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Leo Domingo Servidad

LEAD 533/633/733 Theology, Theory, and Practice of Leadership

Diói Cruz, MBA, DMin
March 20, 2023
Reflection journals #1

Our first day of this class is very interesting and enjoyable because it is collaborative and

everyone is involved and participating in the class. I like how our professor handled the class,

and the class was not boring because everyone was communicating effectively. The way the

professor handled the class demonstrated leadership.

This class taught me that leadership is an art form. As an artist, you must be creative

and make things better, according to my high school teacher in my drafting class. Leadership is

a fine art as well. You must be visionary and capable of making things better for the benefit of

everyone. I remember the professor saying that leadership does not benefit our own selves but

for benefiting others.

Managing is not leadership, however leaders should know how to manage. Because a

good leader is accountable to his followers. Leaders must be organized and understand their

followers' needs because an effective leader can train others to be good leaders as well. These

insights had an impact on me both professionally and personally because they helped me

realize that being a leader is not about how good, skilled, or talented you are, but about inspiring

others to be better people.

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