Introduction, Values and Two Principles: Session Plan

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Session Plan

Introduction, Values and

Two Principles
1. Ice Breaking [8:00 to 8:30]
2. Principle 01, 02 and Values [08:30 to 09:00]

Ice Breaking
Whistle Introduction: Every participant introduces them with their name, year/place,
inspiration and dream. Every person gets 30 seconds. So, the introduction goes like
[(2 + 4 + 8 + 16+ 32)*30 = 34 Min max]

● No mobile phone during the workshop as this needs to be a solitude place.
● Speak in the language of “I”, not “We”/”us”.
● Please do not write anything when someone is speaking/sharing.
[3 mins Max]

Principle 01
Everyone is a teacher, everywhere!

Discovery of this Principle.

Questions to Be Asked:
● Name of the Workshop
● Who is a teacher?
● In which relationships or places did I try to teach last week? [List them for 1 min]
● Principle.

Principle 02
We cannot teach anyone. Who wants to learn, learns.

Discovery of this Principle. Giving freedom and responsibility to learn to the

Questions to Be Asked
● Since we are teachers everywhere, how can we teach others?
● Disclosing the principle and telling everyone to look at their own life for the
● Why did I tell you this?
● Now, what is my job as a teacher?
● Who is a good teacher according to this, and who is a bad teacher?

Break task
Out of the list of relations made you, choose the relation which is most important to
you. Where do you seriously want to transform the other person?

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