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Name: John Calvert A.

Course: CHMN 545 (Dynamic Sermon Design and Delivery)
Professor: Reuel U. Almocera, D.P.S.


(From 1 John 3:1)

Key Text: 1 John 3:1 “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should

be called children of God! . . .”

The Big Idea – The love of God Compels Us

Title: “Love That Gives Identity”

I. The Privilege of Being God’s Children

i. This status is from the very heart of God.

ii. This status is free that cannot earn or merit.

iii. This status found our Identity on God and not on our past or


II. The Responsibility of Being God’s Children

i. We are called to live a life that will reflects our identity as children of


ii. We are to submit in God’s government of love.

iii. We are expected to share the love that God’s bestow in us

III. The Promise of Being God’s Children

i. We are promised that we will be like Jesus.

ii. We are promised that we will be transformed from glory to glory.

iii. We are promised fulness of joy and eternal life with God.


 As the children of God, we have a great privilege and promise, but also a

great responsibility.

 Let us live in constant connection with God, seeking to honor Him in all

that we do.

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