of resources (always

smile) as this will be their benchmark in getting more audiences for their next

programme. Ms. Nita was delighted with the audiences participation by throwing
a lot of feedbacks and comment especially in sharing their experience as

volunteer of the mini seminar. In general, this lecture series was meet the

objective and will be useful for the students to enrich event industry in Malaysia.

3.6 Reactions

Mini Seminar: Magnet Kekayaan dan Kejayaan

The participant gives a good feedback to the organizer. It means that, all the

participants were appreciative with all the knowledge and information that Dr

Azizan shared with them during the seminar. Besides that, the most valuable

things that they experienced on that event is that, they are able to build strong

relationship with each other, as well as sharing all the knowledge that they

gained with other people that might want to join the another seminar.

Other than that, the participants have less negative feedback because most of

them were loyal participants that follow the entire season of seminar, wherever

held. At the same time, most of them are very supportive toward each other.

They learned a lot during the seminar and after the seminar; they managed to

implement whatever strategies that Dr Azizan teach them in order to ensure their

business success.

Yet, they also get the value and experience in facing Dr Azizan in personal for

those that seated in front of the hall. Yes, the hall is occupied more than what

the organizer target to come to the seminar. Some of them said that, Dr Azizan
inspired them to become more successful than before and they want to be

among the best and success people in the business area like Dr Azizan and all

participants from the past seminars that already succeed.

Moreover, they hope that Dr Azizan will organize the seminar like that again and

again in each of the state because they want to be like him and success in every

single thing that they do in life especially in business whereby it will help them to

survive and increase their standard of living in life not only for themselves but

also for their family.

Most of the participants were the first timer to the seminar whereby they are

influenced by other people to attend. The medium of communication that

attracted them to attend the seminar is the effective one that we called “word of

mouth”. Undeniably, that is how more people come to the seminar and feels very

much excited to know more what they will get from the seminar that can be

useful for their future. Dr Azizan has made them realize that to become rich in

business, they need to appreciate themselves, love their parents, think positively

in life, that will attract all the positive aura in their surrounding people, and in the

end will make them have a positive relationship with each other in life.

In addition, they also learn how to be strong and supportive towards each other

and make them more aggressive to implement all the knowledge that they got to

their business. They are eager to success in the future, to give more with people

outside and learn to appreciate themselves in everything they done.

Lecturer Series: Legal, Budget & Quality Issues in MICE

The reaction for the lecture series come from the student which is all of us nine

together. Basically, the speaker told us about how to manage financial for each

event especially seminar. The seminar that they organized is using a lot of

money which is to cover from pre event, during event and after event.

The first thing that we get is about the two basic components which are context

and content. Context means what we want inside of our event while content is

what will audience will get on the event. The pre event involved all the technical

part such as the campaign for the event, manpower in order to run the event

and also the materials needed on the event. Meanwhile, during the event is the

budget is more on the audio visual equipment to make the event success with all

the good audio that the organizer provides. But yet, in order to reduce or cut the

budget a little bit, the speaker told us to get sponsor as many as we can. The

sponsor that we get will have win to win situation with the organizer.

Besides that, the post event is more on the evaluation or any feedback that we

will get from the participant whether it is negative or positive feedback. This

entire item is referring to the cost and financial that will be different for any

types of event that we want to organize because the total budget is differ with

each event.

Other than that, the things that we learn from the lecture series is about the

power of the brand awareness which is cover on two site like using online and

offline media. The media that we used such as radio, television, social media like
facebook and twitter, online marketing, newspaper, billboard and also banner

that will be using for each event that the organizer held.

Moreover, the new things that we learn is the referral part that are most popular

among other that will attract more participant to come to our event is by word of

mouth (WOM), the second is by facebook and the last one by newspaper which

only cover 20% compared to WOM is 80%.

In terms of quality, it is more on whether the events will success or fails after the

event finished. For example like Dr Azizan seminar, they are some of their alumni

that complain about the content in each of the seminar that they go which is

much more same like the previous one. But yet, the solution is the one that they

go is the basic seminar about how to success in your business. The reason they

complain about the content is because they didn‟t go for the other seminar. On

the other hand, the quality for each event is more on the competitors.

In addition, we learn a lot from the lecture series especially on the budget,

financial and the quality for each event whereby it have a different target

market, different financial, different perceptions and so on that related on the

event. Last but not least, all the information and knowledge that we got, we can

implement to the industry that we will enter in the future.

4.0 Learning Points

This part has been written to summarize the discussions and a part of conclusions from

the Mini Seminar – Magnet Kekayaan & Kejayaan by Dr. Azizan Osman in conjunction

with the Lecture Series; Legal, Budget & Quality Issues in MICE Industry by Ms. Hasnita

Ahmad; in view of their further dissemination and of course for our future undertaking.

We had joined both session and it highlights the main points lined-up and concluded

while underlining some elements of the concrete examples presented and giving, where

possible, access to further information and documentation. It is structured according to

the Mini Seminar and few other related events that Richworks Group Of Companies

have done.

This learning point focused on by our point of view and also based on understanding

from the lecture series session. The Mini Seminar was attended by almost 3000

participant‟s nationwide gathering business owner from various business background,

regional and local authorities, social partners, media and national stakeholder

organizations, non-governmental organizations as well as representatives from the

previous participants which called as Alumni Dr. Azizan Osman.

The Seminar & Lecture Series had objective to:

 Discuss on the basis of examples of practice from different approach and

systems, how certain factors can support or hinder implementation of business


 Identify elements of successful approaches for business strategies, its quality,

quantity and recognition, through national/regional/local and institutional


 Support transnational policy learning between participants and give new insights

and ideas for addressing critical factors especially on Budget, Quality & Legal

Issues for MICE implementation.

The Key Points

i. Geographical disparities and physical access to MICE infrastructure

Organizing MICE in rural areas is a challenge for lifelong learning, especially

given that these areas also tend to be the poorer ones with more deprived

population living there. While organizing MICE in urban areas like during the Mini

Seminar which held in the middle of Kuala Lumpur showed that the facilities and

the learning process can be run smoothly until the end of the seminar. For the

Online MICE, it does not necessarily lead to desired results blended learning that

combines face-to-face interaction with technology-based learning is promising in

particular in reaching out to distant audience. The possibility to share facilities is

an important cost cutting element here. As the result, it could benefit to the

entire Professional Convention Organizer (PCO) to implement such Online MICE.

ii. The important role of networks

Since the seminar organized by Richworks of Companies attracted audiences up

to 3000 participants for one session, they‟re providing one corner only for

networking activities among the participants. The organizer also takes a chance

to gather the participant‟s business background from that corner for future

development in term of joint-venture program or as a reference when the entire

participants come to the office for business consultation.

iii. The preparation of staff, leadership and commitment

In order to trigger change and develop MICE industry into a better quality,

professional change-management is required as well as leadership. A clear vision

needs to be supported and owned by the leading management and the staff.

Furthermore staff (crews) needs to have the skills and competences to deal with

specific target groups that might come to the seminar. During the seminar, nine

(9) of us become as a crew and we‟re take our part for the pre-event, during the

event as well as post-event briefing which lead by Mr. Zaidi from Richworks

Group of Companies.

iv. Target participants specific treatment

One of the difficulties in handling a group of participants is the need to find the

right balance between specificity (people do have different needs) and inclusion

(to avoid segregation). In the case of this mini seminar, the organizer been
decided to separate the area based on gander and they give female participants

priority to enter the seminar room first.

v. Importance of smart communication

It is important to develop smart and clear communication strategies for the staff,

crews and the participant‟s itself. For the staff and crews, the pre, during and

post-event briefing is too important and for the participant‟s, the organizer

should tap the signage for ease the participants to follow the events procedures.

Obviously the quality of the MICE is core to its final success, and the word of

mouth is an important communication channel.

vi. The need for concrete agreements

The participants as well as the crew during the seminar highlighted those

agreements on concrete objectives and measures as well as a clear division of

roles to ensure such MICE program is effective. Once the participants arrive at

the registration counter, they are required to register and to fill up the

agreement form which lined-up the terms and condition along the seminar. Same

goes to the entire crew, during the pre-event briefing we‟re given an agreement

form to sign and understand. It is actually to avoid from unexpected thing

among the participants which reflect to the event organizer.

5.0 Future Developments


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